Resalvaged Story: Synthetic Vagina - Part 2 - Love Juice Tea

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Resalvaged Story: Synthetic Vagina - Part 2 - Love Juice Tea

Post by liliwinnt6 » Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:17 am

Originally found at:

Mod. 01 Paragraph problems solved.
Mod. 02 Changed "yours truly" into "I", "me", "my" and something understandable, and
changed following "he" or "his" with "I", "my" or something relevant.




Written by Tokiwa Ryuichi
Translated by Dr. Temma
Resalvaged by Boris Zhukovskij Li

Fuck.... I'm bored.

"Aheeeee! Ahhooonnn! Yu-YAHHHHHH!!"

Cringing her cute face into beastlike nastiness, Yukiko reaches climax.

To think, once I thought her love-hole did something for me.

Now I know what she's about she's nothing but a cunt.

When Minatsu comes she doesn't put on that nasty face. That expression, like an angel's, she gets is really something else. Lovely.

I came to, withdrew my cock from Yukiko's shaft and stared at those quivering lobes of hers.

Once Yukiko's sex was nay a tulip pink, but as soon as her hormones started kicking they turned it a dirty blackish sort of crimson, and besides her labia were shit-black to begin with, spiked with gaudy-looking pubics.

*Her* cherry blossom sex was a far cry from this.

"Yuyaaa, what happened? Don't stoooop!"

Her grotty smile doesn't even tickle a shred of fascination in me. The more I watch her give my cock, suddenly she's all the more embarrassing -- I lose feeling watching a sloppy whore like her.

"What are you doing?!? Yuyaaa!"

She once even had some modesty, but the more fucking we did the more she just lost all of that, until she just ended up becoming like a whory slut spreading her love-hole straight in my face.

Maybe that's a bit harsh, I mean I did take her virginity. But you know an immodest bitch is an immodest bitch.

Her once top-spanking grades were now treading the bottom of the heap at school.

She wasn't all that bright to begin with.

She's not really even my cup of tea, I realize, so maybe it's top-hour for change.

"Yuyaaa.... what happennnned?"

Once I thought she was kind of sweet, but the way she keeps drawling her syllables began to rattle my nerves. So I made up the most frigid look on my face and delivered these words of death.

"I'm all so sick and tired of you."

"Yuyaa, what are you talking about?"

"I said your shit-black, nasty love-hole makes me wretch."


Yukiko looks back at me with dazed eyes and tries to grab hold of me.

But instead I brush off her fingers, I get dressed, and make this pronouncement:

"This is goodbye. Got that? Well, you were fun while you lasted, so THANKS."

"Noooo! Please don't go Yuyaaa!"

I don't even flinch to look back at wailing Yukiko, and stride out the studio in the art department at school.


Five-thirty huh... Club activities got canceled during study week so there's hardly a soul on campus.

"Fuck, killing time got me nowhere."

I smacked my lips with a realization.

Even the robot Minatsu was much more decent.

Truth have it, with Yukiko being the type that'll pull down her skirt in front of any old bastard, she's the one that deserves to be called a Dutch wife.

On the other hand with Minatsu, as long as I've got her clitoris-switch set, I know she won't get mixed up with anyone else. 'Course as her proud owner I'd never allow that to happen, and I can probably modify her so that she won't ever get the sweets for anyone besides me.

I couldn't help but puff a laugh at myself.

What you gonna do, beg chastity from a robot? No matter how you think it she's a piece of construction, a well-made playtoy satisfying my sexual desires.

Two days ago, after making her mine I told her to act out as my lover.

'Course, no way a robot can really become a man's partner, but it doesn't hurt to add some gold leaf to my reputation when it gets out that I've landed a baby this good-looking.

Anyway, even just as a joke I think it's kind of fun letting her pretend.

And if a better girl shows up I'll just pretend like we decided to break up.

What's this.....?

As soon as I crossed the adjoining corridor, who felt a cold sensation on myself, glanced up at the sky.

Pitter... Patter.... Pitter.....

Shit, looks like it's going to be rain.

Didn't even bring an umbrella with me today, the lying fucks at the weather forecast...

As I headed towards the exit with those thoughts on my mind someone was waiting in front of the door.


As soon as this somebody sees me whoever it is comes running towards me with a huge grin.

"You.... waited for me this long?"

"Yes... From the change in temperature it seemed as though it would rain. Since, Kizahashi-san, you did not seem to bring an umbrella with you today... "

"Change in temperature, what do you -- oh, I see..."

"Yes... Present temperature is 22 degrees. Humidity is 65% Kizahashi-san, I brought only one umbrella but... My house and your house are close by so let us go home together... "

"Thanks... that's right, some shameless self-promo around an umbrella wouldn't hurt either."

Her being thoughtful like that has me really in good cheers.

I put on my street shoes, and we stroll out ever so friendily under a shared umbrella. Just like a couple.

It looks like the couple shtick was a real hit.

(I never had a legitimate relationship with any girl couldn't help but to feel some real pangs of appreciation).

This 'bot not only obeys everything I tell her to do, but makes me lunch on her own, or brings me an umbrella when I don't ask for one, and has got lots of good sense in her.

She's not bad looking either. And her "what-thing" is a sweet little pink, great to the touch, and her love-juice is nothing short of wonderful.

If only she wasn't a robot, you understand?

I'd have made her a real lover for keeps.

Correction, it's because she is a robot that she can achieve this level of perfection, I think. Professor Fujiwara not only has a feeling for a good gag, but has a streak of true genius.

"Kizahashi-san... Thank you so much. Making an [It] like me your lover, even if it's just pretend romance."

The fact that she calls herself an 'It' has a peculiar zing to it along with her smile, so full of... life.

"Well just to let you know that I'm enjoying my part and it's going pretty cool so don't get so wound up about it. Alright? The girls from the women's dorm are checking us out. Look., they think we're The Thing right now and I'll bet you they're doing us some good rumor-milling."

When Minatsu hears this from me her smile glows blissfully-like.

"Do you really think so?"

With looks that most guys worship, Minatsu has the kind of clean-cut preciousness that's just perfect for flaunting around.

"Ahh, even when I look at you you're a vision beyond category."

"You're wonderful too, Kizahashi-san."

Even I get a little nervous, her wafting that sweet, sweet smile, talking to me in that sweet, sweet voice.

This is a really fine piece of clock work... Maybe today's about the time I gave her electric love-hole a nice tongue-around?

Oh, that's right!

"Minatsu.... come to think of it, you live alone with your 'mother' don't you."

"Yes that's right but..."

"If my memory serves me correctly, your mother... Professor Fujiwara is taking off for America for about a week... Which means that you're living by yourself right, aren't you? You mind if I stop by your house today?"

"Ah, n- no! Of course. Please stop by!"

"When we get to be alone... think we can try it?"

When I gave a sly sort of smile to Minatsu her cheeks flushed and she gave a small, shy nod.

"Yes... "


"So this is your house... Bigger than I thought."

A one-entrance mansion, pretty huge, and with a spacious yard.

"We have a research facility here as well... I'll open the main gate now."

With those words, Minatsu operated the security system, and opened the front gate's central lock.

"Please follow me."

As I followed Minatsu to the yard the gate shut itself automatically. In the front corridor security cameras appeared to be checking Minatsu.

"Hey, taking quite a bit, don't you think.... It's only a fingerprint ID isn't it?"

Had it been just a fingerprint check it would have ended instantaneously but the camera was giving Minatsu a thorough examination (like it almost enjoyed licking her over).

"For humans that is all that it takes, but in my case it has to analyze my inner mechanisms and circuitry so it requires much longer. I am sorry to have to make you wait. I'll be done shortly."

No sooner had Minatsu said this, the electronic lock to the front corridor was released.

"Kizahashi-san... please come inside."

"Don't mind if I do..."

As I followed along Minatsu I seemed to notice that the cameras were checking on me once again.

"Hey, my fingerprints will tip off your mother won't they?"

Minatsu laughs and answers --

"It's alright. Mother is busy and she can only come home two to three days in the week so security to the environmental systems in this house have been assigned to me instead. It's just inconvenient otherwise..."

"I see... it's okay then."

"Please, wear these."

I took off my shoes and put on the slippers Minatsu prepared for me.

"Please come over here."

Minatsu led me into the guest room doubling with the dining and kitchen.

"I'll pour some tea right away. Mother is fond of English tea so that is all that we have. Will that be alright?"

That's what Minatsu asked me, as I rested my thighs on the sofa

"Sure. You have any Earl Grey?"

"Yes. Iced or hot, which would you prefer? I could also make some lemon tea or milk tea if you'd like... "

"Iced... love-juice tea... that's what I want.... Can you do it?"

I gave a sly grin as I said this. I did it half because I really wanted to taste this, and half because I just wanted to see the troubled expression on her face but Minatsu just flushed at her cheeks again, nodded, and took my request committedly.

"Yes... I understand. Will you please wait a little while then?"

Having said that Minatsu turned to the kitchen, washed her hands, and poured a bottle of mineral water into the pan, and put on the heat.

That done, she prepared two tea cups and placed them over the table. Afterwards she hands me a disinfectant towel.

"Please wipe your hands with this."

"Oh, much obliged."

The wet towel feels nice and cool.

She's got a sense for the smallest details.

Following that Minatsu takes another towel, taking a syrup pitcher with her and begins heading for the room next-door.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Um.... that is.... I am going to prepare the syrup for your tea...."

"Then you can do it here, can't you? Or do you have something you need to hide from me?"

"No of course not, it is nothing like that..."

Minatsu's cheek flushed rose-hued with shame, making her stammer. The kind of gesture that tickles male instinct.

"I'll watch you carefully prepare your 'special' syrup so come over here, got it?"

When I gave another sly grin, peppered with a little meanness, Minatsu just nodded a tiny nod.

"Yes... "

As Minatsu came over to me she gave a bow and pushed up her skirt.

"Please, take a look at me."

She said, but despite looking embarrassed she didn't appear to dislike it either.

After removing her panties, Minatsu took another wet towel and wiped her own privates carefully.

As soon as the towel was taken away, this time, she popped her labia open just like that and began rubbing her parts carefully.

"AHH.. AHH..."

Either because she's playing with her own privates or because I'm looking at her, her breath is becoming more and more coarse with lust.

Robot or not, the sight of seeing Minatsu fuss with herself is very, very nice.

Now only for some full- fledged felatio.

Done wiping her privates, Minatsu sits on the sofa facing right, spreading her legs out wide voluntarily, and thrusts out her in-betweens.

Minatsu's trembling in shame.

She wouldn't have need open up her legs like this merely to collect love-juice.

She was probably bearing out the embarrassment just for me, to show me the love-juice gurgling up in this overly shameful pose.

This loyal abandon makes even my chest flutter.

Correction.... this is a robot. For her to serve -I- as her owner is only reasonable. Though it was still beyond me at the time, I began to understand.

"So then I will begin, Kizahashi-san."

After saying this Minatsu laid her hands on her shame, pulling on the effervescing hairs of her privates.

No sooner then, the skin above her shame split open with a -clack-. Inside her split shame was an array of switches.

"This is the control panel for my sex function. I will activate a test-run for the mechanism in my genitalia and produce the love-juice."

Minatsu placed the pitcher mouth to her clitoral cavity and activated her concealed control switch.


With a faint motor sound her love-juice comes trickling out in gurgles.

"AHH..... HAA..... HAA..... HAA.... "

Minatsu's shame tinged even her ear lobes, as she let out her lustrous breaths.

Eventually the syrup pitcher was filled.

Minatsu pressed her the switch in her flap once more to make sure the flow of her love-juice had stopped. Then, placing the pitcher filled with the fragrant liquid on the table, she got up quietly and attempts to take another wet towel.

When I stop her and pull out a towel instead I touch Minatsu's privates for her.

"Let me wipe it for you.... Taking an embarrassing pose like that just for me... I feel bad about it.... you were embarrassed weren't you?"

"Oh, no.... I... intend to do anything for you, Kizahashi-san. Please don't hesitate to ask me for anything at all... -Aaa!-"

Minatsu lets out an embarrassing sound when I rub her labia a mite too strongly.

"Feel good my touching your parts there?"

I said, drawing Minatsu's lithe body close to me, and she even responded, happy-like, bringing her body closer, blushing with shame all the while.

"Yes... it feels very good. But, Kizahashi- san,.... please don't touch my clitoris just yet, okay?"

"Oh, that's right, your clitoris doubles as a sex-activation switch. Alright,..... all cleaned up. Minatsu, looks like the water's just about boiled."

"Ah! ... Yes it is.... Please wait just a while longer while I prepare the tea."

Minatsu says, and attempts to put back on the panties she threw off earlier.

"Minatsu, no need to put those panties back on. Be the way you are now."

She nods a sincere nod to my sincere request.

"Yes... I understand."

Minatsu left her panties and headed towards the kitchen.

Whether because she was panty-less or something else, the way she walked was weirdly sexy.

Having put the tea leaves into the pot, Minatsu starts quietly pouring the boiling water.

And after waiting about twenty minutes she puts in a handful of icecubes, putting the rest of the ice in a separate glass, and places everything on a tray.

"Kizahashi-san. It's ready."

She says, smiling brightly and putting those things on the table. Putting ice in the tea cups prepared, she poured the tea.

"Please... "

Taking my cup, Minatsu pours the 'special' syrup she prepared earlier.

"Look... I'll put some in yours too... Take a good taste of your own love-juice."

I pour that into Minatsu's cup too.

"Yeah... Smells good... Here's to you... "

I grow faint from the fragrance of the wonderful harmony between Earl Grey and Minatsu's love-juice.

Savoring it slowly, I let it wash about in my mouth a little first.

This is... gorgeous!!

They really go well together, the slight tangy bitterness of Earl Grey with the refreshingly sour-sweet of Minatsu's love-juice cocktail. Fragrance here surpasses any herbal tea, and is enough to tickle your nostrils.

She strains the tea with skill, it's smooth just the way I like it.

Seriously, I've never drunk English tea this gorgeous.

"I expected it to be gorgeous, but, not this... you have some yourself too, drink up."

"Yes... "

Minatsu answers me, and sits on the sofa across from me.

Minatsu doesn't notice it, but because she's unpantied her cute little sex is peeking at me from the crack of her legs.

Some times this kind of method of persuasion doesn't hurt. I get tired of just raunchy big-spread clits.

I drank some more on this holiday.

Minatsu joined me, trembling upon trembles, touching the cup to her lips an undertow of fear, and I saw at once the amazement floating up to her face.

"It really is, incredibly... gorgeous isn't it! That my love-juice would go so well with tea.... and such a wonderful fragrance..."

"No kidding, right? That's not all, your love-hole juice is gorgeous straight from the pitcher. Take a lick."


I tease her a bit, snatching the hand trying to take the syrup pitcher, ordering her with a laugh.

"No need to go through the trouble of getting it out of here, you can prepare it yourself... look, it's peeking out from under you!"

"Oh! (Screams)."

Minatsu hides her crotch having had it pointed out to her this way she realizes for the first time that they have been peeking-a-boo.

"No point in trying to hide it now, look, try it... "

"Yes... "

At my suggestion Minatsu inserts a finger into her crotch, and takes a lick of the newly flowing love-juice off of that finger.

"How is it..."

"Delicious... sir."

"Isn't it? Your love-juice is really something else..."

Having said that I pick up my cup, savoring the rest of the tea.

"May I have seconds?"

"Oh sorry, sure."

As I give her my tea cup, Minatsu picks up the pot and lets the tea flow swishingly into my container.

And she sits back at the sofa, her privates peeking a bit, but when she notices that my attention is on her crotch her legs shut tightly together with a CLICK.

I let up a genuinely disappointed look.

"Oh! ... I'm sorry.... please go ahead."

Minatsu, sensitive that she is, opens up her legs just at an angle that I might be able to get a good view of her love-hole.

"Minatsu... if you're really embarrassed, there's no need to force yourself. Robot or no, you don't like letting your privates ogled by strangers. Right?"

"No... This part of me too, belongs to you Kizahashi-san. You are my owner Kizahashi-san, and you should have no reason to feel hesitant towards me in any way. If you'll forgive my being a robot, these genitals of a construct, please, take your time and enjoy what it is."

Minatsu said, smiling happily, and opening up her legs even wider for me, opening her labia left to right even with a little enthusiastic POP.

Her enthusiasm made me embarrassed. Not only had that it made me blurt out something really cruel.

"Enough, can't you take a hint?!? What's the idea making me stare at a robot love-hole? Freak!!"

As soon as I shouted Minatsu gave a pained look on her face, hid her crotch quickly, closing her legs together, and looked downward in shame.

"Sorry!!... you are right... a robot like me. I can't expect to have someone like you -Kizahashi-san- like my body forever. I... thought I'd make you happy, only I had the wrong idea... I'm so sorry to make you feel uncomfortable."

She's done nothing wrong.

Just followed my whims, sensitive as always, and obeyed.

Even so, this courageous -- she really was -- to the bone, courageous, wracks herself with guilt about something she isn't guilty for.

"And... you called me a Freak but no wonder... Greater than shame, my desire to have you enjoy my privacy and my seeing that joy through me overcame all other reason."

"No, wrong!"

I got up yelling, came close and grabbed Minatsu's chin, forcing her gaze up at me and stole a kiss. She responded to my tongue-play, even though she was hesitant, and grabbed back with her tongue.

Pikun.... Pikun....

Her body trembles in small shakes -- no doubt she's feeling ALOT of pleasure now.

"You're no FREAK. You just wanted me to be happy so you bore the shame to show me it, didn't you? That was meant for ME, not for your own gratuitous pleasure. A freak is someone who goes out for want of self-pleasure, it's meant for some perverted hedonist who goes out to show their privates to complete strangers. Or maybe you COULD go out and flaunt your love-hole like that to anyone. Then you WOULD be a freak, but.... "

"No, far from... I have no intention of showing anyone other than yourself my precious 'sanctuary.' When Mother does my maintenance it's different however..."

"If so, you're certainly not a Freak... My apologies about that... I hurt you with my damned wayward remarks..."


That face that was about to burst into tears any moment now, suddenly glows again with joy.

"Please... Kizahashi-san, take a look at it once more...But were you really able to enjoy ... it?"

"Yeah, damn right... Why would I need you panty-less if I really hadn't wanted to see it? Minatsu, will you show me how you open and close your labia now?"

"Y-yes. Like this?"

Paku... paku....

Minatsu did exactly as I requested, opening and closing her labia.

"Your 'sanctuary' is really far superior to any human's, I'll say."

"Thank you very much. I am truly happy, that I can pleasure you."

"He-he.... I'll make you... happier...."

As I sat next to Minatsu, I drew her thighs towards me with gusto, slipping my finger into her crotch, and pressing hard... on her clitoris.

Buzzz.... C*L*I*C*K

"AgH! AAggHHH...."

I knocked Minatsu down onto the sofa, a bit violently I might add, pleasure drowning her gaze, oozing and flowing towards me with lust.


"Aaaahhh... mmhoo... Haagggh! Aaaannnn... Aann, aaann!!"


My semen gorged in the tightly bound and vibrating Minatsu. No regrets slamming this robot cunt. She's always buoyant like a fresh little fish, never, unable to bounce back.

Pikun! .... Pikun! Pikun!


Her body trembles in taut little quivers, letting out rawness in her breath, and her machine overheats, laid bare to the after-effects of a half-stupor dream.

I left my cock inside her, and soaked in the languor of this dream.

Zuryu zuryu zuryu zuryu zuryu...

I can hear the sound of my gorged semen, my cock still stuck in there, and the back of her shaft sucking it in there.

She's really a marvel of craftsmanship, a real pearl, her mechanism's probably designed to purge all of this coital fluid so it doesn't backflow and interfere with what's going on out front. It's part of her maintenance system.

That way I can savor her delicious love-hole juice, no worries, even after a second orgasm. Great.

As I withdrew my cock from Minatsu, even as she was melting away in her own horniness, overheating and unable to move so much as a single finger, I gathered her up lovingly.

Then, taking a wet towel, I shoved it against her love-hole, wiping away at it carefully.

"S-sorry... "

"Don't force yourself to talk.... I'll hold you like this until your mechanism has had a chance to cool down."

No sooner does she try to nod in affirmation does she quietly close her eyes again.

This is BAD.

Her mechanical body is... built too good to be true.

If I hold onto her much longer maybe I won't be able to think twice about a real woman?

No, perhaps it's already happened.

Yukiko wasn't half-bad but once I got a feel for this wonder-cunt's power grip, there was no way I could stay satisfied with something like that.

Not just her power grip.

What about her looks? How many actual women have as beautiful a bod as Minatsu's?

Granted, style only, face only, maybe you could come close, but otherwise... Minatsu is perfect in every way.

That Yukiko was also a pretty sweet girl but placed alongside Minatsu she just becomes a pale substitute.

AND COURAGE, there's feeling towards me from the depths of her...

I had to laugh having thought myself into this hell of a corner.

She's a robot. A robot doesn't have any real feelings at all.

Appearances may have made it as though she loved me from deep down, but that was only because she was programmed that way.

Truth have it, she's nothing more than a well-built Dutch wife.

Fuck... if only she was human... If she were human maybe she would've really been able to love me.

Only if... she had real feelings...

"Who're you kidding ... No such thing..."

Something's the matter with me... It appears I've really fallen for this robot girl.

After taking the towel away from her love-hole, I made her close her legs.

"Kizahashi.... san?"

Finally looks like she's done cooling over.

Able to move her body again, I notice Minatsu is staring at me with a gaze that could steal someone's heart.

I can't get myself to believe that she's really a machine.

No, I've got it the other way around. I've been trying to force myself to believe that she HAS feelings.

Maybe if it was Professor Fujiwara, she could invent a robot that had real human feelings... That's what I WANT to believe.

"Minatsu... You're a..."

I stopped myself midway.

No joke, no loss.

Afraid to know the truth, I was unable to bring about any more words to say.

Instead I hug her against me as hard as I can, and whisper into her ear.

"Can we... do it again?"

Having said that, her cheeks blushed once more in shame, but with a blissful glow, she nodded meekly. Seeing that... all I could do was to insert my finger in this girl-thing's 'sanctuary' and press on her clitoris.

Part Two -- Finished.
Fellas, you may address me as Boris, my ID could be troublesome for you to call me.
BTW, my stories would be updated without notifications. ... ock_images

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