Another Oldie

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Another Oldie

Post by Dark_Archon » Sun Jun 02, 2002 1:26 pm

The music was booming, the booze was flowing, and the crowd was growing rowdier by the minute. Nothing like a good rockin' party to liven up the doldrums of summer. I attended a college that was much livelier and more of a party school for most of the year except for the summer session when most of the students packed up their things and spent their vacations with Mom and Dad. I was one of the few who stuck around to catch up on some extra units. Things were much more laid back and mellow, but every couple of weeks someone would throw together a blow out. Tonight was turning out to be one such occasion. Better yet, I had been fortunate to meet up with Monica this evening. She was an extremely cute blonde who sat next to me in the Applied Physics class I was trying my best to pass. Lightly tanned, with a glistening set of bright blue eyes, Monica was actually not the atypical blonde: in fact, she was far and above the smartest student in the class. From what she'd insinuated, she was a straight A, 4.0 pupil all the way. Something about the dichotomy of her being a smart blonde made her even that much more attractive.
We'd bumped into each other at a couple of parties already, and we spent most of those nights huddled together drinking cheap keg beer while talking each other's ear off about everything and anything. It seemed as if we were seriously hitting it off. Following a party last week, I walked her home topping the night off with a long kiss on her front balcony. The temptation from my loins told me to invite myself in, but my heart was begging me to take it slow-this girl was too good to waste on a quick fuck. I knew that there was going to be another party in a week, and I was resolved to make a bigger move at that time.
She missed class on Monday and Tuesday, and I began to fret that she wouldn't be well enough for the coming weekend's festivities. I also started to worry that she was freaked out by our kiss on Saturday, and she wanted to avoid me. That wouldn't be the first time that I'd barely gotten to first base with a girl only to have her pull herself from the game. Nonetheless, she showed up on Wednesday as energetic as ever, those blue eyes shining that smile happy and inviting. She told me over and over again how excited she was about the shindig Friday night and that she couldn't wait to see me outside of class again. I was so tempted to say, "What the hell. Why don't we just get some coffee tonight Monica? Or go for a walk on the beach?"
But, no...I was a wimp. Friday night would have to do, and I prayed that she would show up.
And show up she did. Looking so sumptuous, Monica arrived fifteen minutes after I did with her roommates, Dana and Renee, in tow. Dana was a tall redhead with fair, porcelain like skin and a smattering of freckles while Renee was a magnificent light-skinned black girl with closely cropped hair. Both were knockouts in their own right: Dana was wearing a long green dress that only accentuated her long fiery hair; Renee had on a pair of tight jeans and a tie dye t-shirt that said "Rock Star" on the front.
Monica was wearing a tight fitting black mini dress with a matching pair of four-inch pumps. Her nipples stuck out hard from her top showing that she wasn't wearing a bra. Damn, she was looking so fine tonight! We chatted on the outskirts of the house's backyard all the while consuming a steep amount of beer. With each passing minute she drew closer, talking nonstop while occasionally giving me a peck on the cheek. At one point, I glanced across the yard to catch Dana's gaze. She smiled knowingly and whispered in Renee's ear. They both looked my way and giggled to each other. Just then, Monica took my face into hers hands and kissed to hard on the lips.
"Okay, Donald. Let's go inside and find some privacy."
She took me by the arm and shepherded me into the house. Unfortunately, every bedroom we checked was taken. Finally, as we passed the upstairs bathroom, she stopped.
"You know...everyone's using the downstairs restroom, and most of the guys are just going in the yard anyway."
The prude in me started to surface, "Are you serious? I mean what if-"
Her actions cut me off as she yanked me into the bathroom and slammed the door behind us. Before I could even hit the lights she was all over me, and I was more than happy to reciprocate. Her lips were so soft, her tongue so wet, I felt like I was kissing a goddess. I grew hard inside my pants, and we began grinding against each other. As we continued to dry hump, I moved down and kissed her soft neck causing her to moan lightly. My hands moved up under her skirt, and noticing that she was wearing a g-string, I grabbed a hold of her hard, toned ass. I then found my way to her front and, I could feel through her underwear that she had grown extremely wet. At this point, I was ready to burst out of my pants.
Suddenly, there was a drunken rattle at the door, and my heart nearly jumped out of my throat. Quicker than Carl Lewis, Monica whisked me into the nearby shower stall. Just then the lights turned on as an inebriated partygoer made his way to the toilet. Monica and I stood under the showerhead facing each other and holding tight. We nearly laughed for a moment then she became very intent, serious. She passionately kissed me then she got down on her knees. My pants were unbuttoned, the fly quietly unzipped, and my sex was now in her mouth. And this mouth worked wonders. Her wet tongue and lips moving along the shaft slow, then fast...slow, then fast. I had just leaned back against the wall in ecstasy when I heard the toilet flush and the door slam shut with the lights still on.
Taking the door slam as her cue, Monica rose to her feet and pulled her dress over her head. Wow, she really had a rocket body! Her light tan was even across her body and her breasts were about a B cup with dark erect nipples. She slipped her g-string off to expose a smooth, hairless pussy.
"Donald, I want you inside me," she said turning around. She leaned against the wall, and stuck her beautiful ass up towards me.
I slowly entered Monica from behind, and I heard her breath catch. Her moans were low and deep while she bucked her hips in fine precision to go along with my slow, shallow thrusts. I wanted to take it as easy as possible and let the intensity slowly rise, however, I don't think either one of us could control ourselves. Soon enough, we were fucking each other hard and deep. I'd sink into her, and she's gasp and yelp so loud I was positive someone could hear us over the deafening thud of the house party music. It felt so good to be inside Monica: her pussy so tight and so damn wet!
I pumped deeper and faster getting ready to cum. Wiggling her hips along with me, Monica reached up to rub her tits. She then reached back up towards the wall and inadvertently grabbed hold of the water faucet and turned it on. We both screamed from the shock of the freezing water and pulled away from each other.
"Holy shit," I exclaimed stepping from the stall in search of a pair of towels. "That gives taking a 'cold shower' a whole new meaning, and I don't think I like it."
Monica laughed behind me, "Well, at least it wasn't the hot water. I wouldn't want you scalded you know where..."
Even the thought of that made me shudder as I sifted through the cabinets.
"Yeah, well let's see if I can find us a couple of towels."
"Well, at least it wasn't the hot water. I wouldn't want you scalded you know where..."
I shook my head chuckling, "Hehehe...yep."
I manage to dig up two reasonably clean towels, and Monica spoke again in what seemed to be the exact same tone as the previous sentences.
"I wouldn't want you scalded you know where..."
"Okay, she's an oddball," I thought to myself as I turned around to a very strange sight.
"I wouldn't want you scalded you know where-you know where-you know where..."
Monica had just made it out of the shower, but it looked like she had frozen in midstep. Her eyes stared blankly beyond me to the far wall, her arms were raised stiffly in the air, and she was bent forward slightly.
Her head quickly swiveled stiffly in my direction, yet she wasn't looking at me only gazing absently to the edge of the room.
"I wouldn't want you scalded you know where..."
Her head spun back to the right.
"Scalded you know where, you know where- you know where- you know where- where- where- where- where-where-where-," she seemed to be caught in a loop.
No she most certainly wasn't human.
Monica abruptly stopped speaking. She stiffly straightened up and stared right ahead. Her arms were still bent at the elbow, her hands and fingers pointing forward.
"Malfunction. Malfunction. Malfunction. Malfunction," she repeated in a robotic monotone, "Monica unit: malfunction in sectors G and H. Unit 51274 full system shutdown imminent. I am an android. Malfunction. Malfunction. Malfunction. Malfunction. Monica unit: water damage. Unit 51274 full system shutdown in thirty seconds."
I stared in disbelief as Monica started to rundown. She slowly started to bend forward at the hips staring straight ahead. Her mechanical android monotone began to slow and deepen steadily, "I am an android. Built and programmed to replicate the human female. Malfunction. Mal.func.tion. I am-I am Monica unit 51274. I am an android. I am an android. I am an. I am. I am an android. I-I-I-aaammmmm aannnnnn annnnnddddrrrrooooiiiiid."
I stood in from of this "femme bot" far too dumbstruck to even think.
"What the fuck?"
I was suddenly jolted from my daze when I heard the bathroom door start to open behind me. Scrambling towards it I blurted out, "No, no, no! Sorry bathroom's taken!"
Before I could reach it Dana poked her head in, "It's okay. It's me."
"Oh thank you, Dana! I don't know what happened to her. We were in the shower the water went on... I guess your roommate's a robot."
Dana held my hands together, "Okay, Donald. Calm down. Put your clothes back on, step away, and we'll handle this."
Incredibly, her presence had a very soothing effect on me. I gathered up my clothes in silence, put them on, and stood quietly in the corner.
Dana began to inspect Monica's exterior especially her upper left chest and shoulder where most of the water had struck her. There was a knock at the door. Dana looked to me and nodded giving me the signal to open it. I walked over and opened it to be greeted by Renee. Without even acknowledging me, she went over and stood facing Monica.
Dana had managed to get Monica to stand erect. She then lightly pressed onto both sides of the androids hips. A seam appeared on her at the outer portion of her stomach area with her bellybutton as the center. Dana grabbed the panel and gently pulled it away from Monica exposing her inner circuitry. This area contained a variety of multi-colored wires, fuses, circuit boards, unlit lights, a pair of input/output ports, etc.
Peering inside the broken bot, Dana spoke without looking up, "Prepare to perform a full systems check of this unit."
Renee pulled down her pants a bit and then took off her shirt. A leopard print bra covered her perfect breasts. A seam then appeared at her midriff, and she pulled a panel off and set it aside. Her 'innards' looked much like Monica's, however; the lights inside of Renee were steadily blinking.
Renee spoke in her sultry, deep voice, "Ready."
"You mean she's a robot too?"
Dana reached into her purse and took out a cable. She attached one end to a port inside Monica, "Yes, Donald. Monica and Renee are both androids." She then plugged the other end into Renee. Within a few moments, Renee stiffened up and stared straight ahead.
"Unit 51273 active," she spoke in the same robotic monotone that Monica had. "Performing systems check on unit 51274. Processing...processing..."
I looked at Dana and she looked up at me. She grinned slightly and turned her attention back to the androids.
Processing..." Renee continued. Systems check complete. Unit 51274. Water damage. Sections G and H. Internal meltdown. Full system shutdown. Recommend partial disassembly."
Dana spoke, "What about the unit's memory?"
"Negative. Unable to communicate with unit's memory drives."
Dana looked to me, "Do you know what that means?"
"Um...not really."
"It would be safest to remove her memory disc."
"I see."
She removed the cable from Renee and replaced her panel, "Please, reboot your systems in silence."
Renee shut down silently and then started back up. Dana went behind Monica and reached up to gently remove her blonde hair as if it were a wig. She then pulled off a small portion at the back of her tan baldhead. A disc drive could be seen, so she pushed a button releasing something. Dana held up the disc, "The most important part of your girlfriend."
She slipped the drive into a case and put it in her purse. "Okay, Ronald. You and Renee take an arm and carry her out as if she'd passed out. I'll lead the way. We'll take my car back to the house."

Unfortunsytly i can't remeber the wrtier srry dude. if u did it post your name here :lol:

Otaru Mamiya
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Post by Otaru Mamiya » Sun Jun 02, 2002 2:26 pm

There was another part with Monica's repairs and a scene with Renee on the Ikonboard before it went down. It would be great if whoever wrote this could put that up as well.
"Don't sweat the petty things... don't pet the sweaty things..."

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Post by serf » Tue Jun 18, 2002 4:04 pm

Wow! It's great to see that someone appreciated this story enough to re-post it. Sorry that it took so long for me to reply to this. There was an addition to this story that included some disassembly and repair. I think I'll just post the entire thing since I believe that I did some minor tinkering with this first part as well(incuding keeping the main character's name consistent!) Thanks for posting this, Dark!

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Master archiever

Post by Dark_Archon » Wed Jun 19, 2002 8:53 am

Well if its a good story i'll post it, i got over 200 hanging about just kinda posting my most often read one first, if you got another version Email to me and i'll edit the current version we want people to see your best product


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Post by Mirage » Wed Jun 19, 2002 9:58 am

Happy birthday!

Mirage! :D

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