Someone record LEXX episodes?, LEXX 2.05 has gynoid content

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Someone record LEXX episodes?, LEXX 2.05 has gynoid content

Post by tinyspider » Tue Jun 24, 2003 2:59 pm

The episode 2.05 (season 2) of LEXX called "Lafftrak" got some gynoid content, lexx's crew land on some kind of "TV planet" in wich every one has to play a role in TV sketches. ALL ACTORS besides crew on this sketches are robots. there are a lot of shutdown/activation scenes, most of them are too short but there are 2 or 3 that are decent (one of 'em include 2 babes on bikini) I wonder if someone could record this episode...

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Post by Magoo » Tue Jun 24, 2003 9:55 pm

one word.... Kazza
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Post by tinyspider » Wed Jun 25, 2003 7:35 am

Yeah, gotta do that, I was just a little lazy :roll: , you know, downloading a 60 MB whole episode for 5 mins. of gynoid action, but well... no pain, no gain

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Post by KOS-MOS » Wed Jun 25, 2003 1:58 pm

I have this episode online at Kazaa and should be connected constantly for the next 5 days. I suggest using KazaaLite and clicking the "Auto Search More" option when looking for this file. On a side note, I have this file and a few others tagged with "ASFR" so if you run a search for that you should be able to find some other nice episodes and clips. The rest of my digital content will be connected to Kazaa late next week when I return to my HQ.

My Opinion of the episode:
I found this to be poor quality and rather dull so I am not going to go into great detail, instead I will simply say the following: For the record, there are no shutdown/activation scenes (by my parameters) but there are some poorly done freeze/unfreeze moments where you can see the actors wobble and blink while frozen. There is a white trash fembot who looks like she walked off the set of Jerry Springer, she seems to be broken in a few scenes and has electrical sparks. Later this bot's head is on a male body and one of the main characters kicks it off, giving us a short look at the ugly head on the floor with wires sprouting from her neck. The only scene I found good was less than 30 seconds, featuring a fembot on a gameshow who was stuck in a loop. She had a blank stare while constantly hitting the buzzer in a robotic fashion. Over all, I would call this a sub-par addition to the fandom of fembots.

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Post by tinyspider » Wed Jun 25, 2003 3:55 pm

I fpund it on kazaa lite (2 users) but transfer rate is 0.12 KB/sec so I don't expect having it in one single night. regarding to quality of episode I quote myself:
most of them are too short
I didn't say it was awesome, I watched the episode a couple of days ago, and I liked it (Despite that I like the whole series,) is like you say KOS-MOS, a matter of taste. i.e. some people say they love "Eve of Destruction", and for me it's a waste :wink:
Anyway, I think LEXX in general have a lot of potential, but sadly, we don't get what we expect...

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Post by andoroido » Fri Jun 27, 2003 11:30 am

Ah LEXX, the worst SF show of all time?

Special effects so bad (except for the canned shots of the big ship
they use over and over) that a high school video club could do better.
The usual excuse for bad FX is claiming it's "campy".. but even campy
has STYLE, rather than an opening scene of two shit-brown papier-mache spaceships chasing each other around a papier-mache planet.

Plots so thin and dull you can almost hear the director saying "walk more slowly, longer pauses...this has to be 44 minutes!"

How this could get the funding to be made for 4 seasons is beyond me,
maybe it's because they require no funding in the first place? How does this crap get a following at all?

Damn you all for making me download this crap and sit trough 42 minutes of agony!!!!!! Damn you all to hell!!!!! (just kidding about that)

This episode gynoid content : 0.5 stars out of 5
This episode as entertainment : minus 4 stars out of 5, becasue I do get enjoyment out of trashing it here.


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Post by tinyspider » Fri Jun 27, 2003 2:49 pm

My god, forgive me all you for ASKING for something, I will Repeat again:
I DIND'NT SAY IT WAS THE BEST ASFR MOVIE OF ALL TIME I just say I saw some gynoid content on that episode
And sorry again for posting and for saying I liked it, I always keep by myself my opinions about the thousand crappy-filled awfully-designed manga japanese sites wich claims to be "the best content ever" that appears daily here, I didn't knew certain taste was a rule in the community. I think I'll keep my discoverings by myself cuz if I'm gonna get preached for a single opinion, I better keep myself quiet.

and oh!, yes, I'm kidding too

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Post by andoroido » Fri Jun 27, 2003 4:12 pm

I think I know which crappy Japanese manga you're talking about!
I guess LEXX just earns a special level of ridicule.

Sitting through crappy shows and movies to see 5 seconds of so-so gynoid content is basically the major part of this interest, isn't it?

Pity us!


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