the *joys* of asfr

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the *joys* of asfr

Post by pm_uk » Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:47 pm

well last night i bit the bullet and told my long term g/f about my fetish... didnt go down well... not at all. infact it went so badly im now single again. Why do women see asfr as such a problem?? Is it really that bizzare?? can some who has this fetish hold down a normal relationship?
post what you think, i would be intertested to know your comments...



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Post by pm_uk » Thu Nov 23, 2006 3:13 pm

thanks, well this time im going to look more towards the women into the same thing. shame i live in england really dnt think there will be many around..

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Post by andoroido » Fri Nov 24, 2006 12:35 am

That sucks. If you're willing to share, what were her comments, if any?

I'm also pretty sure lots of people will be freaked out by ASFR, at least these days, because it's probably kind of unexpected. Unexpected = unknown, and we fear the unknown. Plus the continuing Stepford Wife stigma.

But in the future, when gynoids become a reality, it might become worse.
Instead of going along with a "harmless fetish", perhaps more women will tell people who step out of the ASFR closet to "Go buy yourself a robot whore, then. Bye!"

Or it might be better, as some women want to prove to you they're better than a piece of plastic.
While others might be liberated enough to think of a gynoid as just another sex toy to be shared.


Post by xerxes31415 » Fri Nov 24, 2006 12:44 am

Well, I sorta had a similar experience. I told my gf about this (and other things), and she looked it up, and freaked out. It took about a weekend of talking to her continuously to calm her down and realize that I was the same person she got to know before. my story differs in that we're still together, but the topic of fetish hasn't been brought up since then (several months ago) and it's always an awkward topic whenever fetish or latex or robots or anything like that gets brought up.

I'd say you're probably better off without her, mainly because if the relationship continued, she'd eventually stumble upon it, and then it'd be much much worse. At least this way you controlled where and how it was revealed. And yes I do realize that I seem kinda crass saying that due to the fact that I still have a gf, but I'm in no better than if I didn't tell her.

And due to the fact that the proportion of women to men in this forum (and in fetish in general) is pretty low, I'd say your best bet would be to do exactly what you did.

Sorry to not have any good news for you, but I do sincerely wish you the best of luck with finding a mate.

P.S. it's really no better with any other fetish. Leather and body-part-fetishes are pretty much the only ones where it's somewhat easy. Everything else is just as hard. whether it be latex, adult-babies, furrydom, or whatever. Most people aren't exposed to it regularly, and if they are, it's in a form where it's used as something bizarre and for shock-factor.

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Post by Stephaniebot » Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:13 am

My sympathies go out to you Paul re the relationship, but as has been said maybe its better you find out now, rather than when the relationship has got a bit deeper and the split would have been even worse.

Why do many women have problems with idea of asfr, I suppose for many nowadays its the control thing, ie to act as a robot means being totally obedient to your 'controller' and maybe they think if they agree to that they will be 'taken advantage of' sexually and the like, and unable to say no if they are in 'robot mode', who knows? Especially if their whole experience of the style is Stepford Wives (either version). Many women nowadays simply arent into giving up all power to another person, either through image or lifestyle they've seen.
Even submissive women (and I suspect your gf wasnt) might find the total control of being no more than a robot more than they desire.

The other factor that may cause problems is what I will term the 'sex doll' factor, I'm assuming this at least partially came up as a 'sex role' idea and maybe she saw acting like a robot as little more than acting as a sex doll, obviously I dont know, but I'm sort of guessing that might be the case. Personally sex does little (or nothing) for me, so if that was the only way someone wanted me to be a robot I moght not be too interested, well unless I was robotised for real in which case...I'd have to obey!

Dont know how or what, but maybe she has to be shown 'advantages' of acting like a robot, I'm sure people can come up with some if they try. I know one or two on here who dont have to be shown these advantages, but suspect most (if not all) of them would want the robot package to be more than just a sex thing, I know I would.

Maybe try and get them to think of asfr as more Austin Powers than Stepford Wives? Not sure. Mind if she agrees, make her feel the part rather than totally having to act it, a piece of silver lingerie say, or maybe catsuit type outfit, lets face it if her body looks the part when trying it, she might feel good doing so and want to try more.

Just a few ideas tossed in, too early in the morning for totally clear thought as I havent 'plugged myself in' to my 'daily reprogrammer' yet.
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Post by andoroido » Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:22 am

This whole GF checking out ASFR on the Internet (especially if you're not with her as a guide)...

If they check it out on their own and read some of the stories (with forced transformation) and saw some of the pictures (remember that contributor Denny and his snuff-ASFR?)
then I wouldn't blame them for being freaked out by a fetish in which there is a sizable representation of well, basically, murder fantasies (call them what you will, but they freak me out, too)

Like if my GF told me she was a Scientologist (before I ever knew about it) and then I looked it up on the Internet, I'd probably dump her, change my name, and move to another city. In all odds, though, she would probably still be a great girl, maybe in need of help from me to be lead away from her mistake.

Hmm. maybe that could be a good spin for the GF.
"When I was a boy in school, none of the other girls paid any attention to me, I read too much Sci-Fi, and I dreamed of a woman who WOULD be nice to me. The only thing that made any sense to my boyish mind was a gynoid. And that dream kind of stuck with me."
or something
"EVERY man has the "perfect woman" fetish, just most of them express it by buying Playboy magazine, or the S.I. Swimsuit Issue, or make jokes about busty housewives who cook and give BJ's every day.. ASFR is just my more complicated form (or maybe the intelligent form?) of the prefect woman fetish, which would never take the place of reality" which would be followed by you giving up your ASFR collection if she wants you to. (and if all the ASFR stuff is archived somewhere else online, you're not really giving it up, are you?)

Is all ASFR stuff archived?

Well, I'm still not telling my gf, just trying to keep excuses handy, and I think that maybe, the more SERIOUS you think ASFR is, that it is a major (and not desirable) part of your life, the more it will tell in your expression as shame, and your GF will see that shame as meaning you are doing something bad, or that you have a deep character flaw, and should be dumped.

Perahps by acting quite casually about it, it would be less of a problem. Act like you could give it up as easily as giving up.... uh, something that would be quite easy to give up.

If she's still freaked out about it, and you two can't communicate satisfactorily about it, then it's probably for the best that you break up anyway. At least you can be smug in the knowledge that she's probably giving you up for some drunk asshole who'll beat her.. but at least he doesn't like robots! ;)

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Post by href » Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:44 am

Not good this, sorry to hear your problems mate.

I tend to think that it isn't core ASFR thats the problem for most people, it is so many of the "additions" that go into making it the thing we all gather to share.
For me, ASFR is a thin line that links so many interests together that it becomes impossible to define, so trying to ask someone to understand it is often too much to expect.

Anyway, I'm quite lucky in this area, but not without going through a good few serious arguments first.....I wouldn't do it again though.

plenty more fish in the sea...... next time keep your gob shut ;)


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Post by darkbutflashy » Fri Nov 24, 2006 3:55 am

I wouldn't tell a "mere" girlfriend -- However, I would (will... someday) tell my lover. Only a dumb person breaks up a -->long-term (years) and intense (you two are at least near to hit the hundred)<-- relationship just because of a perverted fetish 8) one has. Women want sex, too, and women have perversions, too.

In such a relationship, it's just the time and way you "rub it in". You don't want to be just an object of some others perversions, do you? Let her continiuosly guess: finding out the lover's turn-ons is part of the game. You are invited to explore her kinky side, too. That way, both will share each other's perversions as *subjects* not *objects*. And if she don't want to share a particular perversion you have, she is free to ignore it instead of dumping you. Choose another one (perversion, not partner!)

EDIT: Don't know how bad you sucked, if it wasn't too bad (harsh words from your side etc.), you may want her back. There's a particular fetish *anyone* has, to be treasured by significant persons. And even if she thinks you are geek, it is likely you are still significant, at least the next few days.

So you can take your chance and completely abolish your ASFR fetish in favour of her (and show her). If she accepts, you may develop *another* fetish *with her* -- *later*.

We would miss you, fellow, but RL is important.

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Post by xodar » Fri Nov 24, 2006 6:13 am

It may be a control thing -- that is, women can't completely control men with different sexual interests. They're just as likely to throw a fit if they have what you like ("That's all you want me for!").
My sympathy...she wouldn't have been a good companion in the future you envision, as I see it. Someone will...
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Post by Spaz » Fri Nov 24, 2006 9:13 am

My sympathies friend. I haven't had the fortune of having a girlfriend yet but when I do, I hope that she is more understanding. It probably was because of the control thing though.
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Post by wjbaines » Thu Nov 30, 2006 9:52 pm

First off, I'm with Androido 100%.

Next: That "better to have loved and lost" saying is bullshit, huh? Screw 'em.

I have told a few people about my fetish, but curiously, only guys. My (much) older brother when I was around 19-20 years old and my best friend of 6 years (at the time; now more like 9) at around the same time.

That's something of a different scenario, tho.

But it was similar in that it was an adreniline-pumping experience to come out face-to-face and tell somebody (anybody!) something that private.

To a girl tho, especially one you're trying to be intimate with, that would be taking it to a whole 'nother level. Dunno if I could do that.
[By way of disambiguation, I'm not homosexual.]

I'm curious as to details such as: how long had you been seeing her, had you already been having sex, how did you plan to reveal the ASFR thing, how did the plan come off, was her reaction a total surprise to you, more data might yield more responses...

But provisionally, my take is this: You have some serious balls to go there, and, well, if she didn't like it, better you know now. FIGHT THROUGH THE PAIN. Come here and talk to us. And somebody else will come around sooner than you think (but, of course, later than you hope!).

Sorry to hear it. Seriously.

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Re: the *joys* of asfr

Post by xodar » Fri Dec 01, 2006 6:55 am

pm_uk wrote:well last night i bit the bullet and told my long term g/f about my fetish... didnt go down well... not at all. infact it went so badly im now single again. Why do women see asfr as such a problem?? Is it really that bizzare?? can some who has this fetish hold down a normal relationship?
post what you think, i would be intertested to know your comments...


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dont be disheartened

Post by Tio » Fri Dec 01, 2006 7:04 am

I think that the bot thing is one of most harmless and fun fetishes going. I dont understand why other women would freak so much. I have suggested it to men (with them being the bot) and they have been fine with it.

I think that you have to approach it in a very possitive light. If you tell a girl you want her to be completely submissive and do what you say, then yeah she may get scared but if you tell her that you like robots and point out some of the attractibve ones from movies and then ask if one day she wouldnt mind dressing up as a robot and playing/ being programmed then I am sure there will be progress.

Us girls fear not being good enough for our man and the idea that he wants a perfect and obidient woman can be something many girls feel they cant compete with. They also may worry that that is all you will want and their needs will be neglected. You gotta be gentle and also promote comprimise.

Though she sucks for dumping you without letting you explain.
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Post by dementedLuke » Sat Dec 02, 2006 1:09 pm

Well that sucks pm_uk. However it`s better to just tell the person you might be spending an awful lot of time with atleast some of inner thougts (i guess that`s why i never commit myself, or might be other thingies).

I don`t like the whole idea of telling someone my secret and i get a feeling of resent whenever that is the case. And also i admire such acts because it`s something i could never do. And so i am at a crossroads of mixed feelings.

Being as paranoid about such things as i am, i will never let anyone know my inmost thought, i would betray my very being.

Well i hope everything works out for you man.
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Post by BA2 » Sun Dec 03, 2006 7:02 am

Sorry to hear about that.

Some things are just not meant to be I guess. If it makes you feel any better, I did the opposite with the same result. My former lass is not the sort to be receptive to asfr and, though lovely, I started to loose interest in her in that department as a result. Hobson's choice: tell her and she freaks out or don't but never share what's in your head. Best to move on...


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Post by barakuda » Mon Dec 04, 2006 2:46 am

Yeah if you were a good man and trearted her well then her loss! i mean you always hear women complain how a good man is hard to find.

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Post by sparky » Tue Feb 06, 2007 3:11 pm

im sorry...ya know people tend to be very ignorant about things they just dont understand...thats probably why i keep my own a.s.f.r secrets secure, but one thing is for sure there is probably a lot more out there that share all of our interests, they just dont know where to look yet....just like me i just found you all 2 days ago and i honestly feel more complete..just keep pressing on! and lets embrace what we all love!!!!

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Post by jakeCTom » Tue Feb 06, 2007 3:24 pm

cjfriel wrote:im sorry...ya know people tend to be very ignorant about things they just dont understand...thats probably why i keep my own a.s.f.r secrets secure, but one thing is for sure there is probably a lot more out there that share all of our interests, they just dont know where to look yet....just like me i just found you all 2 days ago and i honestly feel more complete..just keep pressing on! and lets embrace what we all love!!!!
Right on and welcome

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Post by sparky » Tue Feb 06, 2007 4:16 pm

thanks jake!!

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