The Vanishing Warlord - Prologue

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The Vanishing Warlord - Prologue

Post by ButchyBoy » Mon Apr 05, 2004 4:21 pm

The mysterious large crate had arrived at the British Museum in London some weeks ago. It had no return address, and its only markings were in Chinese. The museum's chief translator was away on an extended holiday, so it was decided to simply put the crate in storage until he returned. One night, as a rather nasty storm raged outside, a museum associate was in the storage basement taking some inventory, and preparing a new exhibit. Suddenly, the lights went out. "Beastly storm," the man muttered "Can't get any work done at 'tall." He quickly produced a flashlight to find his way out and fix the lighrs. He stopped suddenly when he thought he heard a rattling behind him. He turned and put the light on the source of the noise. There was the crate with the unknown markings. Just laying there. He turned to make his way out again, and the rattling began again, even louder this time. He flashed the light onto the crate once more......nothing. He called out to see if someone was there. "Nigel? I say, old boy, is that you down here?" There was no answer. And it looked as if the man was truely alone in the basement. But the rattling began once more. The man began to become frightned. "Who's there?", he called out. The light revealed nothing. They must be hiding. "Whoever you are, the museum is closed. You cannot be here." The rattling became louder. "I demand you show yourself!" Suddenly the markings on the crate began to glow a bright red. The man could now see the crate itself shaking. The lid suddenly flew open, and what came out made the man cry out in pure terror!! It would be the last sound he would ever make!
Someone......or something is bumping off key members of the famous British Museum. And to make matters worse, the place seems to be haunted by a Chinese Warlord who appears and disappears right in front of patrons. Harry Lang, and his hi-tech partner, Cricket, are summoned to Jolly ole England by the museum director, Dr. Nigel Benwolf, in hopes of solving the murders, and clear up this "ghost nonsense". it nonsense?? This is a wild adventure that will take our pair all through London, and will climax within the city's most famous landmark, Big Ben! Keep your eyes peeled to Fembot Central as Harry and Cricket Lang tackle the case of "The Vanishing Warlord".

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