Robocop remake

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Re: Robocop remake

Post by D.Olivaw » Fri Sep 06, 2013 6:22 am

They've taken away the whole feel of the iconic character and made him supergeneric robo-motorcycle-bat cop. I read that the reason for many of the changes was to make him seem more "high tech" than the 80s version. Of course this is stupid because looking around I still don't see us able to take a brain and a few cm of spinal cord and build a cyborg body around it. Oh I forgot, now he's just missing a leg and an arm. Having him be injured in a car bombing also totally removes the drama of being sadistically butchered, replacing it with Yet Another Silly Hollywood Gasoline Explosion (YASHGE).

I also have 0.01% faith in the SFX department to create anything as disturbingly realistic looking as the junction between skin and machine in the original movie:


I don't want to give the impression of being obsessed with having the remake be a perfect copy of the original. It is silly, though, to shear away every part of the character that makes him interesting in favor of more explosions and a motorcycle.
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Re: Robocop remake

Post by tectile » Fri Sep 06, 2013 7:59 am

GRRRRR! I am not pleased :-x

The original still holds up and would be next to impossible to improve.

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Re: Robocop remake

Post by csoloist » Fri Sep 06, 2013 4:44 pm

Kishin wrote:

I have zero confidence in this film. It looks so sanitized and the choice for actors is insipid. :brokenheart:
It'll still be better than Robocop 3. Remember the depths this franchise has plumbed people. Robocop 3 was such a train-wreck I can only recall it in bursts of static, like Robocop starting to remember his former life :D . Ah wait... One should never reference a good movie while talking about a bad movie. There'll probably be a halfway-meh movie behind this trailer which can only be a step up for the franchise. I mean, let's be real here, Robocop is an impossibly high standard to live up to. This movie *never* had a chance of being better than Robocop... Because it's fucking Robocop (yes, "fucking Robocop" 'cus Robocop demands ALL the expletives :) ).

Also... PG-13.
:shock: Fuck those motherfuckers!

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Re: Robocop remake

Post by freakofn99 » Fri Sep 06, 2013 6:35 pm

no risk of my $$ being spent on this bull shit...

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Re: Robocop remake

Post by DukeNukem 2417 » Sat Sep 07, 2013 6:25 am

Right, it's like this.....

The thing about the new Robocop (notice I'm not calling it a remake) is that it's a product of its time, much like the 1980s Robocop was a product of its time---AND the 1980s Robocop was started after Orion couldn't get the rights to Judge Dredd.

Also, you have to realize that back in the 80s, things like unmanned drones and privatization of police forces weren't as prevalent as they are nowadays (in the case of drones, they were nonexistant). Murphy's origin---getting taken out by a car bomb, as opposed to being shot to pieces---is far more reminiscent of what's happening to diplomats and law enforcement officers in the Middle East on an almost daily basis. And, of course, the idea of a PG-13 rating....again, the original Robocop rose from the ashes of a failed Judge Dredd project, so it was inevitable that a lot of R-rated stuff would happen. Giving the new film a PG-13 rating could easily bring the Robocop character into popularity with a whole new generation of fans, and maybe get them to watch the first two films when they get older (I agree with the consensus that Robocop 3 sucked balls, for obvious reasons).

Personally, I don't view the new Robocop as a "remake". I see it as a "reimagining"---taking the concepts we're familiar with, putting a new spin on them and seeing where things go from there. Yes, people are attached to the original, and I can understand why---but maybe the new Robocop can find a niche of its own. It might not be as iconic as the original, and it might piss off a lot of fans of the original (I can already see that it's done that here), but my view is, quite simply, that the new Robocop could be the Robocop for the modern age.

Those who like the classic films can still like them----nobody's forcing anyone to automatically like the new one. I just prefer to have an open mind on things.

(My only gripe, thus far, is that the new Robocop's right hand has exposed fingers. For some reason, that just bugs the shit out of me.)
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Re: Robocop remake

Post by DollSpace » Sat Sep 07, 2013 6:51 am

DukeNukem 2417 wrote:Right, it's like this.....

The thing about the new Robocop (notice I'm not calling it a remake) is that it's a product of its time, much like the 1980s Robocop was a product of its time---AND the 1980s Robocop was started after Orion couldn't get the rights to Judge Dredd.

Also, you have to realize that back in the 80s, things like unmanned drones and privatization of police forces weren't as prevalent as they are nowadays (in the case of drones, they were nonexistant). Murphy's origin---getting taken out by a car bomb, as opposed to being shot to pieces---is far more reminiscent of what's happening to diplomats and law enforcement officers in the Middle East on an almost daily basis. And, of course, the idea of a PG-13 rating....again, the original Robocop rose from the ashes of a failed Judge Dredd project, so it was inevitable that a lot of R-rated stuff would happen. Giving the new film a PG-13 rating could easily bring the Robocop character into popularity with a whole new generation of fans, and maybe get them to watch the first two films when they get older (I agree with the consensus that Robocop 3 sucked balls, for obvious reasons).

Personally, I don't view the new Robocop as a "remake". I see it as a "reimagining"---taking the concepts we're familiar with, putting a new spin on them and seeing where things go from there. Yes, people are attached to the original, and I can understand why---but maybe the new Robocop can find a niche of its own. It might not be as iconic as the original, and it might piss off a lot of fans of the original (I can already see that it's done that here), but my view is, quite simply, that the new Robocop could be the Robocop for the modern age.

Those who like the classic films can still like them----nobody's forcing anyone to automatically like the new one. I just prefer to have an open mind on things.

(My only gripe, thus far, is that the new Robocop's right hand has exposed fingers. For some reason, that just bugs the shit out of me.)
I think this is about how I feel...except the hand being exposed doesn't really matter to me. My issue is just...there could''ve been so much more done with this movie...I can think of them in my barely-awake state, like, what if the company that built the cybernetic enhancements uses the same to create a fully built female adversary, who's always one-upping Robocop cause she gets there before he does and accomplishes the crime, and Robocop slowly loses credibility until he finds out about his enemy, and then we can see lots of malfunction scenes so he can get the bad guy, or her turning good due to the lab techs, or a million different versions..... That being said, I'll still probably see this... :)


Re: Robocop remake

Post by --NightBattery-- » Sun Sep 08, 2013 9:18 pm

murphy is not even going to be shoot to death :-x .
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Re: Robocop remake

Post by King Snarf » Mon Sep 09, 2013 12:04 am

On the one hand, I'm not crazy about this. On the other hand, if there's a scene where Robocop rescues Sting from Ric Flair and the Four Horsemen, then I will give this movie all the moneys.


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Re: Robocop remake

Post by GirlieGirl1985 » Sun Sep 15, 2013 2:29 am

Well... I do loves me some Robocop.

Truthfully I dont know with this one. When I saw the whole "Robo-cycle" thing I kinda calmed down on expectations. Because you know Robo-cycle.

Trailer looks okish, liking Jackson, Keaton and Oldman. Robocop really looks like a custom Master Chief though. Not sure on Alex Murphy either, seems a bit frat-boyish.

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Re: Robocop remake

Post by wjbaines » Fri Sep 27, 2013 4:10 pm

I saw something that looked like a remake of ED-209 that looked cool.

As fond as I am of the original Robocop (and nobody's ever going to beat director Paul Verhoeven), I don't mind seeing a reboot for 21st century sensibilities. After all, practically everything in the original Robocop except for the tech has come true or gotten even worse (PMCs, corporate takeover of practically everything that used to be a government function accountable to taxpayers, global warming, ridiculous wealth discrepancies, etc.).

I do lament the PG-13 rating, but I guess they gotta fill those theaters with highschoolers to make their money back.

I might not watch it in a theater unless I get indications, but I do plan to watch it eventually.

I'll also nod to Dollspace that a female nemesis (or partner/rival) would have been cool, but at that point, you might as well not even call it Robocop, I guess...

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