Therapy, part 6

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Therapy, part 6

Post by nybble » Thu Nov 08, 2007 11:33 pm

Thanks again for all the encouragement. This is a fulfilling community to write for.


Al sighed. "Yes, by all means, clean the dishes."

The door to the kitchen flapped shut as Linda slipped back into the next room and started cleaning.

"So, I'm staying for a while, huh?" Al asked of Karen. He was lazily twirling some of her hair between his fingers while her head laid on his chest. He was still coming down from his post-coital glow.

Karen snuggled into him even more. "Yeah. For as long as you want."

"Really? So if I moved in, you wouldn't mind?"

"Mind?" Karen propped herself up on her elbows and looked Al straight in the eyes. "You HAVE to live with us. If not here, then where ever you are. We are yours now; you made that so when you changed our directives."

"Mine? I can't own you; you're a person."

"I may be a person, but I'm still bound by my directives, just like Linda. If you take away the focus of our directives, we get kind of goofy."

"What to you mean, 'goofy'?"

"Well, in case you hadn't noticed, Linda is a little anal-retentive. The less interaction she gets with a human, the worse it gets. After a while, she's driving me crazy. She follows me around and straightens everything I touch. She alphabetized the medicine cabinet. You could putt on our back lawn. It's crazy."

"And let me guess; you get horny."

"Oh yeah. It's just such a scrumptious feeling, you know? Unless you have no where to put it. I've used every phallic shaped dodad in the place. It helps, but it never seems to take care of it. You, however, are a perfect match."

"Thanks. I've noticed you've calmed down quite a bit."

"You have been giving me a lot of attention. Not that I'm complaining."

Al nodded. He could hear the sink in the kitchen shut off. Linda must be finished.

"So, what can I do to help Linda?"

"Give her direction. She can do everything by herself, but the more you help her, the more 'normal' she gets."

"There's not much to do here, though. She's even fixed the mailbox already."

"What about at your place? Is there much to do there?"

Al thought for a second. Bachelor party last night. Saturday morning wedding.

"I'm sure there will be something." Al deadpanned. A loud noise came from the kitchen. Ah, though Al. Vacuum cleaner.

Al shook his head. "It must have been really tough living with her for the last few months."

"Well, I haven't been a barrel of laughs, either. She's the only other person I've seen, except when she sent me out to find a hypnotist. I must have tried to jump her bones at least three times a day. But, no, she's never interested, although she's not a bad kisser if you can get her to do it. I'm sure you'll have no problem."

Al was lost in thought. Some of the consequences of his actions the night before had started to sink in. He had a couple of people, sexy female people, a sex fiend and a neat freak, both beautiful, who wanted, no, needed to be near him. And they owned a house.

"Do you have a car?"

"We have a van."

Al grinned. "Perfect. Where is it?"

"In the garage."

"Can you drive?"

"Nope. Can't. No license, and our reaction times really aren't that good."

Ah well, no chauffeur service, but Al supposed that would do. "We'd better get dressed if I'm going to move out of my apartment before my roommates get back from the wedding."

Karen sat up and beamed. "Yay! I'll go tell Linda!" as she bounded off the couch and jogged into the kitchen.

Al all but broke his neck keeping up with all of Karen. He got off the couch and started to collect his clothes and get dressed. About the time he got his shirt back on, Karen sprinted through the room again towards the bedrooms. "Field trip! Gotta get dressed!" she huffed as she ran past.

Linda came out of the kitchen just as Al finished dressing. "So, you're moving in I hear. Sounds good to me." she said as she moved to realign the magazines on the coffee table.

"Sounds good to me, too. You know, you don't have to do that."

"What? The magazines?"

"Yeah, the whole house even. I understand you want things tidy and well maintained-" Al paused, noticing Linda looked concerned and slightly pained, "-and that's good-" Linda looking more comfortable, "-but you don't need to obsess over it. It makes me nervous and uncomfortable."



"So it doesn't have to be perfect?"

"No, it doesn't."

"Ok. I can try that." Linda's expression was pensive.

"That would make me happy."

"I *will* try it!" said Linda, with more confidence in her voice.

"Shotgun!" Karen had come back int the house, dressed in a loose button-down blouse with a stretch t-shirt underneath along with cropped jeans and tennis shoes. She had a set of keys in her hand and dangled them in front of Al.

"Let's go" said Al as he snatched the keys from Karen.



"Damn, Linda, keep it down!" said Karen. Al was already wading through the carnage of glass bottles and beer cans which littered Al's apartment.

"My bedroom is over here." Al was happy to be out of this place. His roommates really didn't care what they did with their time, their money, or their livers. It was a temporary place anyway, really, until he found someplace better. It did make the mess more excusable; it wasn't his security deposit. Hell, it wasn't even his furniture outside the bedroom, and that he picked up at Ikea, so it wasn't exactly heirloom quality.

"I can't go in there." Linda was still standing in the doorway.

"Suit yourself." Karen disappeared on the other side of the main room, following Al.

Al was already unloading drawers from his furniture. "Since we are only going across town, I figure we can just use the furniture as the moving boxes."

Karen agreed, and they started moving the drawers out to Linda who would take them out to the van. That way, Linda didn't have to venture into the apartment, although she was getting increasingly agitated at having to even be in the doorway.

After everything but the bed was moved, Al stood in his room and looked up at Karen, who was in the doorway leaning on the frame.

"Penny for your thoughts?" she asked.

Al grinned. "That's a really nice bed, you know."

Karen tilted her head. "No, I don't. Tell me."

"Well," Al sat on the bed, "it's really comfortable. Supports your body really well." He laid back on the bed in an exaggerated stretch.

Karen walked to the edge of the bed and put one knee on it's edge. "Really?" she added in a mocking tone. "But can it support two people?"

"Oh, yes, it can." He said, and reached up and pulled Karen on top of him.

"You know, that was the worst come-on, like, ever." She gave him a playful kiss.

"Yep. Worked, too." He kissed her back, more sensually. Their hands started to roam, and Al kicked off his shoes. Karen's were a little more complicated; she had to sit up to untie them. Her first shoe was off when they both heard a scream from the front room. "Now what? Linda, are you OK?"

Karen quickly started to put her shoe back on. "Come on; she needs us." Al grabbed his shoes and hopped into them as he entered the front room.

Linda was kneeling in the front room with a half-filled trash bag at her side, her sleeves rolled up past her elbows. She was rubbing her hands furiously.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Al asked as he approached her.

"It won't come off! The filth! It won't! I can't get it off! It's everywhere!" Her hands were now working her forearms, too.

"It's OK." said Al, not sure what was happening, but sure that he needed to say something. "I'm sure-"

"No. It's. NOT! This is your home; I maintain your home, and right now this is still your home. Damn it!" She grabbed her left shoulder. "It's spreading!"

"Linda, get a grip!" Karen was now in the room, standing behind Al.

"But I need to clean this place!" She stood up, leaving the bag, and started to back towards the front door. She was frantically rubbing all of both arms now.

Al didn't know what to do. He looked to Karen, and she took the hint that he was out of ideas.

"Linda, Linda, come on. Just calm down." she said in low, even tones as she approached her sister.

Linda looked up with a panic. "Karen! Help me!" She reached out towards her sister, who reached out instinctively in return. Their hands met, and then they both gripped the other. Karen started to pull Linda towards her, and Linda released her arms from their sockets. "Did I get it? Is it gone? Is it off me?" Linda was twisting back and forth looking over her person, her empty sleeves flapping unhindered, trying to tell what was 'filthy'.

"Linda, why?" Karen was shoving Linda's now dismembered arms back at her sister, trying to make the point that this wasn't normal.

"NO! They're dirty!" Linda took a step back and found a bottle with the underside of her foot and crashed down on the floor, landing in a pool of something with a loud, thick squish.

There was a moment of anticipatory stillness while they all realized what had just happened.

Linda screamed and, all at once, disconnected every part of her body at every joint possible. Her clothes jumped and jostled, the different disconnected parts spasming randomly. Her head, detached from her body, laid on it's left cheek mumbling.

Al finally came out of his trance at all of this and came up behind Karen. "Uh..."

"Yeah." is all that Karen could muster in reply.

"Does she have an off switch?"

Karen looked at Al, annoyed. "What, do you think we're some kind of appliance, a toaster oven? We have minds, you know."

Al rolled his eyes, disgusted at himself for not thinking of it earlier. "Linda, sleep please."

Linda's body parts stopped moving, her head still.

"Linda, you will stay in this trance until you are reassembled. Do you understand?"

A quiet "yes" came from Linda's lips.

Karen and Al stood in silence. Al looked at Karen. "Wow. That was, um, odd."

"We need to get Linda home."

Al nodded and looked around. There were a few sturdy liquor boxes left over from the night before. Al and Karen used the cleaner two boxes and started packing up Linda. Al picked up her pants by the cuffs and shook her hips and both legs out the other end while Karen grabbed her shoes, the feet still in them.

"You know," Al said as he unbuttoned Linda's blouse and handed her abdomen to her sister who had finished packing Linda's legs into a box. "I knew a guy in high school who was just as uptight as Linda. We used to say he needed to get laid." Al picked up Linda's upper chest and admired her breasts. They looked nice, but not very realistic. He grabbed one and gave it a squeeze. It felt nice but obviously fake, not like Karen's.

Karen nodded. "If only that would help."

"So, is it that she can't or won't? I had assumed it was 'can't'" Al handed the upper chest to Karen.

"She didn't get the same parts as I did. She's older, you know. Her sex organs just aren't up to it." Karen picked up her sisters pelvis and pointed the crotch at Al. Al reached up tentatively, and Karen nodded her consent. All of the parts were there, but it felt like an expensive sex toy. Karen set the pelvis into the box, shifting it so it was butt-side-up.

"So she can, but she just doesn't get anything out of it?"

"And she knows I'm here, so she doesn't push it. Give me her head."

Al compiled and, seeing that was the last of Linda, got up. "That's interesting. Let's see if we can do something about that when we get back to your place."

"It's your place, too, now." Karen handed a box of Linda to Al and stood up with the other.

"Our place." Al smiled. "Yeah, let's go home."

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Post by Green Dragon » Sun Nov 11, 2007 12:29 pm

:( poor linda *cries* from now on ill clean my house lol
i like black!!

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Post by bilbo » Sun Nov 11, 2007 12:40 pm

Hey, I agree with Kishin - this story just gets better and better. Linda is in need of getting laid, by Al or Karen or both......maybe at the same time. Bilbo thinks Linda giving Al a blow job while Karen licks Linda out....
Keep it up man this can run and run......
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Post by The Collector » Sun Nov 11, 2007 1:12 pm

(Looks around at the incessant clutter in my den ... ) Ok, Linda is NEVER visiting here! she'd go into MELTDOWN in less than a minute! :lol: A fembot with OCD ... ok that takes a TWISTED mind! :twisted: Keep it coming!

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Post by Mirage » Mon Nov 12, 2007 8:28 am

I must confest, I just read the entire story up to here and I love it. Very different. I am no way a fan of hyptonic story but this one, very cool.


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Post by bilbo » Sat Nov 17, 2007 1:12 pm

Really looking forward to the next installment. Do we have to wait long?
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Post by DJDojo » Tue Nov 20, 2007 9:43 am

Thank the Gods there's another writer like me here! I love doing these kinds of stories too and all I have to say is...

AWESOME JOB!!!!! ^_^

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Post by nybble » Wed Nov 21, 2007 1:15 pm

Sorry for the delay. Away from home and I only have a thumb keyboard. Makes long stories a challenge...

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No worries

Post by bilbo » Wed Nov 21, 2007 1:48 pm

Im sure the wait will be worth it.
Gromit is dead long live Bilbo

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Re: Therapy, part 6

Post by Deep Blue » Sun Jul 08, 2018 12:11 pm

Does Linda wear bra that day?

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