How differnetly the genders view ASFR

General chat about fembots, technosexual culture or any other ASFR related topics that do not fit into the other categories below.
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Post by TheSpotConlon » Wed Jan 17, 2007 2:44 pm

Tio wrote:I am sooo fucking fed-up of being told how real women arent good enough and men would prefer a robot.

I am happy to be a bot for a guy but he must realise and love me for the human being that I actually am. We live in a reality where bots aren't real yet! Its only a fantasy, a role-play, and even though I participate on both sides I will not say that men are *insert complaint here* and I would prefer a robot. If I thought like that then any man would never compare to my fantasies and I would never find anyone real!
Word. The fantasies of this forum are exactly that; no amount of wishing, hoping, or hatred of feminist tendencies (ahem) will change reality. And despite what the esteemed Mr. Billy Joel says, sometimes a fantasy is not all that you need. So let's cowboy up, people, and realize that fantasies are great for what they are, but they eventually add up to the two birds in the bush, wheras a flesh and blood woman is the ever-so-wonderful bird in the hand.

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Post by xodar » Wed Jan 17, 2007 4:57 pm

Robotman wrote:Speaking only for myself, I can say I'd prefer a robot for sex and a real woman for love. I also think that there's not a woman on the planet who could have a satisfying relationship with me, but I don't see that as being the fault of all women. I know it's my 'fault', if that's the right word to use. People just tend not to want autistic partners, so I think I'd be better matched with an android.

Possibly similar to my finding so many people irritating. It's idiotic to me, for example, to use use a discussion of some technical subject as a way of trying to assert one's ego over someone else. Every place I've worked people actually used industrial processes or production values combined with lies to get at others. What so-and-so feels about the boss or the person at the next station has to do with the laws of chemistry being used on the job is absolutely nothing. In my opinion that nonsense has held people back and we'd have been where we are now thousands of years ago without it.

A live female would be preferable, but chances are I'd have to put up with a lot of such nonsense and it bores me. Besides, I'm lower middle class and old so I have little money and am no longer (I suppose) good looking to females.
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Post by Lord of the Geeks » Wed Jan 17, 2007 5:20 pm

Tio wrote:I am sooo fucking fed-up of being told how real women arent good enough and men would prefer a robot.
Maybe I'm an exception, but I personally like the Human+ aspect. I like a woman who does as I wish because she is fericely loyal, and respects that I am in charge. the bot aspect somes into play because I think augmentation is attractive. the machine making her more. (hell a metal plate pinned in a leg is enough to perk my interest.)
I am a fixer, an improver. I feel fufilled when I can make things work. Replacing a malfunctiong servo is far prefferable to trying to use words to stop her from crying. my brain is not wired for verbal communication, and the direct simplicity of repair is soooo atracttive.
I want a mechanical mordsith.

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Post by Korby » Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:36 pm

Lord of the Geeks wrote: Maybe I'm an exception, but I personally like the Human+ aspect. I like a woman who does as I wish because she is fericely loyal, and respects that I am in charge. the bot aspect somes into play because I think augmentation is attractive. the machine making her more. (hell a metal plate pinned in a leg is enough to perk my interest.)
I am a fixer, an improver. I feel fufilled when I can make things work. Replacing a malfunctiong servo is far prefferable to trying to use words to stop her from crying. my brain is not wired for verbal communication, and the direct simplicity of repair is soooo atracttive.
Nicely put. I can understand, respect, and identify with all of the above. I think this lines up pretty closely with my feelings on the matter, and you've expressed it better than I've ever been able to.
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Post by xodar » Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:31 am

Lord of the Geeks wrote:
Tio wrote:I am sooo fucking fed-up of being told how real women arent good enough and men would prefer a robot.
Maybe I'm an exception, but I personally like the Human+ aspect. I like a woman who does as I wish because she is fericely loyal, and respects that I am in charge. the bot aspect somes into play because I think augmentation is attractive. the machine making her more. (hell a metal plate pinned in a leg is enough to perk my interest.)
I am a fixer, an improver. I feel fufilled when I can make things work. Replacing a malfunctiong servo is far prefferable to trying to use words to stop her from crying. my brain is not wired for verbal communication, and the direct simplicity of repair is soooo atracttive.

As I've said, I want bots to resemble real women as closely as possible because I prefer real, biological females.
The fact is that women are now too angry, selfish, and egotistical without losing such female traits as their tendency toward hysteria, their automatic imitation of other females rather than friendship with males, and the subordination of reason to emotion. This is the result of extreme feminism, the attempt to change into men by becoming bitterly angry at men. Presently, politicians and lawyers have too much wealth and power to gain by pandering to this to change it. Women don't want to change it because they don't see beyond the rewards of divorce parasitism and social/legal priviledge.
The behavior that actually suits most women is disparaged and demeaned, and I don't doubt the inner conflict this causes them contributes to the anger. Probably women are in an emotional and social bind they've never been in, at least on such a large scale. I could offer advice but since I'm male the result would not be any healing but further tirades of hate-rhetoric. It's up to women to rediscover the virtues of caring, understanding, cooperation, politeness, and self-acceptance.

This may sound bad to some, but you'll hear more of it in the future as men get fed up with such nonsense.

Women have been screaming about how they don't need men. Why should they complain, then, about a technology that advances men's getting along without them? We'll leave them to their own devices, won't we?

Some improvement is doubtless in the future, but those of us who are old or have other drawbacks and/or are relatively poor can use bots. This will keep those of us who aren't as rich as Donald Trump or handsome as Brad Pitt from pestering that vast majority of women who are worthy of such men.
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Post by Tio » Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:52 am

I would like to say that I am most certainly not easyily angry, selfish or egotistical, Xodar. I am also not Hysterical or prone to using emotion as blackmail. I am a level headed ordinary woman.

Your view of women is very jaded as not all women are feminists but that doesnt make them subserviant either.

I do believe in equal rites, for everyone, I dont care what sex someone is as I believe in love without gender. Considering all the girls I know, there arent that many feminists to be honest.

Most women just want to be treated well and to love and be loved. Most women I know are caring, understanding, polite, and self-accepting.

I have dated both men and women and can happily say that some men are thuggish and some women are mad but NOT all of them. You are taring my entire gender with your misconceptions based on personal hurt and hatred.
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Post by RancidInsanity » Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:57 am

I agree with xodar on the hysteria part. All the girls I've meet all beleive in zodiac signs and all that crap. Nothing more than mass hysteria. 8)
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Post by tully » Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:29 am xodar...I don't know who hurt you so badly in the past, but man...I'm sorry such a thing happened to you.

However I don't think it's a solid basis for such broad generalization.

I've met some pretty and vindictive women in my time, but I've also met some pretty messed up men. Petty and vindictive doesn't begin to cover it. And no, they didn't get that way because of a woman.

I seriously doubt I'd change your point of view in all of this, after all you don't know me and I don't really know you. I'd be willing to wager that if you started looking at people as individuals and not as representations of a gender or race, you may find you'd get on a bit better with some of them.

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Post by droidlvr » Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:57 am

I agree with.....,
Be careful of with whom you agree,that same person may try to question your intelligence RancidInsanity. I should know,it happened to me. :?

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Post by xodar » Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:38 pm

Well, the media is drenched with anti-male negativity. On the other hand, women who murder men are gotten off easily, including the wife who repeatedly ran her car back and forth over her husband with his daughter sitting shocked beside her.
I will admit that women who have sex with underage boys get at least token sentences -- although if they get pregnant the kids have to get paper routes or work at grocery stores to pay the child support.

Men should see such things as direct threats. Women should protest them.

But such legal liabilities are a major reason I am interested in artificial women.
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Post by Tio » Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:18 pm

Maybe in America but not here in the UK
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Post by fection » Thu Jan 18, 2007 4:11 pm

Lately this message board is drenched with anti-female negativity (and YES, that's what it IS). I'm bored with you, frankly.
You may well think you're preaching some new message that the unlearned masses cannot yet digest, but in fact you're simply repeating what men have been saying and thinking since year dot. Jesus, move on. It's tedious.

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Post by fection » Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:01 pm

Uh... OK, sorry. That probably wasn't particularly well thought out. It's just very frustrating when someone is so relentlessly.... well, I should probably just stop. But when this rhetoric starts filling up the board, to NOT say anything would seem complicit, almost.
Xodar - we know your opinion on women. You don't need to repeat it. Talk about something that doesn't imply you're a border-line maniac, maybe.
Sorry - I'm very tired and I think me and my girl friend are breaking up. Good side to that is I might have more time to contribure here. Assuming I'm not now banned...

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Post by jakeCTom » Thu Jan 18, 2007 8:00 pm

xodar wrote:Well, the media is drenched with anti-male negativity. On the other hand, women who murder men are gotten off easily, including the wife who repeatedly ran her car back and forth over her husband with his daughter sitting shocked beside her.
I will admit that women who have sex with underage boys get at least token sentences -- although if they get pregnant the kids have to get paper routes or work at grocery stores to pay the child support.

Men should see such things as direct threats. Women should protest them.

But such legal liabilities are a major reason I am interested in artificial women.
Anti-Male Negativity,? Women still make 73% of what males make in the U.S. Women who murder men get off easy? In America? Actually its the other way around. The law has bent for men for a long time. "Man's Castle Rule". The reason you see these things in the media is the fact that they are the exception not the rule. Woman have been mistreated in this country and around the world for a longtime. I'm sorry but what you see on "Dateline" doesn't represent what goes on country wide. I don't see this as a threat, as a matter of fact, what threat? As a person who has a mother and a few sisters, I'm glad to consider myself a feminist. Anything to help them out further in this world I'm for. Sorry for the rant.

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Post by andoroido » Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:58 am

So could someone lock this thread?

The "all women suck!" vs. "all women are oppressed" alsolutism can continue in the OFF TOPIC board. This flame war is no longer about gynoids.

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