Home Service Warranty TWO

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Home Service Warranty TWO

Post by BA » Mon Jan 26, 2004 1:49 pm

Home Service Warranty


Kathy left the house, a little less than an hour after arriving. The door closed behind her and she followed the path to the driveway where she had parked the big company SUV in front of the garage doors. It unlocked as it sensed the smart-key in her pocket approaching and she heaved the heavy repair bag into the luggage bay between boxes and crates of components and equipment. Slamming the rear door closed on her kit she slipped around and into the front seat, swinging the door closed and vanishing behind the black glass.

She had been on the road for three days, stopping in motels overnight and travelling between service visits during the day. This was her favourite time, away from the labs and workshops in Main Building where she was (literally) just another part of the big production and repair machine. She spent her time at Hreftech working day and night on robots and androids. She corrected faults, serviced and upgraded, reclaimed components from scrap and stopped only for scheduled maintenance to her own systems. The need to download diagnostic data and be programmed for task after task meant that most of the technicians’ controls were left exposed under their lab coats; panels of flesh removed to reveal their electronic and mechanical bodies. Other service units were free to modify her system as required, shutting her down without warning just as she, when necessary, did to them. Kathy’s periods of working “in-house” passed as a blur, her character swamped by input and control. Looking back it seemed that they spent as long setting each other up for their work as they did servicing the customers’ androids!

It was always a relief when the time came for her to be reprogrammed for a stint on the road. This job was rotated to allow for maintenance requirements and to give all the department’s androids the chance to personality building benefits of operating in the real world, they were after all the ambassadors for the product.

She smiled as she sat in the driving seat. It had been quite an eventful night making the best use of her week of freedom. Like Sarah back inside the house Kathy was not a covert android but she was sophisticated enough to pass as human, even on very close inspection. Like many units she did not advertise her nature and, if no body asked then who needed to know? She had explored her sexual capabilities in some depth with an unsuspecting guest at her motel last night. Unsurprisingly she had an unlimited tolerance for alcohol that, combined with her fine pale beauty, ensured that she seldom wanted for company.

She popped up the car’s computer and brought up the next appointment, a multiple upgrade of some basic commercial units. Tedious work after servicing a high grade android so much like herself, even more advanced in fact in Sarah’s case. The journey would take a couple of hours but there was no hurry.

Kathy leaned over to the glove box and pulled out a thick black power cord. Her batteries would not last the day; she hadn’t had the privacy she needed last night to charge up in her room so the journey time would not be entirely wasted. She unbuttoned her jacket, safe from prying eyes behind the dark windows, and used the plastic probe hanging from the car charging cable to twist open the panel of white flesh above her breasts, exposing her controls as she pulled it free. She hooked herself up to the dash with a little quiver as the light below her power socket turned from red to winking amber.

If only she had had Sarah’s software last night. The experience was good but could have been unbelievable with the right programs to enjoy it. She thought of the beautiful and unattainable woman so recently writhing in uncontrolled ecstasy, responding to Kathy’s spoken command: when to reveal herself, when and how to climax. Her power over the other android, her status as system controller, would be wiped as she was re-programmed, perhaps had already been. The brief fantasy of taking advantage of the more advanced unit while she was helpless gave Kathy a thrill that set her more delicate sensors tingling. The woman had turned her on, and still would - she had cached her climaxing images for later use, but her home protection software and advanced design would make short work of the tech’ if she were caught out.

Kathy replayed a few scenes from Sarah’s repair, her eyes glazing as their input was replaced by memory files. The gentle buzz of power flowing into her battery and the experiences from last night and this morning built the dark android to the point where several response programs loaded and began to run. She cut the playback and looked down as she felt her sex moistening, warm and eager under the crotch of her smart trousers.

“Oh, what the hell…”

She had time and was eager to try her new upgrades. It was never wise to test software in public for the first time so why not now…?

Kathy slipped open the fastening of her suit trousers and slid the zipper down to let a hand slip under the black thong, the other sliding slowly up her body to caress her full breasts, then move on over the inset plastic of her controls to her lips and throat. Her back arched and eyes drifted closed as her pale fingers slipped up into her sex and her manicured thumb found its target on her clitoris, now begging for her touch.

The pale android woman masturbated, first gently, then with increasing urgency. She toyed and thrusted at her wet parts with one, then both hands as she sought out the stimuli that would execute one of her new sequences. Not able to launch her own programs directly as she had done with Sarah, Kathy experimented until she felt the program Hall Climax 1.ex load into her launch buffer. She drove her fingers hard up into herself, grasping at her breast with her other hand, grinding the hard nipple through the filmy fabric of her bra.

“Oh…. OHH… OH YES!! YESSS!!!”

She shouted out, careless of her loud voice in the small cabin of the car, as the program opened and threw her head back, eyes screwed tightly shut. She came, harder than she ever had, fingers thrusting in and out, spreading her fragrant wetness across her thighs and stomach in her frenzy. Even before the climax had begun to fade anther, stronger wave of ecstasy broke over Kathy forcing her body backwards, braced legs driving her deep into the soft leather of the seat. She was screaming now, not caring where she was, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Her hand flew from her breast and smashed as a sideways fist into the car’s door, again and again she pounded as a third great wave of feeling engulfed her.

The frenzied android became aware of a tiny problem, dwarfed during those earth shattering moments; she was drawing far too much power. A warning niggled its way into her awareness and with a cry of annoyance she grasped the power cord in her flailing hand and ripped it free of her chest without bothering to close the charge management program. There was a bang and a brilliant blue flash lit the vehicles interior as sparks flew from her chest, “SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!” A hot metallic smell drifted from Kathy’s singed power connectors and a string of minor errors processed through her system as her passion finally seemed to have run its course.

“Oh… My… God!”, she whispered in the sudden silence. Her body quivered and twitched in her seat, from the aftershocks of her massive climax or from clearing power system errors was not clear. She sat stunned by the force of her experience and gently toyed with the hot slick juice across her white thighs, the thong now ripped away and hanging from her zipper letting her fingers play freely over her smooth hairless lips. She was a mess, smelling of sex and hot tin, drenched in sweat and quivering from head to foot. The program had not yet closed and Kathy waited, gently soothing herself with her hands until she could be sure it was over.

“Illegal program detected.”

Kathy registered brief shock at her own words before her glossy red lips were hijacked again.

“System suspended. Please reboot manually in next sixty seconds to prevent shutdown.”

She took control of her features again to show utter confusion, anger and fear. She struggled to speak but her voice was offline along with most other functions. Some hidden anti-pirate safeguard had caught Kathy in the act and, short of a helpful stranger pressing the blinking red button in her chest very soon, there was nothing she could do about it. She gaped in silent impotent rage at her predicament, pressed back into her seat with her juices slowly drying on her bare crotch, two fingertips just inside her aching pussy, her other hand clutching her stomach.

Humiliation replaced anger and her face was a picture of horror as she imagined being found like this, shut down and helpless. Betrayed by her own systems as she was caught breaking the rules. This was beyond the leeway the company would tolerate and she could not expect to leave her next programming session the same person she was now. Feeling bitter and stupid she announced two further dispassionate shutdown warnings in her clear calm voice before her minute ran out. On the dot of the sixtieth second Kathy’s power cut out, freezing her systems instantly mid thought, mid feeling, mid expression and silence descended on the vehicle as it had on Sarah’s study only a little while before.

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Post by Mirage » Mon Jan 26, 2004 2:43 pm

This is a very good story!


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Post by tc » Mon Jan 26, 2004 5:21 pm

you got me hooked

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Post by Korby » Wed Jan 28, 2004 12:30 am

Very excellent. I offer my best compliments on a fine story.
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That is a ill idea"
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Post by tectile » Wed Jan 28, 2004 7:34 am

She was a mess, smelling of sex and hot tin, drenched in sweat and quivering from head to foot.

Man, It don't get much better than that.
This is some FINE writing.

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Post by DrFranklin » Sat Jan 31, 2004 9:35 pm

This is a great story.

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Post by htb21 » Sun Feb 01, 2004 1:44 am

WOW! Great work!

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Post by freejack71 » Sun Feb 01, 2004 3:34 am

Can't wait for more!! Good story!!

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Post by Kano » Sun Feb 01, 2004 9:44 pm

All I can say is (hands clapping) Bravo!

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Post by jpetoh » Tue Feb 03, 2004 6:04 am

more more more

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