My transformation desire

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My transformation desire

Post by biriani » Sun Nov 20, 2016 5:07 pm

Hi I've just found this forum after searching the net after trying to fing like minded people. I'm not quite sure you are quite like minded as I don't see that many transformation topics, well not like mine anyway!
I've always had a desire to be transformed into a robot! My ultimate desire is to become a t 800! For those unfamiliar with a t 800 it's the robot endoskeleton from the terminator films.This particular robot is most people's idea of a nightmare, the terminator is a killing machine, very tough, strong and almost indestructible.

On a side note did any of you ever watch star trek and see the borg? Did you see them assimilating other civilizations turning them into semi synthetic cyborgs? I loved those scenes and unlike all other people who were afraid of assimilation, I loved the idea of being transformed and joining a hive mind. I've just always loved the idea of becoming metallic, indestructible and a full on robot! So my desire to become a terminator T 800 is even more extreme than becoming a borg. I want to post a picture of the T 800 so you can see just how extreme my ultimate desire really is!!

I've had psychosis recently, this is where you hear voices, they come from and are created in the subconscious mind. It's considered an illness but I loved most of my experience. The voice would play games with me and he told me that I was being mind read by a TV show and was watched by millions. He did many other things this is just an example.

My favorite thing my voice did was that he played upto my transformation desires and he pretended to be the devil. Btw when you have this voice created bt psychosis you initially have no idea where it came from and because the voice seems to come from thin air and has power over you mind he really can make you believe almost anything. So one night he came and pretended to be the devil (At the time I thought anything could be true) He wanted to make a deal with me. I'd have a great life in this life with all that I ever wanted and then I'd be his property in the next life. This does indeed sound very daunting and I guess most people wouldn't accept the offer. I did though because I'm generally unhappy and suffer with anxiety and depression. The deal was that in the next life Id be transformed into a T 800 terminator and I'd be evil and the most powerful terminator in the universe! Now 1 thing I didn't want was to be evil cos I'm not. Though the thing is is that the terminator like the name suggests is a killing machine.

I was totally overcome by this proposal and instantly accepted. After all my next life wouldn't be something awful in exchange for a good life in this life time. If anything my next life would be even better and I'd get to become my ultimate desire! The biggest turn on for me was (and being transformed into a T 800 is totally sexual as is probably quite common I guess) that my transformation would take upto an hour and I'd be standing in front of a mirror watching. It would start at the feet and I'd see my feet and legs transforming into a T 800s. I'd see the metallic transformation moving very slowly up my body. I'd be VERY turned on by this and after half an hour I'd be half machine half human. I'd also be reminded that there would be no going back and the transformation would be permanent forever!! I'd love hearing this as it fully dawned on me what was happening and what I was to become. After 55 minutes my favorite part would arrive. It's also the part where I really shit myself. Now I realise that during the whole process I would indeed be shitting myself but it would be over powered by the absolute amazing realization of what was happening! Yes after 55 minutes the transformation would be up to my neck. I'd get to see my face one last time and then I'd see and feel that metal go up. I'd see my head and face slowly transforming into the terminators.I want the face to be the last thing transformed as I love that face. I just want it to be the final part of the transformation where I'd finally become the machine I'd always wanted to become! When complete I'd get this weird realization. I'd realize that I was gonna be this way forever and there was nothing I could do about it!Image[/img]

Now most people would consider the T 800 a nightmarish vision and obviously never ever consider wanting to actually become one. I think though that the T 800 is very beautiful, I LOVE that face it's so menacing and evil! I'm not evil but one thing I would have to accept is that I would be as a T 800. I cannot help being seduced though, I want to be a T 800 terminator SO much!! I don't want to be covered in human skin of course no I want to be the hyper alloy endoskeleton.

I've had this fantasy for many years and was always pissed off that it would never come true! Not even in the next life, if there is a next life then I'll ask to become one in a world where I belong. Though I really hope in my deepest desires that I really have made a deal with the devil and will be transformed in to what I want to become one day. I've read a few things about transformation on the site but in my wanting to share my desire I really don't know much about the site and will have a good look around now. Do any of you share my desire? I'll try post a pic of the T 800 I want you to see what I want to become.I'm serious when I say that I want this more than anything in the world!! The first time I saw that endoskeleton I was instantly attracted and wanted to become it totally!!Image

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Re: My transformation desire

Post by Silkscreen » Wed Nov 23, 2016 9:39 am

I can't think of anyone with the slightest interest in this topic not familiar with the Terminator franchise. Same with Star Trek's Borg.
I've had psychosis recently
If you really had a *psychosis*, I beg you to go to a doctor and let her or him help you. Such things are dangerous as you may fall out of reality completely, putting yourself into life-threatening situations without noticing. Fantasies are great but we all have to keep a grip on reality.
I did though because I'm generally unhappy and suffer with anxiety and depression.[...]in the next life Id be transformed
I'm totally unqualified to help you, still I think I must.

Biriani, there is no next life. You are what you are, a person with strong sexual and destructive fantasies. That's okay but the more real they get, the more control you need and that doesn't work with psychosis, unhappiness, anxiety, depression and talking about a next life.

You need help. Before you destroy yourself and the people you love.

Silke over.

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Re: My transformation desire

Post by biriani » Thu Nov 24, 2016 11:07 am

Okay thanks. My psychosis has gone now and I do see a doctor about it. Really? I had no idea no body would be interested? I see that most here have an attraction to robots. I'm not sexually attracted to machines as in wanting to have sex with them but it is a sexual thing for me. I find certain robots attractive but in a way that I want to become them not be with them.
I guess I see your point. I've never had a fantasy about being sexual with a robot and I'm now assuming most here do not have desires to be transformed in to one. Your fetish seems rare but looking around, mine seems rarer! I see technosexual as a sexuality but I struggle to see anything on being transformed. Does your fetish go beyond being sexy with robots or is there more to it?

Thanks for the concern btw.

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Re: My transformation desire

Post by Stephaniebot » Thu Nov 24, 2016 2:35 pm

I'll be quite honest, and say that the nature of your first posting rather put me off replying. But seems you may have realized that now. So...

To be honest, the number of us here, seeking to be transformed into robots, is in the minority. Yes, I'm another one of them, though my dream robot look is more the submissive, controlled servant/worker type than your vision of things. My favourite look, the Maria one, from Metropolis!
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Re: My transformation desire

Post by Silkscreen » Thu Nov 24, 2016 5:53 pm

biriani wrote:Okay thanks. My psychosis has gone now and I do see a doctor about it. Really? I had no idea no body would be interested?
Oh, I'm sure interested in the topic but I cannot play with people who have a serious medical problem which renders them helpless. This would be annoying at best and dangerous at worst.

To make it even worse, how you wrote about your fantasies let me think of a suicidal gunman preparing for a rampage. That's why I wrote I feel I must help you, though being totally unqualified.

When you hear voices in your head, please see a doctor. That's not fun but an emergency. :(

I see that most here have an attraction to robots. I'm not sexually attracted to machines as in wanting to have sex with them but it is a sexual thing for me. I find certain robots attractive but in a way that I want to become them not be with them. I guess I see your point. I've never had a fantasy about being sexual with a robot and I'm now assuming most here do not have desires to be transformed in to one. Your fetish seems rare but looking around, mine seems rarer! I see technosexual as a sexuality but I struggle to see anything on being transformed. Does your fetish go beyond being sexy with robots or is there more to it?
Does this help? (see the PDF, too) (Ah, and yes, shameless plug :oops: )

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Re: My transformation desire

Post by Stephaniebot » Fri Nov 25, 2016 1:23 am

Great picture, love that body, and look
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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