The Great Faceplate Debate

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Lord of the Geeks
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Post by Lord of the Geeks » Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:02 am

From a realistic standpoint.. i think the only way you could have a "faceplate" would be more like a "face module" that would be thick... probably running to somewhere between the back of the jaw and the ear. I could see that coming off and still being capible of containing realistic teeth tounge area... then at about a depth of the back of the throat youd have a set of connectrs and whatnot (maybe a port specificly designed for oral sex settled in there for deepthroating..) on the backwall area. granted its almost half the head, to allow for proper cavity and motors... but its definately the "face"

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Post by Keizo » Sat Jan 13, 2007 12:40 pm

Hi. I was stopping by and saw this discussion. Welcome to the community, Lord Of The Geeks! I really like a lot of the things you’ve had to say from what I have read. I was reminded of a section of a story I wrote a long time ago if you want to read it:
Portia was lying on a rolling table with her chest opened. Her face, her hair, and hard-drives were laid out with care on clean sheets. Kye had never seen her circuitry exposed like that before. Or any of the other android Girls’. The incision to her thorax was similar to the “Y” used in the autopsy of a human and so was the anatomy of her muscular and skeletal systems, but that’s where the similarities ended. The main drivers, CPU’s, and back-up power supply were located behind the protective rib cage which opened on hinges. Kye could even see the primary gyro, lubricant pouches and muscular pumps behind her abdomen and the base of the watertight voice emulator at the bottom of her throat cavity. The muscle lubricant was refilled through the navel while other lubricants were loaded through other cosmetic fixtures, such as the urethra, as needed. The entire skeleton acted as rechargeable batteries. “Isn’t she a work of art? You know, whether natural or artificial, a well-tuned machine is a beautiful thing.” Stan seemed to be in his own world.

Kye was surprised to learn that the brain was not located in the head. This mostly held circuitry for the senses. Her removed face was almost the entire front half of her head. The section went behind the back of the jawbone, her ears, temples and forehead. The fore-skull and muscle lay bare where the hairline would have been. “I didn’t know there were so many muscles,” Kylan said as he looked into her body.

“There are even more muscles in humans. An android’s are more efficiently designed to get the same range of movement,” Stan spoke kindly. “Replico did an ingenious job of isolating the facial ones from the neck. What? You thought the face just POPPED off? The throat and inner-mouth behind the teeth are usually standard AND the hardest part to reseal while putting the face back on. Because of the skull size, though, not all faces sections are compatible with other models, but most of them are. Did you know that I had my Portia’s face custom designed?”
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Post by DeviBot31 » Sat Jan 13, 2007 4:12 pm

Faceplates? They're okay in a fantastical sense, but they're not really realistic, are they?

If a motor or something breaks in my face, I have to have my head sent in to get it fixed. Can't just pop off my face. It would be handy, but it's still not realistic.

I'm glad that so many people seem to like LotG. He's a dear dear friend of mine. I'm glad he's here and participating. :D
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Post by Lord of the Geeks » Sat Jan 13, 2007 5:06 pm

And I thankee sai devibat for bringing me here... I'm glad to have found likminded individuals, as well as a place to purge all this clogging my cpu. :)
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Post by gyn2010 » Sun Jan 14, 2007 6:11 pm

It's realistic the way it was shown in Steven Spielberg's AI... :) That piece was great, because there was realism and there was a faceplate. I prefer realism... So I think the android's head will open from behind. Entire upper scull with hairs will be removable... Just to provide easy access.

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Post by Lord of the Geeks » Sun Jan 14, 2007 9:29 pm

It depends on how densely packed the skull is with electronics as to wether going in from the back will allow access to mouth motors. Thats a lot of empty air in such small space.. in a mechanism that space is very dear..(assuming you dont have to just remove the electroics unit to dig deeper... which would make sense...)

My Female suggests multiple panels that open.. roughly analogous to the parts of the skull.... jointed at or near the sutures. allowing maximum acess.
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