Total body prosthesis

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Total body prosthesis

Post by Sofibot » Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:42 pm

I am a 30 year old male. I have always felt the need to be different and would say that I certainly suffer with body dysmorphia.

I feel totally uncomfortable with being firstly male and secondly human. I would love to have my entire body (possibly with the exception of my cerebrum) replaced with plastic and metal. I would also like to be gynoid in appearance.

I have thought long and hard about sex reaasignment surgery - but remain unhappy with the results achievable with current technology. I want to be more than female - I want freedom - I want to be artfificial.

I have also contemplated extreme body modification in the form of amputation. I often consider starting by having my hands and feet amputated and replaced with prosthetic limbs. Again current technology is a limiter - but at least it would be a movememnt towards the synthetic.

I may be the only person on the planet who feels like this. I wondered if any of you fellow gynoids/gynoid admirers shared this sort of desire.

I would obviously readily avail myself to any person or agency that could help with this goal. If anybody out there reads this who has the technology and are looking for a suitable, educated volunteer (who also holds an honours degree in medicine and anatomical sciences) the please contact me.

Wishing to be synthetic...

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Post by ehy » Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:54 pm

You say, "I feel totally uncomfortable with being firstly male and secondly human."

Well... so do I. But I've never considered myself that. I'm human. I'm also caucasian, and dark-haired, and intellectual, and male, and American. Why should "male" come before any of those other things? Why do you feel that for you it does?

I hope I don't sound smug and superior or anything; that's not my intent - I'm genuinely curious why you feel that way. I've had this conversation with others of similar feelings and never really understood, and I'd like to.

(Some may suggest this aspect of the conversation belongs in "Off Topic," or elsewhere entirely. And if you're not comfortable discussing it yourself that's fine - but you brought it up so I assume you do.)

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Post by Pleasureunit » Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:17 pm

Hi Sofibot,

Warm angora hugs from the transgender side of the site. I dig where you're coming from.

And yah, being femme' is sublime, but to become mechanical? Ohhhhhh, now that would be the purest Nirvana...........

So, welcome to FC! And don't be frightened away by some of the posts of less enlightened members. I believe the majority of members of this site are kind and good, and warmly welcome a variety of outlooks and interpretations.

I thought we were friends. How could you do a thing like that? I was just going to fix coffee. :faceoff:

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Post by droidlvr » Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:37 pm

don't be frightened away by some of the posts of less enlightened members.
:? :roll:

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Post by Pleasureunit » Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:45 pm

Funny how YOU happened to pick up on that, DL. *kissing you lingeringly on your lips*.....
I thought we were friends. How could you do a thing like that? I was just going to fix coffee. :faceoff:

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Post by dale coba » Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:54 pm

ehy wrote:I'm human. I'm also caucasian, and dark-haired, and intellectual, and male, and American. Why should "male" come before any of those other things?
Understand, I'm speaking as a science geek, and not as one with gender dysmorphism.

I would suggest that gender is the one of the six qualities ehy mentioned that is most responsible for differences between our individual brains, bodies, and minds*, and those of other humans around us.
*that eliminates nation and hair-color from the number one ranking, and substantially eliminates race.

If one isn't severely alienated by feeling very much smarter or dumber than everyone else, that would leave only gender. And we all know that humans looove to establish heirarchies around gender, even more than over age or race.

But even closer to our core than how we are treated by others, is how we treat ourselves. Am I different, and what does that mean? Whenever genetics and environment (injury, infections, toxins) recombine the developmental factors which add up to gender differently than it adds up in the people around <her-him, him-her, hirm>, that person is going to feel it. Even if others don't know the full story, they'll likely key in and torment for the differences that can be detected.

And even without that mistreatment, human bodies develop in ways which may not work as long, or as well, or as comfortably, when a brain and a body get doses of hormones in very non-standard schedules, ratios or amounts during development.

All that adds up to a world of potential woe which I am glad not to experience personally; but for those folks affected I have only respect and sympathy.

- dale coba, speaking theoretically
8) :!: :nerd: :idea: : :nerd: :shock: :lovestruck: [ :twisted: :dancing: :oops: :wink: :twisted: ] = [ :drooling: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :party:... ... :applause: :D :lovestruck: :notworthy: :rockon: ]

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Post by Stephaniebot » Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:11 am

Hi, like Queenbot, another welcome from the transgender side of FC. So its not hard for me to know how you feel as well. And I share your sentiments re a nice new (and hopefully pretty) female android body I have to admit, would love to see it in my lifetime but at my age currently doubting its going to happen.

Being female is wonderful, but as you say current SRS is far from perfect, and thats not even knowing your height, build etc before you start. But its better than nothing, and certainly better than amputation at present.

Prosthetic limbs are improving dramatically, and who is to say in a few years time how good they might be? Its like most things, if 20 years ago people had talked about needing computers as powerful as todays for general matters people would have laughed, but we do!

Me, I'd like to go the whole way in android transformation, I'd rather have digitised memories than my brain to be honest, you'd last longer as an android that way for starters.

I cant go along with QB too greatly on the unenlightened members thing re transgender issues, there are a few, but thankfully a very small number. Most here are great. Enjoy your time here.
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Post by droidlvr » Fri Feb 23, 2007 8:04 am

Funny how YOU happened to pick up on that, DL.
Well,couldn't just not aknowledge what is obviously a condescending statment directed toward some here that are not of the "fluid sexuality" mindset. :wink:
*kissing you lingeringly on your lips*.....
*nursing my knuckles after just fattening your lips*..... :lol:

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"Silence is Betrayal" MLK Jr.

Post by Pleasureunit » Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:05 pm


It just amazes me that there are people like you who still think intimidation is a viable form of policy.

I am openly and proudly Bisexual and Transgendered.

You can make your childish comments all you want, but you really are powerless in keeping folks like me away from not only FC, but from living happily in Society.

Every day I realize this is such a great, grand country. When someone like me can happily work my 9 to 5, and enjoy my friends and family without fear of violence. Five years now and counting of living openly 24-7/365. This country, built on principles of mature and conscious adult liberty, means what it says.

Here's my other cheek. Keep hitting away. :lol:

I thought we were friends. How could you do a thing like that? I was just going to fix coffee. :faceoff:

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Post by Pleasureunit » Sat Feb 24, 2007 6:41 am

Kishin, you remain, as ever, the voice of calm.
I thought we were friends. How could you do a thing like that? I was just going to fix coffee. :faceoff:

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Post by droidlvr » Sat Feb 24, 2007 6:45 am

Queenbot,you may have heard something similar to what I'm about ta say but I'll say it anyway. It's impossible for me to care any less about your sexual identity as I'm of the live and let live ilk.It's only when faced with overly assertive militants of your identity hellbent on ramming your sexual politics down poeples' throats. Heteros and other illegal groups are often offened when talked down to and remarks of similar condescention made to homos certainly would be taken the same way.
You're bi, fine. Have a intrest in ASFR,that's fine as well but can you just leave it at that and WITHOUT the selfrighteousness?

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