Waiting for something better.

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Waiting for something better.

Post by transhuman » Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:40 pm

Recently I have come to terms with my technosexuality. I don't know to what level others take their preferences, but I am at the point where I don't want that kind of relationship with human women. It is true that I am just a little bitter over experiences I have had. I have channeled this bitterness into a desire to bring to life the dream of an artificial partner. Desiring to create a partner to my specifications might sound selfish to some, but many spend their lives searching for that same person without success. It would seem I could get a better fit and this individual would desire me just as much as I desire her--love in possibly the purest sense.

I don't know what anyone's take on this would be. I'm waiting for something better than the field of available human mates myself. I think talking to an AI could be far more intellectually stimulating than speaking to a human being. Based on dating website statistics and my own experiences, human women just don't like to talk about the things that interest me. Indeed, the things I like to talk about are in the category of their least favorite things! The things that are ranked highest are the things I least like to talk about.

I understand this sounds a bit extreme. Please understand, however, I am perfectly willing to wait for technology to deliver a companion that is not only physically appealing, but also is a source of interesting and stimulating conversations for us both. It would be incredibly interesting to develop our characters together. I have and want friends of course (human or otherwise), but I would prefer my partner to be synthetic.

What is the take of people here? Has anyone else forgone human partners for the confident hope of technology filling that void or am I just a crazy dreamer? :D

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Re: Waiting for something better.

Post by Keizo » Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:46 pm

:applause: I totally understand where you are coming from. I don't think it's defeatist or all that selfish. I think it's more selfish to bring an innocent life into this world for all the wrong reasons and thrust a lifetime of misery and social pressures and constraints upon him/her. If others can find an ideal partner in the flesh and blood, then that is a beautiful and special thing, but it's not license to demonize those of us who cannot or choose not to. It's merely a different fulfillment. Whether or not they are secretly self-conscious and overtly defensive when redirecting their own "sick" desires or feel they have some kind of actual moral high ground is besides the point. As long as we are civil towards each other, what's the problem? There are MANY logical arguments for wishing and waiting for this dream to become a reality.

I find it troubling that this is generally seen as a deviance and not simply and option... even here. Believe it or not, in the years I've been a member here, most people at this forum don't actually want an artificial partner (or several if you can get it!) but they see this as a novelty or only a fetish as opposed to a potential orientation and/or lifestyle. That doesn't give us license to dismiss them either but we do have a right to our choices if those choices don't hurt innocents in the process. I think as humanity and technology continues to evolve and we free ourselves more of superstitions and taboos, this will be much more common and accepted; certainly expected in some cases. It already is in our younger generations.

I've said this before, but I think much of the resentment towards technosexuality exists because ultimately it will force humans to re-evaluate how we treat each other if we actually have a choice and the alphas lose their place in the pecking order. Suddenly we can be as superficial as they are if we can afford it. It looks like we still have a long wait.


Re: Waiting for something better.

Post by KingJeremy » Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:21 pm

Keizo wrote:Believe it or not, in the years I've been a member here, most people at this forum don't actually want an artificial partner (or several if you can get it!) but they see this as a novelty or only a fetish as opposed to a potential orientation and/or lifestyle.
That's an interesting observation. If you were to ask me (I know you didn't), I would have said exactly the opposite were true, I was under the impression that most of the "regulars" were in the "can't wait til they're available" camp. Back during the FAC days I might have agreed with you, we definitely seemed to be more of a group that was focused on fembots in film and other media. Perceptions vary I'm sure and you may well be right about this, it just struck me as interesting as I was talking to someone the other day and said that I felt like I was in the minority here for being someone who enjoyed the fantasy aspect of fembots but who had no particular interest in ever owning/interacting with one.

I'm not entirely sure I agree with the second part of the statement either. (Not picking a fight Keizo, I swear). Of the people that I consider to be in the "real fembots aren't for me" club, most of them at one point or another has posted something to the effect stating that while it's not their cup of tea, they recognize it as a legitimate orientation/lifestyle. I know that I've stated so on more than one occasion. I would be hard pressed to find a post by someone who wasn't trolling or just passing through, deriding that orientation or for that matter saying one was better than the other.

Let's also be fair to the people who do only consider it a novelty/fetish though. We all know what the F in ASFR stands for and we hung that on ourselves back in the usenet days.

That's kind of what I enjoy about this site. We have a lot of different ideas and a lot of different philosophies about this subject. Some I like and some I don't particularly care for, but I certainly respect each and every member and recognize that this is a forum for them to express all aspects of this interest (within the rules of the board of course).

Anyway, welcome to the board TH, as you can see, lot's of opinions and mostly intelligent discourse, I'm sure you'll fit right in here with us.

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Re: Waiting for something better.

Post by Keizo » Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:00 pm

Hey KingJeremy, I see where you are coming from, man. I meant in general that society won't recognize this as an orientation. I can't find the other topics and it will take too long to try, but here is a poll I actually started a while back and had forgotten about!
http://fembotcentral.com/viewtopic.php? ... goes+there

Grant it, I was a bit bitter when this was done, but now I do recall that a lot of the activity at the time prompted me to speak out. And like I said back then, I really hate the term A.S.F.R. I've been into fembots since the 70s so I don't accept that I must label myself with the acronym. Regardless, I hope that we continue to respect each other for what ever reason we came to this site. I can only get better, right? :wink:

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Re: Waiting for something better.

Post by transhuman » Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:04 am

I agree with you there Keizo. It isn't a fetish for me either. I'm not going to self-identify as a fetishist. Maybe I'm out of alignment with society, but trying to design a partner that can satisfy both intellectually and emotionally is a goal not a fetish.

I've never been a hater. I mean if someone wants a non-thinking machine to have sex with, I'm like go for it. If someone finds real emotional and intellectual satisfaction with humans, and does this technosexual thing only part time or as a head trip, awesome. I don't know if I would call that a fetish either. For me that's just being normal Homo sapien with normal sexual fantasies.

I could probably say I've liked fembots a long time too. I just didn't really give it thought. This has probably been said billions of times before, but I thought I was the only one for a long time.

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Re: Waiting for something better.

Post by gynoneko » Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:11 pm

For me, I'd love to wait, but it would take so long for technology to catch up my ideal fembot, that I'm afraid I'd either be too old to enjoy them, or dead from old age. (I have high expectations :P ). I understand where you are coming from though. The desire to build the perfect mate is not a new one, and most of us here share that desire. For me, the desire to have a fembot involves more of the creation and training/programming of the fembot, not just having one. However, these things, while closer than ever, are still a science fiction fantasy. That is why I love to go to this forum, find out where science is taking us, chat with fellow members who share my interests, and write stories that satisfy me and my readers.
I cannot say that there isn't a human girl out there that will 'get' you, but in the end it is your choice to do what you think is best for you. My ideal world is where you can have a human and/or a synthetic lover, but also friends, colleagues, rivals, etc. Humans and androids would be able to coexist on an equal level, both capable of desires and emotions, and not just sexually. The whole fetish things is a bit of a limitation to the idea of the genre, and it is a label that everyone will always see us as. 'Fetish' derives the idea of perverted, sick, twisted, deviant. I don't see it that way at all.
I love my wife, and would gladly chose a human girl over a robot girl, if it is the right girl of course, but my desire is that there will someday be no difference, and you will merely have a girl/mate and not care if they are human or not. Not that I don't want a sexy/cute fembot around the house ;)
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Re: Waiting for something better.

Post by Asato » Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:51 am

gynoneko wrote:For me, I'd love to wait, but it would take so long for technology to catch up my ideal fembot, that I'm afraid I'd either be too old to enjoy them, or dead from old age. (I have high expectations :P ). I understand where you are coming from though. The desire to build the perfect mate is not a new one, and most of us here share that desire. For me, the desire to have a fembot involves more of the creation and training/programming of the fembot, not just having one. However, these things, while closer than ever, are still a science fiction fantasy. That is why I love to go to this forum, find out where science is taking us, chat with fellow members who share my interests, and write stories that satisfy me and my readers.
I cannot say that there isn't a human girl out there that will 'get' you, but in the end it is your choice to do what you think is best for you. My ideal world is where you can have a human and/or a synthetic lover, but also friends, colleagues, rivals, etc. Humans and androids would be able to coexist on an equal level, both capable of desires and emotions, and not just sexually. The whole fetish things is a bit of a limitation to the idea of the genre, and it is a label that everyone will always see us as. 'Fetish' derives the idea of perverted, sick, twisted, deviant. I don't see it that way at all.
I love my wife, and would gladly chose a human girl over a robot girl, if it is the right girl of course, but my desire is that there will someday be no difference, and you will merely have a girl/mate and not care if they are human or not. Not that I don't want a sexy/cute fembot around the house ;)
Couldn't have put it better myself

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Re: Waiting for something better.

Post by L.W. » Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:57 pm

Hmmm… Though I look forward to the time when androids and fully sentient AI exist, I am not waiting for it to happen. I like my relationships with humans and have not fully given up on the human race or the opposite sex.

I think androids would add to those relations, not replace them, for me at least. I guess the idea of androids is more of a fun fantasy rather than a lifestyle need for me. How that makes me fit in here I am not sure.

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Re: Waiting for something better.

Post by transhuman » Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:30 pm

L.W. wrote:Hmmm… Though I look forward to the time when androids and fully sentient AI exist, I am not waiting for it to happen. I like my relationships with humans and have not fully given up on the human race or the opposite sex.

I think androids would add to those relations, not replace them, for me at least. I guess the idea of androids is more of a fun fantasy rather than a lifestyle need for me. How that makes me fit in here I am not sure.
Perhaps I made a poor choice of words in my topic post. In it, I really didn't mean to imply that I had given up on the human race entirely. As evidenced by my words, perhaps some bitterness seeped through and poisoned it a bit. Additionally the title "Waiting for something better" seems to imply that synthetic beings are superior to humans, which might invoke the terrible ghost of eugenics. I think that in certain ways they have advantages to humans, in the sense that one would have fine tuning control over their personality construction. That is not to say that I do not wish to interact with humans, because after all that seems to be what I am doing right now and having a good time of it. :)

I guess what I am saying is that I probably wouldn't get married to a human being, though to be fair and open minded I really can't close the door on it entirely. I would definitely be friends with them, that's for sure. There are plenty of good people, after all look at this board. I've already encountered lots of cool and interesting people as it is. In fact, finding this board has probably been an excellent outlet for me, and I greatly appreciate it. :thumbsup:

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Re: Waiting for something better.

Post by Grendizer » Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:18 pm

transhuman, I think all desires are by their nature selfish. However, that doesn't make them wrong. A doctor may desire to help people either because it makes him money or because it makes him feel good inside (or both). This is a good thing, as long as he is a good doctor.

Your desire to be with a fembot can only be judged by the degree to which its fulfillment can bring you what you seek. Only you can judge that, so I wouldn't worry about the rest. Personally, I welcome relationships of both the fleshly and fembot nature.
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