Some Questions for other writers...

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Repairman Jack
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Some Questions for other writers...

Post by Repairman Jack » Thu Jun 27, 2002 10:33 pm

Okay, I have a few questions to writers out there. I have only dabbled as a writer in the past, but I just have some things I'm curious about that I've seen in other stories. First off, if an Android was malfunctioning, why would it repeat "I am an Android" or sme variation over and over? Wouldn't a sophisticated machine, if still able to verbalize, go to some type of Diagnostic mode? And if not able to function that way, simply repeat gibberish or the last thing on its "Mind"? I don't know, it just seems the old "I am a Robot...I am a Robot..." is redundant at best, and silly at worst.

Another thing I'm wondering about, and PLEASE don't get offended or anything, but a machine is a machine, programmed and designed to be as realistic as posiible, but NOT a person. I guess I don't get the stories revolving around Androids who are "People". The ones where they have true "Feelings" and rights. I guess to me, that is just contrary to the very nature of a synthetic, Artificial being.

I don't know, I mean I know its possible to have feelings toward the inanimate (I love my Car..) but we are still talking about Machines, yes? I guess I have different tastes, I enjoy stories such as "Aquaphobia" and "The Bridesmaid" where the subjects are lovely and realistic, but still machines in word and deed. I also like films like "Cherry 2000" and also the brief scenes with Chalmers from "Forbidden Zone", attractive and realistic machines who have a programmed purpose and reactions, but are still machines designed for their roles.

Anyway, I guess I'm just going to have to start writing for people to understand what I mean...In the meantime, take care. [/b][b][/b][b]

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Post by Mirage » Fri Jun 28, 2002 5:06 am

Well, It's depend on the writer. If he is a technophile, the android goes Beep-beep. Then the android is a simple machine "I am a android, please insert a quarter in me and proceed to rape me until I become none-malfunctionnal. Please repeat this message after the beep."Beep! .

Myself, I am a romantic at heart and you will see these "emotions"
in all my stories. Love, hate, jealousy all human emotions, of course. The only stories I write that the android is "soulless" is in my parodies (See cooking with antoine)

It's style. All stories are different. Some are good, some stink.

Having an android with no emotions is like trying to write a story about a talking walking computer with a pussy. There is just so much thing you can write about that. (yawn).

Human exploration is always interesting for me. Sometimes, good guys do loose the fight. Also death is such a powerful tool to use to make a story more intersting. I find Anime and Manga so banal in the last 15 years, you just know the good guys always win at the end.

So, in conclusion, I find making the android having human inner conflict much more interesting.

Also, on final note, Sex is not the importance of my stories, like many are just about sex. Usual romance is the most important aspect in my stuff. (and my life)


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Post by ehy » Fri Jun 28, 2002 2:40 pm

Thank you!!!

I have been thinking and occasionally saying this sort of thing for years! (not that anybody listens...)

My personal robot-story pet peeves:

- The robot malfunctions while doing it was something it was theoretically designed to do (most often, have sex), with no explanation

- The robot is pretty much a normal person - doesn't have to obey, has feelings that matter, is or should be "free", has ordinary emotions and desires of its own that it acts on freely

- The robot's owner lets it do whatever it wants, regardless of its effect on him or her

- The robot has no off switch or command override

- The robot "reprograms itself" or "ignores its programming"

- The robot "goes rogue" and rebels, especially if it's violent

If you agree with my peeves, you'd probably enjoy my stories. The androids are plausible, I think - designed and built for a purpose, and generally able to fulfil it. I did depart from what I really think is plausible in one way - the "donated personality" - but I did that because I wanted to have the ability to get into the android's head and see the differences between what it wants to do and what it is ordered to do - because frankly, that's a big part of what I like.

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Post by D » Fri Jun 28, 2002 5:58 pm

I don't know... While I agree that malfunction scenes are hokie, I don't gel with the idea of completely controling an android. If we're talking as realistic as possible, then the androids would be complete automatons. But the fact is that this is just a sex fantasy and a reflection of what we want in a woman -- at least for me.

I mean, if you want a completely obedient, programable girlfriend/girlbot, fine... but that's not for me. Likewise for girlbots that overheat whenever they have sex. What turns me on is the fact that the girl is a machine -- not that I can make her do whatever I want or make her blow a fuse when I'm having sex.


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Post by Brytestar » Sat Jun 29, 2002 12:46 am

I like the see gyniods have a soul. For too long I see the gynoid as a souless machine that gets thrown away in the end or in a TV series RARELY lasting more than one episode ("I was made to love you" from Buffy the series)

Nothing seems to be lasting.

I would like to see gynoids and android evolve and journey to either becoming human (In the case of "The Bicentinel Man") or evolving to a new level of a gynoid or android.

Some stories I see are that of gynoids either "getting it" in the end or staying as they are for centuries long after there creator passed on.

Basically for me I like to see the main gynoid character either get see her wish come true or at least assist a close friend in pursusing his or her dream. I like to see gynoids fall in love as well.

But the thought about robot taking on human traits in my opinion would be intriguing. Simply put the journey (if undertaken) to become a human. A machine having a soul being for evil or for good if done right can tell an interesting story. Again it's just my opinion if it makes sense.

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Post by ehy » Sat Jun 29, 2002 6:58 am

See, my take on it is this.

A robot or android is a machine. People designed it and built it with a purpose in mind, and (assuming they were generally competent), it should be able to accomplish that purpose.

Some people might want to design an android that was purely robotic, had no appearance of having feelings or desires and simply did what it was told.

Other people would prefer an android that behaved more like a real person - seeming to have feelings and desires like a human being. (I'm going to ignore for now the question of whether a robot could "really have" feelings and desires; I'm just talking about what it *seems* to have.) Maybe it's even human-like enough to not necessarily instantly obey every order I give it (because it has been programmed with a certain priority system, and following just-any-old-order isn't necessarily its top priority).

But even if I've built or bought an android that seems very human-like, it would still belong to me. I would be responsible for it, and I would have invested a lot of money in it, and I would want to know that I could, when push came to shove, control it. I'd definitely want to know that it's not going to run away, or hurt someone. And I'd also want to know that it will always be available for what I want. I wouldn't buy a computer that could refuse to run Quicken because it would rather play Master of Orion - why would I want an android that could refuse to have sex with me because it would rather watch TV? (Or for that matter, refuse to watch TV because it would rather have sex?) There must be an override - maybe a command button, or a codeword, or even just stating the order in a firm, definite tone - that makes my command the android's top priority such that she can no longer disobey.

Okay, that's the realism point of view. From the sex fantasy point of view... well, the mere fact of a plastic (or whatever) body as opposed to a flesh one doesn't do much for me. But the knowledge that this beautiful female is *mine*, in a way that no living woman ever can or should be, and that she will do whatever I want her to, that my will is always superior to hers... that's something I find a very sexy fantasy. It doesn't have to be that she's *completely* obedient - in fact, there's a special fascination for me to the android who does have a will of her own and who doesn't necessarily want to obey me, but in the end is required to because, well, she's *mine* and she does what I want her to.

Sure, there's much to be said for free will and souls and genuine human qualities - but to me, that's not a robot fantasy anymore. That's a real-person fantasy. That's not a bad thing, necessarily - but if I'm starting a story that says the character is a robot, and then she behaves like a real person... well, I find it a let-down.

As always, your tastes may differ. And probably do.

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Post by 1024 » Sat Jun 29, 2002 12:31 pm

Interesting to hear different points of view.

Personally I go along with D and Brytestar on this one. A pure robot with no awareness might as well be a toaster imho, does nothing for me anyhow. I don't want control either, it's something about the artificial striving to be human that appeals to me and there has to be a mind and free will there to make that work.

Just my preference.

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Why gynoids anyway?

Post by andoroido » Sat Jun 29, 2002 1:10 pm

This topic might lead to a discussion of the roots of this fetish.
Why a gynoid is ideal...

Which of the following are important to you?

1. A gynoid is your property.
2. A gynoid will do anything you want.
3. A gynoid is always loyal to you.
4. A gynoid is always beautiful.
5. A gynoid doesn't get old, keeping a young appearance.
6. A gynoid can be controlled.
7. A gynoid is a "low maintenance" ;) companion (as far as flowers, etc.)
8. A gynoid can't have babies.
9. A gynoid probably won't have sexually tranmitted diseases.
10. A gynoid doesn't get sick.
11. If a gynoid does malfunction, it can be repaired to perfection.
12. If a gynoid "dies" it can be replaced by a backup copy.
13. A gynoid can be turned off.
14. A gynoid can do anything in bed.
15. A gynoid is usually not jealous of your independence, or outside social contacts (friends, late night parties, etc.)
16. A gynoid's appearance can be altered to suit your whim.
17. A gynoid always is pleased with your performance in bed.
18. A gynoid is often so pleased she short-circuits, "proving" your sexual skills.
19. Gynoids are not very self-conscious or easily embarrassed about clothing choices (or lack of clothing)
20. You can have 2 gynoids.
21. A gynoid can assume any form that turns you on, some of which may be embarrassing, impractical, or even illegal.
22. A gynoid can be made to look like the girl you were always too shy to ask out.
23. A gynoid doesn't need to be asked out (first contact is often by some kind of accident in the stories here)
24. A gynoid always has a nice personality, or no personality... but never a "bitchy" personality.
25. Gynoids live to please.
26. Gynoids can serve as maids.
27. A gynoid is often dependent on you.
28. A gynoid usually behaves rationally, and predictably.
29. Gynoids don't play mind games.
30. Gynoids make the ultimate "damsel in distress" for some.

Not all of these are important to me, but I often think of this kind of list as far as figuring out the psychological origin of this fetish, and what it means as far as finding the best woman for me, or any of us, in the real world. Sifting fantasy from reality. Figuring out what is REALLY important, and what is just an idle fantasy.

Any thoughts?
Did I leave anything out?


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Post by 1024 » Sat Jun 29, 2002 2:38 pm

Hmmm, well numbers 1 to 26 get a "no" at best from me, and at worst seem more than somewhat undesirable.

The next bit strikes a chord though:

27. A gynoid is often dependent on you.
28. A gynoid usually behaves rationally, and predictably.
29. Gynoids don't play mind games.
30. Gynoids make the ultimate "damsel in distress" for some.

28 & 29: Rational and predictable, no mind games. Heh, unlike real females then. Guess I've never really understood people but I'm reasonably well up on machines (degree in "computers & cybernetics" for what it's worth, ie not a lot in the real world).

27 & 30: "dependent" - "damsel in distress". Perhaps that's it, I want to be the "knight in shining armour" but don't understand people sufficiently well and it gets turned into a fantasy about something that I do understand???

In general I think that sounds a bit too negative - in real life I'm reasonably sociable and have good friends of both genders but as a basis for the fembot fetish I think it's on the right track. :?

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Re: Why gynoids anyway?

Post by ehy » Sat Jun 29, 2002 4:28 pm

Neat question. I'm having some trouble answering it... trying to
figure out what it means to say that one of these is "important to
me". So I'll group them, sort of.

Things that must be mostly true for a story to have maximum sexy-android-story
impact on me, and will probably be true in any story like this that I write:

1. A gynoid is your property. (Well, someone's; needn't be mine)
2. A gynoid will do anything you want. (although not necessarily
without hesitation, reluctance, or misinterpretation)
3. A gynoid is always loyal to its owner
4. A gynoid is always beautiful.
6. A gynoid can be controlled.
13. A gynoid can be turned off.

Things interesting because of the above, but not otherwise:

15. A gynoid is usually not jealous of your independence, or outside social
contacts (friends, late night parties, etc.)
25. Gynoids live to please.

Things that I think could contribute to the sexiness of a story, if
used well for that purpose:

11. If a gynoid does malfunction, it can be repaired to perfection.
12. If a gynoid "dies" it can be replaced by a backup copy.
20. You can have 2 gynoids.
22. A gynoid can be made to look like the girl you were always too shy to ask out.
27. A gynoid is often dependent on you.

Things that I mostly just don't think about when reading or writing (guess
this means 'not important'):

5. A gynoid doesn't get old, keeping a young appearance.
7. A gynoid is a "low maintenance" ;) companion (as far as flowers, etc.)
- Well, flowers and attention it doesn't need, but it may need other kinds
of maintenance... I'd say this isn't important
8. A gynoid can't have babies.
9. A gynoid probably won't have sexually tranmitted diseases.
10. A gynoid doesn't get sick.
14. A gynoid can do anything in bed.
16. A gynoid's appearance can be altered to suit your whim.
19. Gynoids are not very self-conscious or easily embarrassed about clothing
choices (or lack of clothing)
23. A gynoid doesn't need to be asked out (first contact is often by some kind
of accident in the stories here) (I'm not sure what you mean by this)
26. Gynoids can serve as maids.
29. Gynoids don't play mind games.

Things I wouldn't particularly expect or want to be so, even in a story:

17. A gynoid always is pleased with your performance in bed.
18. A gynoid is often so pleased she short-circuits, "proving" your sexual
skills. (Ugh. But we've covered that.)
21. A gynoid can assume any form that turns you on, some of which may be
embarrassing, impractical, or even illegal.
28. A gynoid usually behaves rationally, and predictably.
30. Gynoids make the ultimate "damsel in distress" for some.
- this one confuses me... why should one seek to rescue a machine? Not to
denigrate; I just don't understand.
24. A gynoid always has a nice personality, or no personality... but never a
"bitchy" personality.
- I've had a story idea or two involving a gynoid with a bitchy
personality... I just don't think I could write bitchy.

(I do like the discussion of what it is that turns various folks on in the
field, or what we like in stories. As if you couldn't tell.)


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Post by D » Sat Jun 29, 2002 8:37 pm

I guess I'll group them too.

Definitely not important:
1. A gynoid is your property.
2. A gynoid will do anything you want.
3. A gynoid is always loyal to you.
6. A gynoid can be controlled.
12. If a gynoid "dies" it can be replaced by a backup copy.
13. A gynoid can be turned off.
16. A gynoid's appearance can be altered to suit your whim.
17. A gynoid always is pleased with your performance in bed.
18. A gynoid is often so pleased she short-circuits, "proving" your sexual skills.
20. You can have 2 gynoids.
21. A gynoid can assume any form that turns you on, some of which may be embarrassing, impractical, or even illegal.
25. Gynoids live to please.
26. Gynoids can serve as maids.
27. A gynoid is often dependent on you.

4. A gynoid is always beautiful.
5. A gynoid doesn't get old, keeping a young appearance.
11. If a gynoid does malfunction, it can be repaired to perfection.
14. A gynoid can do anything in bed.
15. A gynoid is usually not jealous of your independence, or outside social contacts (friends, late night parties, etc.)
19. Gynoids are not very self-conscious or easily embarrassed about clothing choices (or lack of clothing)
28. A gynoid usually behaves rationally, and predictably.

In short, I like independent-minded girls. My fetish spin on that is independent-minded robot girls, and I know that realistically speaking there can be no such thing as an independent minded robot but this is only a fantasy.

For me, the turn on lies in the fact that the girl is actually an android -- I like self-repair scenes, assembly/dismantling scenes, open panels, etc -- but besides being an android she has to be the kind of girl I like.


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Re: Why gynoids anyway?

Post by dale coba » Sat Jun 29, 2002 10:05 pm

andoroido wrote:This topic might lead to a discussion of the roots of this fetish.
Why a gynoid is ideal...
(snip) - I'd appreciate every feature in your list.
andoroido wrote:Not all of these are important to me, but I often think of this kind of list as far as figuring out the psychological origin of this fetish,
I'm favorable to the notion that there may be physiological realities of our bodies and their biochemistry, which dispose us to such a relatively uncommon fascination. It's not as if most viewers reacted nearly as strongly as we did to these videos. Something about our nervous systems, that like should seek out like. A certain tension accompanying moments of sexual expression, adrenaline along with the rush of testosterone. I'm sure such a drive could take on other fetishes which also changed the status of a woman to something expressly non-human.:wink:

As a point of interest, my father, uncle, and grandfather on my father's side are all gay, though I am not (nttawwt). Rather, I'm a technosexual, which I feel is also a significant deviation from the heterosexual "norm" of male attraction. Either way, some alternate geneotypes are swimming around in our family pool.
andoroido wrote:and what it means as far as finding the best woman for me, or any of us, in the real world.
I would think, the best would be either a woman with much ego strength. A woman could be confident enough to be able to give through her play-acting, without feeling demeaned by the need to meet the terms of the fetish. With a woman of little ego strength, I dare say taking on such a role could eat into her self image over time. That's what seemed to happen in my case, once, years ago. :cry:
andoroido wrote:Sifting fantasy from reality. Figuring out what is REALLY important, and what is just an idle fantasy.
:idea: If we have concrete themes to suggest, our partners may better inhabit their roles, and learn of the pleasure they can contribute and control by working within the genre -as it works between film and stage actors and directors.
andoroido wrote:Any thoughts?
Did I leave anything out?
I would suggest that, for me, an important :!: component of the fetish is the gynoid's attempt to project the manner and appearance of a human female - and that, in private company at least, her performance will break down, ultimately, obviously flawed. Because to demonstrate artificiality is to let slip the truth that a primary function of this female object is sexual :oops:. Her unbounded appetite for sex is blended with her identity as a machine, as the ideas are linked for me. The climax of the encounter is accompanied by conflicts in her attempt to maintain her own belief that she is human. Once she is stuck in repetitious actions, phrases, or twitching :roll:, it may be because she observes her own paradoxical nature, and uses up all her processing capability attempting to maintain contradictory self-images. Her appearance and her true nature represent a paradox, and the more obvious this paradox gets, the harder it becomes for her to continue functioning. Hence the tendency to fixate and hang on the simple truth, "Oh, my - it appears that I am a robot...a robot..." etc. I like to imagine their CPUs become over-driven to the point of exhaustion and collapse. Kirk knew how to trap a computer in such paralyzing loops.

Dale Coba
8) :!: :nerd: :idea: : :nerd: :shock: :lovestruck: [ :twisted: :dancing: :oops: :wink: :twisted: ] = [ :drooling: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :party:... ... :applause: :D :lovestruck: :notworthy: :rockon: ]

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Post by Otaru Mamiya » Sat Jun 29, 2002 11:57 pm

This seems to be a long list that everyone has their opinion for. I guess I should put mine.

1. A gynoid is your property.

She may act independantly but she is still technically a machine. It helps if she wants to stay with me but she's still my property. It doesn't mean that I'll treat her like a tool or a toy though.

2. A gynoid will do anything you want.

Obviously there should be limits (or at least warnings) for when I order a gynoid to do something obviously dangerous. I don't want her to stupidly walk into a situation where she may be destroyed.

3. A gynoid is always loyal to you.

Blind loyalty would be bad. Again, I don't want her to follow my commands to a fault.

4. A gynoid is always beautiful.

^_^;; Well an ugly gynoid wouldn't be very marketable. I suppose there could be some plain-looking ones or custom models.

5. A gynoid doesn't get old, keeping a young appearance.

This is kind of a given since a robot would be unable to replicate the human aging process without a massive redesign or a new body for each age period.

6. A gynoid can be controlled.

There should be some element of control. Perhaps indirect control. Give her the intelligence to make her own decisions as long as they don't conflict with yours.

7. A gynoid is a "low maintenance" companion (as far as flowers, etc.)

The fact that you own her and you keep her in good condition should be enough. Occasional maintenance (of a mechanical nature) could be a good way to bond with her.

8. A gynoid can't have babies.

Almost a given. Aside from the lack of egg cells, a signifigant amount of the gynoid's body would have to be devoted to creating and nurturing a fetus, then there would have to be an exit passage large enough to put a human baby through. That doesn't mean that she can't be programmed to care for a child though.

9. A gynoid probably won't have sexually tranmitted diseases.

She won't display any symptoms but that doesn't mean that she can't be a carrier. Without proper cleaning, who knows what kind of virii could be growing in her vaginal module.

10. A gynoid doesn't get sick.

Unless we're talking about a computer virus or a malfunction, no. Besides, what kind of symptoms would a gynoid exhibit anyway?

11. If a gynoid does malfunction, it can be repaired to perfection.

What was built by human hands can be rebuilt by human hands. Software problems would be another story though. She should be as repairable as a car or a computer.

12. If a gynoid "dies" it can be replaced by a backup copy.

If her memories and programming were written once (for her to use) then they can be written again (in a backup copy) and again (from a backup copy back into her mind). Neural connections would be almost impossible to replicate but bit-for-bit data would be as easy as copying files.

13. A gynoid can be turned off.

Please save all data to a file before turning the power off. Active thoughts (like RAM in a computer) would be erased when the power is cut but backups (like an internal hard disk) can store data without having the power on.

14. A gynoid can do anything in bed.

Anything realistic. She may be flexable but she will still have her physical limitations.

15. A gynoid is usually not jealous of your independence, or outside social contacts (friends, late night parties, etc.)

Depends on how intelligent she is. She may make friends of her own and I wouldn't object to her being seen in public as long as she's not stolen or misused by a stranger.

16. A gynoid's appearance can be altered to suit your whim.

Only as she's being built. Changing hair color or "inflate-o-boobs" would be just plain strange.

17. A gynoid always is pleased with your performance in bed.

If you're pleased, she's pleased.

18. A gynoid is often so pleased she short-circuits, "proving" your sexual skills.

I don't think we should take it to quite THAT extreme. As far as I'm concerned, it just proves that she needs a memory or processor upgrade to handle the sensations.

19. Gynoids are not very self-conscious or easily embarrassed about clothing choices (or lack of clothing)

The self-consiousness would have to be programmed in but it would be awkward for an owner to have a naked girl go out to get the paper in the morning. I suppose that that particular program could be deactivated when we're home and alone.

20. You can have 2 gynoids.

Why not? Could get expensive though.

21. A gynoid can assume any form that turns you on, some of which may be embarrassing, impractical, or even illegal.

She should be designed to do that in the first place, otherwise you wouldn't have bought her in the first place. Let's keep her with a practical and legal design though.

22. A gynoid can be made to look like the girl you were always too shy to ask out.

This could be awkward and probably insulting if the girl and the gynoid ever met. ^^; See "Boku no Marie" (english title: "Metal Angel Marie") for an example.

23. A gynoid doesn't need to be asked out (first contact is often by some kind of accident in the stories here)

She may choose to ask you out (if her owner permits it) or she may be built specifically for you (like in Gorgo's The Club series)

24. A gynoid always has a nice personality, or no personality... but never a "bitchy" personality.

Who would want to buy a bitch robot? Of course, if she's programmed to act realistically, then she may show some bitchy personality traits (not without provokation, of course)

25. Gynoids live to please.

Depends on the complexity of her programming. I suppose that people are programmed to want to please too.

26. Gynoids can serve as maids.

Probably as well as any human could. I don't see why they couldn't (especially if their mind is basic enough to follow orders).

27. A gynoid is often dependent on you.

That would depend on how smart she's programmed to be. Her creators will probably want something to keep her from running away (thus, her owner would lose his investment) but she shouldn't be 100% independant. There should be things that she'd need outside help to take care of (such as body maintainence). Since encounters could happen by accident, it wouldn't have to be her owner who takes care of those things though.

28. A gynoid usually behaves rationally, and predictably.

Predictably would be boring after awhile. She should behave in an appropriate way and be able to make rational decisions (after all, logic would be the foundation of her programming) but there should be variation to keep her interesting.

29. Gynoids don't play mind games.

*LOL* Humans shouldn't play mind games either. If she's smart enough to anticipate my needs or wants and to trick me into fulfulling them then that's good.

30. Gynoids make the ultimate "damsel in distress" for some.

Hehe. I'm a sucker for malfunctioning scenes. Even more so for conversations during repair and maintainence sessions.
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Post by andoroido » Sun Jun 30, 2002 5:11 am

This is the kind of discussion I was hoping for.

A reminder that I'm not a big fan of even half of the things on that 30 item list I made.

Personally the no mind games and damsel in distress things are cool for me.

Another idea or two came up.

31. If a gynoid will commit to you, then you will probably commit yourself to her. Men (usually nice guys) seeking bilateral commitment in these days of 50% divorce rates.
32. Gynoids don't sue for alimony money. ;)

Look forward to more comments!


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Re: Cool

Post by ehy » Sun Jun 30, 2002 10:31 am

andoroido wrote:31. If a gynoid will commit to you, then you will probably commit yourself to her.
Hmm. I think that touches on a core principle that really is at the heart of the all of the eight principles on Andoroido's list that I felt were important, though I'd never thought to phrase it this way:

An android does not choose whether or not to commit to you.

She is programmed to be committed to her owner and his desires, and that's that. She doesn't choose her owner; a person buys or builds her and that person IS her owner. She may be programmed to like him, or she may be programmed with a personality that may like or dislike him depending on their compatibility (as a real woman might). She may not be independent enough to have an opinion about him, or being owned by him. She could even be programmed to dislike him, and resent his power over her, if that's what he wanted. But where committment is concerned, her feelings (if any) don't matter - she is committed to her owner, period, and remains until he deliberately changes it. Even if he neglects her, or uses her inefficiently, or treats her in ways she doesn't like, she is still his property and cannot choose to be otherwise.

Thanks, andoroido!

But I notice you haven't answered your own question... which of those principles are important to you?


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Post by andoroido » Sun Jun 30, 2002 4:38 pm

in writing

31. If a gynoid will commit to you, then you will probably commit yourself to her.

The "if" was more of a logical "if", rather than a hypothetical "if"..
of course a gynoid, once she chooses a companion (if she can choose)
seems to commit herself, and the men in the stories want that commitment.

Maybe another list item

0. A gynoid will not have any of the flaws or problems that any women in previous or current relationships have disappointed you with. A gynoid is perfect, in every way that is important to the "owner". Finding the perfect woman is not really a fetish, and the search for a gynoid is just a logical/imaginative solution to this universal desire.


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Post by SNJ-14 » Mon Jul 01, 2002 12:01 am

I'm guessing that when people say 'A gynoid could not rebel aganist her owner', etc., they're talking about their version of an ideal gynoid. I think it's important to remember that, given that intelligent machines don't exist (so far as we know? ^_-) this is all of course speculative. It could be that in the future, robots use humans as an owned under-class of chattels. I'm not entirely sure why I felt obligated to make this post, but I just think it's worth noting that when we're dealing with pure science fiction, any and all setups are 'possible' - intelligent or non-intelligence, dominating or submissive, flawless or frequently malfunctioning, etc.

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Re: Sci-fi

Post by ehy » Tue Jul 02, 2002 7:48 pm

[quote="SNJ-14"]I'm guessing that when people say 'A gynoid could not rebel aganist her owner', etc., they're talking about their version of an ideal gynoid. I think it's important to remember that, given that intelligent machines don't exist (so far as we know? ^_-) this is all of course speculative. It could be that in the future, robots use humans as an owned under-class of chattels. I'm not entirely sure why I felt obligated to make this post, but I just think it's worth noting that when we're dealing with pure science fiction, any and all setups are 'possible' - intelligent or non-intelligence, dominating or submissive, flawless or frequently malfunctioning, etc.[/quote]

Of course. But I like to think in terms not only of "possible" futures, but likely ones. It seems to me that any humans who built robots would would work hard to ensure that the robots remained controllable and controlled. Someone might build a robot that wasn't, but I can't imagine the rest of humanity allowing that to be the norm. It simply doesn't seem to me to be the way human beings do things. That, to me, makes it seem implausible.

(Of course, if I'd been alive in, say, 1968, and read a story where America basically gives up the space program, I'd have said that was implausible too. So go figure.)


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