Blue Chips Ch9

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Blue Chips Ch9

Post by General » Thu Jan 08, 2004 5:44 pm

Daniel looked around the room, going through Coach Owens’ clothes and anything he thought she might have brought into his room, but he couldn’t find any control devices or palm computers like Jenny carried. He quickly made his way to his computer, and had to step over the broken, limp body of Coach Owens. He remembered that he didn’t have Jenny’s phone number so he found her name again on the computer network, [Jenny101a_1_7]. He sent her a system message and figured it would be the fastest and easiest way to reach her.

[Jenny are you done with practice yet? —Daniel]

[Yes Daniel, we are just finishing up with our showers now. I was planning on coming over to your room in a few minutes. Is there anything I can help you with?]

[Actually yes. Coach Owens came by here and she knows what I have been doing with you girls. She threatened to expel me, but I managed to disable her first. However, I also seem to have damaged her. Do you think you can fix her?]

[Unknown. I cannot find her on the network, so she must have completely shut down. Amy and I will be there shortly to assist.]

Daniel leaned back from his computer and hoped that Jenny could do something to fix the coach, and he also thought he would need to alter her programming slightly too, or she would just run him right up the hill again come tomorrow morning. He looked over again at what was left of Coach Owens. She was lying in a pile next to his couch. While not technically disassembled, her joints were positioned at odd angles and it gave the impression of a pile of body parts. He guessed when her system failed she completely lost control of her body and fell down like a rag doll.

Daniel got up from his computer and quickly threw on some clothes. Then he picked up the coach and laid her down on the couch. She was hard enough to lift; he didn’t think he would be able to get her clothes on in time. Now that she was lying down and it a slightly less disorderly position, he could clearly make out a burn mark on her forehead where she had made contact with the old magnetic coil. He looked closer and it appeared that whatever her flesh is made of actually started to melt and then got charred a little. He hoped Jenny might be able to fix her software, but that burn mark might take a little skill to cover up.

Just then Daniel heard a knock on his door. Quickly covering the coach with a blanket in case the person knocking wasn’t Jenny, he walked over and opened the door. Fortunately Jenny and Amy were standing in the hall and smiling as they normally do. He moved aside and they quickly entered, locking the door behind them.

“So what happened to her?” Amy asked while pointing to the obviously female form lying on the couch under the blanket. Daniel quickly explained everything that happened: how she was going to expel him, how she demanded sex with him, and how he had disabled her.

“Well, let’s see exactly how bad the damage is,” Jenny said smiling just like nothing major happened. She pulled back the blanket and tossed it on Daniel’s office chair. She pulled a long USB cable out of her bag, and wordlessly, (Daniel guessed through wireless communication) Amy knew to remove her shirt and sit next to the damaged coach. Jenny reached down and plugged one end of the cord into Amy’s bellybutton port and the other end into the coach’s bellybutton port. She then turned back to Daniel, “Amy will try to interface directly to Rebecca Owens and determine the damage. I wanted to use her instead of my computer because she can also remotely control Rebecca’s body if necessary.”

“Emergency reboot failed,” Amy said in a monotone voice, “cause unknown. Attempting forced remote boot…….Successful.” Then both Amy and Rebecca continued in simultaneous flat voices, ”Remote reboot commencing. Diagnostic mode enabled. Cyrex systems model 3057-101a. Prototype OS SPI2.5 — Rebecca 2.3. Commencing diagnostic.” Amy started slightly twitching, and Daniel could see that Rebecca was moving slightly too. “Motor systems…nominal. CPU….error: bad memory sectors. Sensors….nominal. Communications….nominal. Memory……error: total memory failure. Manual repair required.”

Jenny seemed to go into deep thought for a few seconds, then broke her concentration and addressed Daniel, “Daniel, it appears that her hard drive has been completely destroyed. Unfortunately it cannot be repaired. It also appears that several sectors of her main system memory resident to her CPU have been damaged.” Daniel sat there in shocked silence. He knew fixing a software glitch was one thing, but fried hardware is a totally different ballgame. “Don’t worry, Daniel, I think I can have her operational in a few hours,” Jenny said with a smile.

“Oh and how do you plan on doing that?” Daniel asked a combination of sarcasm and hope in his voice.

“We have several spare hard drives at our house in case of emergencies. Every night we also back up our memory, so I can just restore Rebecca off last night’s backups and we can fill in the rest of the events for today. As for the CPU damage, I can try to rewrite some of her firmware to avoid the damaged sections. It won’t be a perfect solution, but it will get her up and running,” Jenny replied, giving Daniel hope once again.

“Let’s get going then, we don’t want to waste what is left of the day,” Daniel said hoping to have enough time after Rebecca was fixed to do a little reprogramming to keep him in school and out of the spotlight.

Jenny nodded, and looked at Amy. Suddenly Rebecca’s eyes shot open and she stiffly stood up from the couch, still attached to Amy by the wire. Jenny got up from her chair and Rebecca sat down and stared ahead. Jenny walked behind Rebecca and pulled her hair back from her face. She used a rubber band on Daniel’s desk and secured the hair in a pony tail. She then carefully put both of her hands on either side of Rebecca’s head; her fingers feeling around slightly. With a confident look on her face, she pushed in slightly with her hands, and Daniel heard a click. With another click and a pop, Jenny pulled the back of Rebecca’s scalp/skull off her head. She set it down on Daniel’s desk and looked into the open hardware. Daniel stood up and moved to get a better look. He could make out various micro computer parts, including what looked like RAM and he thought he could make out a small cube that would probably be her CPU. Jenny reached into the open skull and with a few more clicks pulled out a silver box about the size of a deck of cards. She placed it in her pocket and headed for the door.

“Hey you are leaving already?” Daniel asked somewhat confused.

“I have Rebecca’s hard drive to match against a replacement. I will go back to my house and upload the replacement. I should be back here with my tools to help repair her skin and update the firmware in about 90 minutes,” Jenny said with a smile, “After that it should only be another 30 or 45 minutes until she is fully repaired. And I know what you are wondering, and yes I can help you reprogram her so you won’t be in trouble any more. Plus, I wouldn’t mind if we could have our way with her when we are done. Seeing her naked like this is starting to turn me on.”

With that Jenny slipped out the door and left Daniel alone in the room with Amy and the half working coach for an hour and a half. What the hell was he going to do? He looked over and both women were staring blankly ahead. He guessed that they both must have gone into diagnostic mode, and that wasn’t too much fun. He took another look into Rebecca’s head and was fascinated with the complexity of her design. He had never seen an android partially dissembled, and certainly not one this cutting edge. The transition between the metal of her skull chassis and her smooth flesh was quite dramatic. His eyes wandered down from her half head, over her neck and shoulders and finally landed on her ample tits. Being able to now directly compare them to Amy’s under her bra, he could see that they were much bigger. At least a D if not a DD. He guessed that since she was a coach she could get away with a larger chest that might have hampered the players running around the field.

Daniel’s hands absently mindedly wandered over to Rebecca’s breasts and he firmly grabbed one while lightly pinching the nipple between his thumb and fore finger. Just then he heard both Rebecca and Amy lightly moan. Daniel was a little surprised and stopped for a second. Both girls sat there, like nothing had happened. He pulled a chair behind Rebecca and reached around to grab both of her tits. Again the girls let out a simultaneous monotone moan. “What’s going on here?” Daniel asked rhetorically.

Just then Amy blinked and seemed to snap out of it, “Master, when you stimulate Rebecca’s sexual systems you also activate mine since I am controlling her remotely,” she said while gasping somewhat.

Daniel smiled a bit and lightly pinched both of Rebecca’s nipples, “do you like it when I stimulate her?” he asked.

Amy moaned slightly and caught her breath to reply, “Oh yes Master. It feels like you are touching my nipples.”

“Does seeing your coach naked and helpless in front of you arouse you?” Daniel asked while cooking up an idea.

“Oh yes Master, I am very aroused right now,” Amy said growing more shy and submissive.

Having come up with a good idea to pass the time, and something to stimulate his curiosity, he told Amy, “Take off your clothes, then get on your knees in front of your coach and lick her pussy.”

“Of course Master,” Amy replied as she quickly disrobed and carefully kneeled down in front of her coach. Daniel pushed her legs open and Amy’s head dropped down to lick at Rebecca’s shaved pussy. Her hands reached up to grab Rebecca’s ass, and Daniel could hear both girls moaning; Amy quietly but passionately, and Rebecca flatly as if her systems weren’t capable of full functionality through the USB link.

Daniel leaned over and kissed and licked Rebecca’s nipples and breasts. He could feel her nipple harden again, and looking over he could see Amy’s nipples becoming erect as well. After a few minutes he got up and took of his clothes again. He walked over behind Amy, and gently grabbed either side of her ass with his hands. He motioned her to come up, and she managed to stand up while still keeping her face planted in Rebecca’s pussy. She continued to lick away and moan and he could feel that her pussy was as wet and hot as it would be if he were licking away at her. He firmly grabbed her by the hips and thrust his cock into her remotely stimulated hole. Suddenly she froze up, and then let out a loud moan a split second later. Concerned, he asked, “What happened? Are you ok?”

Amy pulled her head up from her work, juices dripping from her mouth, “It felt very odd Master. It was as if my pussy was being licked and impaled at the same time. It took a while for my system to adapt,” she said, but then very shyly continued, “Can, can you please continue? It felt oh so good Master.”

Without a word Daniel placed a hand on the back of Amy’s head and gently pushed her back into the coach’s pussy. She immediately starting licking again and he kept drilling her from behind. He looked up and saw the once fearsome coach, staring blankly at him. He mouth was slightly open and flatly moaning, which only added to her artificial look when combined with the face half her head was missing. He quickened his pace, and felt a powerful orgasm coming on. He also felt that Amy was getting more erratic and jerky in her movements. Her moans, muffled by the muff, were also becoming short and erratic. This only seemed to turn him on more, and in a few moments he came powerfully into Amy. That was apparently enough to push her over the edge and raised her head from the pussy and let out a series of short, high pitched moans, while jerking violently.

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Post by General » Thu Jan 08, 2004 5:44 pm

Daniel pulled himself out of Amy, and backed a step away. She suddenly stood up, still moaning and shaking and appeared to seriously malfunctioning. Before he could do anything, one of her jerks moved her arm and pulled the cord out of her stomach. Suddenly Rebecca collapsed in her chair and fell to the floor. Amy’s voice became more natural and she steadied herself. She took a deep breath and turned around to look at Daniel.

“Oh thank you Master, that was the most powerful sexual experience I have ever had. My systems were not designed for that sexual configuration, but it was wonderful,” she said as she hugged Daniel. She then stood back and happily asked, “Do you require additional stimulation Master?”

“Uhh, no thanks. I am pretty good for now. Plus I think we should get everything cleaned up before Jenny comes back to fix Rebecca,” Daniel said as he reached for his clothes. Amy and Daniel spent the next few minutes putting the room back in order, before Amy plugged herself back into Rebecca, and got her back up and running.

Daniel grabbed a coke and sat back to relax for a while. He turned on the tube and he and Amy watched a few cartoons until Jenny came back.

90 minutes on the nose, and Jenny was knocking on the door. Daniel let her in and after a quick kiss, which surprised him in her spontaneity, she began to work on Rebecca. She first started by pulling out a few tools including something that looked like a small pen light and a rubber mask. First she took the light and traced it around the edge of Rebecca’s neck and up her spine. Daniel could see a small seam forming where the strange bluish light had shown. When she was done, Jenny put the light down and starting at the seams carefully peeled off Rebecca’s face, revealing her metal skeletal structure, and many small wires and servos.

All of a sudden Jenny turned around and started explaining, “Cyrex makes our faces easily removable so that we can more easily be recycled. Most of our bodies are very similar, and being able to quickly switch a face, allows one android to be reused in many different roles.” She then waited to see if Daniel understood.

Daniel understood the face removal now, but was confused for a different reason, “Jenny, how did you know that I wanted to know about her face?”

Jenny smiled and replied, “You asked me to use some of my sexual programs for a base to better anticipate for other programs. So I created a model that studied your behavior, and could anticipate what you might desire. Just now you furrowed your brow and took a few long breaths. I concluded that you were probably confused about how I removed Rebecca’s face, so I explained it,” she said, and then suddenly her smile faded, “was I incorrect in my assessment?”

“No not at all,” Daniel quickly replied, which restored Jenny’s perky smile. “I just didn’t expect you to develop so well so fast. I think you are doing a great job anticipating. Please keep up the good work. Can you teach Amy and the others how to do it as well?”

“I think so,” Jenny replied, “it may take a few tries, but I should be able to adapt my custom programs to their systems. Do you want me to start on that now or should I finish with Rebecca?”

“Oh no, finish with her first,” Daniel stammered.

Jenny turned around and went back to work. The mask she had brought was a dead ringer for Rebecca’s face. She explained that each of the girls kept a few spare faces just in case they were injured during practice. She slipped the new face on and connected it to the rest of her body. One more shine of the blue light and the seam disappeared. She then inserted the new hardware and closed up Rebecca’s scalp.

“Cyrex systems model 3057-109c. Prototype OS SPI2.5 — Rebecca 2.3. Commencing diagnostic.” Once again Amy and Rebecca spoke in unison with a calm monotone voice, “Motor systems…nominal. CPU….nominal. Sensors….nominal. Communications…..nominal. Memory……nominal. All systems are functioning within acceptable parameters.” Amy then unplugged herself, and put her shirt back on.

“Daniel,” Jenny said, “While she is still in diagnostic mode do you want to alter her programming some to avoid us getting caught?”

“Sure,” Daniel replied, “do you have your computer so I can do it?”

“This will take a little more work than can be done easily with my computer,” Jenny said as she lifted her shirt and plugged herself into the coach. “If you tell me what you would like to do I can program it much faster.”

“Great, let’s start with the important parts,” Daniel said, smiling, and trying to think how he wanted to re-write her. “List me as an administrator in her system, and program her so that she does not question it. Then, try to fill in the events of the rest of the day up until the part when she came into my room. She now thinks it is ok for me to be with you girls, and won’t tell anyone about it,” He stopped for a second to think of what else he might change about her, but then question hit him. “Jenny, when the coach came in, her sexual systems were already activated, why?”

“Processing,” Jenny said and her head slumped slightly. “Rebecca Owens’ sexual systems were activated at the factory. Apparently she has been having a long standing sexual relationship with Dean Lewis since we arrived on campus,” Jenny paused again for a slightly longer time, “It seems that a precondition of the experiment on campus was that Dean Lewis would have access to one of the android women for his own purposes after hours. He chose the coach so as not to run the risk of being accused of an affair with a student.”
“Wow,” Daniel said out loud. It was all starting to make sense. So that was why the girls came with sexual programming. He would have to thank the dean later. He remembered that the dean was also a happily married man with several children and a very public wife who was the chairman of the alumni office. This could be useful. “Jenny, can you extract any video from those encounters?”

“Yes, please specify which video you want me to access.”

“I want you to find one or two that clearly show the dean, the coach, and possibly a location on campus such as his office.”

“Processing….” Jenny’s head slumped slightly for a few minutes. Every few seconds she would repeat, “Processing……Processing….Complete. I have downloaded the file to my system, and formatted it for viewing on any standard computer. I have transmitted it to your document folder on your computer.”

“Great,” Daniel said, knowing that he had just found a big chip to play if he ever got caught again. “One last thing Jenny, I need you to erase any reference that I am the only one who can sexually around her. Otherwise the dean will get upset and might start looking into things.”

Jenny finished the last of the updates and then removed the wire from herself and the coach. “Now that she is fixed, would you like me to start programming the other girls?” Jenny said, and then a sly smile crossed her face. “Or would you like to take advantage of her before we pack her up to go?”

Daniel also smiled, and asked, “Sure Jenny, but what do you want to do with her? Don’t try to guess what I want. Tell me what you want to do.”

Jenny though for a second and then smiled while looking at the naked, rigid coach. “I want her to eat me out while I suck on your cock,” she said with a confident tone in her voice.

“Ok let’s go,” Daniel said as he started to get undressed. Jenny followed suit and soon both were completely naked. He looked over and saw that Amy, although fully clothed, was apparently still in standby mode. Jenny then came over and motioned for Daniel to sit down on the couch next to Amy. She got on her knees in front of him, and looked over at her coach.

“Rebecca,” Jenny said forcefully, “lay down here between my knees and lick my pussy.” She then spread her legs a little to give Rebecca room for her head.

“Affirmative,” Rebecca replied, and she crawled over and stuck her head right under Jenny’s pussy. Once she started licking, Jenny went right down on Daniel’s cock.

Daniel had had another active day, but it still felt so good. His hands wandered around the couch and over Jenny’s head and shoulders. He loved getting head, but somehow felt he should be doing something else besides just sitting there. After a few minutes, his hands wandered over and found Amy’s silent and stiff form. Not being able to fully coordinate from the sensation of the blow job, he clumsily groped Amy’s boobs through her shirt.

Jenny’s wireless link to the other girls noticed Amy’s new stimulation. She decided that Daniel wanted to touch or otherwise play with Amy’s breasts while she sucked on him. So she issued a command to Amy that she thought would fulfill his needs.

Suddenly Daniel felt Amy stand up. He opened his eyes and saw her quickly remove her clothes and then stand up on the couch. She straddled Daniel and lowered her body until the bottom of her ass almost hit Jenny’s bobbing head. This put her tits right at mouth level for Daniel, and when she wrapped her arms around his head for balance, he leaned in and locked his lips on a nipple. Daniel reached around and grabbed Amy’s ass, and was quite content.

Jenny’s blow job must have continued for almost an hour. She would work Daniel up, and then bring him back from the brink, the whole time being stimulated herself. Soon she could tell that Daniel couldn’t take much more, so she quickened her pace and allowed herself to orgasm.

Daniel could feel the change and sense that Jenny was cumming. It collapsed his last ounce of reserve, and he shot his load into mouth, while tightly grabbing Amy’s ass. Once she had licked up all his juices, Jenny, and the other two women got up and started getting dressed.

“I can tell that you are pretty tired, and it is getting somewhat late. I think if we stay, we will only ware you out more,” Jenny said with a caring smile. She reached over and brushed some loose hair out of Daniel’s exhausted face. “Don’t worry; we will take care of the coach. And I will send Katie by with some dinner for you in about an hour. Have a nice evening and I will see you tomorrow.” And with that Jenny, Amy, and Coach Owens left the room. Daniel just sat there naked and exhausted.

Just as Jenny said, Katie came by in an hour with some food from the dining hall. Daniel ate it quickly and then asked Katie for a nice massage. At the end of the hour long massage, Katie helped Daniel up to bed, and she quietly left the room. She had just received a message from Jenny to come back to the house for reprogramming.

To be continued…

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One of the best series I've read.

Post by DrFranklin » Thu Jan 08, 2004 8:54 pm

I have to say Blue Chips is one of the best stories ever posted, I think.

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Post by General » Thu Jan 08, 2004 9:03 pm

Why thank you. I try to do my best. I am glad that a lot of you guys like it. There is one more chapter to go, then I will have to think up something new. I am going to try to shoot for something a little shorter for a while, maybe one or two chapters.

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Post by htb21 » Fri Jan 09, 2004 12:12 am

wow this is great! well thought out and well written, thank you!

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Post by jpetoh » Fri Jan 09, 2004 7:15 am


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Post by tectile » Fri Jan 09, 2004 9:42 am

Another outstanding installment of a great story!
Well done General!

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Post by tc » Fri Jan 09, 2004 3:16 pm

Great story. I too will hate to see it end.

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Post by Korby » Sat Jan 10, 2004 3:15 am

Ditto what everyone else said. I've enjoyed the story so far, and hate to see the back of it... but I do look forward to seeing what else you come up with. Ten out of ten.
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That is a ill idea"
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Post by DollSpace » Thu Jan 15, 2004 8:44 pm

Great story! Can't wait for the next part :)


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Post by freejack71 » Sat Jan 17, 2004 5:54 am

Awesome work General!!!! Great story! :shock:

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