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Post by droidlvr » Sat Mar 08, 2008 12:28 pm

Time to shut this site down. :? The opinions above totally contrasts with the hopes of any actual development of fembots. Seems ASFR should be ASFRRP
Robot Role Play. :?


Post by KingJeremy » Sat Mar 08, 2008 12:51 pm

You must be a real blast at parties.

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Post by Stephaniebot » Sat Mar 08, 2008 3:12 pm

droidlvr wrote:Time to shut this site down. :? The opinions above totally contrasts with the hopes of any actual development of fembots. Seems ASFR should be ASFRRP
Robot Role Play. :?
And I always thought this site was for both built fans and transformation fans, or maybe I'm wrong? if its just for built fans then I'm sorry, maybe I should leave here quietly and quickly
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Post by keraptis » Sat Mar 08, 2008 3:20 pm

Stephaniebot wrote:
droidlvr wrote:Time to shut this site down. :? The opinions above totally contrasts with the hopes of any actual development of fembots. Seems ASFR should be ASFRRP
Robot Role Play. :?
And I always thought this site was for both built fans and transformation fans, or maybe I'm wrong? if its just for built fans then I'm sorry, maybe I should leave here quietly and quickly
There is no doubt it has swung that way in the last few years. I used to be a lot more active around here than I am these days, in part because of that bias.

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Post by code_author » Sat Mar 08, 2008 4:52 pm

Whenever this argument comes up, I always have to shake my head. ASFR was started by a group of 'mostly' statuephiles and a few, I hate to use the word, but 'actual' robot/android fetishists. Everybody has their own opinion, but back then, there seemed to be more 'flavors' of ASFR and we all got along. I personally like the actual aspects of built androids and though not so big on transformation, always enjoyed the dress up aspect (Thanks to the Mrs. Mike pictures back in the newsgroup days.) I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with transformation or statues, it's just not my thing. That being said, seeing pictures of that type of asfr should not be an issue, there is plenty of room here for all of us :!:

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Post by droidlvr » Sat Mar 08, 2008 8:01 pm

Don't pay attention to droidlvr.
Yeah,don't listen to that damned droidlvr. :lol:
Only a select few points of view matters.

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Post by Korby » Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:42 pm

Which is to say, what, only those very few points of view that are not completely intended to be contrary and trollish? I mean, OK, ten out of ten for playing devil's advocate, I guess, but minus several million for not sounding like a broken record at this point...

(oh, and here's your hammer back, Kishin. I only used it very lightly.)

((says the guy who comes down about 50/50 on the built/transformation thing and has never once sensed an overriding bias one way or the other here))

(((and who wonders if using slashies in the fashion of a well-known site who shall remain nameless but is an anagram of 'frak' might not serve just as well as all these damn parentheses)))

((((and who is, yes, a little bit drunk... what's it to you, pal?))))

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Post by droidlvr » Sat Mar 08, 2008 11:44 pm

Which is to say, what, only those very few points of view that are not completely intended to be contrary and trollish?
Trollish my you-know-what. Have an opinion? I'mma say it,whether or not it may seem (to a select few here) from a certain point of view.
I can't see where the F my comment above offended anyone,unless you are just condensing all my comments (many aren't even related to the other) and seeing them as negative and thus labeling me a troll.Not one word in my post above condemns the idea of role playing,I could only WISH I'd meet a female willing to do so.At the same time,it's not every day that one can find such.
The sanctimonious attitudes from some here only encourages resentment,maybe even shuts others down from expression. Not me.
Again,my post merely asks that if your position is having a functioning fembot is really a sexual turn-off as compared to someone acting like one,then what are your interests here with all the hopes on the ongoing development of fembot and A.I. tech.

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Post by Korby » Sun Mar 09, 2008 12:12 am

droidlvr wrote:
Which is to say, what, only those very few points of view that are not completely intended to be contrary and trollish?
Trollish my you-know-what. Have an opinion? I'mma say it,whether or not it may seem (to a select few here) from a certain point of view.
I can't see where the F my comment above offended anyone,unless you are just condensing all my comments (many aren't even related to the other) and seeing them as negative and thus labeling me a troll.Not one word in my post above condemns the idea of role playing,I could only WISH I'd meet a female willing to do so.At the same time,it's not every day that one can find such.
Well, I'm a bit offended at the suggestion that this site ought to be shut down. I'm kind of fond of it.

Seems to me that an awful lot of your comments seem to be related to each other in the sense that they come off as (though, I grant you, may not have been intended as), well, negative.

I won't tell you not to express an opinion, but I will suggest very humbly that you might find a more constructive way of expressing it. My perception has been that a lot of the opinions you express are somewhat more articulate versions of 'lol zomg you suxorz!!!!!1!"

I mean, seriously, did I miss a post upthread here that even hinted at "built rules, transformation fans go screw yourselves"? Or one along the lines of "we will totally NEVER actually produce an actual female android, so if you're interested in anything more than roleplaying, piss off?"

Honestly, dude, your posts come off as some kind of histrionic knee-jerk worst-possible case reactions a lot of the time. I ain't wanna tell you not to express yourself, but all you seem to be expressing to me is a desire to contradict everyone else and/or just generally draw attention to yourself. If I am wholly misconstruing your intent, please do correct me.

(I am all too aware that, if either of the two possibilities I present are in fact what you seek, I am providing you with additional fodder. On the other hand if you have some small interest in perhaps starting a reasonable dialogue on the subject, well, I'm here with hat in hand and will listen to all you have to say... and thus publicly withdraw and express deep regret for any disobliging and ill-considered remarks I may have made.)

droidlvr wrote:The sanctimonious attitudes from some here only encourages resentment,maybe even shuts others down from expression. Not me.
Again,my post merely asks that if your position is having a functioning fembot is really a sexual turn-off as compared to someone acting like one,then what are your interests here with all the hopes on the ongoing development of fembot and A.I. tech.
Does it?
droidlvr wrote:Time to shut this site down. The opinions above totally contrasts with the hopes of any actual development of fembots. Seems ASFR should be ASFRRP
Robot Role Play.
The one version seems mildly more inflammatory than the other. That may admittedly be nothing more than my personal perception.

Does discussion of role-play preclude discussion of actual development of fembots? Does discussion of built preclude discussion of transformation?

I suggest the possibility that this board may not in fact be the sanctimoniously rigid judgmental repressive place you seem to perceive. But I am by no means the only person reading it. I could be wrong.

Oh--and for the record, I personally am the complete opposite of sexually turned-off at the prospect of a genuine 100% real functioning fembot. I assure you, if I had such a thing at hand, I'd be calling off work for at least the next week to enjoy it.

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Post by Stephaniebot » Sun Mar 09, 2008 1:12 am

Personally I dont have anything against discussing possible developments of built fembots, indeed I enjoy reading about it.


Simple, because in general with science thats going to come first, simply because its the method that will cause less fuss with the general public. Designing fembots from scratch to aid people in many ways, and of course as sex toys will happen in time, and people will accept it.
But can you imagine the initial reaction if first experiments in the field were carried out on people, even if they were willing volunteers...exactly!

But once the basic process and premise is in place, and working, well then as is with most things science will be saying, whats the next step? and then, and only then will we transformationists get our chance.

Alright, you might get some 'crazy scientist' who sees it the other way round, but which, especially given the route its currently going down do you see science going down first.
Easy, the one that will cause less resistance, and generally robotising (partial or fully) humans is going to create resistance, at least initially.

But sadly, unfortunately or otherwise, at present its a lot easier for a human to put on a silver bodysuit and act like a robot than to get even one chip placed into your body, let alone your mind!

So yes, I do enjoy reading about built fembot progress, and hope it continues, because until it does, and works, human transformation isnt going to become reality.

All I want here is a fair deal for my personal preference (and a few others it seems) to get a chance to be discussed here along with the built robots. The vast majority here (well alright nearly all) are happy with a balanced site, lets just keep it that way...please.
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Post by keraptis » Sun Mar 09, 2008 6:52 am

droidlvr wrote:Again,my post merely asks that if your position is having a functioning fembot is really a sexual turn-off as compared to someone acting like one,then what are your interests here with all the hopes on the ongoing development of fembot and A.I. tech.
Go back and read my post again. This is what I said:
keraptis wrote:Roleplaying is central to my enjoyment of ASFR ... in fact, even if somebody built the perfect sex robot that many in this community long for, I would choose a real woman pretending to be a robot over a real robot every time.
At no point did I use the words "sexual turn-off." Don't put words in my mouth, please.

As Korby pointed out, suggesting that we shut down the site because someone has a different take on ASFR than you do goes too far. I realize I may have gone a bit far as well when I said there's a bias against transformation fantasies on this board. So, let me try to rephrase that.

The vast majority of the people on this board are simply awesome ... there is a reason this community has lasted so long, and it's mostly because of the tone of mutual respect and inclusiveness that's fostered here.

Every so often, though, we'll have one of these "built-vs.-transformation" conversations and if you read them closely enough, you will see some posters on the "built" side who imply that there is something wrong or immoral about a transformation fantasy. The usual line of reasoning someone will take is to mistakenly assume all transformation fantasies are forced transformation fantasies ... and in these cases I do feel that if I don't step in to try to correct the misperception, it will get a free ride. This is one of the reasons I often plug "The Offer" ... and why we made the video "Upgrade" ... because I'm hoping that if people take a look, it might dispel their notion that transformation fantasies are all dark.

Getting back to the dress-up idea, my take is that we all get into it all the time ... every time somebody posts a YouTube link to a music video or movie or TV show with a real human actress playing or acting like a robot. Some people, I'm sure, watch those and let their imagination take them to a place where that really is a robot ... or to a future in which we'll have robots capable of behaving that way. But let's face it: what we are watching IS just highly sophisticated dress-up. Which is why other people, like me, get most turned on by the actual performances of these very real and very beautiful actresses. I know that sounds very "meta" but that's where the fascination lies for me, and why I wish I could see all the "behind the scenes" stuff where the director tells the actresses what they need to do and they get into their roles. I got to see some of that when we did "Upgrade" -- including an audition reel of about a dozen girls -- and it was unbelievably fascinating for me.

What I describe above gets at the heart of wanting this fantasy to be accepted in the mainstream and wanting to experiment with the boundaries of how ASFR can be explained and communicated ... and how someone who hadn't thought about ASFR before can be invited and encouraged to participate in some way. Despite my ASFR fetish I'm still a very social person and therefore the branch of ASFR in which the only goal is to end up alone in your bedroom with a robot feels very isolating and alienating to me.

But again, that opinion is mine and mine alone ... and I can't imagine shutting down the forum if someone (inevitably) disagrees strongly with what I've said.

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Post by xodar » Sun Mar 09, 2008 7:51 am

People are already willing volunteers and have been for millenia -- ever since the first person to lose a leg started walking on a peg.
Prosthetics are getting more sophisticated, even to the point of hearing aids plugged into the brain and glasses that bypass a damaged optic nerve.
Paralyzed people will soon have similar devices to restore mobility.

It's really a question of what you call it. An implant to restore damaged mental functions will be called a medical advance. An implant to increase brain power will be questioned just as are performance enhancing drugs. Aesthetic or medically unnecessary modifications will be looked down on by people in general.
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Post by ~? » Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:20 am

droidlvr wrote:The sanctimonious attitudes from some here only encourages resentment,maybe even shuts others down from expression. Not me.
Not you, huh?
droidlvr wrote:Time to shut this site down. :? The opinions above totally contrasts with the hopes of any actual development of fembots. Seems ASFR should be ASFRRP
Robot Role Play. :?
I'd also like to point out that you're the only one I see making sanctimonious posts as you appear to fancy yourself the self-proclaimed content cop of what comprises ASFR.

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Post by droidlvr » Sun Mar 09, 2008 2:25 pm

Well, I'm a bit offended at the suggestion that this site ought to be shut down. I'm kind of fond of it.
Well,I'mma bit offended that my "suggestion" would be taken literally,especially by someone who's been around here as long as I have,

At no point did I use the words "sexual turn-off." Don't put words in my mouth, please.
YOU go back and reread the posts.Didn't put a damned thing in your mouth.You just did it yourself (sock and boot incl) with your out-of-place response. I noticed the ACTUAL post I alluded to is no longer there so go figure as they say.
I'd also like to point out that you're the only one I see making sanctimonious posts as you appear to fancy yourself the self-proclaimed content cop of what comprises ASFR.
Hey,I'll say again, if only a little more wordy this time that if something recommended turns out to be crap in my opinion,I'll spit my views on it.If I like it,the same will happen. If an idea or pov seems off or just straight up wacky to me reread the above.That's pretty much the long and short of it. Thanks for reading.

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Post by ~? » Sun Mar 09, 2008 3:10 pm

I get the feeling that this horse is dead, but in an effort (however futile) to enlighten you...
droidlvr wrote:YOU go back and reread the posts.Didn't put a damned thing in your mouth.You just did it yourself (sock and boot incl) with your out-of-place response. I noticed the ACTUAL post I alluded to is no longer there so go figure as they say.
Yes, YOU did put words in his mouth, he never said the words "sexual turn-off" - no matter how you interpret the post. Also, no posts were deleted, RM split this thread off from the original because it had gone OT.
droidlvr wrote:Hey,I'll say again, if only a little more wordy this time that if something recommended turns out to be crap in my opinion,I'll spit my views on it.If I like it,the same will happen. If an idea or pov seems off or just straight up wacky to me reread the above.That's pretty much the long and short of it. Thanks for reading.
Dude, no one has any problem with you posting when you like or dislike something; just show others some respect and don't call for the end of the board everytime you don't like what's being said.

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Post by keraptis » Sun Mar 09, 2008 3:19 pm

droidlvr wrote: YOU go back and reread the posts.Didn't put a damned thing in your mouth.You just did it yourself (sock and boot incl) with your out-of-place response. I noticed the ACTUAL post I alluded to is no longer there so go figure as they say.
You are misreading and misrepresenting the content of my posts. In my response to you, I indicated one specific thing that IS a turn-off. I said it in response to your previous, incorrect, statement that I had used the word "turn-off" about a much broader set of ideas. You were wrong then, and you're wrong this time.

My post is not out-of place because most of it is my attempt to explain and amend what I said previously about there being a bias on this board. Again, calling it out-of-place is wrong.

Finally, none of the posts in this thread, certainly none of mine, were deleted or edited in any way. You seem to think something that was there (the "ACTUAL post") is no longer there. Wrong yet again.

To be clear, except for my request that you stop ascribing words to me I didn't say, prior to this post nothing I was saying was directed at you. But the nasty and personal tone you've just taken with me required a response. I don't plan on continuing this any further though. I've said what I wanted to in this thread ... it will be useful to some, not to others. But unlike you I never had any intention of baiting other people or treating their points of view with disrespect.

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Post by Frostillicus » Sun Mar 09, 2008 4:29 pm

This is great! :twisted:
Thaw me out when robot wives are cheap and effective.

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Post by droidlvr » Sun Mar 09, 2008 8:04 pm

Ya know,this shit can go on for longer but I'll try to shut my end down.
Here we go,
Yes, YOU did put words in his mouth, he never said the words "sexual turn-off" - no matter how you interpret the post. Also, no posts were deleted, RM split this thread off from the original because it had gone OT.
first of all butt out jack,ya don't know what ya talking about. I'm not going to further explain nor do I have to name who's post I was referring to for you or any other future hater.
just show others some respect and don't call for the end of the board everytime you don't like what's being said.
I could tell you what you can do with or where you can put your condescending comments but I'll leave it here.
Thanks for reading. :)

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Post by ~? » Sun Mar 09, 2008 11:44 pm

droidlvr wrote:Ya know,this shit can go on for longer but I'll try to shut my end down.
Here we go,
As long as you get to shut it down? Not over unless you get the last word, right? Prove me wrong and don't respond.
droidlvr wrote:first of all butt out jack,ya don't know what ya talking about. I'm not going to further explain nor do I have to name who's post I was referring to for you or any other future hater.
Why should I? Are your comments more important than everyone else's that you can insult anyone while your words are beyond reproach? You comment rudely on things that you have no concept of seemingly only to make obvious your ignorance and need for attention.
droidlvr wrote:I could tell you what you can do with or where you can put your condescending comments but I'll leave it here.
Thanks for reading. :)
There you go showing your vast social skills. That was not condescension. What you do when you inform others about how they have no idea what ASFR is; that's condescending. I was being polite and just asking you to consider others instead of constantly shitting on threads. Obviously, civility is beyond your limited capabilities.

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Post by droidlvr » Mon Mar 10, 2008 12:28 am

You comment rudely on things that you have no concept of seemingly only to make obvious your ignorance and need for attention
Prove it.
What you do when you inform others about how they have no idea what ASFR is
Again,prove it chump.

Ain't a damned thing changed.

How 'bout joining me in the anti haters campaign? :)

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Post by ~? » Mon Mar 10, 2008 12:55 am

Way to shut it down; especially since you have such a profound response.
droidlvr wrote:Prove it.
droidlvr wrote:Again,prove it chump.

Ain't a damned thing changed.
Wow, I guess you showed me. Not like anyone needing proof couldn't just click your profile and read all your asinine posts.
droidlvr wrote:How 'bout joining me in the anti haters campaign? :)
Can I just take this opportunity to say:

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Post by droidlvr » Mon Mar 10, 2008 1:46 am

you have such a profound response.
Can you say,Get Bent?
How's that for a profound response?
Not like anyone needing proof couldn't just click your profile and read all your asinine posts.
Maybe ya need to stop takin' yourself too seriously as I've already clicked yours(needless to mention I saw this attempt at an insult coming). I'll have ta say speak only of yourself faceless.

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Post by ~? » Mon Mar 10, 2008 2:07 am

droidlvr wrote:Can you say,Get Bent?
How's that for a profound response?
Considering your serious lack of cognitive function, I'd say it's as profound as you get.
droidlvr wrote:Maybe ya need to stop takin' yourself too seriously as I've already clicked yours(needless to mention I saw this attempt at an insult coming). I'll have ta say speak only of yourself faceless.
You're asking for proof that your posts are rude and puerile so why are you looking at my profile? The proof is in your posts and nowhere else.

What's that saying about being in a battle of wits with an unarmed man...

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