Exactly how human does she have to be?

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Exactly how human does she have to be?

Post by Lord of the Geeks » Tue Jan 16, 2007 2:52 am

Let me set this up a little first. I work in a porn store.. overnight shift in a biblebelt town.. so I have time to ponder things. I was looking over out various synthetic vaginas and had an image. I suddenly saw one of those guy who's reallly into modifing his little riceburner; cutting a hole in his trunk to hold one of our pocket pussies so he could actually fuck the damn car. then the mind wandered on to.. wellll... anything thats big enough and has enough open space could be modified to hold one of these things.... big screen Tv, (projection model) desktop computer.... all could hold a sexually functional vagina. some vibrate, and some will actually suck you off. (after you tell someone how much your new alienware computer cost you can end it with "and yes.. it will suck my cock") I know there are people out there, that if you stick a vibrator, or a vagina on it.. they will fuck it. which to me begs the question of.... exactly how humanoid does a functioning fembot have to be? has anyone modified a roomba to suck more than just your area rug? or an abio, or a robosapien? roboraptor? We have the physical capibilities now to sexualize many common objects.... also could a sybian be considered a male sex robot? (if so then you could logically extend it to most if not all vibrators..they are machines designed to simulate a male for sexual gratification) in which case millions and millions of women have been technofetishists all their lives and never realized it... the male to female of this would become far lopsided and could then be considered the most common fetish in the world.

and as a runner up question...(flip side i guess.. almost all machine with a single sexual part.. to a person with a few mechanical parts) has anyone ever approached an amputee about this fetish? or are you an amputee with this? to me the two really go hand in hand.... just random thoughts here... iced in at the smut hut. :)
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Post by xodar » Tue Jan 16, 2007 7:28 am

I expect a fembot to be, or appear as human as possible -- right down to having sweat and smelling like flesh when that becomes doable.
I'm not particularly interested in robots; I'm not interested in cars except that they're more convenient than horses. I'd really prefer real women but I don't want to put up with their natural moods and fakes with all the feminist negativity added.
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Post by fection » Tue Jan 16, 2007 12:40 pm

Uhm... I don't mean to hijack the thread or anything, and I dare say I'm risking a world of pain, but Xodar, have you had some bad experiences or what? (a rhetorical question).
I'm just a bit worried that if... well, say my girlfriend found this site, she'd be a bit alarmed that opinions such as your own (which are entirely valid - only YOU've lived your life) were considered to be widespread amongst members of this community. Especially if the comment went un-addressed.
So this is just me saying "hey, we're not all that...... I dunno - angry?"
That's about it. I really don't mean to set anything off, just felt the need to say something. Yin and yang and all that.

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Post by xodar » Tue Jan 16, 2007 12:52 pm

Well, you can tell her that people interested in bots have many different backgrounds, motives, and orientations, which proves that bots can serve many different purposes. Thus they can provide something for nearly anybody who sees the possibilities they represent.

Try not to evaluate people, especially women, through the distorted lenses of chivalry and feminism, though. Those things degrade women and reduce them to less than human. Unfortunately, women buy into them and perform that on themselves. Thus someone who evaluates women as persons and moral agents appears harsh, though such is actually treating them as equals. It is probably equivalent to the shock experienced by medieval persons who discovered not everyone believed in the divine right of kings.
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Post by fection » Tue Jan 16, 2007 1:30 pm

We don't know eachother, and you seem very articulate (if a little presumptuous) but I can have a view different to yours and be an enlightened man.
I treat women like anyone else. I think talk of feminism from either gender is, or should be, irrelevant. We're all human and often more is made out of differences than is necessary.
I guess it is the nature of discussion forums that we have to fill in the blanks with speculation, but only having your posts to go on, I suspect that you don't in fact see women as equals. I get the impression you believe women are somehow inherently more vindictive than men. I'm presuming you think this way due to past experiences. What one person have your experiences had in common?
My apologies if I'm speaking too directly. Perhaps I am reacting emotionally due to having been spoken down to by someone who doesn't know me personally.
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Post by revtek » Tue Jan 16, 2007 6:14 pm

And this thread started with a guy talking about working in a porn store. And now it has descended into name-calling.
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Post by Lord of the Geeks » Tue Jan 16, 2007 6:55 pm

I was going to question how much into bots you are, when what you describe is really just a very very submissive human. if you want a machine that is indistingishable from a human, save that it does what you say... you really just want a good slave girl.

I dont feel that women are all unreasonable, or immpossible to relate to. In fact 90% of the people i relate to on a regular basis are women. I'd like a good submissive girl, that is mechanically augmented. I'm more for the Human+ aspect i suppose. i could go into further depth.. but i think that would be a different thred.. along the lines of "hw did you first know you were into this?"
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Post by Lord of the Geeks » Tue Jan 16, 2007 7:00 pm

I dont mind a thred highjack.. i think its interesting to see how a disscussion evolves away from original topic sometimes. as long as people are talking I'm happy


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Post by xodar » Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:52 am

I don't know what's expected there.

I am not interested in a "slave girl." I am interested in a machine because it isn't conscious and doesn't have feelings. If I wanted a "slave girl" I'm sure I could find one.

I prefer a fembot that resembles as closely as possible a real human.

If it's any help, I usually find men as irritating as I find women. I just have no physical interest in men to add to that.

Imagine a musician, say. A musician is able to surround himself with people "into" music and continue to develop his abilities, contacts, and to reinforce his interest even if he doesn't become prominent in that field. He knows people who aren't musicians, but generally doesn't have to let them interfere.
Then imagine someone in the position of not knowing exactly what would fill that function in his life, or a musician in a world where most people are not interested or gifted in that field. Perhaps he'd find more people irritating whether or not they intended to be? He'd find people with various sociological biases and gripes particularly irritating.
I'd bet that is the position of many people interested in bots who aren't otherwise interested in machines in themselves.
This is a way civilization progresses.

To put it another way, why is it OK for some people -- say feminists -- who are rubbed the wrong way about some element of society to get their concerns embedded in the very matrix of society, but not others? The same tools (robots) can serve many people's interests.
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