Sofia500 In RobotFembot Mode.

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Sofia500 In RobotFembot Mode.

Post by Robo1 » Sat Oct 06, 2018 3:48 pm

I just finished shooting and uploading a new Sofia500 video, for my clips4sale store. Sofia500 comes into the scene in Robot mode, with a very limited vocabulary, and instead of cleaning up messes she creates more messes. She using a vacuum cleaner that is not plugged in, and moves objects around and put them where do not belong like a tall candle holder, high heel shoes, and her "wig" keeps falling off. She puts her wig back on when she malfunctions out of Robot mode into humanoid wondering how the heck that happened?!!! She is malfunctioned back into Robot mode and bumps into the hallway walls, and disappears for just a moment, and comes back and is half in humanoid mode, and half in Robot mode. She continues to bump into walls. Her sense of direction is off. She malfunctions out again and again and loses the wig every time, and malfunctions back into humanoid mode and put her wig back on. She malfunctions into Robot mode again, and says that she hopes her Sofia500 sensors are working right. The Sofia500 finally blows a fuse and malfunctions into a locked down position until she can be fixed again.
This video is almost 20 minutes long of one malfunction after another.
Enjoy the Video!
Sofia Staks ... er+Another

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