A.D.P.I. Case # 3, part 1

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A.D.P.I. Case # 3, part 1

Post by Mirage » Wed Apr 14, 2004 9:38 am

A.D.P.I. (Advance Police Investigations).

Case # 3 : Transformation of a butterfly

Part 1

By Mirage

"Careful where you step, sir, you might get some blood on you." the police man told me. "Welcome Detective O'Conner, we have a nice one for you this night." the same old police Captain who's name eludes me all the time said "Momika, what do you think?" I asked my partner. "Stewart.... analysing this crime scene.... Definite looks like the work of a female boomer." she said, looking at the bloodied room. I nodded and went to see the bodies which were all killed very violently.

“And where is the boomer?” I asked. “This way... the ADpolice had a tuff time taking it down. It reacted very strangely, not like most boomer patterns.” the young policeman told me. Momika came and look at it. She got up quickly and look at me strangely. “It’s not a boomer....” she paused. “What?” I asked confused. “ It’s.. It was human...”
She mumbled out. “Fuck ...” I whispered. Grabbing my hat, I knew this case would be different.
“Transformation.... Never seen it before... Nasty shit...” I mumbled out.

“Erica Koshy. Age 24. Worked as a bank receptionist.” Momika told me the info out loud. “Great, what else.” I said, looking at my shoes, touching the dirty floor of the cold morgue of ADpolice. “She had a cybernetic arm... that’s how she was infected by theses nanoprobes.” the morticians yelled to me, looking at a microscope. “I hate this nano shit stuff... scare the hell out of me... Glad that nano- technology was banned by the UN many years ago.” I said, looking at the dead girl’s body. “But sadly, some scientists still want to play God with nanotech...” Momika said, looking at the reports.

“It seems the nanoes got in her artificial limbs and then transformed themself to match her DNA and infected her blood, slowly changing her body and DNA to metal and plastic, turning her in a living boomer.” Momika continued. “Arrgh! I hate this! Forced transformation.... it’s so wrong!... Being a cyborg myself... I am so scare of losing my humanity to technology.....” I groaned out. I look at Momika, who’s a boomer herself, look at me in some way sad from my rants. “Sorry... I didn’t mean it... It’s just ...” I mumbled out. “I understand... don’t worry..” she smiled. I sat down, not sure what to do “She’s the first of many...I just know it..” I mumbled out, distressed.

Sadly, I was right, in one week, same thing happened to 4 other women, all changed in boomers and went AWOL.

To be continued

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