The Nightingale's Song - Part 8 (When Gynoids Fight)

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The Nightingale's Song - Part 8 (When Gynoids Fight)

Post by ButchyBoy » Sun Mar 07, 2004 11:52 pm

Harry was about to find a way to shake their unwanted shadow, when it was suddenly infront of them! It was the Chairman's cyber-assain Athena. Standing nearly seven feet tall, she took the trio of heros by surprise. "Are you Harry Lang?" she asked rather curtly, cocking her head to one side. Harry wasn't sure what to make of the well toned amazon standing in front of him, but Cricket found her limbs powering up, ready for trouble. Harry decided to give Athena a standard "tough guy" reply, "That depends on who's asking." Athena's response was the grab Harry by the neck and lift him up several feet to bring him eye level with her. Guess she had heard that one before, Harry thought. "Put him down!!" Cricket commanded. Athena's response to that was to grab the little blonde fembot by the neck and toss her like a rag doll several feet into the snow. "Where is it?", the much taller brunette fembot asked Harry coldly. Lang tried his best to answer, considering is airway was rather restricted. "Where's what?", he asked. Athena banged Harry's head into a tree branch above him before replying. "The Nightingale?", was her next inquiry. "Sure you got the right guy?", Harry answered. This got him arother date with the tree branch. While all this was going on, Cricket was able to gather herself, and determine that Harry was tangling with an Executer model fembot, the most deadly kind man could make. Taking her head on would most likely result with a squashed Cricket. Yet, she had to do something. She came up with a plan in a mere few nanoseconds (just before Harry's head met the tree branch the first time). She yanked her Daddy's Girl case from the backpack, dug franticly, and produced a cube of bubble gum, ripping the wrapper free and poping it in her mouth in one swift movement.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Mon Mar 08, 2004 12:18 am

While all this was going on, Bill Decker also tried to free Harry from Athena's clutches with a makeshift two by four. He was also tossed into the snow for his effort. When ecker, got up, he saw what Cricket was doing. "Hey......little doll.......have you flipped??!!", Decker was shouting, "Your partner is about to get his neck broken, and your sitting there chewing gum??!!!!" Cricket didn't look at him, she never took her eyes off Harry and Athena. She answered Decker with a simple. "Yes, excuse me." She pulled the golden nightingale from her backpack, and went to get the amazon robot's attention. "Hey, Bride of Frankenstein, looking for this??", Cricket called out. On hearing this, Athena looked over to see where the voice was coming from. When she saw Cricket waving the item she had been prograammed to retrive, she immediately dropped Harry into the show and went after the little fembot. Cricket dodged this way and that, tossing the golden bird like a hot potato. "That's right, I've got the little golden birdie right here, come and get it." It didn't take very long for Athena to do so. She lifted Cricket by the arms, with the intention of crushing the smaller robot, and getting the nightingale. Cricket had other plans. She took the gum she had been chewing all this time, and began blowing a huge bubble. This strange action was enough to distract Athenta for a moment which was all the little blonde needed. Insted of sucking air to pop the bubble back into her mouth, she blew it out for all she was worth, causing bubble gum to cover Athena's face. Cricket was dropped into the snow and Athena struggled to get the massive wad of gum out of her optic units.

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Post by ButchyBoy » Mon Mar 08, 2004 12:49 am

Cricket franticly scanned for an easy access panel on Athena. It would be a matter of seconds before the killer droid had cleared the gooey gum off her face. As luck would have it, a patch of the amazon's bare midriff stuck out like a sore thumb. In a matter of three seconds, Cricket had jammed her pinky into Athens's navel, pulled the panel free, took the rest of the gum she had been chewing, jammed it into her CPU, and replaced the panel. She then ran to Harry, helping him to his feet. "You okay Harry?" "Yeah, just a little winded kid", Harry replied. "Well, get a second wind cause we gotta run" "Oh, perfect!"
"Come on Mr. Decker", Cricket called out. As the trio ran for cover, Athena had gotten the gum off her face, and went after them. "You cannot escape me. I will get the nightingale and kill you all." Athena took about five steps, and was about to repeat her statements, when she suddenly had trouble walking. The gum was having its desired effect, and starting to play havoc with her systems one by one. "Yooooooouuuu can-can-can-can-not-not-not essssssssssss error overloading". The more Athena tried to move, the more strain she put on her motors, until they began to tear apart. "Overload.....malfunction.....overload.........self des-des-des-trustttttttttttt activateddddddddd" Harry, Cricket, and Decker, had mangaded to get behind a concreate bunker left over fron the war, and hope for the best. Athena was out of control by that time, her head, arms, and torso, flying everywhere. "Ovvverrrrrloaddddingggggggg hellppppppp meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee OOOOOOOOOOOOO" was the last sound killer droid managed to make before exploding in several parts.
Next: Cricket makes a sacrifice

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Post by DollSpace » Tue Mar 09, 2004 8:19 pm

More Nightingale goodness! Can't wait for the next part! ^_^


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