The Nightingale's Song Part 6

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The Nightingale's Song Part 6

Post by ButchyBoy » Wed Jan 07, 2004 9:34 pm

Our story so far: The year is 2021. Hero for Hire Harry Lang and his little blonde android partner, Cricket have been brought to Old Chicago by Carl Throckhammer, a reclusive genius. He has hired the pair to deliver a golden nightingale to St. Louis. Our heros are about to learn why the faux bird is so valuable when Cricket detectes a bomb in Throckhammer's place. Running for their lives, the bomb goes off and Throckhammer is nowhere to be seen. Our story now continues:

On the edge of the Illinois/Missouri border, on what was once a long forgotten Native American site lies the domed city of New Chicago. It's a pristine looking almost eerie looking place. It's citizens, blissfully happy and carefree. Here, one company provides them with all their wants and needs. And in return, same said citizens work and give their lives to that one company. That company, of course occupies the tallest tower in the dome. And that copmany is known as GobalCom. And on the top floor of that tallest tower sits a man known simply as the Chairman. Few have ever seen him, but those that do never forget him. A tall rather lean looking man, always dressed in white. His head balding, his looks and demeanor ice cold. Those he has chosen to grace his presance with have never seen him smile. This day was no exception.
The Chairman was speaking to two rather filthy looking persons via his laptop. "We planted the bomb at the old coot's place, just like ya said." "Yeah, you shudda seen the fireworks", the other said gleefully, "a right pretty kaboom it was." he continued backing his statement up wuth a rather sickinging laugh. The Chairman seemed unimpressed. "And the....old coot I trust is no longer a threat?" The pair on the screen thought a moment. "Well", the first one said, "he has to be, I mean it was a REAL big kaboom, ya know?" "And the item??" the Chairmain asked coldly. This brought another long silence, and finally the second one spoke first, "Well a.....funny thing that.....we thought it blew up with Throcky boy but we seen two people running away with something shinny looking, but that could be anything ya know". The Chairman just stared at the two lackeys on the laptop screen. "No, I don't know" was his simple icy reply. "Who were they?" the Chairman asked. The first thought a minute an said, "Well, one looked like a lil girl, and we're pretty sure the other was Harry.....Lang, yeah Harry Lang." At the mention of Lang's name, the Chairman's face quickly changed from cold to hot. "Then I suggest you two follow Mr. Harry Lang and take that bird from him!!!!! Got it?????!!!!!!!" Even though seperated by cyberspace, the anger in the Chairman's voice and the look on his face truely frightned the two rouges. The first quickly spoke, "Yeah, you bet......good as caught he is". And with that, the connection was terminated. The Chairman sat at his large desk, thinking outloud, "So, the old man has made Harry Lang his delivery boy. I've got to make sure his loses that golden package and I can't count on those two brainless idiots". Suddnenly he got an idea. He pressed a button, and a tall, musclar looking brunette woman entered the room. Her gaze was as cold and somber as the Chairman's had been a moment ago. She spoke coldly, "Executer model Athena reporting Mr. Chairmain. What is my mission?" The Chairman answered her with an evil smile, "A simple snatch and kill job my pet. Snatch the Golden Nightingale and kill Harry Lang."

Next: Allies made and broken

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Post by DollSpace » Wed Jan 07, 2004 9:46 pm

Aww! I'm glad this story's continued again. I really enjoyed when it was running previously, so I eagerly await the next part.

Good job!

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