Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

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Re: Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

Post by --NightBattery-- » Sun Oct 12, 2014 11:41 am

Oddly enough i once was about to make a thread with the same title.
because, who knows, maybe eventually they'll make game making easier (i know there are game making softwares.) or one day we'll get time to get into a communal proyect for fun,
i had an idea of an asfr 2d scroller blend of ninja warrior, metal slug and mega man X like those flash games you can repeat the same scene a lot to get money for upgrades for the next scene while getting the feeling of making a diference, like in zombie killing games, but with nudity and robots getting broken.

or a fighting game software could be used to make a fighting game featuring some of the fembot characters some members have created.
that would be so wizard.
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Re: Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

Post by FaceoffFembot » Sun Oct 12, 2014 2:22 pm

One thing to do when starting in game development is to keep it small. Instead of trying to make a whole new universe with exclusive mechanics, try tweaking an already existing system. For example, Shadowrun Returns', a story-driven RPG, has a scenario editor, an its universe already lends itself to fembots. You could create custom content for The Sims games, if you want something more emergent. There's a whole lot of games that give their players tools to create additional content, some of which are extremely coding-light, like text adventures.

But back on the question you asked. To me, the idea of a game without real goal, where you just fiddle around with fembots is unattractive. I'm not against games that focus more on atmosphere than on gameplay, far from it, I'm even a fan of so-called "walking simulators". But even in those you have a goal: find the clues in Gone Home, see all the variants of the story of The Stanley Parable... If you don't give your player some sense of achievement, it all gets very bland very quick, no matter how much work you put in it.


Re: Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

Post by --NightBattery-- » Sun Apr 24, 2016 3:42 pm

Artificial Artificial Girl.

The Japanese have incursionated in elaborated sexual videogames that are light years away from the dating Sims.
I once played one of these “eroge” games named artificial girl 3. Lured by the name of course. To my joy the game was fantastic in design and detail in corollary with the aesthetic of the characters. After playing that game I understood that Boob physics was a real thing where developers spend more time than the actual game, you could even see the nipple ridges!The only depressing part was the lack of a challenge. Something that is so expected of videogames. After making the characters make out there was little to do.That, and the fact that there was no implicit and explicit fembot content in the game other than designing the girl that then behaved like a normal girl. So I daydreamed of the kind of eroge game that I would like to create if I had born with ten multicolored cocks and I was worshiped on India as the new avatar of Vishnu:

It would be a game where the Android girl is like your pet, guardian and toy. In this game the girl will need items for maintenance like a virtual pet and she will have stats that mark the things she can do and the special abilities she will poses.At the start of the game the player will create the girl in a special screen where a default endoskeleton will be shown, or perhaps the player will need to add the pieces one by one, depending what is more sexy. Many options to customize the endoskeleton sections and features will be shown. The player can watch and zoom the robot from any angle by holding the mouse as it is normal in many create-characters screens. The parts you choose will slightly modify the stats of the fembot so you can have certain type of character. After that the player will be sent to a second create-character screen where a default human looking skin will be added, (a bald white or Asian girl with closed eyes) here the player will be able to change the eight and volume of the girl and the color of many things. Adding skin or plates, all the superficial features will be optional, and they’ll be able to be removed if the player wants to play with a “naked robot”. A smart player will be capable of creating many types of robot tropes using this second create-character section: a plate body robot, latex robot, transparent robot, metallic skin robot, blocky robot, articulated robot and so and so… even some other things like modifying the character so it has elvish ears and other things if the player has a spark of imagination and talent to “free-sculpting” the character, many limitations will be added so the player doesn't try to create too crazy things; like trying to sculpt a penis and balls on the pubis of the robot girl. The player will be encouraged and discouraged by bonuses and penalties created by the inner and outer parts he or she chooses so there is an element of strategy in building the girl. There will be many locked customizations to encourage the player to play and finish the game. (Making a shemale robot and multiboobs will be one of the hard unlockable prizes for finishing the game).

The game will be similar to a RPG adventure where you control a character representing you, which you have to customize too, but with a lot more limitations. This character will be the owner of the robot girl and the PC, the robot girl will follow this character. The scenario of the game will be some short of island overruned with Kaiju looking monsters and a town in the middle with some human NPCs, which, if you want, you can try to develop friendships and intermeddle in their lives if you want, in a similar way to a dating sim, harvest moon or animal crossing. You can make your robot girl become friends with them too and they’ll be useful for her development creating additional options for the game, you’ll be able to have sex with those human characters too and they’ll visit and/or live with you and other stuff to make the game feel a little alive. Even, to add some excitement to the game, you’ll be capable of raping and order your robot to assassinate those characters if you want to simulate sadism and disrupt the game, the other NPCs will think it was the monsters. You choose what kind of relationship you have with the town. Most NPCS will be rather naïve and gullible, and with very a nice esthetics.
Most of the joy of the game will be developing your robot girl that will start somehow in a state of innocence (depending on some traits that you have chosen for her), seeing her developing and reacting will make the experience of using the love mode a lot more interesting. Since at the beginning she will be your only friend/companion with no preconceptions. Also exploring the abandoned places of the island will be fun. Destroying all the monsters can be one of the objectives of the game if the player so wishes.

After some trigger events and to keep the game interesting a rival will appear, an enemy that you have to defeat, this enemy will be an evil character that will want to take over the town, it will have a robot girl too (perhaps you can customize both of them too, as for some people it would be interesting to fu** them after you defeat them) every time you lose a match with your rival part of the town will be destroyed and even some NPCS will be kidnapped, die or turned into evil cyborgs or something, depending on your relationship with them. You will have to find the hideout of your enemy either by searching in the island or after saving the town multiple times. Every time a new game is created the location of the enemy hideout will be randomized.
After a time the game will allow you to build more robot girls, but not immediately so a feeling of accomplishment and reward is generated, perhaps after the first robot girl has fully developed or has been destroyed. It would be cool to see the scrap of your defeated robot in your base or something as you create a new one. Needing to find special items if you want to restore your first robot and stuff like that...

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Re: Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

Post by Extyr » Sun Apr 24, 2016 7:52 pm

This topic has been in my mind for a while. I've been wondering if I could adapt Robotman's universe into a 4X/text adventure hybrid game. The half baked concept document has been sitting on my desktop for months.

Basically you'd play as the main intelligence of either Fembot Command or Robot Control and your goal would be to achieve to mythical Project H. Each faction would have its bonuses. You build bases and operatives in order to get research points for the main objective. Your main resources are money and processing power. Devising plan and missions for your operatives cost processing power, while money is needed to upgrade your bases and create units. Success rates of your missions are random but better tech and plans mean better chances. You'd also have a stealth meter. At first only your rival organisation would hinder you, but after some screw up, conspiracy theorists would start to pop up. Fail even more and then to government secret agencies will start to hunt you down. Get to 100% and the whole world learns about you and panics (meaning GAME OVER).

I'd have to work ALOT more on the design, but I think I'd be able to code a pure text game with this premise. Now whether or not I can get motivated enough to do it is another question. Hell I don't even know if Robotman would let me use his setting.


Re: Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

Post by --NightBattery-- » Sun Apr 24, 2016 8:04 pm

An alternate ending condition could be eliminating the enemy faction if they are closer to achieve the first objective!

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Re: Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

Post by darkbutflashy » Mon Apr 25, 2016 8:27 pm

Extyr, I too think that's a great idea. Making it a stats based game puts some automatic into it which blends well with the theme. However, I have an idea to spin this further: don't expose the stats to the player. Instead, it's all hidden under meaningful, robotic text blurbs. So when you sent your bots on missions, they occasionally report what they are doing and you have to keep track of this in your mind. And as more bots you have on missions, the more complicated it gets because they all report in real-time and you have to go for the big picture while your bots are all only focused on simple tasks they can accomplish by their programming. This would be extremely challenging for the very reason people nowadays aren't prepared for rapid, thorough text processing any more. tl;dr.

Another complication can be different bot types and different source material (given they are transformed from women) give different, opaque stats which may change the outcome of a mission.
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Re: Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

Post by Extyr » Tue Apr 26, 2016 4:17 pm

Well I was thinking more of a turn by turn approach, as by 4X games tradition. Hiding the stats would just be mean to the player, and the goal of a game is to have fun, is it not? As for the bots stats, I was thinking about doing different unit tiers using robotman different models of fembot as a base. Then you would be able to research new technologies to get new functions and better performances. In fact I'd have to design the whole tech tree. Things like different programming packages (social, work, sexual, etc.), waterproofing, night vision, subdermal injector, gas dispenser, perspiration simulation, hair and nail growth, etc. So I have to decide what would be those main stats. Human likeness? Battery life? Processing power? Imagination? Combat power? Enemy detection? Attractiveness? So many things to consider...

I only have a half finished university degree in computer science and I haven't coded anything in 5 years, so I don't even know if this is little more than wishful dreaming...

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Re: Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

Post by darkbutflashy » Wed Apr 27, 2016 5:30 am

Ah, so our idea was not entirely different. And nah, hiding the stats isn't mean when you provide enough infomation to the player she/he can guess the actual stats herself. The reason why I personally don't like to see any stats is because I focus extremly on these numbers then and miss the whole story. It reduces the game to minesweeper, and that gets old after a while.
I only have a half finished university degree in computer science and I haven't coded anything in 5 years, so I don't even know if this is little more than wishful dreaming...
Ah, oh, electrical engineer here. But coded my first game 34 years ago. Second program I did, actually. So, practice! It helps you much more than any degree.

I had the idea to do this in Inform7, like NukuNookee did it with his "Gynoid Conversion" game. It's a descriptive language suited for processing of "natural" language commands and the source code is pretty much readable as plain english, too. One can use it for text adventures and stats-based games too. The compiler outputs to zcode/glulx, so it can be embedded into web sites to play it online.
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Re: Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

Post by stelarfox » Tue May 10, 2016 10:12 am

This topic is just for me as i am a video game programmer.
even so, sims work because you have some kind of objective, even if you can do anything. also thats why after some times the play gets boring (for me at least).
and as i also enjoy what robotman says i think that ,if you put the gynoids as you say, will be kind of boring. the actual AI you can make will be dull.
i mean part of the reason i like this is because of the fact they should act almost human without the problems of a human. you can call a gynoid "you are my doll" but a human girl will mostly not want that. meanwhile if you enjoy doing so a gynoid would.
and exactly that will be the problem, if a gynoid always says something like "thank master" will be boring rather soon.

so for that kinds of interaction i will really prefer something more interactive like for example, second life, where you can really rp. and then its a lot more fullfilling. (after all the no goal is still there but with more open posibilities).
came here babe cyborg.


Re: Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

Post by --NightBattery-- » Tue May 10, 2016 4:35 pm

i can imagine a fembot of your universe giving a fellatio to the character, then after a bar becomes full and a sassy looking button appears and the player click it, her face is splatted with the imaginary seed of the character. then after a small recovery she looks at the face of the PC with some bright eyes and ask "what do you want me to do now, master?"
and among the options there would be:

*do Go-kart Racing.

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Re: Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

Post by stelarfox » Tue May 10, 2016 6:38 pm

and will not be even better all you just say if you know a true female just said that because she truly wants to be a gynoid and do that for you really?

that kind of things is what i do in second life.
I build them, I program them, and also order them to do such things. even use the cum to "run" their systems.
came here babe cyborg.

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Re: Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

Post by darkbutflashy » Tue May 10, 2016 6:55 pm

Ah, I think we got carried away. But then, daydreaming... :P
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Re: Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

Post by Deep Blue » Sat May 21, 2016 2:48 pm

Maybe we made an assembling game, you can choose different part for the robot. Or make an arcade game , the fembot fight and broke the skin when got hit.

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Re: Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

Post by Murotsu » Sun May 22, 2016 12:16 am

Well, an older MMORPG called Scarlet Blade is a start. I think it's still available from the original designers...

A review: ... Blade.html



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Re: Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

Post by stelarfox » Sun May 22, 2016 2:22 pm

I guess every one had a different opinion, but truly in my case is a down to see what you shown. cannot explain what exactly.
perhaps they show too much metal, or perhaps i will like someone more like a cute maid. For my personal taste they look too forcefull and not cute enough but, thats just me of course.
came here babe cyborg.

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Re: Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

Post by darkbutflashy » Sun May 22, 2016 3:07 pm

If I understand it right, the girls are neither robots nor cyborgs but wear exoskeletons.
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Re: Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

Post by Stephaniebot » Mon May 23, 2016 5:06 am

Even as an exoskeleton, I do love that last one, would happily put that on. First one is way too revealing for an old lady like me, but the other 2 I could live with
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Re: Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

Post by Murotsu » Mon May 23, 2016 9:11 am

It is an MMORPG. It has to appeal to tens of thousands of players to make money. The storyline has the girls being manufactured. I'd say suspend belief and let your imagination see them the way you want to see them. There are some situations in the course of game play where you run into robot girls too as part of a scenario / task to advance your character.

My two big problems with this particular game have nothing to do with the appearance of the characters. Those are, first the game is "free to play." But, Aeria has it rigged heavily in favor of spending cash to get your character ahead. My objection here is that it is too tilted towards spending rather than allowing a player to advance based on good game play and the effort they put into the game. It is made too much in favor of buying success rather than gaining it by putting in the effort.
My second is with the game mechanics. It uses Steam as the game engine and that makes the controls somewhat complicated to use. It also results in a sometimes very artificial feel to play.

I haven't fooled with this game in quite a while, but I do think it is still available.

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Re: Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

Post by darkbutflashy » Mon May 23, 2016 10:01 am

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Re: Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

Post by stelarfox » Tue May 24, 2016 9:44 am

and what do you pretend quality over a free game?
the ones that did this do you think they care about what are we searching truly? they only care to give you marginally good product so you do not just toss it away automatically as i did. (but as a game programmer myself i have a bit higher standards) besides as i just expained i play a better game myself, because i play on SL really rping and owning the gynoid.
so an mmo where i know that they only want your money and really care only enough so you expend, will never be that good.
only people that really are like us, will make it good enough because the others have not enough pasion for it. and as the above graphic showed from south park what they said is 100% true.
they give a shity product so or you left it or you get a not so shity product if you expend a lot.
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Re: Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

Post by darkbutflashy » Tue May 24, 2016 12:37 pm

Ah, no. As the Prince of Canada and his prime minister (?) explained to Terrance and Philip, the game has to get only mildly interesting as soon as you pay. So you never go from the hook but you are never satisfied either.
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Re: Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

Post by stelarfox » Tue May 24, 2016 12:42 pm

true but i do not find that apealing when i can see all they try is to get money and not give you what you really want. also, because i can find more rewarding do it in some other way.
came here babe cyborg.


Re: Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

Post by KingJeremy » Fri May 27, 2016 2:03 pm

darkbutflashy wrote:Ah, no. As the Prince of Canada and his prime minister (?) explained to Terrance and Philip, the game has to get only mildly interesting as soon as you pay. So you never go from the hook but you are never satisfied either.
I'm more interested in Scott the Dick's take on this.

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Re: Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

Post by Deep Blue » Mon Oct 03, 2016 12:30 pm

I think it should have a large repair scene.


Re: Daydreaming: Fembot-themed video game

Post by --NightBattery-- » Mon Jul 17, 2017 4:02 pm

Hello I am Battery and this is my scavenger mode. I found some interesting daydreaming about robit videogames on ██████ and I am pouring it here to keep the ember of this thread alive. Regards.

Probably sandboxy RPG with lots of adventuring but in sci-fi setting, maybe with some survival elements, including traversing through derelicts, space bases etc, where aside from loot, plot hooks etc there's all kinds of lustful creatures including crazy hordes of sexy robot girls programmed/glitched to arouse and fuck dry any male and fuckable creature till they're completely spent.

So you got your regular survival, some combat, crafting, maybe even building if you plan to put down some roots somewhere and modernizing your own spaceship that could serve as a tiny base - non-lewd elements that make decent game on their own (I imagine something like first Fallouts or Septerra Core, just with different style of graphics and character busts etc a'la VNs). But there's also plenty of fucking, be it part of plot and character interaction or as alternative to fighting, especially against powerful robots of varied levels of humanoid looks, many of which are harmless till attacked but willing to fuck till then. Maybe you could also buy, customize some yourself or even find, hack or build from grounds up (using scavenged or bought, expensive and rare parts) some yourself as team members, choosing not only general looks (based on different parts with varied stats and functions) but also simulated personality (if any at all, probably would require better CPU etc) and prefered/eagerly indulged fetishes (may be limited by the rest of the hardware, don't expect footjobs from a robot which doesn't have limbs yet alone nice, soft, human-like legs but only antigrav jets, for example).

Would require plenty of work on even those aspects of customization alone (especially if you'd like robots to participate in conversations etc with differences depending on their personaity and parts) and it'd be game probably level above of even the best commercially sold H stuff if done properly so I don't expect to see anything like this anytime soon. But it's fun to imagine.

The bosses would be beautiful robot girls from different types, ranging from sexy and villanous humanoid robots, mechanical monster girls and robots that don't look too human but still have a very feminine air in their designs and personalities. The normal enemies are drones built solely for combat but since there are robo fetishists that find some of those cute or sexy then there would be some sort of sexualization in how they look.
You start the game with a very basic combat robot girl but you can obtain new parts by destroying enemies and use their parts to customize your robot girl both in look and in gameplay functions like gaining new mobility options, armor and weapons, customizing her personality would be neat too.
Boss battles have multiple ways to clear them with different rewards and outcomes depending on how you defeat the boss. Defeating them by attacking them with lethal weapons would destroy the boss and reward you with different parts depending on where you aimed your attacks the most but you can also find ways to disable the boss and take her back to HQ so that she becomes playable later after you repair her(the cost depends on how much you damaged the boss)

The game would have a lot of emphasis on the damage the bosses and the player take, reflecting this not only in their models but also in how they move, behave and their death animation. For example you can destroy specific body parts to disable some of the bosses' attacks like cutting the tail of a robot manticore and the like but this would make the repair cost higher and destroy some parts altogether. Finishing off the boss with powerful weapons like a sword would split her in half like in Mega Man Zero/ZX, using a powerful beam would destroy most of her torso and similar effects that would fit the weapon used. You can also use weaker weapons that won't cause all that much damage to her body once you destroy her, or you can use non lethal methods to make her run out of energy or a mix of both. However, the non lethal methods are more challenging and when the boss is low on life/energy she will enter a rage mode that makes the battle notably harder, after some time she will run out of energy and deactivate if you manage to survive without destroying her. Some non-lethal weapons would also have lewd effects on the boss like restraining her and leaving her in seductive poses or causing wardrobe malfunctions.

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