Better than the real thing ?

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Better than the real thing ?

Post by Rotwang » Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:35 am

I've been milling over this for a while now.

After the first generation of companion robots hits the market, aiming for pure realism and working out the main details. It's likely that people will start to update them and come up with new ideas. So at some point a robot might be loaded with so many options and extra tricks that normal human copulation may seem tame in comparison.

Any thoughts ?

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Post by xodar » Fri Oct 13, 2006 12:53 pm

Knowing that there's an actual sentient female with her own sensations and feelings about what's going on would be better than a bot, but most females seem selfish and egotistical rather than concerned with that experience.

The prefection of fembots may well force them to self-improvement, and not by the usual female means of instituting puritanical customs to make women more sexually valuable. What makes them more valuable in reality is to become more caring, more loyal, and more of a friend. (And not asking if every pair of pants they put on makes their ass look fat.)

While I'm not going to have any girlfriends in their 20s (unless I become incredibly rich) I could get a bot who looks like a female in her 20s, but more importantly this technology may well benefit relationships between real people that young.
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Post by ministrations » Fri Oct 13, 2006 1:27 pm

I think, absolutely. Sex is commoditizing right now, every day. That's only going to get more acute when we can make realistic people in our image.

While Detroit may be able to one day make sex objectively better (one way or another) that doesn't mean people will like it any more.

I imagine there will always be those who like it (and I imagine those will be the real technophiles), and for the mainstream it will move through phases... just like any consumer product today.

It's really kind of a hypermodern idea, that the subjective holds more real value than the objective. But on the other hand, it's hypermodern to believe the concept of "realer than real"...

P.S. I also believe that, much like our culture is going to need to make artificial food the rule at some point, artificial sex may go the same way: the rule, not the exception. Disease, overpopulation, etc. may eventually threaten the world in a far greater way than we've experienced until now.

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Post by Ciepher » Fri Oct 13, 2006 2:31 pm

Even if robots became sentient and undistinguishable from humans, I think that a lot of people would have a problem with the simple fact that they're just not human.

As robot fetishists and fans, we like the thought of sex with robots, but I expect that the majority of people would see robot sex as an addition to sex with humans, or a replacement when a human partner isn't avaliable.. and this attitude is what I think will stop sex as nature intended from going out of fashion.

As an example, we have sex toys these days that can provide sensations that are far stronger than what we feel in unaided sexual activity. But not everyone brings sex toys to bed with them, and quite a few people dislike them.

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Re: Better than the real thing ?

Post by amazonophile » Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:13 pm

Rotwang wrote:I've been milling over this for a while now.

After the first generation of companion robots hits the market, aiming for pure realism and working out the main details. It's likely that people will start to update them and come up with new ideas. So at some point a robot might be loaded with so many options and extra tricks that normal human copulation may seem tame in comparison.

Any thoughts ?
Well it would not surprise me as I have said on other threads this has happned with other innovations such as margarine being preferred over butter,polyester clothes over cotton clothes,crude oil based fertilizers over what fertilizer used to be made out of,transparent plastic soda and milk bottles over glass bottles etc. It occurs to me that we all have idealized images of what a sex partner should be and what is the probability of any 1 real person fufilling all of those attributes?(zero).
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Post by Tio » Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:23 am

For me it would be about sex. I am Bi and have a male partner. I miss having sex with girls but he isnt one to share in that way so a fembot would be a good solution.

Although I wouldn't get the loving, caring, compassionate and interesting personality of a real woman I dont think it would bother me.
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Re: Better than the real thing ?

Post by Keizo » Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:33 am

Rotwang wrote:I've been milling over this for a while now.

After the first generation of companion robots hits the market, aiming for pure realism and working out the main details. It's likely that people will start to update them and come up with new ideas. So at some point a robot might be loaded with so many options and extra tricks that normal human copulation may seem tame in comparison.

Any thoughts ?
Given the level of simulation that you are addressing I can certainly see the eventual preference over sex with a human partner. (I'm already there as far as I'm concerned.) For women, the stimulation provided by a device like the Sybian cannot be physically reproduced by a human man. Even if a cyborg male were to have something implanted to create that kind of effect, on can only wonder if HIS pleasure would suffer because of it.

There in lies part of the problem with human relations besides things like disease and unwanted pregnancy. With a realistic, and dare I say, ENHANCED artificial partner we would be freed from the worry of judgment. For example, some Lovecraftians might want the feeling of tentacles wrapping around them or furries might want to feel... well... fur. Sure there are selfish people that couldn't care less what their partner thought of the experience, but for others there is liberation. This freedom from judgment would allow people to explore many things they would never have even considered sexually. This has already been pointed out many times. The judgment isn't just from the partner, but from society and the suffering one can be subjected to if other people find out. Fembots would be less likely to betray short of subversive outside programming or if she is hacked.

Currently men don't have something that can offer better stimulation than a human woman. No realdoll, fleshlight, or actroid will be able to intuitively respond, initiate, and/or progress the intensity of the experience. They certainly can't clean themselves either. And as several other members of this community know as well as I do, men who are older and not rich have little choice in our choices. It would be nice to have a beautiful partner that you can choose and not have to constantly wonder when that person will leave you.

Ultimately we are creatures of reciprocation. It actually feels good to be able to bring someone else to ecstasy because that empowers and emboldens ourselves. It also makes the experienced something shared and special. There is no higher affirmation than mutual love and only another independent intelligence can offer that. For most of us whose time has passed that isn't an option. I'm poor, bald, and big (see avatar) and BABES simply don't want me. I'm reminded of this daily. While most females may feel disgusted with men like myself because we should have LOW standards we can't help our nature. But why should we have low standards? Why should only the wealthy and the beautiful people be entitled to higher ones?

If someday I do have the option of a fembot of my choosing, I will choose the fembot. If she can someday offer the illusion of the good aspects of partnership there is no contest at all. If she's just good in bed, I'll take it.

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Post by amazonophile » Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:47 pm

Robotman wrote: Love is a different matter though, and I don't think I'd ever be satisfied with an android's 'love' no matter how real it was. I'd still want a human woman for that.
So in short - and just for me - for sex a real woman can't compete. For love a fembot can't compete.
I see what you are saying but for the sexually unfortunate such as myself this point is moot. For men such as myself who are unable to obtain a real woman real romantic love is not possible anyway because some men can not meet the socioeconomic expectations that society puts on men. For guys like me the invention of sex robots will be a long overdue salvation.
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