Kube wanna tell you about something....

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Kube wanna tell you about something....

Post by Kube² » Sun Mar 12, 2017 6:04 pm

Today, Kube wanna tell you a little story. :mrgreen:

This sad little story happens to Kube in 2010

This is the story of an artist (at less he think he is :? ) that think is work is sooooo great he deserves some special attention and prease, but don't get any, or at less not as much as he think he deserves.

In the end he start to ask help and feedback for some kind of extra special ambitious project , but don't get any, and when starting to complain had some answers like
"if you don't get attention maybe it's because your work don't deserve it" or
"work for yourself and not for others"

it was in 2010.... Soooo Kube² (the square is important :mrgreen: ) (don't forget it) ( :mrgreen: ) (if you don't know how to do it with your keyboard... just thind a damn way to do it !)-end of disgression- Soooo Kube conclude this community don't deserve the great great honor to have the incredible and exceptionnal Kube² among them (in all modesty....) and just decide to disappear and work only for himself.

I share this little story for 2 reasons :

:arrow: First I cumulated a shit load of unplubished work since 2009 and I feel like its becoming reaaaaally silly not to share it (and if one day I lose all my data and associated work and manips , i would regret not to have put them on the web as a backup).

:arrow: Also it's a way to give you my advice about why this community is somehow stagnant. After all i'm following this forum since maybe 15 years, so I see it evolving (and guess what.... it didn't) Which is an anomaly, as our interest is starting to get more plausible every day we should logically improve our audience and contributors progressively, unfortunatly for us, this is not really the case.

And now
So what ?
No more complains, I've said what I have to say.

I will backup all my finished (or unfinished work) on the wiki, it already start, it will take a few month, starting with 2009 stuff until today.

Then I will share the V0 version of my "user-manual project" (V0 because I think i would need some help for proof reading and spell correction from the community to get to the V1, and I've not lost all hope in you guys)

And then I will disappear again for at less 10 more years.

because it's what I do best....


Re: Kube wanna tell you about something....

Post by --NightBattery-- » Sun Mar 12, 2017 7:32 pm


I am sorry you feel like that.

from my point of view you never ever made emphasis in your wish to get any collaboration…, nor asked for ideas or shared your ideas on the forum until you feel that didn’t had any attention…
from my point of view your frustration on us collectively is, uncalled.

I like your stuff and remember it since long time ago…Cd’s where still a predominant thing when you were making fembots, I was less capricious to what was hot…game boy color was new…. People thought Xenosaga would had an ending (hahahah).

I really think that most of us are very different in what we like under the huge category of ASFR.

I am just grateful this place exist and that it has gathered all the robot material there was around.
I can understand you get the strong desire, just like me after being here for very long time, for new things after assimilate most of what was around. But most of us are creators mostly out of necessity as A.S.F.R is still too A.S.F. and we are not getting any reason to get things any more fast without gratification….
remember when that girl…what… was her …. Robo_sugar appeared back at 2013?
that got the community excited for the short period she was around.
So I think the community problem is the lack of diversity as a promotor of motivation.

I am sure furry communities could tell us some tips to get more stuff going since they do get lots of stuff going…if you ask me maybe one distant day fembot central should encompass all robots and not just the female looking ones, that could get all kind of people here making the community more diverse and motivated… to make the place more spicy…but that’s me using your post for my purposes…

but since we don´t have any of that, I am fine with the tea drinking atmosphere.



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Re: Kube wanna tell you about something....

Post by lucas » Mon Mar 13, 2017 1:45 pm

i agree with everthing what the user kube was said we users and fan comoe here motivated and animated to show to every community what we did but noboby interact with the post or gave interca\tion and coments of about some litle clips or manips of the celebrity what can modified wuant include or remove this thing of action retirfe any motivation to post something here (Example} i did some very simplify manips but when i on the lonmg of time interaction here show something all of here of the usere cant said any single comments that desmotived comtinus other exmaplers whys fection didnt interact much hree i think on my vision that the fault are more y]users and other motived hin to not give up that are only my point of vision

i still have something to show but i fell muc desmotivated

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Re: Kube wanna tell you about something....

Post by FaceoffFembot » Mon Mar 13, 2017 4:16 pm

Kube² wrote:And then I will disappear again for at less 10 more years.
Well I think that's all there is to say here. 93 posts in 12 years on the forum. First post in almost two years.

I like your manipulations, I really do, they inspired me. But as much I don't enjoy making drama, don't come lamenting that the community's dead and there's no support to creators when you yourself never said anything to me or anyone who started doing manipulations in the last 5 years.

Cause maybe code_author is inactive, maybe Froggy99 just left (life happens), maybe the FTP died, but there's a slew of new talents here. There's a metric ton of low-key or even high-key new fembot content being released out there, and we keep digging up old gems. There's a cottage industry of fetish clips blowing up. So sorry, but I don't see these times as the "end of all things" you do.

Yeah, this really is a quiet place. Yeah, I myself would enjoy a bit more feedback and praise. Yeah, I wish that lurkers would come out if only to say "cool" when I post new manipulations. But at some point you gotta ask yourself if it's validation or feedback you're looking for.

Maybe I'm actually the unhealthy one here for continually sinking so much time into this fetish without much in the way of rewards, but how I see it, you really have to ask yourself what you're working for. I don't blame you for not releasing stuff, everyone hits roadblocks, but to just come out of the blue like this to complain about how nobody's doing anything anymore is puzzling at best.

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Re: Kube wanna tell you about something....

Post by Silkscreen » Mon Mar 13, 2017 5:39 pm

I have been RPing a lot, it eats all of my time. Maybe some stories will come from that. And I have rewritten stuff (again, sorry) which I have to release once it is all done.

We haven't got many great debates lately but I think that's a good thing. Lots of drama, I can live without it.

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Re: Kube wanna tell you about something....

Post by N6688 » Mon Mar 13, 2017 6:21 pm

FaceoffFembot wrote:
Kube² wrote:And then I will disappear again for at less 10 more years.
Well I think that's all there is to say here. 93 posts in 12 years on the forum. First post in almost two years.

I like your manipulations, I really do, they inspired me. But as much I don't enjoy making drama, don't come lamenting that the community's dead and there's no support to creators when you yourself never said anything to me or anyone who started doing manipulations in the last 5 years.

Cause maybe code_author is inactive, maybe Froggy99 just left (life happens), maybe the FTP died, but there's a slew of new talents here. There's a metric ton of low-key or even high-key new fembot content being released out there, and we keep digging up old gems. There's a cottage industry of fetish clips blowing up. So sorry, but I don't see these times as the "end of all things" you do.

Yeah, this really is a quiet place. Yeah, I myself would enjoy a bit more feedback and praise. Yeah, I wish that lurkers would come out if only to say "cool" when I post new manipulations. But at some point you gotta ask yourself if it's validation or feedback you're looking for.

Maybe I'm actually the unhealthy one here for continually sinking so much time into this fetish without much in the way of rewards, but how I see it, you really have to ask yourself what you're working for. I don't blame you for not releasing stuff, everyone hits roadblocks, but to just come out of the blue like this to complain about how nobody's doing anything anymore is puzzling at best.
I ...........kinda have to agree with this.
Back when i still had the time and opportunity to do manips i got maybe 3 or 5 people who would comment on it.
And i get it, its nice to feel validated, but i personally did it more because others also spend time and efford making content and i didn't want to feel like a leech (my own words how i felt about myself) that takes but didn't contribute.
And like FaceoffFembot said, there have been a lot of new contributers here.
mainlyasian, chocolatekeys, sarabot, morotsu and plenty more have contributed during this time.
But you have to understand Kube² that most people here are also just watchers for a reason.
Some just aren't ready yet too accept this side of them completely and be open about it on the forum so thats why you only see the usual suspects here commenting.
I myself watched this forum for 3 years before i made my first comment.
It isn't because they didn't comment that they didn't apreciate your work.
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Re: Kube wanna tell you about something....

Post by Kube² » Tue Mar 14, 2017 7:58 am

FaceoffFembot wrote:
But as much I don't enjoy making drama, don't come lamenting that the community's dead and there's no support to creators when you yourself never said anything to me or anyone who started doing manipulations in the last 5 years.
I get your point and you're right

I also don't enjoy making drama and I don't think saying what I have to say every 10 years is "making drama".

The fact is i'm an ON/OFF guy :
If i'm OFF I will say nothing about what I like or not and don't participate in any sort of way, its what i've done for the 4 or 5 last years because I was frustrated with the way active menbers behave here. So instead of complaining and being frustrated I decide to switch off.

If I post this thread it's because I decide to became an active member once again.
So I say what i like and I say what i don't like :
For example in the thing i like --> your work, and now i'm active agin I will probably comment it, because you're clearly one the best remaining here, I know that. (for example when I was active 5 years ago I was always commenting BA work)
And in the thing I don't like --> the reason that lead me to leave this community at the first time, so its not very surprising that the first thing I say is about that !
FaceoffFembot wrote:
but how I see it, you really have to ask yourself what you're working for.
Yes, Sure, the fact is, i heard that 5 years ago, it was here, so I think a little bit and concluded that I was working for myself -and myself only-.
So I decide to retire completely from the place, don't share anything here, and don't participate in any way with anybody here because -you're right' it's only about myself.

In the end I just want to point the simple fact that if everybody was just as sensitive (or logical) as me that would be a big problem cause this place would be totally empty, wich is not very far from being the case....

Also I can to tell you a little more about myself, IRL, I have a passion about music I have a band and we are playing in festival giving concert and doing cool stuff. The fact is I'm doing music only for myself and myself only, if nobody was coming to my concert or give me praise about enjoying my stuff i would probably end up playing alone in my little corner, that would be logical, and it would not be a big problem.

So thank you for the advice but i already think enough about that kind of stuff and for me the result of this reflexion is "no praise = no share"
FaceoffFembot wrote:
just come out of the blue like this to complain about how nobody's doing anything anymore is puzzling at best.
I like puzzling stuff
puzzling stuff gives me inspiration
I love to be puzzling too
Last edited by Kube² on Tue Mar 14, 2017 10:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Kube wanna tell you about something....

Post by Blox_242 » Tue Mar 14, 2017 3:07 pm

I can second that on playing in a band. I've been in the same one for over 15 years ( \m/ fucking metal) and there have been more shows than I can count where we have played to an empty room, but I'd be lying if I said we didn't have fun doing it for the sake of just playing. On the other hand it is nice to have fans come up or even other bands and just say sweet set even if it is just one person.

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Re: Kube wanna tell you about something....

Post by Silkscreen » Wed Mar 15, 2017 3:19 pm

I don't understand this talk about celebrities. Yes, I have got positive replies on my few works. Does this make me a celebrity?
I've also got a lot of "negative feedback" from people who simply don't like the way I think about robotic women. Or the way I want to play. Who think it's dull what I have in mind. Or, who think it's oversexualized what I have in mind. Or both.
And I got some "negative feedback" from contacting people I thought they are the same as me … and they were not.

And I don't understand this talk about being sensitive. I am horribly sensitive, so much I hate myself for it. That's why I need these outbursts of creativity … and plain porn.

Guys. I've contacted people. I simply wrote to anyone who seemed to be an at least slightly interesting person. It's hard for me to make contact to people but I try.

Please. Be interesting. This forum is a catwalk where you can advertise your wicked fantasies. If you get no comments on your work, ask someone directly. Most people are simply too shy to comment. We have >1800 shy persons on the forums. Let them alone, ask some of those who you find interesting to comment.

EDIT: appended girlish inspirational content
:bighug: :thumbsup: :wink: :) :) :) :oops: :devil:

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