Not perfect, Last part

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Not perfect, Last part

Post by Mirage » Sun Jan 25, 2004 5:00 pm

I was removing tears from my eyes when I saw Morgan ran downstairs and exited the house quickly. "Morgan! Wait!" I yelled to her. My father was lost in his memories and pain. I ran to her outside. "Morgan...I..." I staggered. "Sam... your father is right.. My father might just one day decide to erase my A.I. and POOF! I'll be gone!!!!! No more Morgan!" she screamed out. "I am willing to take that chance!!!!" I yelled to her. "Sam! Look at your father! He's so messed up because he did the same you are doing with me!" she screamed back at me.

"Morgan!!! DAMN IT! I LOVE YOU!!" I screamed so loud, the entire street heard me in the night. "So do I... but until I get reprogrammed or something... already my father changed my settings once to make you lose interest in me..What if he does erase my A.I. next?... This is no life for you or me." Morgan mumbled. "Let's just enjoy the present together then, right now, right here.. Let's worry about the future the next day... not now.." I responded, hugging her hard in my arms. "Sam.. I am so scared of losing you..." she cried in my arms.

The next day, Morgan never showed up at school. I skip school and went to her house. No one was there. The house was empty. She and her father were gone.

It's been more than 2 weeks that Morgan and her father had disappeared. My heart was broken, of course. I cried myself to sleep almost every night. My father did his best to consol me, but knew he could do little.

One night, I was watching a game with my father on the TV when the phone wrung. I answered it and it was Morgan. "Change the TV to channel 26." was the only things she said before hanging up.

Confused, I quicky asked my dad to switch channel. He asked why, I just told him to do it.

"Tonight on 50 Minutes, we have a special report called "Teenagers, still assholes to over-weight people?"

Meet Morgan, 17 year old, high intelligence, nice girl, ...but somewhat short and a bit over weight for her age. She goes to a small high school in a rural country side village. The teenagers around here act like any teenagers does in our school systems around the country. Things here are somewhat more relax than city schools. Low crime rate, almost unheard of drugs, nice neighbourhood, you might think.

But here, in today's age, we would think that teenagers would act better than the teenagers did 50 years ago. Sadly, the truth, things are just the same.

Reporter : "Morgan, how the kids treat you at your school because of your weight?"

Morgan : "Well, they constant make fun of me... calling me Porky, cow.. Mean stuff..."

Reporter :"Just because you are slightly over-weight compared to the other girls at your school."

Morgan : "Yes... it's hurtful.. I wish people could be more thoughtful.. I hate it being like this."

You see, we have all heard of Teenagers being mean to others. But here is the surprise. Morgan is not your typical teen. She is the creation of Doctor Thompson. Doctor Thompson created many years ago Morgan to collect data on how teenagers are in today's society.

Reporter : Doctor Thompson, why create a lightly over-weight female android?

Doctor Thompson : Well, I am myself a chubby teenager when I was young and I was hoping in today's advance in technology and society, things were now different. So, one day, I built Morgan to help me gather the data I wanted. To my surprise, the teens were assholes to her on her first day of schools. Things were just like I remember when I was in High school too!

Reporter : Fascinating! So, Morgan is everything you hoped for!

Doctor Thompson : Oh yes... she got so much data for me. Even now the school system and government is analysing my data. But not all things were bad... I was surprised at one thing that she did that I was not aware that she could do.

Reporter : and what is that?

Doctor Thompson : She made a boy fall in love with her! Really care's for her! And very good looking lad too!

Reporter : Did that boy knew she was an android?

Doctor Thompson : Yes, but he didn't care... Even as we speak, they are together! True love! Man and Machine! So proud of them! That is what I call advance romance!

Reporter : That is nice! So, to anyone who's over-weight out there, real or artificial, you still can find true love sometimes!

Doctor Thompson : Exactly!

Reporter : Thank you and Good night, Doctor Thompson!

I turned off the TV and look at my father confused. He gave me "I don't know anything!" look.

Suddenly, the door bell rang. I ran to the door and opened it.

It was Morgan! She hugged me hard and we kissed . "SAM! SAM! I missed you so much!!"She cried out. Tears in my eyes, I asked her what had happened. "It does not matter...We are together now! Here is a letter from my father.. He want's you to open it!" she smiled, with tears of happiness.

"To Sam, please take good care of Morgan, she is now yours. Have a good life with her and hopes she brings you great happiness.


Doctor Thompson"

I look at Morgan and kissed her deep "Never leave me again!".

My father walked to us and hugged us "Welcome to your new home, Morgan.".

Maybe my mother was an android and now my girlfriend is one too, but I don't care... as long I believe that the love I had and have is real, that is all it matters to me.

The end

Hope you enjoyed it!

Not bad, for one weekend, eh? :wink:


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Post by DollSpace » Sun Jan 25, 2004 9:51 pm

Aww! Lovely story! And the ending's really sweet ^^

*looks forward to your next story*

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Post by zerodin » Sun Jan 25, 2004 11:10 pm

I enjoyed this story, for maybe a different reason.
FINALLY a gynoid with a lil meat on her internal support structure!
Cheers Mirage!

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Post by htb21 » Mon Jan 26, 2004 12:09 am

good stuff, nice ending!

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Post by Korby » Mon Jan 26, 2004 1:38 am

Very enjoyable story, Mirage. Well done.
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Post by tc » Mon Jan 26, 2004 8:01 am

interesting story

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Post by BA » Mon Jan 26, 2004 11:07 am

Well done! I loved the character and her casualness to her nature, very cool.

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Post by The Collector » Mon Jan 26, 2004 7:39 pm

Beautiful, absolutely beautiful :D :D :D
There's always time to collect!

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