Welcome Surprise, Part 3

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Welcome Surprise, Part 3

Post by 33cl33 » Tue Jun 22, 2004 2:30 pm

The three of us must have gone at it for nearly two hours. I never realized I had such a sexual appetite. Guess it took two hot, sex-crazed fembots to show me. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. These two had some serious moves! We all had passed out afterwards, sprawled across the couch. Well, I suppose they were in 'sleep mode,' or whatever it was other than powering down. They were still 'breathing' so I figured they weren't completely off before I fell asleep.

I awoke to the two of them, fully dressed now, smiling right next to my face. "Hey there, sleepy head!" They both said in unison.

I looked around, they had finished all of the tasks that Peter set out for me for the day, but the place was still a mess... I rubbed my head and asked all groggy: "What time is it?"

"8:34pm and 24 seconds," Jaime chimed, "We finished the marketing materials for you, and were about to clean up the place when Kristen decided we should wake you up. You should probably head home, Peter will be back soon and we thought it would be less awkward for you if we explained what happened today to him."

I still didn't grasp the whole situation too well, "So Peter knows Kristen is a robot?" I asked.

Kristen replied, "Yes, and he will be very delighted when he knows that I've had a chance to test out some new sexual programming finally!"

"He'll be home soon honey, and it's supposed to rain, so why don't you get going home and get some sleep in a comfy bed, before the roads get too slippery? Kristen and I will finish up here." Jaime told me before I could ask anything else or protest.

Rain? This time of year in LA? Whatever. Maybe Jaime doesn't have the most accurate weather-detecting hardware, I thought jokingly to myself. Apparently, the two artificial women had dressed me and set my keys and everything on the table right in front of me while I was sleeping... Convenient, I thought.

Since things seemed to be going relatively smoothly, I didn't bother to question any more. I assumed Jaime would explain everything when she got home, so I kissed both of the women... robots, whatever, on the cheek and made my way to my car.

With all this happening to me in the last few days, my head was reeling. I just sat in the car for a couple minutes before starting it up. I decided to go for a little scenic drive along Mulholland to clear my thoughts a bit, and damn it if the clouds overhead did look like rain. I put my headlights on and pulled out of Peter's long-ass driveway.

I'm not two minutes down the road, and some of the heaviest rain we've had in years starts coming down on me in sheets. Luckily, most people in this city seem to be afraid of driving in bad weather, so the windy roads around the canyons up here were pretty deserted. As I was coming around a sharp turn to another wide view (in clear weather at least) overlooking the San Fernando valley. Across the canyon below and in front of me I could barely make out some sort of big, delivery-van looking truck coming towards me. It seemed to be unnecesarily speeding for how slippery and windy the road is up here, and it's headlights were soon the only thing I could clearly see. As it drew nearer, it appeared as though it was hydroplaning back and forth across the road, sliding ever closer to my car.

I kept blaring on the horn and flashing my lights. Just when it seemed we were going to crash right into each other, I jerked my wheel and went into a 180 degree spin, which afforded me a continuous view of the van sliding quickly towards the hillside (luckily for him, not the valley side) and then slamming into a tree! As my car stopped moving, now facing the opposite direction, back towards the other driver's wreck, my headlights came to rest on the side of the van. It was plain, but there seemed to be some sort of decal toward the bottom-rear side.

I put my 4-way flashers on and stepped out of my car into the rain, which was slowing but still coming down strong. I walked slowly up towards the van to see who it belonged to and if everything was okay. I almost lost my stomach when I got close enough to read the small rectangular decal, the only detail on an otherwise flat, featureless grey-colored van.

The company's name on the van: Anthrotek. Now this was too much. I had to make sure the driver was okay, and find out what was going on with this whole mystery. I ran up to the driver's door, of which there wasn't much left. The entire front end of the truck: engine, cab, wheels, you name it, was wrapped around this tree like a tin can. If the driver was alive, there couldn't be much left of him.

Or 'her,' it turned out.

Actually 'IT' would be most accurate.

And I should have expected as much. When I pulled the last little bit of door off the wreck, the 'driver' turned out to be the remains of a cute little asian fembot. At least she seemed to be cute, but I could only tell by her legs squeezed below the dash and a bit of her face that was left. The impact had pushed the steering column right through her abdomen, tearing her entire body in half. The wrenching of the cabin had wripped her arms from their sockets, torn open various sections of her chest, and a large piece of windshield and tree limb had removed the right side of her face from her skull to her neck. The cut-off piece hung down like a rubber mask. Wires and bits of circuit-board protruding, still forming a frightened expression.

With me holding the door open, some rain was falling into the cabin onto her exposed circuits and motors, which started to spark a little. Then some of the lights which were visible through the gashes in her chest and her separated pelvis began to blink. Her damaged head turned to face me and her torn lips sputtered some gibberish and hydrolic fluid, followed by some semi-intelligent speech:

"CccccccOntROL UNit bbad bbbbbbadddly DaaMMAGED! asNCKDLLi... UnaBLE tooooo mmmOVe aRMS or lEgS... ConTACTinG AnThrrooooootEK.... ...wiRELESS mOdEM UNavaIlABLE.... snkckxxxxx!... mUSTTTTTT protECT vALUeaBLE CARGooooOOooOoOOO ERROR!..... SySTEM crash IMMeNeNNENTNTNTNTNTN..... protECT Ccccargo PROtect... sKNCXXX! protect! ValUEABLE! snckxxx! PROTEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...." and with that, a big spark flew out of her sheared-off head, and she wound down like a powerless toy, with a few occasional sparks flying out of her.

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Post by 33cl33 » Tue Jun 22, 2004 2:40 pm

It would figure there wouldn't be a human around when I find something dealing with Anthrotek... I wonder what the valuable cargo is in the back that this robot was supposed to take care of? I walked around to the rear of the van, which didn't appear to be locked. Just a simple latch, and the door slid up. The van wasn't exactly full. All there were was five large wooden boxes. I would have assumed androids would be in the back, but these boxes were too short in each direction to hold a person-sized 'bot. All they had stamped across them was, respectively: Rd, Blck, Brn, Asn, Blnd

If they were so valuable, I figured Anthrotek would be happy if I keep them out of this weather. And if not, I could hold whatever it is ransom until I get some answers about Jaime and Kristen at least. Luckily, the five boxes (which were pretty freakin' heavy if you ask me) just barely fit into my back seat and trunk.

Just as I was placing the fifth one in my trunk, I saw a little puddle of flame building under the driver's seat of the van. As I slammed the trunk lid, a few more sparks were spat out of the destroyed synthetic driver. In slow-motion, I watched the sparks arc out of the door and down into the puddle of fuel next to the burning one, which trailed up to a leak in the gas tank. I could barely get behind my car before the entire Anthrotek van went up in flames.

Well, at least their secret robot will be gone when the firemen get here... If it is all that much of a secret. They seem to be all over the place, lately!

I got into my car after it stopped rocking back and forth a bit, and drove home. Thankfully the elevator from my parking space to my apartment is pretty private, otherwise people might start asking questions about whatever it is I'm hauling in the back of my car, this late on a rainy night. And I'm just not sure I'm in the state of mind right now to be answering them.

When I pulled down into my garage and into my space, I decided to go up and have a beer before tackling the boxes in the car. They were pretty heavy, and my head was feeling pretty heavy as well right now. Too much to think about. I threw a blanket over the three boxes in the back seat, locked the door and took the elevator upstairs.

My apartment door was unlocked when I got to it. Strange. Jaime must have left it open when she left to fix Kristen. You would think such a sophisticated machine would remember to lock doors when it left a place, don't you? Guess there are some things she still needs to learn. I pushed the door open and looked up from the keys in my hand to my apartment and...

"Aah!" I jumped a few feet in the air, two figures were standing facing away from me just inside the door, but I quickly recognized Jaime and Kristen from behind. "Why do you two have to scare me like that! It's been a rough night!" But they didn't respond. They just stood there facing away from me. "Hellooooo!?!? Did your batteries run out again, girls?" I teased, walking around to face them. The clock said 10:05pm. Wow, I'd been pulling those boxes out of the van for a while.

They had sort of shocked looks on their faces, which would sort of explain the door being unlocked. They must have just walked in when whatever happened that froze them in this position happened, and not had time to lock up after. Well, that's easy enough, just have to open their chest panels and plug the ol' girls back in! My mood was starting to lighten as I felt I had some sort of handle on the situation. I reached up behind both of their left ears with my index fingers and pressed the little bumps, waiting for their chest panels to open. They both had on button-down blouses, so I undid the first two buttons on each of their tops just to have a better view...


Their chests did not open this time. Dammit! Now what is the problem?! Wait, what was that thing that Jaime did to open Kristen's abdomen all the way up? Something like running her finger down from the breasts to the navel, I think. I didn't hesitate

I grabbed Jaime's shirt and ripped it open, buttons flying everywhere. The shirt was followed by her bra, torn hastily off to reveal a perfect bouncing pair of synthetic breasts, which I ran my finger down between to her bellybutton. No response. I tried a few times with slight variations on how I ran my finger, but nothing.

Just to make sure it wasn't gonna work, I turned to Kristen and ripped her shirt open, perhaps a bit too rough. Her bra had ripped in my hands as well, and the force of her clothes flying off pulled her into me, and we fell on the floor. Me caught beneath this now topless blonde, frozen looking like someone goosed her.

I crawled out from under the blonde 'bot and stood her back up next to Jaime, balancing her carefully on her high heels. Now I was out of ideas, so i just kept walking around them, occasionally fondling their picture-perfect bodies, trying to get some response. I wasn't getting any response from the fembots, but the fembots were sure getting one out of me! As I was looking them up and down from behind, I gave them each a small smack on the ass.

A beep from each of their chests came out muffled. Hmmm, had I found something? I wondered. In unison, they both straightened their posture ramrod stiff, and recited:


"SYSTEM STATUS: UNIT 0155 OFFLINE...CONTROL LINK LOST AT 9:37:13PM...SYSTEM STATUS: UNIT..." from Kristen, same tone of voice, same timing. They kept speaking in a loop, which was getting rather annoying. Besides sooner the neighbors would catch them talking and start waking up and poking around, and I didn't need that right now. I slapped their asses one more time

"...TROL LINK LOST AT 9:37:13PM...SYS..." They both stopped in unison and froze staring straight at the wall. Well, this isn't very much fun, now is it? Wait, if they shut down at 9:37, that would mean that either the van or that asian gynoid driving it had something to do with this 'control link' thing the girl-bots mentioned. Maybe I should go unpack the car...

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End of part 3

Post by 33cl33 » Tue Jun 22, 2004 2:42 pm

I felt I should post this much as a next installment, after making you guys wait a little longer than promised for part 2. But don't worry, it won't be so long until the next part. Right now I'm working on manips to go with these two parts. Enjoy!
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Post by DollSpace » Tue Jun 22, 2004 3:49 pm

Great story ^^ Keep up the good work :) Can't wait to read more!


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Post by ehy » Tue Jun 22, 2004 5:22 pm

Very nice! Good story, and easy to read too. Spelling, grammar, and paragraph breaks go a long way toward making it easy to just enjoy a good tale.

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Post by sparty » Tue Jun 22, 2004 11:28 pm

Dude A+.

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Post by kareld » Wed Jun 23, 2004 4:19 am


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Post by tectile » Wed Jun 23, 2004 6:09 am

Wowzers! What a great story.

My spelling and gramer skills leave alot to be desired and I gues people who live in glass houses etc, but I agree strongly with EHY. Proper spelling, punctuation, etc, sure make it much more fun to read a story.

Aspiring writers please take note. :)

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Post by dalejr38 » Wed Jun 23, 2004 7:56 am

Very good story, keep it up.

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Post by 33cl33 » Wed Jun 23, 2004 10:24 am

Thanks for the much-appreciated praise, fellas (and ladies, didn't mean to get all gender-specific there). Don't worry, I'll keep it comin'! Glad to know you like it.
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Post by j7569go » Wed Jun 23, 2004 11:42 am

very good story hope there will still be a part 4 :D ,keep it coming

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Post by botfriend2000 » Wed Jul 14, 2004 8:31 pm

:?: Wanted to let you know that this is a great story! Also when might we expect more.......we all have great patience for the many talented writers in our group. But was wondering if there is light on the horizon?

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Post by 33cl33 » Thu Jul 15, 2004 10:59 am

There is! Sorry for the delay... there's been a lot of good things happening in my professional life lately, and haven't had much free time. But I've got the next part all figured out, so it'll be up very soon!

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