Andrew's Research Part 2: Sydney

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Andrew's Research Part 2: Sydney

Post by Andrewd » Tue Jul 04, 2017 1:54 am

This is a continuation of this story.


Part of what really gets me about the whole android thing is the fantasy of having complete control over a person-like thing. The androids in my story are nonsentient, but seem completely indistinguishable from humans. As such, they're often used as tools to unleash ones deepest desires. Sometimes they're treated like actual people, but sometimes they're treated horribly. This story features nonconsent and psychological torture. Please don't read if either of those things put you off.

I'd also like to note that I don't condone doing any of those things with an actual human being. This is a story for fun.


“Would you agree with them, Andrew?”

Andrew was drawn out of his reverie by Jeromy’s question. “Um, yeah. Of course,” he said.

“You mean you agree that modern music is better than the early 21st Century stuff? How could you! Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, those are classics by today’s standards!!”

“I don’t see how you listen to that whole genre,” interjected Natalie. “Classic hard rock is where it’s at. AD/DC and Def Leppard win against that crap any day.”

Having satisfied his role in the conversation, Andrew zoned back out before he heard Jeromy’s angry response. He still couldn’t believe that this day was here. The day. He felt like his whole life had been leading up to this. Excitement and apprehension swirled within him.

The day he received the letter had been like any other. He had gotten home from class, grabbed a bite to eat, and let out his frustrations on Emily. It was later that afternoon when he saw the notification on his computer. The email had read:

“Dear Andrew Donner,

I have recently read your paper, “Mind Scupting: A New Paradigm for Android Conditioning”. I would like to offer you a position at my company. I know you’ve already received many offers, and I guarantee you I can pay twice the salary of any other position. Contact my secretary to arrange a meeting.

Thank you,

Anso Gutiérrez, CEO of TraxCorp”

The letter was short, and life-changing. If potential to change ones life could be given mass, then the ratio of life-changingness to word count would have made his computer dense enough to put a neutron star to shame. At least, that’s how Andrew had felt that day. Fortunately, he had Herculean levels of self-control, meaning he only ran down the halls screaming for five minutes.

Everyone wanted to work at TraxCorp. They were the world’s leading producer of anything mechanical or computerized. Their research was the envy of all universities, and their salaries made the wealthy eye them with greed. Andrew had been given a Golden Ticket, and today was the day he would tour the Chocolate Factory. His friends, Jeromy and Natalie, had business in Sydney, and had worked with him to schedule their trip together. He had never seen the Capital of the World before, and now he would get to see it with them.

“The train is about to begin accelerating. Please buckle up and remain seated until acceleration has ended.” The voice interrupted Jeromy’s tirade about protest pop-music during the 21st Century arms race. Red signs lit up all over the cabin saying “Remain seated.” Jeromy and Natalie were sitting across from him, toward the front of the train. Their seats slowly rotated to face the front.

“You’ve never been on a train before, have you?” Jeromy called back to Andrew. He said no. “Don’t cross your eyes while we accelerate, or you’ll be stuck that way forever!”

Natalie punched his shoulder. “Don’t worry, Andrew. These things are totally safe. Just stay buckled until we hit top speed and you’ll be fine-”

She was cut off by an sharp lurch. The brakes were removed, and they all felt an instant of falling as the train free-floated, before being grabbed by electromagnets and flung. Andrew felt himself pressed hard against the seat, barely able to breath. The scenery beyond the window changed from the urban landscape of the New York hab dome as seen from the elevated rail, to an incomprehensible blur. He didn’t know how long he sat there, riding the worst rollercoaster in the world, but eventually the pressure eased and he felt still again.

“What. The. Fuck.” He looked between his friends, whose seats had turned back around to face him. “How the hell is that safe!” He looked between them with a hint of madness.

Natalie held a hand up to her face to stifle a giggle. “Your medi-nanobots were interfaced with the train; it wouldn’t have accelerated more than any passenger could handle. Just almost.”

Jeromy’s didn’t even try to hide his exuberant laughter. “Look at his face! I’ll have to ask my mom if I was that freaked out when I first rode one of these!” He slapped his knee in a way Andrew thought only old people did.

Andrew took a moment to gather himself. He saw that the signs now glowed green and said “Acceleration ended.” His friends were still snickering at him; it wasn’t often that his composure broke like that. He turned, and his eyes were caught by the scene beyond the window: the world beyond the hab domes.

The sky was a distinct shade of purple, with bluish-green metallic clouds wisping their way across. The sun was still low, since it was still morning. He felt queasy as he realized the land stretched as far as he could see, with no walls or dome-boundaries to block his view. Trees with black leaves covered the ground. Most of them took on erratic fractal shapes, or were hunched over like a dying crone. There were occasional groups of five to ten trees that were bound together in a large mass of silvery webbing, with small black specks surrounding them. The occasional clearing showed the ground beneath the trees to be largely barren. He caught a glimpse of some large monstrosity moving through the forest, but it was gone before he could make it out. Small animals with deformed appearances occasionally charged at the train, but were shot down by the gun turrets surrounding the pillars of the elevated track. He was looking at a forest of nightmares.

He wasn’t sure how long he had stared at the landscape. He felt someone place a hand on his shoulder, and looked up to see Natalie. She gazed at him with something gentle in her eyes. “It’s kinda shocking to see for the first time, isn’t it.” She lifted her gaze to the window. “This world used to be perfect for humans. We could stand outside without a suit, and eat the fruit from the trees. Earth was our cradle, our mother, and we murdered her.” She walked closer to the window, and Andrew saw her eyes take on a more distant look, with something underneath that burned so hot as to be ice cold. “What you see is humanity’s symphony of destruction. Right now, our bodies are being assaulted with enough radiation to kill a baseline human. We were all genetically modified at birth to be resistant, and our medi-nanobots compensate for any damage, but otherwise we would be dead. The aftermath of nuclear holocaust. If you step outside, you’ll be assaulted by poisons that still fill the air from the worst chemical weapons, and from the pollution that fueled the industries of war. You’ll be dead in hours, medi-nanobots be damned. If you touch the wrong surface, you’ll be infected by the most horrific genetically-engineered microbes in history; some of them can even defeat your medi-nanobots. Walk into the wrong patch of landscape, and weaponized nano-swarms will activate and deconstruct your flesh atom-by-atom. If you somehow manage to survive all of that, you’ll be hunted by vicious monsters, the creations of mutagenic retroviruses. Do you know why it we refer to it as the Final War? Because if we ever have another, there won’t be a world left for us to destroy.”

Andrew looked down. “I know about the war.” He looked up. “And the aftermath.”

“But it’s different seeing it in person, isn’t it.” Natalie turned to look at him. “It’s easy to distract yourself with books and movies and your studies, if that’s the only thing you ever see. But that’s not what the world is.” She lifted her hand to gesture at the window. “This is the world you live in, Andrew. Don’t ever forget that.”

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Re: Andrew's Research Part 2: Sydney

Post by BD » Tue Jul 04, 2017 11:06 pm

Andrewd wrote:Warning

Part of what really gets me about the whole android thing is the fantasy of having complete control over a person-like thing. The androids in my story are nonsentient, but seem completely indistinguishable from humans. As such, they're often used as tools to unleash ones deepest desires. Sometimes they're treated like actual people, but sometimes they're treated horribly. This story features nonconsent and psychological torture. Please don't read if either of those things put you off.
Thank you for the warning. It's not something that many people do and i've found myself irked more than once.

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