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Post by Dark_Archon » Fri Jul 19, 2002 4:29 pm

OK we tried this on the old board but it failed so lets try it again. Add a paragraph to the story and see where it goes, If someone starts it i'll chip in cause i wanna know if it will kick off

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Build-a-Story: The Circuit Breaker

Post by ButchyBoy » Sun Jul 21, 2002 1:38 am

My name is not important. I have several. I'm what's know as a 'circuit breaker'. Certain individuals pay me very well to put androids -- most of them female -- out of commission with no evidance of foul play or trace of any virus. And I do my job very well. They never suspect what I'm up to until the last nanosecond when it's far too late to stop me. My current 'assignment' is a six foot even robo-hottie who goes by the name of Rita Stone, assistant to some hot-shot lawyer. Sleek and sexy as they come: Mounds of lush dark hair, high cheeks, perfect red lips, eyes hidden behind a pair of raybans, and dressed to the nines in a typical business power suit. Within an hour, I'd have every scrap of memory from her pretty little head, and the lovely Ms. Stone will be a babbling, smoldering mess on the floor.

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Post by Dark_Archon » Sun Jul 21, 2002 12:07 pm

My current employer had payed me extremely well for this job. It appeared he wanted miss stone out of commission and fast but for what reason and why was not my place to ask. I casually strolled into the office of J.J and son and asked for an appointment to see Miss stone it was come place to see a lawyers assistant before they would agree to deal with your legal dilemma and maybe this was going to be my chance

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Post by Mirage » Sun Jul 21, 2002 7:14 pm

Before I could meet the android, J.J. the lawyer came in. "Dynomite!!" He screamed out loud and sat quickly facing me. His giant Afro sacred me, along his dark blue skin. "What is your problem you want us to deal with?" J.J. asked me. "Erectile problems, I want to sue my wife. My ex-wife actually. Before the final night of signing the divorce papers, she did a little joke on me. Ever heard of Larana Bobbit in the 1990s? Yes? Good... She cut it off clean, with a laser scalpel. I woke up trying to scratch it and it was missing. She was sitting there, sucking at it in her mouth, laughing like a crazed lunatic.". The man sitting in front of me did a snarl of painful imagination. "Yes... I think we can help you. RITA, come here for a second." he screamed out loud. The beautiful android came in the office and sat beside me.

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Post by Baron » Mon Jul 22, 2002 7:39 am

I barely noticed her, as with several rapid eyeblinks, I activated my "heads-up" computer screen. You see, I was prepared for just such an opportunity. My line of work requires a great deal of discretion, so some pretty exotic devices are called for. The computer display I was now consulting was actually built into a perfectly ordinary pair of tinted eyeglasses (the kind that automatically adjust the tint level, depending on light intensity). These were modified in two ways: controls for manually changing the tint, and (of course) the HUD, which was naturally only visible to the user. The overall controls consisted of two high-powered, and extremely sensitive electrodes (disguised as the nose cushions) which responded to coded eyeblinks, and the clenching of various facial muscles, to execute various commands. A random low-frequency radio pulse provided all the stealth "cloaking" I needed to conceal the nature of my "specs".

Actually, I was feeling a little bit let down - this was almost too easy. As I spun my "payback's a bitch, and so am I" yarn (trying to wince believably in spots), I was simultaneously asessing my attractive mechanical target, via the HUD. That's when it hit me - I DID find her attractive. Maybe I needed a break from my work, but there it was - my intended target all of a sudden had some illicit appeal to me.

Things got even more interesting, mighty quick. JJ looked at me and said "Well, if you find our up-front fee acceptable, we'll get right on it. Miss Stone will need to meet with you to complete the background; when that's done, I'll see where we can go, and what we can get for your ah, pain and suffering. Now, I insist that we seal the deal according to company tradition. Are you familiar with The Killer Watt Klub?"
"Isn't that the new over-priced joint downtown? 'Interactive club for the senses,' or some such nonsense?"
"Over-priced? For what they offer? Best damn bargain at any price, my man. The women there are something else! We'll bop on down there, sign on the dotted, and have some fun, if it's all right with you?"
"Okay, if you say so, but my finances won't allow TOO much fun."
"It's on the firm, my man! Just our way of saying thanks for choosing to do the business with us!"
"I'm there, dude!"
"DYN-O-MITE!!! Rita, my coat and lid, you sexy thang, you!"

Like I said before, things got interesting mighty quick!
Assemble the ladies? I didn't know that they were broken......

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Post by Mirage » Thu Jul 25, 2002 9:41 am

"The Killer Watt Klub?" I asked the Taxi Driver. The smelly tub nodded. I got out of the taxi with Rita and look up. "The Blue Oyster? Wait a minute, this is not the place!" I said out loud. The taxi left before I could get back in, only hearing a sinister laugh from him fading in the distance. ‘Let's go in anyway." Rita said to me. As we entered the place, I notice that all the waiters were dress in skimpy Navy uniform "Ah! It's a sea food bar!" I smiled. We sat down and ordered a drink for me. "Sure, Cutey-Pie" the waiter said to me. I laugh hard "They are crazzy here!". "You know that I know that you know that I know you are lying to me about your ex wife cutting off your hotdog off." Rita smiled at me. I smiled back "I know that you know that I know that I know I am lying about my ex wife cutting off my hotdog off.". "What? That didn't make sense" She respond. "You can tell when I am lying?" I asked her. "Try me" she smiled. "I am a happy man living in a big house." I said. "You are lying." She respond. "Ok, I am a happy man living in a small house."I said. "You are lying." She respond.". " Ok, I am a happy man living in a very small house."I said. "You are lying." She respond.""Ok, I am a happy man living in a small apartment."I said. "You are lying." She respond.""Ok, I am a happy man living in a crummy run down apartment."I said. "You are lying." She respond.""Ok, I am a sad man living in a crummy run down apartment."I said. "And." She respond.""And I cry myself to sleep every night, after going on the net calling myself "Bot". Rita smiled and grabbed my hand "Let's dance.". I followed her and we started to dance. In the middle of the slow song, a giant biker wearing all leather straps ask if he could cut in. I nodded, knowing if I refuse, I could get demolish. To my surprise, he wanted to dance with me and not Rita. Rita left me and sat back at the table. To my horror, I felt his huge arms around me and his left hand grabbing my left bun.
After the song finished, he gave me a wet kiss on the lips and let me go back at my table. "Do you always dance with other men?" Rita asked me.

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Post by Dark_Archon » Thu Jul 25, 2002 5:18 pm

" No but i bet you do" i replied, she gave me a small smile, "Come let me buy you a drink" we sat down at the table and talked for a whilebut the worrying thing was this android was slowly growing on me, she had style panash and most of all personailty and For the first time in my life i wasn't looking forward seeing her smouldering on the floor. Time flew by and soon the club was closing throught the night she had been very careless on her topics of conversation and had told me about a large drug case she was dealing with which i guessed concerned my employeer.

"well Mrs Stone its been a pleasure and i look forward to doing business with you". i smiled and flicked on my shades blinking in quick sucession.
"Actually its ms stone and i was wondering if you wanted to come back for coffee"
"hmm as long as its only just for coffee"
"well" she grinned" i'm not sure i can promise that"
as we walked through the bar towards the taxi rank i scanned my mechanical partner and found what i had been looking for, it was obvious she was a custom job no standard office android had anyway near the computing power she had or sexual systems but thankfully she had a small access panel in the back of her neck that covered a cable that ran from her Cpu to the rest of her body like a spine one yank and she would be motionless, all i needed to do was remove that cable and she would be mine.
The taxi ride was rather eventful we kissed for most of the ride and man was she good and to add to it she payed for the cab.

Rita lived at a rather plush penthouse in downtown islington a very nice place and my opertunity was about to arise, as i closed the door i removed a small screwdriver, she began to removed her jacket but i interupted. "allow me" i whispered but instead of removing her jacket with one swift movement i prised open the latch
" NO Don't Pleeeeeeeee......"
She collasped to the floor like a mariontte who had just had her strings cut

(up to you now guys sorry if i hogged it

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Post by Brytestar » Fri Aug 09, 2002 11:20 pm

I just stood there perhaps with some regret but the job was done. Yes, A job she wasn't real just some vain attempt from the force behind her a shot at fake life. Perhaps I too was living a lie. But when I looked into her now blank eyes I was reminded of her true nature.

Yet I stood there entranced with that beauty she still held in this state. I had to do something. From what I was able to tell she had a master bedroom and most likely if she had a recharge station it WOULD be there. As I searched I noticed the bed was modified in some fashioned and then as I reached the latest mechadroid technology I noticed that in order to appear more human even in private the recharge mechanism was built into the bed. So on the off chance I check and I was right. I went back to where I shut down Rita.

Still I have an memory extraction job to take care of. So I placed her in her bed. Then I turned her over and began the extraction job. I saw her memories all the data including the various cases that she assisted J.J with from the very first one to the current case dealing with my made up predicament. I did my job my and her "removal" was confirmed with the electronic funds placed in my swiss bank account. Normally I would destory the shell and move on. The cover story explaining the android's "departure" would be set in place and any possessions and property they did have would end up being given either to a "relative" or the creator behind the android as some form of compensation.

But their was something special about Rita. I did something that I never should do in my line of work. I was in love with her. I believe that she knew it her data confirmed some of that. But then I couldn't leave her like this. But I had to put a good cover story. I'll expect J.J. to try and find her if she didn't show up for work. But how to do it without tipping off my employer even the possibility that I went back on our contact but it was confirmed. I checked to see if anyone would visit her within three days. So I searched her computer making sure. No appointments of any kind and any friends she did have were aquintances. So carefully I decided to use Rita to call JJ making up a cover story that she was called away to Europe. The line was secure to prevent any tapping from any hostiles. JJ took it in stride and managed to get a replacement assistant to handle my case. It bought me one week to deal with Rita's removal from normal society. (at least for now)

I decided that I should keep Rita. Of course I had to pretend I was a relative in order to remove all her belongings and turn the penthouse over to another alias. It would be a good place to hideout in the place of your former target. Very few people would investigate this place in any form. So my plan to keep Rita began.

I became Ron Stone her "brother" and the people that Rita kept around her were none the wiser. I had to make sure that the family resemblance stuck long enough for me to finish the job. I had one more task before I can spirit Rita away. I decided to see an old friend a former droid hunter Slim Nelson. I knew Slim wasn't his real name but it didn't matter. He was a master of staging droid death and I clearly needed his services.

Slim looked at me with those are-you-sure-you-want-to-do-this look in his eyes. I simply nodded I knew I had to get Rita out of there. So Slim gave me a convincing droid shell that could have been Rita. When the visual confirmation was made I was paid my remaining fee and I was cleared.

I heard from JJ that Rita was forced to quit and I had to tell him that I withdrew my case and some type of compesation was agreed to. With JJ out of the way I left town with Rita in a holo image guise and we went to an island in the south pacific. I had a secret condo there that would allow Rita if she wanted to persue a legal career if she wanted to. This was also where I housed the shell of my very first target a ms. Kari Sparks. In my line of work it was customary to keep your first shell as a trophy. Some of them only kept one I heard that one driod hunter kept all his shells while some just simply render them useless as slush and burnt circuits.

Now I took a few more assignments the targets were mostly droid males and I had no qualms turning them into useless pile of circuitry. Then I began taking fewer and fewer assignments. I decided to retire with Kari and Rita as my only company.

10 years later...

Kari was the island's most famous athlete with her amazonian build she looks the part. While Rita became a famous lawyer I guess all that time working under JJ did help somewhat. However one day the doorbell ring I was the only one home at the time. I looked at the mysterious visitor it looks like I had some more unfinshed business to attend too...

(Yeah it was lengthy but no one replied for over a week.)

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Post by Mirage » Sat Aug 10, 2002 9:27 am

"Hey! Mr. Ron Stone! Open the door!!!!!!!!" was heard from behind the door. I crap my pants, now being 276 years old. Damn aging-cream I took by mistake. As I tried to slowly look in the eye-hole in the door, a trinklet of urine came down my pants. I peed myself , Dam cheap pampers.

"Yessss?" I answered the door. "It's O.J.! I need to hire your wife! She is the best lawyers in the univers, right?" The tall black man said. "MY wife... which one? Kari or Rita? I get them confused with my age now." I told him while opening the door. "Two wife? You too? Did you kill them too? Er I mean, did you leave them too?" O.J. asked me quickly. "No... no... one is in Africa exploring Mount Rushmore and the other one I think is in the oven, basting." I replied nicely. "Ok... Well, I need the lawyer one, I am accused of killing my second wife, Angela De Jolie, she was found her dead, 98 knife wounds, I think it was suicide!." he said to me while sitting on a chair in my living room. "Do you want some coffee, Mr. O.J.... no, your name is J.J, right.?... J.J.???? You here to take back my wife!!!!!!! TAKE THAT!" I screamed at him while unloaded my 12-gage barrel shotgun ( which I always carry with me in my pajama.) 56 times in him.

The smell of the hot gunpowder was in the air, a mangle bloody torso was sitting in my favorite chair. "Shit! My supper is ready!" I cursed at myself running in the kitchen. I opened the oven and there was my TV dinner. "Oh boy! Mac and cheeze! Oh boy!" I yelled in delight. I reached in the fridge for a glass a milk and I found one of my wife in it. "Systemmmm errorrr.... Systtteemmm errorrr... tempuratureeee tooo cccollddd..." She bleep out. "Honey!!!! I taught you were in the oven!" I smiled while pushing her to the nearest chair. "Which one are you?" I asked her. "GGGGGAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" I squilled out while she grab my throat. "You mother-fucker! You lock me in the fridge for 14 months!!!!!! Dam senile retard!" She said angrily. Then, a miracle happened for me, she got me hot!.

To be continued...

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Post by Brytestar » Sun Aug 11, 2002 10:12 pm

But then I woke up from that demonic nightmare. It was already morning. I see that Kari and Rita weren't around. Most likely doing their morning chores but Kari is sunbathing but Rita would be in the basement working on her latest case.

Of course Kari gets up at 5am so all her chores were done before I even took a shower. I was glad that I had activated her all those years ago. Kari and now Rita lead extraordinary lives. Of course recharging became less and less of a problem anyway however I wonder what my next move would be.

Kari: Hi there sleepy! Rita was working on a big case all night I had to recharge her.

Ron: What is she ok?

Kari: Relax hun she's fine but I warned her to don't forget to recharge next month.

Ron: Alright.

The doorbell ring and Kari answered it.

?: Mr. Ron Stone...Ms. Kari Sparks...

Ron: My sister is preoccupied.

?: I have a mission for you...

We let him to the backyard and hear what he has to say.

To be contined...

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Post by Mirage » Mon Aug 12, 2002 6:55 pm

The tall white haired man entered the back room and sat beside me and opened his laptop. "Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to infiltrate a terrorist group called "the crazy Spades" and find who is their leader and why did he bought 710 millions of litres of milk. What will he do with such a big amount of milk? This is your mission. This laptop will explode in BBBBBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!
The tall burned balled man got up, cough and left the room, with my table on fire. "Honey, what are we to do????" ask Kari confused. I smiled and looked up at the sky, pointing directly at the sun and screamed a primal scream!

Stay tune, Same bat channel, same bat time!

(To be continued!)

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Post by Brytestar » Mon Aug 12, 2002 11:02 pm

After using the powers of special effects to make things normal. As if my table never got torched and flambe.

Ron: Blast would had made a great saganaki. Oh well. First off go get Rita and hope she can find someone to clean up the case she's working on.

Kari: Ok hubby pie.

Ron: A mission that isn't a circuit breaker. Finally I can do something and pick up a few gynoids.

Kari: What wrong with me? I'm the strongest gynoid in the world!

Ron: I know honey. You know I still have the habit of collecting.

Kari pouted as she went to get Rita. When they returned I just smiled.

Ron: We got a mission its different then the old assignments I use to have.

I explained what happened and Rita was in shock.

Rita: Well we can sue them for an illegal monopoly on milk. Yeah I'll go on this I know that Kari is strong but we need to collect edvidence.

Ron: Ok let's rock.

The three of us get ready and soon we were on our way in hopes of ending the milk caper.

To be continued.

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