The Nightingale's Song - Part 12

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The Nightingale's Song - Part 12

Post by ButchyBoy » Mon Mar 22, 2004 11:51 pm

The trip to St. Louis went suprisingly without incident, although Harry and Cricket did work out a plan of what to do should trouble arise. The sight of a balding tall man dressed all in white waiting for them, as they were about to land at the Archway Center let them know that indeed, trouble was ahead. Cricket's face turned very pale when she saw the man. Harry just shook his head in total disbilief. As they touched down on the landing pad, and Harry opened the door, the man approached. "Harry Lang? I'm Mr. Tutter.", he said with a twisted smile. Cricket knew better. "He's lying Harry.", she wispered quietly. "I know kid," Harry replied, "now no matter what happens, stick to the plan." "Yes, Harry.", she said matter of factly. They both got out. Harry approached the man, while Cricket stood by the car, smiling mutely. "Lanny 'The Shark' Roykirk", Harry said looking the man in white up and down. "Don't tell me your The Chairman." "Why, whatever do you mean??", the man in white replied with more than a touch of sarcasium in his voice. He knew he hd been made. "How did a cheap two-bit hood like you come into this kind of power?", Harry asked.

There are a few unshakable constants in the univerise. One of them is when is a villian is asked 'What's your plan?' or 'how did you do it?', they will always give a lengthy answer. "It was very simple Mr. Lang," The Chairman began. "When I stumbled into the GlobalCon buliding during the last days of the war, it was a no name dot com company. I found myself taking shelter inside one of the board rooms. Everyone was dead, but the place still had power, and most importantly, the computers were still on. One screen was asking the question over and over, 'Mr. Chairman, are you all right?' And knowing a golden opportunity when I saw it, naturally I answered in the afirmative. As it happens, few people had seen the poor dead soul who's place I had taken, and they were already dead themselvs. And so, the ever unseen Chairman pulled the strings from then on, and made GlobalCon what it is today." "Yeah, one stunk up company!", was Harry's reply. "What I can't figure out is how you were able to know our every move." "That's the wonderful thing about being the only game left in town." The Chairman answered, looking righ at little Cricket. "Your able to keep tabs on every prouduct!" Cricket gluped hard when she heard that. Harry looked back at her also hot beliving what he had just heard. "Not that....she......knew anything about it of course." The Chairman continued, "When you suddenly became a threat Mr. Lang, I checked you out as I do all my enimies. For shame Harry......running around with a robot that doesn't even rightfully belong to you. And you," The Chairman continued ranting, looking again at Cricket. "Didn't I have you sent to the junk pile last year??", he said with evil disgust in his voice.
Last edited by ButchyBoy on Tue Mar 23, 2004 2:22 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Tue Mar 23, 2004 12:49 am

Cricket wanted to kick his sorry butt right then and there but though better of it. The plan, stick to the plan, Cricket thought over and over. That plan called for her to play the dumb little sexbot. She stepped forward, smiling sweetly, her voice full of innocense. "My name is Cricket." was all she had to say to The Chairman. Deep inside, she was thinking thoughts a lot worse. "Boy Lang, you sure know how to pick the winners." The Chairman said to Harry. "But enough chit-chat. I want that golden nightingale." Harry replied, "Well, why don't you ask Santa Claus. And maybe if your a really good boy in the next few days, he'll bring you a nightingale of your very own instead of the two tons of coal you're probably due." The Chairman drew a laser pistol and aimed it right at Harry. "Choose you next little joke carefully Mr. Lang. It will be your last." Harry groaned. Why is it the bad guys can never come up with original lines.

Harry hoped his hand-to hand combat training was an advantage over The Chairman. For a while, it was. He kicked the gun out of his hand before he could fire and the two exchained blows and kicks. Harry though he had the upper hand when The Chairman was suddely able to recover his gun after being kicked to the ground. He quickly moved to Cricket, who had been standing like a happy statue all this time, wishing all the while she could get in on the action. The Chairman regained control of the game when he pointed the laser, aiming it right at the center of Cricket's back. "Now choose Lang, your friend, or the nightingale!" Cricket suddenly spoke up. "Just give him the stupid old bird Harry. I don't want to be hurt again." Harry did his best to give a look of pure hatred, which actully wasn't hard, given the comtempt he felt for Mr. Roykirk. He pulled the nightingale from his pocket and tossed it to the Chairman who caught it with a grin on his face. He then shoved little Cricket into Harry, and was still aming the gun. "I could just kill you both quickly, but........I'm really sadistic." He rapid-fired at the concreate under their feet, breaking it apart. Both Harry and Cricket started to fall.
Last edited by ButchyBoy on Thu Mar 25, 2004 8:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Tue Mar 23, 2004 2:55 am

The Chairman laughed and got into his private hovercar as the heros hung on to what was left of the busted up ledge. "So long suckers!!!!", The Chairman said as he flew away, golden nightingale in tow. Harry managed to pull himself back up to safety, but Cricket wasn't faring so well. She was hanging on for dear life to an iron rod. She screamed and cried out, "Harry, help me I'm slipping!!!" Harry tried but couldn't get a grip on his friend. He watched the little robot struggle and slip down even further. At that point, a fuse was lit deep inside the man. They had come too far. It was not going to end this way!!! Harry leaned down for all he was worth and grabbed his friend, pulling her up, safe into his arms. Cricket hugged her partner tight, and began to cry, sobbing uncontrollably. Harry lifted Cricket's chin up. "Hey, what's all this huh?" he asked. She answered him, her eyes still full of tears. "Oh Harry. I wanted to tell you, so many times I wanted to tell you. You see, at first I thought it was really neat, working in that big shiny building and all." The GolbalCon building?", Harry asked. "Yeah. They had me working as a waitress and sometimes a companion. Some guys were real nice, others...." She began to hesitate. "Go on", Harry said softly. "And one day, I got something in my eye, and dropped a tray of food I was carring up to The Chairman. The next thing I know, Dr. Reynolds, the one who built me, was taking me away, to someplace safe he said. We ended up in Original New York and......and...." She started to cry again. Harry just held her. He could guess the rest. "Now you just listen to me.", Harry told her. "We're going inside to where.......hopefully, the real Mr. Tutter is waiting for us, and we're going to wrap this case up. And then I'm going to set everything right. I promise."

When they got inside the Archway Center, and found the office of one Mr. Tutter, the door opened on its own when Harry knock. The office was darkened save for a single desk lamp. The chair on the desk was turned away from them. "Mr Tutter?" Harry called out. A very familiar, gruff voice answered. "That you Mr. Lang?" The chair turned and the lights suddeny came on. It was Carl Throckhammer!

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Post by ButchyBoy » Tue Mar 23, 2004 6:04 am

"Well well well", Harry said, floding his arms, "Good old Throcky, back from the dead. Let me guess, Mr. Tutter?" "One of my many aliais'. I've found them useful." Harry just glared at him. "You knew about the bomb last night didn't you?" "I knew The Chairman was sure to try something." So, you just toddled off here to St. Louis, and let us do all the dirty work.", Harry said, anger in his voice growing by the word. "I don't care much for your tone, Lang." Throckhammer gruffed. "Brother, that's not all you're not gonna like. We've almost been blown up......twice, shot at, I almost lost her!", Harry shouted, pointing to Cricket. "If it hadn't been for Dr. Stevens..." Throckhammer cut him off, "Dr. Stevens...Betty??" "Yes, Mr Throckhammer.", Cricket said. "She's living at a shelter in the mission district of Old Chcago." Hearing this, Throckhammer became more subdued. "I....I didn't know that." The old man then looked right at both of them. "Betty was one of my best people, one of the few I really trusted. After she was finally was able to leave GolbalCon, I made sure she and her daughter were taken care of. I only found out a few days ago that my checks to her were being rerouted by The Chairman himself, and for that I blame myself. I was too sloppy. I should have known that two-bit hacker would find me out sooner or later. Now you see why he has to be stopped, my friends. I have to set things right.....for everyone." Harry was suddenly a lot less angry. "I guess that's why we're here Mr. Throckhammer.", he said. "To help set things right." "I trust you still have the nightingale?", Throckhammer asked. Harry and Cricket looked at each other, then the little robot girl stepped forward. "We don't have the golden nightingale with us Mr. Throckhammer. But I have exactly what you need." Throckhammer raised his eyebrows, as Cricket gestured her hand at his computer. "May I?", she asked sweetly. Throckhammer offed her his seat, which she took. There was already a login prompt on the screen. The blonde fembot looked up at Throckhammer. "Nightingale.", he told her. She typed it in. Then it asked for the password. Cricket blinked hard once. And then, she began to sing.

Both Harry and Throckhammer just stared at Cricket in absolute shock. It was the song of the nightingale! Not a recording, or an imatation, but the actual song. As Cricket sang, seven starbursts popped up on the screen, one by one, next to the password prompt. And then the GolbalCon screen came up. Words followed:

30 Grand Holiday Hotel Chefs
20 tons food
Destination: Tokyo, Japan


New Destination: Mission District, Old Chicago

New orders confirmed

Have a nice day, Mr. Chairman.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Tue Mar 23, 2004 6:51 am


I'm so very sorry ro have to stop here. I've been posting as much as I can this last time out, but I'm not feeling well, and it's getting worse :cry: So pleae think good thoughts for me and i'll be back as soon as I can with the rest.

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Post by DollSpace » Wed Mar 24, 2004 1:10 am

Aww! Leave me hangin' why dontcha? (giggles) It's a good finale so far...I can't wait for more!

And feel better! ^_^


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