Open-case part 3

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Open-case part 3

Post by NatalieBayer » Fri Mar 31, 2017 11:04 am

Hi friends!

Just a quick disclosure on this chapter. Its really low on fembot content. It's all about Kyle. I struggled with wether or not i should even write this. Buuuuut i did because i feel it helps develop the characters. At any rate, it is an optional read.


"get out of my head Jill!" Kyle called to Jill from the squad car. He watched her from the window until she entered the building, then turned his attention back to the road ahead. HE pulled away and cruised across the CPD campus to a little two story tall building containing nothing but offices and cubicles. It was Kyle’s least favorite building to be in because he only came here for one reason, and one reason only. Paperwork. It was the bane of his job.
When he was still human, or mostly human, he joined the police for to make a difference. Like most doe eyed cadets, he knew that Chicago was a big city with a lot of crime, but he wanted to do his part to make it better, safer. It was through this drive to make things right that he eventually found himself promoted through the ranks to sergeant and after a solid three years as sergeant he moved to detective.
He was assigned to the technological crimes division and assigned a partner, Jill. By the time he’d made detective he had already started the slow and admittedly painful conversion to cyborg. Having lost his left arm in a sting operation. Kyle at the time didn’t mind, and in fact enjoyed the boon of having the arm. It allowed him a certain degree of extra capabilities. Not long after his legs were crushed in an accident during a high speed pursuit.
Recovery and physical therapy were arduous, and he considered himself lucky to be alive. Luckier still that Jill was there with him the whole time. She was programmed for compassion and was clearly given an extra dose of cheerfulness when she was constructed because her ever persistent optimism helped him though much of the two-month long hospital stay. During which it was discovered that there was more severe nerve damage and his entire lower torso and legs were replaced.
After the replacement was completed and he was back on his, now synthetic, feet again, he was assigned mostly paperwork and reports as a means of slowly reintegrating him back into the force. Kyle and sitting still didn’t seem to mesh well. He found himself in a bar or alone at his apartment drinking heavily and wishing for an end to the stacks of papers.
The mere mention of report writing still made Kyle annoyed, he let out a huff of hot air, fresh from the bank of processors in his chest and looked at the dull grey cement building. Turned off the car and got out, letting the door to his cruiser close behind him. He reached the metal handle of the front door just as he saw someone approaching with a hand cart. Kyle was nice enough to hold the door open as a man clad in grey overalls scooted past, a woman that could have been Jill’s twin lashed to the cart with orange straps. Kyle noted that while her body could have been Jill’s exactly, her hair and eyes were different colours and her face was a completely different structure. Kyle smirked, same line and series, but different officers.
Kyle moved into the building, his skin sensors noting how cool it was inside. It was summer outside but there was no need to freeze out a whole building. He walked up to the check in desk and rapped a knuckle on the plexiglas window as no one was around. Eventually a frazzled looking older woman came into view from a side door and tapped the intercom button.
“Hi, sorry, our normal check in bot just tweaked out and had to be pulled out. Uh, what can I do for you?” The woman said.
“I’ve got evidence and a report to turn in from this morning. Case ID CP34871.” Kyle said, tapping the side of his head with his index finger.
The woman squinted at the badge on his chest and nodded. Pressing the intercom again she told him he was cleared to enter and there was a small buzz and clunk of a heavy lock being disabled. Kyle stepped through the door to the right of the station and half-heartedly waved as he entered.
The evidence room was the last room at the end of a long and boring hallway. Kyle placed the palm of his hand on the badge reader outside of the room, thankful that he no longer had to remember to bring his keycard any more, the RF chip implanted in his hand was all he needed. A similarly heavy lock disengaged and Kyle stepped in.
A simple wooden desk sat to one side, flanked by rows upon rows of wire rack shelves. Each one filled with tubs, baggies, and other containers with evidence in them. Towards the back were larger items, a few bicycles, large hard cases with firearms in them, and several severed robotic body parts in large clear plastic bags. Kyle hoped they were robotic anyway.
“Officer Roak, so good to see you. You have a recording to turn in?” There was a chipper young woman behind the desk, sitting at a computer there. Her smile almost annoyed Kyle as much as her overly happy tone. Kyle sucked in a deep breath, not out of necessity, but because that’s what he would have done had he lungs.
“yeah, and then a pile of reports to right, can we make this quick?” Kyle said, letting his annoyance show. This woman, he knew, wasn’t programmed to show some emotions like offense or annoyance, she was simply here to make sure this room was cataloged and run properly.
“of course, just a moment while I create a log file. If you would be so kind as to open a data port for me, we can get started.”
Kyle on the other hand still retained all of his human emotions. When he was fully converted every last synopsis was digitized, so he felt annoyed that this little robot was treating him like a machine as well. He grumbled to himself and thought about snapping back, but knew that the only outcome to that was his further annoyance and an unneeded delay. So instead he stepped around the desk to the recording station and reached up to his head and began pulling off the hairpiece there. His short shaggy hair piece clicked off the back of his head and he let his hand fall to his side, still clutching the top of his head. With his other hand he tugged on a data cable and plugged it into a waiting port on his head, he of course got it turned the wrong direction, looked at the plug, then jammed it into the port the right way around.
He closed his eyes and waited for the connection to the CPD data share to show up. Once it finally did he copied the video files, snapshots, and a text file of his testimony about the scene into the newly created case file. He stood there for a whole ten minutes while the files copied and finally dismounted and disconnected from the network. Replacing his hair piece, he walked to the door.
“Thank you officer Roak, have a good rest of your day!” the little robot woman called after him, even as the door clanked shut mid-sentence. Kyle navigated his way through the building until he found the little cubicle he was assigned to on the second floor. Starting up the bulky laptop that was always there, because why would he need to take it with him. He began logging in and started the arduous task of filling in the report details and pulled a paper report off the top of a stack of nearby blanks.
“why the hell do we still use paper” he grumbled to himself and began filling it out.
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