Across the street

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Across the street

Post by Mirage » Tue May 06, 2014 4:27 pm

Across the street, part 1
By Mirage

As I was coming home from school, I noticed that the house across the street, directly in front of ours, was sold! I was kind of surprised as it was on the market for less than a week. I ran back inside the house and I asked my mother if she knew anything about it, has she always had the nose to get info from the neighborhood, like this. "Mom, do you know who's moving in?" I asked her. She grinned, trying to look as if she didn't knew anything. After a moment, she cracked and spilled the beans "Well, I talked to the realtor this morning and he told me it's a mother with her young daughter moving in. They should be here by tomorrow.".

"Tomorrow, why so fast?" I wondered. She then continued cooking supper as I went upstairs to watched the house from my window, in my bedroom. I wondered how old is the daughter moving in. I hope she's was my age as I do miss having people around my age, in my neighborhood. As I just turned 19 myself and attending my first year of college. I went to bed thinking all night about this, until the next morning. I was woken up by the sound of a moving truck. Slowly, I peaked from my window and saw 2 women standing beside the truck, one was a bit taller from the other one. Both were beautiful longed haired blondes and from the distance both look very attractive. I spent about an hour spying on them, watching them ordering the movers, bringing the furniture in and many boxes inside the house.

I founded it odd that they were bringing lots of computers and equipment inside the house. The taller woman who was obviously the mother, was very demanding on the movers to be very careful, especially in the boxes. I suddenlly realized that I was going to be late for college, so I jumped in the shower and ran off to school. As I came out running out of the house, I did a quick bee line, just to walk quickly in front of the house. Trying not to look too obvious, I just quickly stopped to look at the daughter. The daughter looked beautiful, I would say she was in her early twenties. Blue eyes, long blonde hair, with a beautiful shaped curvy body. she was a gorgeous woman, and not skinny too. She had major curves. She turned around and looked at me from afar directly and she paused at what ever she was doing. I hadn't noticed the mother was behind at first. The mother, noticed I was stairing at her daughter, inpart was noticing mec too. I felt she was not happy about this, as she made her daughter go into the house quickly. I turn my head and ran to school, before it was too late for my classes. Classes would be hard to concentrate on today, I think.

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Tue May 06, 2014 5:39 pm

It was around 7 o'clock at night, I came back home from school. I saw that the moving truck was already gone and all the lights were on, inside the house. I quickly stop in front of it, to try to see through the windows of my new neighbors. Sadly, they had already put some blinds to block any view from the outside. I went home and talked to my father and mother, while eating supper. They didn't say much about the new neighbors, just noticed some of the same things I'd noticed too. My father chuckle " Well, maybe you can go to meet her, get to know her maybe, she might need a new friend?". I was pretty shy, especially talking to beautiful girl, so I replied a "no". After finishing my supper, I went back upstairs to my bedroom and finish the homework I had from my classes. I looked at the clock, as it was around 8:30, at night. I openned the windows, as it was a nice summer night, cool breeze was in the air. I couldn't help myself to look at the house across the street, right in front of our house. To my surpirse, I saw the daughter was also looking out the window, from her second story bedroom too.

I think she saw me looking at her. To my own rash thinking, I started to wave to her. What was more shocking to me, is she saw me and waved back. She then made a gesture to me, to come to her. I nodded my head quickly, got up and went downstairs quickly. My parents asked where the hell I was going at this time of the night. I just quickly said "New neighbor's house!". I ran into the pathway of my house, cross the street quickly, to my new neighbors front yard. I stood right in front of the front door, taking a deep breath. With all my courage, I rang the doorbell. Slowly the door opened and it was the mother standing there. I was surprised as she was quite beautiful herself too. I would say in early thirties, not much more.

She asked me confused "What can I do for you?". I started choking, trying to answer her. "Hi, my name is Andrew and I'm your neighbor, from across the street, right there, my house!" The woman looked at me a bit confused then she replied "My name is Tiffany, nice to meet you.". I then heard from behind her, someone coming down the stairs very quickly. It was her daughter, walking right beside her mother. The young girl, almosted pushed her mother aside, as she reached to shake my hand. Introducing herself "Hi, my name is Natasha, pleased to meet you!". I hesitated as I reached out my hand to her. As I was already getting more and more shy, she got my hand and squeezed it hard. She shook it quickly "I'm so happy to meet you!". The only words that came out my mouth "You're beautiful...". Of course, I wanted to kill myself for saying such a thing to her face, right in front of her mother. Natasha looked stunned, turned around her to mother, tears started coming down her cheeks. "Mother, he called me beautiful! He really called me beautiful!" she sobbed. The mother turned to me, as with a look of surprise.

Natasha then asked if she could go out for just a few minutes with me, outside the house, to talk. "I would love to make a new friend, as you know in how lonely I am!". she begged Tiffany. Her mother nodded a yes, as she could not refuse her daughter's beautiful blue puppy eyes. She thanked her mom, as she pushed me out quickly with her arms.

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Re: Across the street

Post by mangaman » Tue May 06, 2014 10:05 pm

agreed kishin, why must you torture this spiderman so....think of the friendly neighborhood spiderman :cry: :cry: :cry:
" >_> im spiderman....everybody gets one"

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Wed May 07, 2014 2:51 pm

Natasha walked right in front of me, still holding my left hand, almost dragging me behind like a dog on a leash. "You have to tell me everything you know about this neighborhood, it's so beautiful! And tell me about you, I would like to know you and like, what are you doing in life, I want to know everything about you!" Natasha talked like a hyper excited child on Christmas morning. "Well, I'm 19 and I'm going to school, first year of college. I'm studying robotics and I live with my folks, mother and father and we've been living here for about 12 years now... and what else... I like pop music." I tried to tell her everything about myself I could think of. "Maybe I should letgo your hand?" I then ask her. She looked down at our holdings hands and smiled, as she hadn't notice this. She slowly released my hand and blushed. "Oh, just so marvelous.." she commented about my info on myself. "And you?" I asked her. "Me? it's just me and my mother, we just moved here today and that's all about me really..." she answered flatly. "Do you have a father?" I then asked her.

"No... I don't know where is my father is, anymore... That's why the main reason why we moved here. Mother wanted to escape him... they were fighting all the time... my mother wanted a new life for me and her, so we moved here.... I do miss him... I loved him a lot.." she said with a sadness in her voice.
Almost with tears in her eyes, I reached to hold her hands "Don't worry...I'll take care of you, Natasha..." I said to her cheer her up. "Would you like to be my friend?" I asked her.

She gasped " I really really really would love that!" all her sadness washed away suddenly. "Andrew... you called me beautiful... did you really mean it?" She asked, all shy. "Of course! You are very beautiful!" I said qucikly. Natasha looked at the night sky for a moment and then to me "Sorry if I'm acting weird but... at my old schoold, I was bullied a lot there... they call me weirdo, ugly, many names and I had no friends there... everyone told me I was always the strange girl... No one liked me.." she mumbled. I smile to her "I think they were jealous of you... I would be glad to be your friend!. She paused and she asked "Why?" and I just replied "Just because.." and she said "Just because?" I nodded to her "Just because!" We bought giggled together like childrens. We sat on the edge of the sidewalk, beside each other, only a few inch seperating us. We sat there, enjoying the cool and silent night, as its always been a very quiet street, in a very quiet beautiful small neighborhood. We spent another 10 minutes gossiping about the neighbours and about her quiet boring life. Getting to know each other, building a new friendship together. "Natasha, it's time for bed!" I heard her mother yelling from her front door. Natasha looked at me as a sad puppy, not wanting to go inside the house. "I must go, Andrew, it was a real pleasure meeting you.." she smiled. "Same here, Natasha... do you think we could do something tomorrow together?" I asked her. She replied "You better come! I'm expecting you early in the morning!" she said, as she gave me a small hug. Feeling her breats rubbing againts my chest, they felt nice and soft. I tried not to let my imagination go wild too much, as she rubs her body quickly against mine. I waved goodbye to her as I went across the street, to my house. I noticed she peared out one last time, to see me go.

PS: this story is losely based on my new comic, so, if you are liking it, please come read the entire comic here : ... offset=192

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Wed May 07, 2014 9:34 pm

Of course, this story will be enterily typed.

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Re: Across the street

Post by A.N.N. » Thu May 08, 2014 3:06 pm

I also like the story Mirage! Please continue.

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Thu May 08, 2014 6:31 pm

"Mom, our new neighbor are really nice people, she has a gorgeous daughter my age!" I yelled out excited. my father laughed out "My son has a girlfriend now!". Annoyed, I continued "Anyway, and I just met her and I'm so happy I finally met a nice girl ny age here!". They both now made fun of me. I made myself quickly a sandwich and went to bed, ingnoring my folks. But, just before I walked up the stairs, I heard knocking on the front door.

Very slowly, I openned the door and saw Natasha standing there. "Andrew, here is my phone number, can you call me? I want to talk to you more tonight. She wispered to me. She gave me a small piece of paper with a number on it and she ran back to her house very quickly. I studied the number and went upstairs and grab my phone and dialed the number. "Andrew?" Natasha asked nervously. "Yeah, it's me. This is so cool...that if we can talk like this." I said as I looked out the window to see her bedroom window. The room was all dark, not a single light was showing. "Are you in bed?" I asked her. "yes, I'm laying right now in my bed... you?" she asked back. "I'm in my bedroom right now. Can you see me?" I asked her, opening my window, waiting for her to open her window blinds. "No, I can't come to the window right now... sorry, but I can still talk to you, if you don't mind". "Of course not!" I snorted out.

It was around 2 o'clock in the morning and I was falling asleep, as I was still talking to Natasha. We talked about my childhood, my old friends, lots of different stuff of my past. She was pretty happy of me doing most of the talking. She didn't say much about her past but didn't mattered to me. I think she was just shy as she came from an unhappy childhood. "Natasha, I need to sleep, sadly... I have school tomorrow." I mumbled out, half alseep. "What school are you going to?" she asked quickly. I replied "I'm going to the college of technical advance in robotics, right after main road. Studying to be an android technichian." I answered her. "Do you think I could join it?" Natasha then ask. I said "I don't know why not, if she can afford it, ask your my mother, I would love going to school with you!" I chuckled. "Why?" she quizzed me. I told her "You're such a sweet girl, Natasha." "I am not that nice, I think." she giggled. She then replied back "I wish you a good night, Andrew." "I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight, sweet girl" I soflty said to her over the phone. She chuckled again and told me I was very sweet to her, and is she loved it, no one has ever been that's nice to her.

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Thu May 08, 2014 7:35 pm

I woke up around 7:30am, behind schedule. As I was getting leaving for my classes, I opened the front door to leave, Natasha was standing right in front of it. She yelled out my name, as she saw me coming out the house. "What are you doing here, so early?" I asked her, secretly, very happy to see her this early. "I wanted to see you before you left for school.." she blushed answering my question. "What are your plans for today?" I asked her. "Helping my mother unpack and get everything ready... Can I ask you something?" she asked me, being all shy. "Anything, Natasha!" I smiled. "After school classes, can you come?... I would love to be with you and you can maybe help us finish unpacking." she pouted.

"I saw that my mother did like you, so, she's cool with you, I'm glad, she does cuz I really like you too... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to say that..." she gasped a bit. I blushed "Do you really like me?" I grinned back. Blushing "I think I do, I hope you don't think I'm a weird girl...". "No, of course not, no one ever told me they liked me, no one ever been this nice to me..." I said, almost dazed. She blushed even more, look at her feet and she reach toward me and gave me a quick peck on my cheek. Now, both of us, as red as tomatoes, looking at both of our feet, not sure what to say next. Will you be late for your classes?" she then ask me. "Yes, I must hurry.... I'm so sorry, I'll see you tonight, I promise!" I told her as I ran out beside her, to catch my bus. "Bebye! see you tonight!" she giggled.

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Re: Across the street

Post by Devil » Fri May 09, 2014 9:12 pm

Definitely on pins and needles waiting for the next installment.

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Sat May 10, 2014 5:10 pm

I could not concentrate on anything the entire day. I tell my friends, who is sitting beside me during lunch about Natasha. I tell them think I met the woman of my dreams and her name is Natasha, my new neighbor. Max, who's been my friend for a few years now, yelled out "Finally found the girl you like?" We laught for a moment and we talked more "I tought you were gay sometimes!" jumped in George, my other good friend. "So, what does she looks like?" they ask. "Oh, she's so beautiful, beautiful blue eyes, beautiful blonde hair, beautiful sexy body..." I gush out. "Okay, are you telling us she is beautiful?" Max laugh out.

"She so smart and special, I never seen a girl like her before!" I continue blabbing like an idiot. "Hey, who are you talking about?" was ask from behind. I turned around and it was Samantha. Samantha was my only real female friend, but sadly, she moved last year and we got sort of separated and was rare that we talked to each other anymore. She had a new boyfriend, last year and she's been weird with me the entire year. "I am talking about my new neighbor and I really like her, and I think she really likes me, Samantha.". "Really? Wow, I would love to meet her!" she then said. I turned back to my other friends and continued raving about Natasha. We went back to her classes, as they dragged on. Finally, the classes were over and I was able to go back home. Fantasysing to be with Natasha again, I did not even stop to my house, as I went directly to Natasha's house instead. I rang the doorbell and Natasha openned the door and gave me a huge hug "Andrew, you came!" she smiled. "Come in, come in, we need your help!" she smiled, as I remove my shoes and drop my bag with some books. I looked inside the house and studied the room contents and quickly I saw lots of books around. Not much furniture to my surprise and lots of computer equipments. "

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Sat May 10, 2014 6:25 pm

"Can you come here quickly?" I heard Natasha's mother asking me. "Hi, Miss Jones!" I waved to her. "Call me Tiffany, Andrew!" she waved back. I followed to the next room, as she was trying to move a big bookshelf by herself. I quickly ran to help her out and moved it. Natasha, after we moved a few more things, asked me if I want something to drink. "Water is just fine, thank you." I smiled to her Natasha. "I need to speak to Andrew alone, please could you give us a minute, Natasha" Tiffany asked her daughter. Natasha ook a deep breath and left the room and I paid attention to her mother. "Andrew, you seem like a good kid and I want you to be careful being with the Natasha, she's very special. I don't want you to hurt her feelings, as she can be very sensitive. Do I make myself clear?" she scolded me a bit. "Of course, I'm I'll be very careful with Natasha, I promise that I will never hurt her in any way!" I blurted out. Tiffany seemed satisfied with my answer, as she said "Okay, go play with Natasha." she smiled. Natasha was unpacking many books and putting them on the shelves. "My mother is a scientist, if you're wondering, she's very smart, that's why she has so many books. "Do you like reading too?" I asked her. She paused and she gave me a strange look as she had to think about it "I love stories, love stories are my favs! I read all of my mother's books already. That's why my mother is always getting me new books. I love reading and I love learning new stuff, I crave it!" she laughed out. After a few hours of almost finishing unpacking everything, Tiffany ordered some pizza, as I called my parents, informing where I was. "You are studying Robotics?" Tiffany asked surprised, as she ate a slice of the pepperoni pizza. I nodded a yes, drinking my cola. "I can help out a lot, that's my speciallity!" she smiled. She then look at Natasha and brushed her daughter's hair "I love robots...". I remained quiet, feeling something was suddenly weird.

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Sat May 10, 2014 6:49 pm

"Can I show my bedroom?" Natasha asked me, as we found her mother, sleeping on the couch. After 20 minutes after eating supper, Tiffany was very tired from all the unpacking. Natasha grabbed my arm and drag me to her bedroom. Her bedroom was all in pink, teddy bears on the bed. "Come here, sit beside me, don't be shy!" she said as she sat on her bed. I said besides her, very shy, as I was studying the room around me. It was almost like a doll house, it was so very pink, very girly. I was kind of surprised, I was expecting it to be more with a grownup feel to it. "Do you like my room?" she ask very Quickly. "Very Barbie-ish.." I chuckled. "Barbie? I guess soo.... very cute, eh?" she smiled back to me. "Andrew, this morning, you told me that you really liked me... Did you really mean it?" she asked, avoid my eyes. I took a deep breath and I said "Yeah, I really mean it... you're such a nice girl and you're so beautiful too..". She moved close to me and gave me a deep kiss.

I blushed and did not move until she finish kissing me. "Thank you, Andrew, you're the nicest guy I ever met, I'm lucky to have met you." she said. I grinned to her "I'm very lucky to have met you too.". "Can we kiss again?" she asked me, but this time, I'm the one who reached to kiss her first. We kissed for a long time as I felt her tongue in my mouth. As we were kissing, I could not help myself from trying to touch her breasts. Somehow, someway, my left hand slowly reached and I grabbed one of her breasts. She shook a bit and giggled, but did not stopped my action as we were moaning and kissing deeper and deeper. My left hand was under her shirt, under her bra, as it was slowly squeezing her left breast.

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Sat May 10, 2014 7:09 pm

"Andrew... what are you doing?" Natasha asked, blushing. "Sorry... I'm so sorry" I blushed too, feeling embarrassed. She looked surprised, but then gave me a smile. Then, she did something that I was not expecting. She removed quickly her shirt and bra and grabbed my hands and put them directly on her breasts. They felt amazing, a least a C-cup, maybe even a D-Cup. Gasping in shock, my hand naturally started squeezing her tits soflty. "Do you like them?" she asked me, still smiling. "I never touched breasts before..." I mumbled out. "Want to taste them?" she then ask. I slowly put my mouth on her right breast and nipple and started licking it. As the nipple became erect, I started sucking on the entire breast, putting what I could, in my wide mouth. My tongue rolled on her hard nipple, as she left out a loud gasp of pleasure.

Natasha giggled, as she let me grab both for breast with both my hands and I squeeze them hard. "Do you have an erection?" she then ask. I became totally red "Of course..I do.". "Can I see it? I read books about it and I have always been curious about human mating." she smiled, undoing my jeans. She
stood up, as she pull down my pants and remove my underwear. She then grabbed my penis, fully erect, bent down and put her face right above it.

Without telling her anything, she put it in her mouth and start sucking on it very slowly, giving me my very first ever blowjob. "I taste salty and tastes sooo good." she said as I came in her mouth. Before anything else, scared her mother would wake up soon. Natasha pulled up my pants quickly and she pull back her shirt into place, covering her breasts quickly. "I have to admit, that was spectacular!" I moeaned out. "I never done anything like this my entire my life..." she snickered. We slowly got up the bed and went back in the other room before her mother knew what we just did in her daughter's pink room.

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Sun May 11, 2014 4:29 pm

I laid in bed, masterbating hard. Natasha's breasts kept flashing in my mind. Before I could reach for the kleenex, I jeezed all over my bed sheets. Taking a last deep breath, before I nod off to sleep, I received a text from Natasha, at 1:43am. "You made me very wet tonight... I am still wet... gd nght, Andy." was the only message. More masterbating was resulted from this message.

The next morning, I woke up on a Saturday, no classes today. I got a new text from Natasha "Gg mrning, still wet...". I grinned my teeth and text her back "Bad girl...!" and took a selfy in the washroom, brushing my teeth. My phone buzzed and showed me Natasha had taken a selfy too. A naked one. She was also in the washroom too, she took the pic from an angle above her head, coming down on her, the curve of her breasts showing under her chin. I could see the nipples sticking out. Followed the pic, she messaged me "Like?". I texted her back "Yu like torturring me?". "Yes!" was her comeback. "See you soon.." I texted her back. I then heard the doorbell suddenly. I ran downstairs, in my underwear and peeped outside. Natasha was grinning away "HELLO, I AM HERE TO TELL YOU THE GOOD WORD OF GOD!".

"Nat?! I tought you were in your washroom right now?' I said, confused. "Oh, that pic, took it a few hours ago!" she smiled. "It's 7:44 am! At what time you got up?" I joked to her. "Early, could not sleep much... you got me so pumped up last night... my brain would not shut down!" she chuckled. "Can I come in?" she then ask. "Of course, but be quiet, my folks are still sleeping." I said, as I sneeck her in.

"Wow, nice bedroom.." she said, as she studied my bedroom. She liked my big tv and game console collection. She sat on my bed, as I reached for my clothes. "Naw-ah... not yet!" Natasha said, as she pulled me toward her and pushed me down on my bed. As I lied on my back, she pulled my underwear down to my feet, as it feel on the floor. Completely naked, I blushed, as she reached and grabber my dick. She started strocking it slowly, as I moaned in delite. She smiled, as I came on her left hand. "Mmmmm... I can't get tired of watching you come.." she wispered to me.
Last edited by Mirage on Sun May 11, 2014 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Sun May 11, 2014 5:10 pm

"Thank you..." I wispered to Natasha, who was cleaning her left hand with some kleenex. "Someones has been busy here, as she noticed all the happy kleenexs beside the bed, on the floor. "This is your fault." I snorted. "Did you touched yourself too?" I asked curious. "I... no..." she paused for an answer. "Can I touch you?" I then asked her. "Could you?" she smiled to me, excited. "Of course. Can I get you naked." I asked, as I went to lock my bedroom door, as I didn't want any surprises, as my mom walking in. Natasha slowly removed her clothing, and got on top of the bed naked. She lied on her back, as I studied her body. She was blushing, as I sat beside her and openned her legs apart.

I saw her labia for the first time "I never seen a pussy before..." I gasped out. I noticed also that she had a bit of pubic hair, right above her pussy. "Are you wet?" I asked her, excited. She nodded a yes, being bashfull. I slowly inserted my main index finger of my right hand, inside her pussy. She gasped at my penetration. I notice her toes were curling up as deeper I went inside her pussy. My finger felt all warm and gooey. She closed her eyes, and panted lightly, enjoying my touches. My finger then touched her clitoris and rolled the tip of it. She moaned in delight, tighing her pussy around my fingers. "Don't stop..." she begged of me. I continued rolling my finger in a circle pattern, until she came. She curled her body hard, petruding her chest out, her breasts sticking out, as she orgasmed hard. She had her eyes wide openned, as she suddenly collapsed on the bed hard. "Natasha?" I asked her worried, as she remained motionless for a moment. I shoke her a bit, but she was still stairing direclty at my ceiling, completely quiet. "Nat? Serousily, you are freaking me out!" I told her, still shaking her to get a reaction from her.

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Sun May 11, 2014 5:51 pm

I looked on, as suddenly, Natasha started blinking quicly, but still motionless. "NAT! Are you okay?" I said in her right ear, worried. "Processing new data..." she mumbled out. "OMG, she's a robot!" I gasped out. "Bwawawa! Gotcha!" she chuckled out, suddenly. "Andrew! you just gave me my first orgasm! You almost made me pass out!" she said, kissing me hard. "Are you really okay?" I asked her, still worried. "Of course... I was gone in lala-land, sorry about that, but I had never experience an orgams before... it was magical... I was savoring it!" she exclaimed. I never had sex before too, so, not sure this was normal of not." I said, reliefed.

She rolled under my sheets, as I joined her. We kissed more, squeezing our body to gether more and more. "Can I go inside you?" I ask her, as my penis was very erected. "Sure... let's try it. " she said, climbing on top of me. She inserted my hard dick inside her wet pussy and started moaning hard right away. "Shhh! Shhh! You are going to wake up my mom!" I said quickly to her. Sadly, she was already gone in extasy and was riding me like a cowboy on an mechanical bull. Natasha left out a loud moan, as she climaxed hard. I was no better, I left out a loud "OH GOD!", as I came inside her. She almost felt beside me, exhausted. I was breathing hard, having my first full sexual intercourse.

"Andrew! Andrew, what are you doing in there? We heard strange noises." I heard my mom yelling from behing the door. "Sorry, watching some porn, mom!." I blurred out, enbarrassed. "No, he was doing me, Miss St Clair!" Natasha yelled out loud. "WHAT? Who is this?" gasped my mother, shocked. "I am your son's girlfriend! My name is Natasha, your new neighbour!" Natasha yelled out more. "You are my girlfriend?" I asked surprised. "Of course, silly! I love you!" she said, kissing me hard. My mom was suddenly quiet and then said soflty "Er... okay, nice to meet you, Natasha... see you at breakfast.". We laughed and got dressed up for breakfast.

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Re: Across the street

Post by Devil » Sun May 11, 2014 7:25 pm

Ugh! Such a tease!

Update... the wait is killing me! :rotfl:

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Re: Across the street

Post by DollSpace » Thu May 15, 2014 5:40 am

This...this is an odd story for me for some reason, and I'm not sure what to say about it. Positives first: you've got major suspense going, the way Natasha acts is a major turn on & point of interest, and certain things raise eyebrows in a "is this a whole family of robots"-sort of way. Negatives: not many....the short bits that add to the suspense make it a bit harder to read, and some of it needs to be proofread (I volunteer :-P). There's also the fact that I don't exactly know where this is heading, which is neither positive nor negative, because it may end up with an amazing finish that makes this a classic, or it may have begun with a shout only to end with a whimper, which I hope translate into Française somehow.

Oh, and congratulations on winning last night. I was routing for the Bruins, but, as locals tell me, I should never do that.... :-P Though I guess they won the World Series of Baseball last year.... :thumbsup:

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Thu May 15, 2014 2:50 pm

As we sat for breakfast, my father and mother were stairing at Natasha while she ate breakfast. "This is so yummy!" Natasha said, as she gulped down some Orange juice. My Father then looked at me, giving the look "wowy!". My mother, she gave me a different look. I could hear a commercial of 'OLD SPICE' running in my head while I looked at her back. Natasha was not paying attention to my folks what-so-ever, as she was enjoying her food a lot. "Er... Natasha and me, we are going steady..." I mumbled out. "You betcha, I am his love!" Natasha said with pride. I grinned, as my mother gave a unproval look following Natasha's comment. "What's your plans for today, son?" asked my father, trying to change the mood of my mother. "I.. I am not sure... What do you want to do, Nat?" I asked her. "I don't know... shopping?" she snickered. I rolled my eyes "Of course!... typical...". "Hey!" my mother kicked me under under the table. I laughed and we both left the table, to get ready to go out. Nat lied on my bed, as I took my shower. Of course, she wanted to join me, but with my parents in the house, mom would kill me.. more.

"Nat? what store you want to go?" I asked her, as I came in my room in a towel. "Nat?" I asked again. I sat beside her, as she was stairing at the ceiling, all quiet. She was unresponsive at my touches. I listen to her chest and could not here a heartbeat... but a loud humming coming from her chest... like a hard drive on a computer working hard. "Nat... are you human?" I asked myself outloud. I pulled her shirt up, above her breasts. She was not wearing a bra today. I looked at her flat stomach and rolled my fingers on it. She felt real... if she is a gynoid, she is certainly realistic. I grabbed one of my books, on robots maintenance. I flipped some pages, on the subject. "If robot is unresponsive, it might be updating softwares or stuck in sleep mode. Please give it a few moments to see if robot finish the updates and reboots itself. If still unresponsive, a direct reboot might be needed. To find on/off button, please refer to robot model in reference appendix for where on/off button is located.". "I don't know what model she is!" I yelled at the book.

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Thu May 15, 2014 2:59 pm

I need to mention, why in short paragraph style. Main reason... Time frame, I try to sneak in one when I can. I am very busy, as I have 1000 things to do at home. Also, my computer is a peice of crap. It crashed often, and I did losses multiple times part of stories in the past, that I had to completely retype.
SO, in this format, if I loose something, it's only a small part.

I do plan to get a new one soon... but have more important things to buy first, like a new dishwasher... and repair the drywer, and etc... ahhh.. to be rich....


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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Thu May 15, 2014 3:34 pm

"Model?" Natasha asked me suddenly, confused, as she suddenly came alive. She looked at the book I was holding "Advance Robot technical guide... Andrew, do you think I am really a robot?" she asked frustrated. "I don't know... you have been having some black outs.. freaks me out a bit." I mentionned to her, as she sat beside me. She covered her hands on her face and started sobbing hard. "Nat? What's wrong..." I asked her quickly. "I have... seizures... it's not my fault.. the kids always made fun of me all my life..." she explained, as she sobbed hard. "One time, I started to convulse very hard, everything blacked out. I woke up a week later, when I was 10... I almost died." she cried, as I hugged her hard. "Please don't hate me for this... it's not my fault... I just want to be loved... a normal life.. I'll understand if you don't want me as your girlfriend anymore..." she sobbed more.

"Of course I want you, Natasha... I love you.. you should have told me this when we met.." I told her. "I am so ashamed of it... If it really gets bad for me, please call right away my mother.. she knows what to do.." she muttered. "Thank you for still wanting me, Andrew..." she smiled to me. We kissed and held each other for a very long time.

Before we went to the mall, she needed to stop at her house, to get her purse. 'Hi, Andrew, how are you?" Natasha's mother asked nicely, as I waited for Nat to get her purse, in her bedroom. "Very nice, Miss Jones." I replied, somewhat shy. "Call me Tiffany, is Natasha behaving?" she asked, with a curious smile. "Yes... yes, Mis... Tiffany." I replied back. "Did you guys fucked yet?" she then asked me. "I.. er.." I stumbled on my words, surprised by her question. Tiffany gave a small laughed, as she knew we did indeed fucked. "How was she?" she then asked. "Er.. good... er.. your daughter is my first... and maybe my last, as I am really falling in love with her, I think." I smiled to her, confused a bit. " "Oh, you were a virgin? A good looking boy like you? How old are you again, Andrew?' Tiffany asked me, as she came closer to me, and she rolled her fingers down my chest. "I am er.. 19..." I gasped, as I was being seduced by Natasha's mother. "Oh my..." Tiffany said, as she cupped my erected penis and balls with one of her hands. "Mom, what are you doing?" asked Natasha, from across the room.

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Thu May 15, 2014 4:03 pm

Tiffany turned to face her daughter and walked slowly to her "You and him, you fucked?". Natasha blused hard, almost embarrassed. "How was it? Did you like it? Did he penetrate you deep? Did you come good?" Tiffany wispered to Natasha right ear. "Tiffany!" I yelled out, as I felt very uneasy at the situation. Tiffany turned back to me "Yes?" she simply said. Natasha was looking away, as she wanted to scream somehow. "Andrew... We are all family here, no need for secrets.." she chuckled. "Natasha is your daughter... please respect her... and me.. I am her boyfriend and maybe future husband, one day!." I said angrely.
"Husband? Oh my... that's rich..." she laughed out loud. "Stop it! I LOVE HIM!" Natasha yelled back to her mother. "...Do you? really?" Tiffany suddenly changed her mood quickly. "Yes... I really do.. and I think he does too.." Natasha said, crying, tears of happiness. She ran into my arms and we held each other very hard.

Tiffany walked to us and hugged us both "Good... I needed to test both of you... I wanted to make sure your emotions were actual and real." she smiled to us.
We took a deep breath and sat down on the couch, while Tiffany went to make herself some coffee. "Your mom is weird..." I said, scratching my head. "She can be... Andrew.. did you get hard with her?" Natasha asked, jealous. "Tiffany is a beautiful woman... I could not help it... I am not gay." I laughed, trying to change the conversation. Natasha took a deep breath and gave me a "you are not off the hook yet" look. Great...

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Thu May 15, 2014 4:12 pm

I hope everyone is enjoying this one. It might be a long one. Enjoy the ride.

PS: I got banned by Nintendo yesterday for a few weeks, as my comic got too contreversial. I am in the last comic of Maybe Love? and one of the main character was explaining into why she got an abortion at 14, due to being raped by her own father, whom he got her pregnant... just a tad contrevercial.. I talked to a nintendo help desk today, he'll try to reduce my ban, as I promise to tone it down (L).


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Re: Across the street

Post by Devil » Fri May 16, 2014 9:05 am

Been quite the roller coaster so far! Keep it up.

Good luck with your dispute with Nintendo.

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Re: Across the street

Post by Mirage » Fri May 16, 2014 2:53 pm

"What do you think?" asked Natasha, showing me a new shirt, coming out of the dressing room. "Very nice!" I said, loving it. "Okay, let me try one more, last one, I promise!" she yelled out, running back inside the booth. Since this was all new to me, I was having a blast with Natasha. I seen guys waiting for their women in stores, in pure agony, but I was having a grand time myself. Having a girlfriend was cool, for me. Nat came out with the other shirt on "So?" she simply ask, showing the shirt off. This one was tighter and a size smaller from the last one. You could easily see the shape of her breasts, that were very nice and rounded. 'This one!" I smiled. "Gotcha!" She smiled and went back to change. "Oh! I need some new earings too! And some lipsticks too!" she was running about like crazy, stores to stores in the mall. After a few hours, holding multiple bags for her, we sat in the food court of the mall. "Hungry?" I asked her, tired. "Not really, you?" she asked me back. "Mmmm... I am, actually, I'll just grab some burgers, if you don't mind." I said, as I went to get the food. I came back quickly, Nat looking inside the bags, huge smile on lips "Andrew, thank you for all the gifts!" she squilled out, so happy. "My pleasure, Nat." I told her, knowing secretly, I just emptied my entire wallet for her. "No one ever bought me gifts like theses... You make me so happy!" she said, small tears rolled down her cheeks. "Nat, it's okay, you are my girl!" I smiled to her, almost crying too. Obviously, she had a hard childhood and some rough teenagers years. "Nat, I'll always do my best to make you happy..." I told her, holding her hands with my hands. She caressed me hard "Me too! I love you so much, Andrew!".

We sat there, just looking at each other, while I ate the burgers "Want a bite?" I asked Nat. "Naw, still full from the breakfast. I noticed your mom didn't like me much..." Natasha said, stealing a fry from my combo. "Mom is over-protective of me... Being her only child. I am sure she will adore you with time!" I grinned. "I hope so.. your dad liked me." she grinned back. "Dad? Of course, was worried about me, being single all the time." I laughed out. "How come you never had a girlfriend before?" Nat questionned me. "I guess it's do to always been studying hard, never paid much attention to girls in high school.. But I did had one female friend since childhood. Samantha was my best friend growing up..." I replied. "Samantha?" asked quickly Nat. "We grew up together... she moved 2 years ago with her parents away, but she came back this year, she goes to my college too. She is also studying robotics." I said, somewhat sad. "Did you like her.. like love her?" Natasha asked, trying not to be jealous. "Love her? No, no.. we were always more like brother and sister, I think. She has even a new boyfriend now.. Tom..." I explained. "You seem bitter, or even jealous of Tom." Nat said to me next, stinging me a bit. "Jealous? Me?..." I snickered "Just worried for Sam, like a big brother would, I guess.." I smiled. Nat rolled her eyes a bit, not beleiving me totally. "Anyway, who cares about Sam! I have you! The perfect woman!" I said, reaching for a kiss. "Yay, yay.." Natasha blurred out, kissing me back. We then went back home by bus.

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