BLue Chips Ch8

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BLue Chips Ch8

Post by General » Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:15 pm

Daniel woke up Sunday morning feeling somewhat sore, but otherwise very happy and well rested. He didn’t get up right away, but instead laid back and smiled about the evens of the last few days, and how he had screwed four of the most beautiful women he had ever seen; even if they were androids.

Daniel finally rolled out of bed and started to get ready for another day. By the time he was decent and showered it was almost noon, and he was getting pretty hungry. So he actually left his room for a while and grabbed some lunch at the dining hall. After choking down what the school called food, he stopped by the sports field on his way back to the dorm. He was happy that he managed to catch the tail end of the girls’ soccer practice, and all four of his girls gave him little smiles as they ran back and forth. It didn’t take him long to notice that all four of them were playing better than they did yesterday. Even though it was only practice, he could see them trying to anticipate the other girls’ moves and reacting. They were better, but even Daniel had to admit that they still had a ways to go before they could be great players.

After watching the practice for a while, Daniel noticed that the girl’s coach, Rebecca Owens, was starting to eye him from across the field. Cursing himself for being stupid and possibly blowing his cover, Daniel tried to slyly retreat from the field as fast as possible. On the way back, he starting thinking to himself that it was probably only a matter of time until the coach found out he was spending a lot of time with her “special” girls. He only wondered exactly what she knew. If she knew everything, he figured that somebody would have stopped him already and tried to put a lid on the situation before it got out of hand. Well, there isn’t much he could do now, and he guessed he would just have to wait and see if she would press the issue.

When Daniel got back to the room, he decided to contact the girls and leave a message for them to come over when they got out of practice. He went on the network and looked for Jenny’s computer to leave a pop-up message. He didn’t want to send an email because they were very easy to monitor, so he wanted to message her computer directly and figured she would get it once she opened her gym bag after practice. He started poking around the network and managed to find a computer name that sounded like it might be her. However, he couldn’t seem to come up with anything close, so he had an idea. Using a network diagram he lifted a while back, he found a wireless router that was near the athletic field and would hopefully be able to reach her gym bag on the side of the field. He searched the router’s attached devices and found a computer named [Jenny101a_1_7]. It looked like a good shot, so he sent a quick system message [Jenny, can you stop by my room this afternoon after practice? -Daniel].

Daniel was surprised when a message popped back up on his screen a split second later, [No problem. I should be by in about an hour. Do you want me to bring Amy, Katie, and Lucy? -Jenny]. He guessed that she must have gotten out of practice already, but then why would it take so long for her to come by.

[Uh, yea sure. Are you finished with practice?]

[No, not for another 45 minutes or so.]

[So…you got a break to use your computer?]

[No silly. You are talking right to me. I am working on passes with Lucy]

[Oh I am sorry; I don’t mean to distract you.]

[Don’t worry, I can multitask just fine. My processors are only running around 32% capacity. Is there anything else I can do for you?]

[Err no, thanks. I will see you when you get out of practice.]

[Ok, see you then.]

Daniel sat there at his computer somewhat surprised at what had just happened. He could actually interface with her mind remotely. This could be useful if he ever needed to contact her. He also made a mental note for Jenny to show him what else he could do through her wireless network connection.

Daniel expected an eventful afternoon and evening with the girls, so he wanted to take it easy now and relax. He kicked back and caught up on some of his favorite message boards, and websites. He didn’t notice how much time had passed and soon he heard a familiar knock on his door. “Come on in, it’s unlocked,” Daniel said.

Expecting to see a trail of beautiful women enter his room Daniel didn’t even look up at first, and finished his last posting on a bulletin board. He heard the door close and lock, and only looked up after he heard a woman clear her voice in an impatient manner. “That is strange, I don’t think they have ever been impatient before,” he thought. He looked up and his jaw dropped.

“Aren’t you expecting me Mr. Andrews?” Rebecca Owens said in a snide tone. She stood in front of his locked door, still wearing her coach’s uniform and carrying a clipboard. “We have to have a little talk about you spending time with some of my players.”

Daniel broke out in a cold sweat and started stammering. “Uhh, what’s the matter with me just spending some time with a few very nice ladies? I was even helping Jennifer with her studies,” he flubbed out. Frantically his eyes scanned the room for a way out. He could jump out the window, but it was at least a 15 foot fall to the concrete below. He might survive, but he wasn’t going to be able to run very far on broken legs. The door was another option but he would have to get by the coach, and unlock a door before she could grab him. Hell he didn’t even know if she might have a gun. He could really be in deep shit.

“Cut the crap. I know you have been reprogramming my girls, and it is going to stop right here. I can even tell that you are messing up their playing ability. Get your skinny hacker ass over here now,” Coach Owens said, forcefully pointing towards the couch.

Daniel got up and made his way to the couch. He had no idea what she might do to him, but since he saw no other option right now, he did as he was told. She probably wouldn’t kill him, and certainly not here, in earshot of hundreds of other students. He sat down and looked up at her. She looked none too pleased. “So what are you going to do?” he asked sheepishly.

“I am going to have you expelled for tampering with school property,” Coach Owens started, “as soon as the dean gets back in on Monday morning, I am heading up the hill to see him. And if you even think about blabbing about the girls to anyone, you will be prosecuted under the Anti-Hacker Act to the full extent of the law.” At this point Daniel was a nervous wreck. His entire career goals flew before his eyes. Tomorrow it would be all gone. His parents would kill him, and if he survived them, he would only end up working at the local McDonalds/Burger King consortium.

“But before I get you thrown out of school, you are going to do something for me,” Coach Owens said as she leaned over the shaking lump of nerd that was Daniel. She put one hand on the couch behind his head and leaned over more, putting her ample cleavage in front of his face. Her other hand reached out and grabbed his groin. “You are the only man that can arouse me Daniel, and I need you to satisfy me before you can leave.”

Surprise and confusion would be understatements to describe Daniel’s feelings at the time. Why was the coach coming on to him? This could jeopardize her own job and her position before the dean. Then something about her last phase stuck in his head. It was very similar to what Amy and Katie had said yesterday when he met them for the first time. Before he continued that thought, she aggressively kissed him on the mouth and started to undo his fly. She kissed quite well, and her hands adeptly flew over his pants to try to free her prize, in much the same way that the girls had done before. At that moment he realized that the coach might also be an android. He would have to wait for an opportunity to take control of the situation, and he started eyeing her shoulder.

By now Rebecca had pulled Daniel’s manhood free of his pants, but due to the very stressful situation he was hardly ready for any sexual action. Oblivious to the situation, she began to quickly pump her hand up and down his penis, which in its current state painfully pulled it up and down. He pulled his legs together and grimaced under the tugging. He quickly reached down and pulled her hand away, and at this she stood up and took a step back. “What is wrong with you?” she said gesturing towards his crotch, “why aren’t you erect?”

“Uh, it takes me a while at first,” Daniel stammered growing somewhat more confident that she was an android, “Maybe if you stripped down and let me see you it might speed things up.”

“OK, let me shut the window shades first,” Rebecca said as she walked over to the window. Daniel tried to think quickly, and decided that he would try to get her in a good position to hit her off switch. She came back over to stand in front of him and began to quickly take off her clothes. She actually had quite a nice body, now that Daniel noticed it. She was maybe 5’9” tall, and was fairly well muscled, but without looking too bulked up. She looked maybe 35ish, and had short blond hair that fell over a well tanned and angry looking face. Her breasts were pert and full, maybe a D or DD cup, and stood out proudly on her now bare chest. They were definitely too perky for a woman of her age, and Daniel was convinced they were fake, one way or another. When she was fully stripped, his eyes dropped to her athletic and smooth legs, and her perfectly hairless pussy. Now he was convinced that she was also a droid. “I see this is helping,” she said while looking at his growing manhood.

“Yea it is helping, but I still need a little more,” Daniel said trying to put his plan into motion, “can you suck on me a little? That will definitely get me really hard.”

Rebecca looked at Daniel angrily but relented, saying, “Alright fine, but don’t cum in my mouth. I don’t want to have to wait to get you hard again.” She got down on her knees in front of him and started to aggressively suck on his cock. He carefully moved his hands to the sides of her head to feel her movement. Then when he felt that she was comfortable with them there, he slowly moved them down her neck and put one hand on each shoulder. Much to his surprise he didn’t feel any switches. This instantly scared the crap out of him, and his cock almost completely deflated in her mouth. Was she a robot after all, or did he just dream up the conclusion? Or did she cover up her switches knowing that he might try to disable her? At this point he had to assume that she was an android, because it was the only explanation that could explain why the coach of the women’s soccer team was giving a blowjob to a person she just threatened with expulsion and criminal prosecution. He had to come up with another plan.

Daniel started thinking, and when he leaned his head back in despair, it hit a hard metal object. Looking up, he saw the electric field generator that started this whole mess. He could use it to disable her, but the plug was under the couch, and there would be no way he could discreetly reach way under the couch to plug in it. He couldn’t turn his head to see much of the shelf behind the couch, without twisting his hips and alerting Rebecca. Just then, he looked across the room and saw an old beer mirror he had got at a bar. Through the logo, he could make out a very nice image of the coach going down on him and part of the wall and shelf behind his head. She looked like a pro; good thing his mind was distracted otherwise he never would be able to last very long.

“Are you ready yet?” Rebecca asked, a bit of saliva still connecting her lips and Daniel’s cock.

“Uhh, not yet. I need a little more, otherwise I will get soft again,” Daniel managed to spit out.

“Oh alright, but hurry up. I don’t want to suck you off all day,” Rebecca growled as she went back to her task at hand.

Daniel casually put his hands behind his head, like he was reclining. Actually he was using his now hidden fingers to feel for the cord leading out of the field generator. After a few seconds he could feel its aged, cloth rapped exterior. He started to slowly, and delicately pull it up, trying not to make any noise. He bunched the cord on the shelf behind his head, the whole time trying to do everything in reverse because he had to use the mirror as a guide. When he had the plug up, and secured so it wouldn’t fall down again, he started to look for some place to plug it in. In a minute or so, he noticed an old lamp that he had used to read while on the couch. It was plugged into a rarely used power strip on the shelf, which was used to turn the old lamp on and off. Using the mirror again as a guide he carefully worked the plug over, minding not to knock over any of the piles of crap that had accumulated on the shelf.

After what seemed like a lifetime where Daniel was sure he would be caught, he managed to get the plug into the strip. At that moment though, Rebecca stood up and spat out his now plenty hard cock. “This is hard enough. Now it is time for you to fuck me,” she said while grabbing him under the arms and lifting him to his feet. He didn’t have time to hit the switch and now she had an iron grip on him. She positioned herself standing against the couch with her arms on the back cushions, and her ass in the air. She had positioned Daniel behind her. “Strip down, quickly and get to work,” she growled.

Daniel was blocked from the switch for now, and decided to keep up the game, plus Rebecca’s ass was looking pretty good and he didn’t mind tapping it for a while. He jumped out of his clothes and stood close behind her. Not waiting for him to take her on his own time, she reached around and grabbed his cock with her hand. She pulled him forward and shoved his cock into her waiting, and wet snatch.

It felt so good to Daniel, and he reached out and grabbed her hips to help him control his thrusts. Rebecca started to moan and forcefully thrust her hips back push him further inside of her. It felt so good that he almost forgot about tripping the switch and disabling her. But from where he was now he couldn’t reach, and when he tried to shift position, her strong legs, and iron vice of a vagina kept him right where he was. He couldn’t reach now, but he thought he had a plan that might work.

After several minutes of intense pumping, Rebecca was nearing her orgasm. Daniel was waiting, and listening for the first moment when she would begin to climax. Suddenly, her pussy clenched down and she let out a loud moan. Her previously locked elbows were now bent in slightly so that she could lean forward and bite the couch cushions.

Daniel saw his opportunity, and threw all his strength into a forward thrust. Rebecca was caught off guard and she slid forward on the couch. Her face actually came into contact with the electrical coil, and he heard a good clang. He quickly reached forward and managed to trip the switch on the power strip.

Daniel heard a familiar hum, and then all of a sudden Rebecca let out a massive shriek. He looked down and saw that her face was actually touching the metal coil, and he could see small sparks jumping between the two surfaces.

“Ahh, ahh, ahhhhhhhhh…” Rebecca called out in a shrill metallic voice. She was convulsing powerfully, and despite Daniel’s best attempts, he could not free his dick from her pussy. After a few seconds he started to smell a little smoke, and began to fear that he would get electrocuted through the cock, so he reached out and turned off the coil.

Rebecca stopped shrieking, and stayed perfectly still. Daniel managed to free his member, and moved around to get a better look at her. She was no longer touching the coil but he could clearly see where she had made contact before. A patch of skin in the middle of her forehead was charred and slightly melted. Her eyes were fixed open and her mouth hung loose, with a little drool leaking out onto the couch. When he listened closely he could still hear a little moan coming out of her open lips.

To prepare himself for the worst, Daniel stood near the switch for the coil and gently shook Rebecca, trying to rouse her the same way he did with Jenny. Nothing happened, so he used one hand to feel around her body, looking for any switches. He didn’t find anything at first, and at one point just for pure amusement and since he was still aroused, he squeezed her left breast. Suddenly she jumped back up “Class 4 input received, unable to process data,” she said in a clipped metallic voice. “Error, error memory access failure. Disk error, disk error, disk error…..” she said while her head repetitively twitched back and forth.

Rebecca’s malfunction was really turning Daniel on, and now that he had her under control, it was his turn to have the fun. He pushed her down on the couch, on her back. She continued to malfunction, “unable to access data, unable to process new data, buffer overflow imminent…”

Daniel pushed the smug coach’s legs apart and mounted her still dripping pussy. Her error induced shutters only helped to increase his stimulation. In a few moments he was shooting his load inside of her, and she continued her meltdown.

Rebecca’s body started moving wildly, “major system failure. Motor control corrupted. *beep* emergency shutdown failed, *beep* *beep* total system crash iminen–“she stopped halfway through her system beep stuttered sentence, and just totally collapsed. All her joints went limp and she slipped off the couch. Daniel barely made it out of her before she hit the floor. He looked at her body now in lying in a twisted, naked pile on the floor.

“Man this is a lot worse than last time,” Daniel thought to himself. “I wonder where Jenny is?” he thought as he cleaned himself up and stepped over the broken coach to get to his computer.

To be continued…

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