Across the street

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Fri May 16, 2014 3:44 pm

As we were riding the bus home, holding the multiple bags, we were talking about which movies we should watch tonight together. To my surprise, she loved horror movies too. As we gabbed, Natasha suddenly gave me a strange look "Er..A.. Andrew... I am getting very sleepy suddenly.. I guess I spent too much energy at the mall.." Natasha said quickly. "We are alsmot home, Nat, hang in there!" I told her worried. "Okay... I'll just close my eyes a bit.." she said, as she rested on the bus seat. I got worried for her, making sure she didn't fall off the seat. The bus was pretty much emptied, so, no one could complained of Nat lying on the seat. A few minutes past, as we arrived to our stop. "Nat, wake up, we are home." I woke her up. She sat up, wozzy. "Andrew, help me out.." Nat asked, as she had trouble walking out the bus. She made a few steps before she slumped on the grass, in front of her house. I dropped all the bags, running to her. "Nat! Nat!" I yelled out worried. She was totally unresponsive. I then ran to her house and got her mother quickly. Tiffany ran out with me, and she let me bring in Natasha in my arms. Natasha was completely uncoucious now. "Lay her on the couch..." Tiffany instructed me. I laid her down, tears in my eyes "What is wrong with her?" I asked nervously. "She... she is just exhauted." Tiffany simply said, loosening Nat's clothing.

"Bullshit!" What is wrong with Nat!" I yelled out angrilly. Tiffany gave me a sturn look and turn back to her daughter "Andrew, get the bags you left outside." she commanded me. I took a deep breath and went outside and got the bags. I came back and stood there, as Tiffany was standing there, facing me. "Andrew... Do you really want to know the truth of Natasha's Illness?" she asked me, with a dark seriousness to her voice. "You might change your views on her, completely... Are you willing to take this risk? Chances of changing or even loosing your love for her?" she continued. "I... I..." I essitated, looking at Natasha, who was lying on the couch, eyes closed, looking in a deep sleep.

"No... not yet... I do suspect she is indeed a robot, but I rather continue my relationship with her, not really knowing... Let me enjoy this illusion just a bit more... please.." I said, as I started sobbing hard. Tiffany hugged me hard "She will be okay... I promise.. Come back in a few hours... she will be waiting for you... She does loves you... for real." she wispered to me. I thanked her and went back home, crying.

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Fri May 16, 2014 4:21 pm

"Hey, son, where is Natasha?" asked my father, as I came inside. He noticed my red eyes "Andy, what's wrong?" he quickly asked worried. "Nothing's wrong... dad.. don't worry.." I lied. "Okay, if you say so.." he patted me on my back. I went upstairs quickly, to cry in my pillow. If Natasha is really a robot, how can I love her? Is it real? Everything she told me about herself, it's all a lie? I fell in love with a lie? "I knew it was too good to be true...." I cried to myself hard.

A few hours past, as I started hearing the doorbell ringing. I knew it was Natasha right away. "Andrew?" she was asking from behind the door. I went and slowly openned the door. "I was waiting for you, but you didn't came... I got worried you were angry at me..." she said, tears forming in her eyes. She then saw right away that I was indeed, very sad. "Andrew... are you okay?" she asked me as she hugged me hard. "Nat..." I said, closing my eyes, smelling her long hair that was brushing againts my face. "I am so sorry! I am so sorry! Please don't hate me for my illness!" she began sobbing hard. I could not do it, I loved her to much. "Nat, Nat, it's okay.. let's go watch a movie in my room... everything will be okay.. I promise" I smiled to her. She wipped her tears on my left shoulder "Please don't hate me... I need you..." she wispered to me. We kissed and went upstairs.

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Fri May 16, 2014 5:12 pm

We sat on my bed, our back to the wall, pillows on our backs, sheets covering half of our body, watching "BLOOD HOUSE OF THE DAMN!", as Nat crinched in my arms, but still watching the movie hard. "FUCKKCKKCKKCKKCKCKC!" she barked out at the cheap jump scare. 'I hate it when they do that!" she chuckled hard, enjoying the movie. Sadly, I could not concentrate much on the movie, as I was more watching her reactions, her emotions, her body language. No way she could be a robot, I kept telling myself. "Andrew, watch the movie!" as she notice I was watching her instead of the tv. "Oh... sorry.." I smiled to her, turning my head toward the movie.

After the movie, I went to my bedroom door and locked it. Natacha left out a small laugh "Am I your prisoner?". "Maybe..." I gave her a naughty smile. 'Can I see you naked, Nat? I want to examine your beautiful naked body" I ask her, rubbing my hands together, like a mad scientist. "Why? Still think I am a robot?" she smirk. "Yes, actually... I want to see if I can find a off button on you, so I can reprogram you as my sex maid." I snickered. "Oh really.. fine... if it makes you happy, my perverted freak of boyfriend." she laughed out, as she disrobbed.

"And what happens if I am indeed a robot? Does that mean I am not real? My entire life, my illness, everything, was a lie? A ruse?" she asked. "My love for you, Andrew? All fake? Only programs?" she quizzed me, being mischievous. "Maybe? You might all be innocent in all this, as you don't know your own true nature." I said, as I started examining her body. She gave me a worried look "Andrew... seriously... what if I am not real... just a robot? Will you stop loving me?". I gave her a long look "No... I don't think so... No matter your nature, I love you, Natasha." I said, in deep though. "But what if I don't want to know..." she then said. I paused, and realise what I was doing was wrong. "Damn it... you are right... who cares if you are a machine or now, our love it real, isn't it?" I questionned her. "Yes... I think it is..." she smiled to me, brushing her hands on my cheeks. "That's good enough for me.." I smiled to her. We decided to bury the subject and enjoy our loves together. We made love to each other until we both fell asleep together.

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Fri May 16, 2014 5:49 pm

Something I do want to share, if I suddenly stop posting and can't finish this story, it's because I kicked the bucket or in the hospital.

Doctors comfirmed this Moday that I do have a heart problem (AFIB), it's part of my heart's electric functions that goes coocoo and can give me a heart attack. For 5 hours, my heart was beating 3 times the normal beat. It was scary and quite painful. They manage to reset my heart, and if I was a smoker, I would be worm food already.

Sadly, nothing can be done to fix it (it's genetics... yay!), as I almost died a month ago (that is how we discovered this...). Sadly, it will only get worse with time, as I just turn 40... and I might have less than 3 years to live, it seem... Nothing cause it, as it affect 1% of all canadiens. Yay me.

Good thing, I am in good healthy shape (that what saved me last month), but it means nothing, it might or not happen again for a while, it's very random, it seem. All they know, from data, after 40, it get's worst.

I am somewhat not surprised at this, as there is a high death rate in my family after 40. I always knew of this might effect me somehow. But it's still sucks knowing I am part of that logical assemption.

Funny part in all this, and happy about this, is that I have no regret in my life. I accomplished everything I ever wanted and even more. Been on tv, newspapers, internet, got published, been a "pro" at multiples things. Got a beautiful wife, who is my best friends, got a nice house, nice car, nice pool. Not rich, that, I didn't manage to get yet (L), but I got so much material things, I can't complain what-so-ever.

The only thing I do really want to finish, before I drop dead, is my comic MAYBE LOVE?... I do hope to get it publish one day. Apart from that, not much. I am a proud man, with lots of natural talents, it seems.

I will do my best to continue on this story also, as I am really loving it too. Like mention, this story will be a long one, I hope.


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Re: Across the street

Post by Devil » Fri May 16, 2014 7:35 pm

You'll get through this sir. You still have many comics and stories left to tell!

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Re: Across the street

Post by Gorgo » Sat May 17, 2014 7:42 am

Keep your spirits up, man. We're rooting for you.
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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Sat May 17, 2014 8:02 am

Thank you all. I'm in good spirit most of time, as, hey, can't let death stop me from enjoying life... right (oopss.. maybe it can!)(L).

I just shrug at it, I had a very hard life, I was born beyong poor, with a very shitty family. My life could have been very easily a total different screwed up life. But using my wits and my brain, I manage turn everything around, on my own.

I always know Death might be around the corner, but I won't let me stop being myself and enjoying it while it last.

Anyway, on with the story...


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Re: Across the street

Post by dieur » Sun May 18, 2014 2:14 am


Is a heart transplant not an option?? A pacemaker?

We're getting close to artificial hearts - you only gotta hang in there another decade or so!

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Sun May 18, 2014 8:13 am

From what I understand, It migth be a last option, but very unlikely. Since I am healthy, I would need to be in really bad shape for it.

ps: I'll only be able to continue the story Monday night...

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Re: Across the street

Post by darkbutflashy » Sun May 18, 2014 12:21 pm

Eww, nasty. :( Anyway, if it "genetics, and 1% of people in Canada are affected", there are good chances there is good medication and doctors know how to treat it. So keep your head up and don't give the extra stress a chance.

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Re: Across the street

Post by dale coba » Sun May 18, 2014 6:19 pm

My best friend is in his mid-forties, addicted smoker, three heart attacks and a pacemaker - but that's all mostly because his DNA makes too many red blood cells and sludges up his pipes. And he's also in this shape because he's very poor, and hasn't had the most regular care (no insurance until A.C.A.)

He is often very depressed - big heart problems will do that physically, apart from all the psychologically depressing ideas.

I think you could benefit from (at least briefly) having a radically altered perspective. The perspective you have gained has only gotten you so far, and adding an alternate angle can help. A guided L.S.D. or Ecstasy trip is the therapeutic choice, but largely unavailable still, at least in the U.S. You might consider some THC, with a supportive friend.

Considering looking into a bit of drug therapy, with a professional if possible. It can be a source of healing for people contending with all the burdens you face. Done right, it's like the opposite of staring sleepless at the ceiling all night.

- Dale Coba
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Re: Across the street

Post by DukeNukem 2417 » Mon May 19, 2014 6:23 am

Right, time for me to weigh in on the whole heart problem thing: Do. Not. Stop. Writing.

I've lost sleep for two nights when my dad had to go in for appendicitis because I didn't know if he'd make it out okay or the damn stupid appendix would burst and poison him (he survived). I've had to deal with my sole surviving grandmother battling cancer (she's still around). And as far as personal problems go, I've faced a near-deletion of my entire body of work due to computer crashes and having to work on a stupid useless Dell Dimension L933r with crap memory and a dodgy hard drive.

Has ANY OF THAT stopped me from writing?


Whatever heart problems you're having, Mirage, do like that one song says and hold your head up. Do not stop, EVER, until you know for damn sure that the Grim Reaper will be swinging his scythe (I want to make a Deathstroke joke so, SO badly here due to the crappy line they had on Smallville....)---and even Death can miss. I know a guy who's afflicted with end-stage heart failure on another forum, but it hasn't kept him down at all. No matter what doom and gloom BS anyone else might try to spin on you, keep writing, and write what you love.

Like Robotman said, you have lots to smile about.

Don't let stress get you down, and don't let anything keep you from writing what you love about.

And if all else fails, just throw this on and rock out: :rockon:

Stay healthy, keep calm and carry on, my friend---you CAN beat this.

All the best,
DukeNukem 2417
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Re: Across the street

Post by DollSpace » Mon May 19, 2014 1:58 pm

Mirage wrote:Something I do want to share, if I suddenly stop posting and can't finish this story, it's because I kicked the bucket or in the hospital.

Doctors comfirmed this Moday that I do have a heart problem (AFIB), it's part of my heart's electric functions that goes coocoo and can give me a heart attack. For 5 hours, my heart was beating 3 times the normal beat. It was scary and quite painful. They manage to reset my heart, and if I was a smoker, I would be worm food already.

Sadly, nothing can be done to fix it (it's genetics... yay!), as I almost died a month ago (that is how we discovered this...). Sadly, it will only get worse with time, as I just turn 40... and I might have less than 3 years to live, it seem... Nothing cause it, as it affect 1% of all canadiens. Yay me.

I will do my best to continue on this story also, as I am really loving it too. Like mention, this story will be a long one, I hope.

I really do like this story, Mirage, and wanted to let you know that you're in my thoughts as well. J'espère que vous gardez le bon combat! Salut, et bonne chance, mon ami!

Au revoir!

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Mon May 19, 2014 4:22 pm

"Seriously? Really? Why?" asked Natasha, dissapointed. "Well, I need the money? And you don't like my gifts?" I said, putting my new Crazy's Burger uniform. "And it's only part time, after schools and some weekends." I said, looking in the mirror, fixing my tie. "Andrew, please... you don't need to do this. We won't have much time together anymore, you, with school, and now work." pleided Natasha. "I am sorry, but it's only for a bit, promise!" I replied, kissing her goodbye. Natasha hugged me hard and went walking slowly home, sad and angry. "Mom, why can't I have a job too?" she asked suddenly her mother, who was working on her laptop. "Honey, you know you can't, with your condition." Tiffany replied. "If it's a condition..." Nat snarked. "Oh, and what do you mean by this?" her mother quickly followed. "Nothing..." Nat said, going to cool down in her room. Nat sat in front of her mirror and staired "... Beep beep..." she only said.

Andrew was fucking up the order badly, panicking, he was scrambling like crazy. "Okay.. that's 2 burgers, 3 fries, 2 colas and one sunday. Enjoy" he faked a smile to the costumer. The man look at the food and left frustrated at Andrew. "Andrew, relax,this is your first night!" Clhoe said to him, her hand on his right shoulder. His new manager was a real cutie, and very nice to him. Clueless, Andrew didn't realised that she liked him a lot. She actually knew him from High School, but he had never paid attentionned to her, always his nose buried in books. "So, why are you here?" She asked him. "Need the doe... Have a girlfriend now..." he smiled back. "Oh..." she simply responded, dissapointed inside. "Okay.. anyway, here is your next customer." she said, pushing him to face the cash register. "Hi, I just want an Icecream. " the customer smiled. "Nat?? What are you doing here?" Andrew said, surprised. "Checking up on you, silly." Natasha smiled back. Chloe noticed the beautiful blonde girl, with blue eyes and went behind Andrew to snoop. "I was missing you... How are things going?" Nat asked Andrew. "Not good, I keep screwing up orders, nervous, I guess." Andrew said, feeling bad. "He's doing great!" said Clhoe from behind Andrew. "I am Chloe, his manager, you?". "Hi, I am Natasha! I am this dork's girlfriend!" laughed Nat. "Andrew! She's gorgeous!" Chloe said, choked. "Er.. yes, she is..." arkwardly said Andrew. Natasha got a bit jealous, as how close Chloe was standing behind to Andrew. "Er... here is your Icecream..." Andrew smiled to Natasha, getting shy. "On me, don't need to pay, Natasha!" smiled Clhoe. "Really? Thank you, Chloe." smiled Natasha. "I'll be seating there for a while, watching you, if you don't mind." wispered Nat to Andrew, as she gave him a quick kiss. "Sure, I guess..." nervously said Andrew, not sure why.

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Mon May 19, 2014 4:51 pm

"Glad the night is over.." sighted Andrew, tired. Natasha was walking beside him, going home together, holding hands. "Thank you for being there, made me less nervous..." he thanked her. "My pleasure, my love.." she responded, happilly. "You know.. your manager... she likes you... a lot." Nat noted. "Chloe? Are you nuts? Of course not!" laughed Andrew, in disbelief. "I'll keep an eye on you, buster!" laughed Nat. Andrew rolled his eyes, snickering.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" asked nervously Nat. Andrew simply nodded, as he started licking her labia open. Nat gasped hard, as she felt his tongue entering her pussy. She sqilled as the tip swirled on her clit. She came very quickly, as having her first oral sex experience. Like before, she was suddenly stairing at the ceiling, lost in the moment. Andrew staired at her empty wide open eyes. He listenned to her stomach and felt and heard the same humming as the first time she came. He moved her legs open and started penatrating her with his penis. Andrew was somewhat turned on by this. One of his reasons for studying robotics, was actually, to learn to creat a female sexdroid, one day. He didn't want to admit it, but he was actually into robot fetish, since he was a teen. More and more, it was accepted in today's society, humans fucking robots. Since androids were pretty advances compared to 10 years ago, it was getting harder and harder to differential them from humans.

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Mon May 19, 2014 5:19 pm

Andrew came inside Natasha, who was still somewhat frozen. He layed beside her, exausted. He closed his eyes and drifted off. Andrew was woken up quickly by his alarm clock, the next morning. He reached and pressed the snooze button. He turned and reached with his right arm over Natasha. "Morning, love..." he mubmled out. She remained quiet. He rubbed his eyes opened and looked at her. Natasha was still the same as last night, wide eyes still open, frozen look to her face. "Nat? Are you okay?" he asked her worried. He realised that for sure, now, she was actally a robot. her systems must haved crashed and he needed to reboot her systems. Since she was still naked, it was easy for him to try to find her on/off switch somewhere. He sat her up, like a doll and started pressing away on her back. Nothing. He started massager her neck, nothing. He push her head down, so he could exame the back of skull, through her long blonde hair. Finally, after probbing a lot, he felt a small bump, right in the middle of her back of the head. He sat her back straight and press the bump of 10 seconds, as it was the normal time interval of rebooting an android by this matter.

Natasha blinked suddenly and closed her eyes and went limped, on his bed. Andrew managed to completely deactivated her. Andrew laid her down straight on his bed and took a deep breath. He went to get his books on robot anatomy and some tools. After a few minutes of studying the book, he took a tool and inserted in her bellybutton and turned it, until he felt a click. Natasha gave a small shook, as her stomach slowly opened, a panel lifted over. Andrew gasped deep, as seeing her robotic inards.He peered inside her and got somewhat excited. He then looked at her closed eyes, as she was sleeping "Poor thing, you really don't know what marvel of technology you are..." he wispered to Natasha. He then grabber his books and tried to see if he could reconnaised any of the circuits showing. After a moment, he did find a USB port, direclty to her, what it seem, her main CPU, that was stored deep in her stomach, in a metal casing, for protection. He connected his tablet he had to the usb post and turned it on. Slowly, he press a small blinking red button, on the CPU casing.
"System connecting... connection completed.. new deviced found... systems ready." blinked into his tablet screen. Andrew went and moved the cursor to the "Natasha" folder and press on it.

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Re: Across the street

Post by NukuNookee » Mon May 19, 2014 5:57 pm

Getting to the technically interesting parts now, good work!
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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Mon May 19, 2014 6:39 pm

After an hour, going throught the many files of Natasha's systems, Andrew found what he was looking for. He opened the folder and looked at the data. With his tablet, he access her sex programs. "Ah, this is why she keeps freezing when she orgasmes. Let me fix this." he said, as he removed one of the conflicting programs. "Let's see if this helps.." he said, as he loaded an "orgasm" into her cpu function. Natasha suddenlly became active, gasping, moving, eyes wide open, coming, climaxing... then went limped, as she was before, deactivated. "No system crash! Problem fixed!" smiled proud of himself.

"Wake up, sleepy head!" Andrew smiled to Natasha. Nat smiled back, streaching her arms "Morning, my darling..". She sat up, still naked. "What time is it?" she asked, as she saw it was daylight. "9:59 AM." answered Andrew, kissing her naked shoulders. He grabbed her breasts from behind and kiss her on the back of her neck. Enjoying the sensations, she let him have his way with her. She layed on her stomach and moved her ass up, showing her pussy right in his face "More..." she grinned. He got the hint and gave her more oral sex. She climaxed again, but this time, she didn't freeze or anything strange. She laughed in delight, as she was happy that she didn't have a "seizure" again. Andrew kissed her deep "You are completely mine now...". Natasha was a bit confused by this, but responded "Always..".

As Natasha was relaxing in the bed, Andrew was fiddling with his tablet. He studied her responce quickly, as he was trying to "remote access" her. "Why it's not working?" he said frustrated. "What is not working?" she asked, conserned. "Nothing..." he said, as he reached behind the back of her head. "What are..e...e.." said Natasha, being deactivated again. Andrew felt guilty, but he really wanted to be able to access her with his tablet. He grabbed his books about remote accessing robots. He realised he had to link up first directly to her connection settings. Her direct port to her WiFi was in her head, actually, inside her head. He had to remove her faceplate to access it. Andrew studied the informartion and followed the insctructions in the book, into how to remove a faceplate of an android. He grabbed both her ears and twisted them slowly, into a clockwise motion, until he heard a loud clicking noise. He then grabbed both side of her face and slowly delicatly pulled it off.

"Holy shit..." he gasped again, as he held in his hands the face of his girlfriend. Inside the skull, was her two cameras as eyes, sensors for a nose and her robotic mouth and lips showing. He put her face on the bed slowly, and studied her open robotic insides. Slowly, he touched her robotics lips and he kissed her, wanting to know the feel of it. Cold and hard, they certainly felt different. Her eyes were small camera lenses, very advance. He noticed all the motors and sensors controlling her facial movements, as her eyebrows. He then saw the USB port right in her forehead. He plugged in his tablet and downloaded it in her systems for remote access her, anytime or anywhere.

Andrew then had a though, as he was curious to see what she did look active, without her faceplate. He access her system with his tablet and typed away. Natasha came to life and started speaking "Hello, Andrew... I am your robot.." she said, as he typed it. He typed a command direclty to her CPU. She simply complied and she sat up, climbed on top his legs and started sucking his dick, with her robotic lips and tongue. "What a strange sensation..." he mumbled, as he came in her robotic mouth. As he came, his left hand pushed her face plate of the bed, on the floor. Nat simply sat next to him, waiting her next instruction. He grabed the faceplate and looked at her beautiful face and felt guilty. He reclicked her faceplate back into place and rebooted her from behind the head.

"Mmmm... what happend? Why I have sperm inside my mouth?" Natasha asked confused, as she reboooted herself. "You gave me a blowjob.." I simply smiled. "I did?" she asked confused. "And you will gimme another one.." I said, as I typed from my tablet, the command to her CPU directly. Natasha said nothing, as she simply started to suck me more, with a blank look on her face. After coming a second time in her mouth, I turned off the tablet, now, really feeling guilty, as Natasha, is still the woman I love, robot or not.

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Re: Across the street

Post by Spaz » Mon May 19, 2014 10:13 pm

Very good thus far... :thumbsup:
Check out my stories:

Current story status: The Small Business Chronicles: Season Two | The Doctor is in - The Clinic (In progress...)

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Tue May 20, 2014 3:15 am

It's been a week that I knew of Natasha's true nature. It was also a week I didn't touch the tablet too. The only time I did, was to verify her energy level, when we went out to see a movie together. I felt some uneasiness as I felt bad for her, as she was oblivious to her being a machine and not human. "Oh, you know, when we get married, I want violets! Just like theses! They are my favorites!" she exclaimed, as we passed a flower shop. "Humans can't marry robots..." was the first thing flashing in my head. "Of course, my love, anything you want!" I smiled to her. She gave me a look, as she knew I knew something was wrong. She shoke her head, as she knew exactly what I knew of her, but didn't want to face it. We tried to be happy, live as a normal couple anyway.
"Andrew... whatever I did... I am so sorry..." she started to sob hard, one night. "I know something is wrong... you look at me differently now... you even recoiled at my touch sometimes..." she sobbed more. I shook my head, not sure how to respond. "Nat... I am sorry... It's my fault..." I mumbled out. She cried all night in my arms, not sure how to fix our relationship like it use to be. I cried too.

"I should go home..." she said as she got up. I reached for her, but she turned quickly away from me. "Have a good life, Andrew... Thank you for everything..." She simplied said. "Are you leaving me?" I said, shocked. "You don't love me anymore... not the way it was when we meet..." she said, taking a deep breath. "FUCK! FUCK! Don't say that, Natasha! I love you!" I yelled to her. Nat soflty put one hand on my face and smiled "Do you?". I grinded my teeth, angry at myself "Yes! Yes, I do! I hate having the knowledge that you are a robot!" I yelled out. Nat took a step behing "W...what?" she simply said, her lips trembling. I cursed myself, but I knew it was too late, I revealed too much to her. She took a few more step behind and collapsed hard on the floor, on her back. "NAT!" I screamed out, seeing her, falling hard. I jumped beside her, shacken. She was twitching on the floor, eyes wide open, tears coming down "I... am a robot?" she was simply repeating. I sat her up, as she was still repeating the phrase. "Yes... I am sorry.." I wispered to her. She paused and simply stop moving, becoming frozen, empty blank look in her face. She had a complete system crash.

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Re: Across the street

Post by Devil » Tue May 20, 2014 6:52 am

You're on a roll. Hope you are feeling better.

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Tue May 20, 2014 2:04 pm

I tried to reboot her twice, but nothing happened to Natasha, she was still in a frozen state. I then grabbed the phone and called Tiffany for help. I asked her if I could bring her quickly her daughter, as she had another episode. I sneaked out of the house, with Natasha limp, in my arms and ran to her house. "What happen?" Tiffany asked me, as I lay down Natasha on the couch. "I told her by accident she was a robot..." I said, angry at myself. "So, you know..." Tiffany said, as she lifted Natasha's shirt and took out a small tool from her pocket and opened her stomach panel. "I known it for a week now... we were having sex, when she climaxed, she kept crashing after the orgasm... so, I fixed her up... "I explained, uneasy. "I should have tested her more..." laughed Tiffany, pluggin her laptop to Natasha's CPU. "And voila... she's all okay. I put a system freeze in this situation on her systems, to prevent damage or corruption of her programming. I just need to erase her memory files from the last few hours, and she will be back to normal." Tiffany explained. "Er... could we er... do something to her?" I asked. "What do you mean?" Tiffany asked confused.

"Nat wants to leave me... she think I don't love her no more.. but that's not true! I love her so much!" I said, sad. "But you have been acting differently since you discovered her nature... she told me about yesterday... she was very sad." Tiffany told me, sitting up Natasha in a sitting position. "I didn't mean too.. I don't know what to do anymore..." I cried out, sitting beside Natasha, who was still deactivated. "Come, I want to show you something..." Tiffany said, grabbing my hand and directed me to her basement. She unlocked it, as she didn't want to Natasha snopping around down there. "Wow!" I simply said, seeing her laboratory.

"I want you to meet someone..." Tiffany said, pulling a sheet of something. "Holy crap!" I said in disbeleif. Sitting there, was another beautiful woman, naked, beautiful red hair, blue eyes, smiling. "She's Natasha's new sister, Nathalie. I almost finished working on her.". "She is gorgeous... just like Natasha..." I said, examing the deactivated android.Tiffany then gave me a picture "Nat?" I asked, confused, looking at the piture of what is seem Natasha. "No, that's me at 22..." Tiffany smiled. "I gave them my looks and figure, both of them... I changed a bit, of course, Nathalie's looks a bit.".

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Tue May 20, 2014 2:24 pm

"I don't want to offend you, Tiffany, but you were so beautiful... er I mean, you are still very beautiful!' I smiled to her. "Andrew, that day, I made you hard, right?" she smiled back. I blushed, as she came close to me and wispered to me "Could you fuck me, Andrew... I want you to experience what is making love to a real woman, instead of an android I built...". I gushed a bit, and replied lightly "Okay.. But doesn't this mean I will be cheating on your daughter?". Tiffany smiled "Andrew, she's only a robot afterhaul...". I was a bit surprised by her responce, but she was right. Turning down making love to Tiffany, I would be crazy not too. Yes, she was much more older than me, being 32, but she was a gorgeous hot woman, who wanted sex with me.

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Tue May 20, 2014 2:56 pm

"Fuck! That was good!" Tiffany yelled out, climaxing again, on top of me. I was panting, as I was exhausted by her. "I need to pee.." I laughed out. Tiffany laughed too, as she also had to pee too. We both went to her washroom and she got shy, seeing her peeing. I observed her delicious body as she urinated. She showed little her age, as she was still very fit, as having an amazing pair of breasts. "So, you fucked me, and my robot.. who's better?" Tiffany asked, smirking. "Oh boy... so different.. with you, it's so raw, animal like, so sticky!" I chuckled. "With Nat, it's very er... controlled, by the book I guess... almost routined..." I said, a bit surprised a myself saying it. "Well, my knowlegde into sex programming my daughter was a bit limited..." Tiffany said, as she got up. "Oh, don't get me wrong, she is amazing!" I quickly said. "But could be better, right?" she smiled as she went back to the bedroom. Following her and climbing in the bed with her, I said "I guess.. Nat was my first, you are also my first too, since she was a robot.." I mumbled out. Tiffany blushed "It's true! I am your first! I am such a cougar!" she chuckled a bit. "Regrets?" Tiffany asked, as she started sucking my dick. "No way!" I moaned out, as she pushed me on my back, as she licked hard the tip of my dick. I came in her face, as she licked her fingers "Mmmm.. salty.." Tiffany groaned.

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Tue May 20, 2014 4:19 pm

"So, why did you creat Natasha?" I asked Tiffany, as she did a complete system clean up on Natasha's systems. "I am barren and always wanted a daughter... My ex was also a robotic expert... He helped me created her. The reasons I left him, he wanted to sell Natasha to a robotic company, but I coudn't sell my own daughter, so, I took her and we left in the night..." Tiffany explained. "I love Nat like a real daughter, sometimes, I forget she is just a machine. I programmed her the best I could. I tried to give her a "soul", if that's posible. I put variables in her A.I., maker her more "human", if that's possible. She is also a learning A.I., as you can imagine. " she said, stroking her hair. Natasha was lying on the metal table in the lab now, on her back, naked. Eyes wide open, mouth also opened, as she was connected to multiples computers, running diagnosises on her systems. Tiffany typed a few lines of data on her computer, while studying it. "Natasha really loves you, Andrew... I manage to make her learn love, I think. She raved about you night and day. You made her very happy. We did put Natasha in school for a few years, to learn about human behaviors. She did get teased and bullied a lot. She also learned what is sadness and pain too... It broke our heart, seeing her learning what is suffereing.. But we had too... this is what is to be human, right?" Tiffany, saying it with guilt.

"She had me convinced... at first, I never imagined she was a robot... she was perfect.. sweet... smart... loving.." I said, tears in my eyes. Tiffany saw that I was crying and felt even more guilty now. "Andrew, if I change some of her memorie files, could you love her like you did before you learned she was a robot?" she asked, being serious. "Yes.. I sure I could, knowging she was planing to leave me due to my insensibility toward her." I said, dissapointed in myself.
"Please... I can't loose her... I love her with all my heart..." I begged her. Tiffany kissed me soflty "Okay, She will be like she was, a few days before... Now, go home and rest. I still need to do more testing on her.".

I left their house and went to bed, crying, my emotions a real mess. "I am really in love with a robot..." I chuckled to myself.

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