
General chat about fembots, technosexual culture or any other ASFR related topics that do not fit into the other categories below.
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Post by ASFRyan » Sat Sep 30, 2006 12:15 pm

Okay, after the poll and discussion I've elected to create a location for the fembot central members who prefer or enjoy transformation to voice their opinions on the ideal fembot.

I tried to create a list of questions that are intended to give some prompts to the various aspects of robotic transformation but are clearly not exhausting. So please answer these in your own words and add description as necessary.

1) Mind control: is the subject given a robot body but maintains the same physical brain? Is there any hypnosis or programming? If the brain is replaced, are the original thoughts downloaded into it or is it a completely new set of controls? Are there any computer implants that control the thoughts? Does the subject act human or robotically? Somewhere inbetween? What kind of robotic actions does the subject take on?

How much of the subject's original mental state remains? Does it vary depending on the creator's needs? Does the subject know that it is/was human? Are the mental changes permanent?

Are there new tasks that the subject now feels compelled to perform? Sexual acts? Transformation of others?

2) Physical Augmentation: How much of the physical body is changed? Is it left alone completely? Is it rebuilt/replaced to look just like the original? Is it made to look like an ideal female form? Is it made to look robotic? Somewhere inbetween? Costumes or clothing? What are the markers that make it physically stand out from a normal human? Are these physical changes permanent?

3) How it's created: What process(es) are used to create the fembot? Hypnosis? Nanobots? Surgery? Magic? Combination of multiple means? Is it a permanent change?

4) Why did the subject become a fembot? For kinky fun? As a result of an accident? To augment them for dangerous tasks? A lifelong desire? The lifelong desires of someone else? Was it consenting or non-consenting? What was their opinion of robots before they became one? Was it attraction or fear?

5) Who was the subject before they became a robot? Were they male or female? How old were they? Were they attractive? What gender were they attracted to? What race or ethnicity were they? How did their transformation affect any of these things? How did any of these things affect their transformation?

6) Who transformed them? Why did they transform them? Was the transformer robotic themselves in any weay? What plans does the transformer have for this robot? How did the transformer select this subject to be transformed? Was it a consenting subject or a non-consenting subject? Did the subject approach the transformer or vice versa?

7) Other aspects of robotic transformation that don't fit into these catagories?

Hopefully these answers could spark some new stories and images and lead to an interesting discussion.
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Post by Stephaniebot » Sat Sep 30, 2006 2:22 pm

There are some good questions here that will take far longer to answer than my capacity to stay awake would manage (its 10.25pm over here) but I'll try and answer them in the morning.
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Transformations... Stepford-style

Post by dale coba » Sun Oct 01, 2006 12:15 am

I am a very rational person. This includes being rational about the irrational - and sexual attraction and fetish are entirely irrational matters.

Blended together in each of us are the brainstems of ancient reptiles with our own deeply implanted memories of early childhood - impossible to recall clearly, let alone dissect psychoanalytically. I suspect many people here feel the need to reconcile their irrational desires with their waking, ethical, higher-brain desires. Since I'm comfortable that the irrational need not be rationalized, I indulge in fantasies without fearing that anti-social themes will bleed into my rational, non-sexual personality.

What I do know about my early childhood was that I thought more clearly and differently from my age group. I and they did not fit, and I was shy and bullied. I read and watched tv, and trusted more in my distanced observations of people than in their words or their own self-conceptions.

Further complicating my socialization, my father in those years was entirely confused, a gay man who thought he was straight, and couldn't understand why he was frustrated and unfulfilled in his marriage. In such a nuclear family, a son can't pattern a "normal" relationship by watching his parents. It's not because he was gay that I say this was a factor, but because he was so out-of-sync with his true feelings. The young songbird learns the tune of its species from hearing its parents, and the tune I heard was far off-key, though I was not aware while I was taking it all in.

Even the irrational has origins, causes, explanations, even if those are never to be well understood. I'm cool with that. I like what I like, and I'm not apologetic about the irrational.

I like the control aspect of transformations. In fantasy, I want to enjoy all of the carnal satisfaction, with none of the real-world difficulties of honoring another person in a relationship. I want the superficial pleasures of being with women, and the perfectly superficial woman is one who acts sexually, female, and in exactly the ways I would program her to act.
ASFRyan wrote:1) Mind control:
Her mind is electronic, hardware which runs software that manages the libraries of her prior personality behaviors and memories, in the modes which I choose. She can emulate her old self, or act as any other character type that I would upload. Sometimes she will be incapable of even hearing that robots exist, though she is staring at her own unmasked face inn the mirror. Other times she will react in horror, and malfunction upon learning the truth of her nature. She will attempt and fail to deny the horrific truth, insisting that she grew up and was still human. And then she will be switched into mechanical actions that no sentient woman would perform. But all these acts are only surface. Even when the drama implies that she is sentient and struggling, there is no mind, no identity, no whole, no self hidden somewhere inside the humaniform chassis.

She hides in society as a polite, quiet version of domestic femininity. She is the dreamy Stepford wife, daughter, mistress, or employee. So long as there are folks around who aren't down with the new world order of the Men's Association, she won't betray her secrets. But when we're alone or in the company of like-"minded" women and their owners, she'll act as robotic and sexual as suits my fancy. After all, she has to be shown off. Who wouldn't want to be seen being escorted around the country club by a frozen-smiling, glassy-eyed Carmen Electra's "Empty Girl"?

She certainly shares my passion for female companionship, and eagerly assists in the transformation of others. It's a zealous, "religious" conviction she and her sisters share. Of course all women should be beautiful, soulless machines. It's obvious, and everything will so much more pleasant once they've all been converted.
2) Physical Augmentation:

The entire physical body is processed into artificial components, rebuilt/replaced to look like the best version of the original. She still has her own look, only rounded up, and rounded out, to reach her full potential beauty. The sizes of her curves may be adjusted to suit the moment. On the outside, she looks entirely human, though possibly too fine to be real. On the inside, she's panels full of electronica, and a shielding pattern under the "skin" which defeats metal detectors and shows x-ray scanners just what they would see when scanning a human woman.

For a man looking to raise kids, his wife's organic body may be left intact except for her brain, which is replaced by a compliant computer. Or, everything is replaced, excepting those core organ systems required for gestation. Breeder units to continue the dynasty.
3) How she's re-created:

The transformation is through technology, such as nanobots, raw elements and components, transmatted into the sleeping form of the blessed subject.
4) Why did the subject become a fembot?

For my pleasure, and because no one would notice her disappearance, or question too deeply her transition into the new "life" she seems to have chosen for herself.
5) Who was the subject before she became a robot?

Female, 18+ to 35, from somewhat to very attractive. Straight, bi-, or gay, but now oriented towards me and other women or fembots. She may be of any race or ethnicity (though what we've each seen as an infant is familiar, and those types unfamiliar to us became exotic). She was chosen to fill out my collection, a sampler box of various delectable flavors.
6) Who transformed them?
Men remaking society into a world of their liking, or by their gynoid agents. For pleasure. Without consent or foreknowledge on her part; or she knows but can not prevent her fate, as seen with the lovely Katharine Ross as Joanna confronting Bobbie in her kitchen.
7) Other aspects of robotic transformation that don't fit into these catagories?
That covers most of the elements which commonly figure into most of my fembot fantasies. I can't think of more at the moment, and besides I've taken up enough text for now.

Your mileage may vary.
It probably does, and that's just fine by me.

- Dale Coba,
President (and Chief Engineer) of the Stepford Men's Association
8) :!: :nerd: :idea: : :nerd: :shock: :lovestruck: [ :twisted: :dancing: :oops: :wink: :twisted: ] = [ :drooling: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :party:... ... :applause: :D :lovestruck: :notworthy: :rockon: ]

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Post by Stephaniebot » Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:50 am

First let me say that I've probably written stories over at EMCSA that fit most of these permutations for sake of variety, so this is more a definition of my favourite options..........for myself of course to be transformed by!

Mind Control

Well as someone who is in their late forties, then clearly I'd like a new, younger android body rather than having my own simply robotised. Not that I would say no to the other option of course!
Yes please to programming, and most definitely implants that are capable of controlling my thoughts at least parrt of the time if not permanently. Original thoughts downloaded would be preferred, but not a must. Actions to be somewhere between human and robotic, robotic enough to be clear she's not a human, but at the same time being able to go out in the 'real world' might be useful.
Original mental state remaining is probably a matter for the creator, as I say the kick for me would be knowing I had been human, and was now a robot, but ideally thats not for me to decide. Mental changes must be permanent ideally.
Tasks? Whatever I'm commanded to do of course! That really shouldnt be my choice.

Physical Augmentation

Well I sort of answered that above I guess! An ideal female form would be my desired image, but if I was in my 20's, feminine and pretty it might be a different matter. Well its got to have ports and or panels, otherwise how do you keep her charged up? Permanent changes of course.


Nanobots, Surgery, Electrical Discharge and the like are all my fave routes, though as long as its permanent I dont mind how I get transformed really.


Well as someone who would volunteer I dont find consensuality a problem, but in terms of reading stories etc then non-cons can make good reading. Lifelong desire of mine, so for me I'd be telling whoever was transforming me to get on with it! Definitely attraction.

Who was the subject

Well I guess female to fembot is the natural route, and my favourite one, though 'Metal Harvest' posted here just shows how incredible any kind of transformation can be when written well. Gender, race, ethnicity, well if its their old body, or a new one, does it matter because they are going to be reprogrammed for their controllers desires anyway. Personally I like females to be bi, but that isnt a great matter for me. Other things dont matter a jot.

Who and why for the transformation

Well I suppose ideally my transformer is human, but if aliens or robots know how to transform me then please carry on and do it! Other matters are all optional, and to be honest if someone knew how to robotise me I wouldnt care what plans they had for me! If I knew who to approach I would do so today!

Other Aspects.

Transformation time is the only thing I can think of, please let it last more than a few seconds ideally, I'd like to enjoy every moment of my change into fembot. Ideally electrical discharge used somewhere in the process as I find the idea of being wired up and connected up highly erotic. Thought implantation and/or brainwashing device is always a nice touch.
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Post by droidlvr » Sun Oct 01, 2006 6:35 am

Sometimes she will be incapable of even hearing that robots exist, though she is staring at her own unmasked face in the mirror.
Wow,that's deep. Sexy :)
Can't wait for a well produced ASFR film for us that can depict this.

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Post by xodar » Sun Oct 01, 2006 8:37 am

The reason I'd prefer a robot for now is simply that I want one tailored to my specific wishes. That is, she can have the appearance of sentience, but her purpose is to be cooperative, helpful, and to perform tasks for/with me.
A person transformed into a machine, as far as I'm concerned, would still be a human and I wouldn't expect her to be a servant.

There's nothing wrong with becoming a machine. If it's possible by the time I become biologically helpless I'd choose to. We've been working on it since people began -- the hominid who picked up a stick to help walk after an injury, much less the pirate with the hook for a missing hand, were stages in this.

My interest for now is simply in females who aren't willfully, gratuitously disruptive but rather coperative and helpful. I can't see that except for a specifically designed robot.
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Post by Doctor Robo » Fri Oct 06, 2006 6:15 pm

I guess I fall into the transformation side of the equation for various reasons. Part of it is the struggle... I'll admit that my transformation fantasies are a little bit hotter if it is non-consensual. 'Forced', if you must. Perhaps that makes me a bit of a pig, but I'm fine with that. The concept of the woman struggling against the machines that seek to convert her, only to eventually succumb and become one of them, one with them. That's hot.

I also like the idea of the woman, already attractive, being reshaped into the perfect physical specimen designed only to serve her master. That perfect archetype can vary from person to person but the constant remains that she is 'constructed' (for lack of a better term) solely to provide pleasure. Again, hot.

On another tangent, for me there's something about the so-called 'human robot', the human being brainwashed or otherwise reprogrammed to think that she's a robot without much if any actual physical modification. Generally speaking, the changes are mental and not physical, but technology is heavily utilized to enact these changes. In her mind she is a living machine who only exists to serve and obey, even if her body is still flesh and blood and not nuts and bolts. This is probably the most fringe genre within ASFR. Some might even argue that it's not even ASFR but simply mind control. I could go either way, because I enjoy both fetishes.

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Post by pm_uk » Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:23 pm

its great to see people really exploring the fetish, i think it would be great to see a age devoted to the transformation

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Post by Ciepher » Wed Oct 11, 2006 6:26 pm

Honestly, I've never given much though to the origin of my 'robopersona', but this post has given me something think about. Here's my current ideas, inspired by Warhammer 40k's Callidus Assassins, Terminator, Austin Powers, Transformers, Metropolis and gawd knows what else...

Mind Control

Is the subject given a robot body but maintains the same physical brain?
No, my brain is somehow converted into circuitry or something like the personality chip seen in Terminator 2 or Transformers.

Is there any hypnosis or programming?
There is no mind control as such, but my body can be controlled by a remote or by wiring me to an appropriate computer, and orders that I must follow can be programmed into me.. for example, I may not feel subordinate to someone, but because of my programming I must obey their orders.

If the brain is replaced, are the original thoughts downloaded into it or is it a completely new set of controls?
Yes, I have all my memories and know who I am, except for maybe a little confusion caused by the stress of what's happened to me.

Are there any computer implants that control the thoughts?
Not exactly an implant, since my mind is fully mechanized. My mind cannot be controlled in a way to change my personality and personal opinions, as it is somehow seperate from my 'control center', but I can be programmed to behave in any way, like in the above example of obeying someone I do not feel subordinate to. There is levels of this control.. for example, my body may have to obey while I can express my true feelings with my voice, and on full control, I would be entirely unable to control myself - a ghost in the shell, so to speak.

Does the subject act human or robotically? Somewhere inbetween? What kind of robotic actions does the subject take on?
When I am not being controlled, I act like a normal person. While under control, I move in a steady robotic way without uncesesary gestures or actions and speak in a 'traditional' emotionless robot voice.

How much of the subject's original mental state remains?
My entire mental state remains.

Does it vary depending on the creator's needs?
No, but how much I can express of it depends on my controller.

Does the subject know that it is/was human?

Are the mental changes permanent?
No, my mind is somehow seperate from my 'control center'.

Are there new tasks that the subject now feels compelled to perform? Sexual acts? Transformation of others?
I am compelled to perform whatever task I am programmed to do. If I do not do it willingly, my body is switched to 'full control mode' and I must perform my task even if I do not want to. I would not be transformed for sexual use, but I would be physically attractive, so I may be ordered to engage in sex.. or choose to of my own free will. My controller may want me to bring in another person to be transformed, and may even have me do the work of transforming them myself. Since I'm used for assassination, I may need to deal with a target by transforming them into a controllable robot.

Physical Augmentation

How much of the physical body is changed? Is it left alone completely?
My entire human body is replaced. Maybe my creator arranges for my death to be faked, and my human body is buried, or maybe my body is stored (frozen? carbonite?).

Is it rebuilt/replaced to look just like the original?
I look very similar to my mundane self, with subtle changes. (Yep, I like how I look enough to have my character look like me!)

Is it made to look like an ideal female form?

Is it made to look robotic? Somewhere inbetween?
My body is not built to look robotic, as I may need to impersonate a human.

Costumes or clothing?
I would have a uniform similar to a black zentai suit, with thin armoured panels and a belt with various controls linked to my system. However, I would also be able to wear regular clothes, if needed.

What are the markers that make it physically stand out from a normal human?
I look very similar to a human, and could easily be mistaken for one. However, my (synthetic or grown) skin is very pale and has barely perceptible lines where my panels open, my nails are metal in order to be used as blades, I have very fine red wires in my hair and my eyes have a slightly glassy appearance.

Are these physical changes permanent?
Most likely. It may be possible to download my mind back into my original body somehow, if my body has been preserved.

How It's Created

What process(es) are used to create the fembot? Hypnosis? Nanobots? Surgery? Magic? Combination of multiple means?
I would be operated on by technicians who would open my skull and 'plug in' my brain to download me to a pre-made robot body. I would be aware during the process, and feel myself trickling from one body to the other... I would be able to see with robot eyes, then hear with robot ears and so on until I am entirely in my new body.
It may be possible to transfer my mind back to my human body, if it is preserved.

Why did the subject become a fembot? For kinky fun? As a result of an accident? To augment them for dangerous tasks? A lifelong desire? The lifelong desires of someone else?
I would become a fembot in order to be used as a combat robot, however due to my sentience I would be suitable for many tasks.

Was it consenting or non-consenting?
It would be consenting, but with some reluctance. I would feel it is my duty.

What was their opinion of robots before they became one? Was it attraction or fear?
I'd have been used to robots, since they would be a normal part of our society. I would have seen them in the way that many other people in that world sees them - as objects to be used, just like a computer or toaster.

Who was the subject before they became a robot?
I haven't given much thought to this, but I suppose my character would be some kind of goverment soldier or assassin, who agreed to be mechanized as an experiment or to increase their affectiveness.

Were they male or female? How old were they? Were they attractive? What gender were they attracted to? What race or ethnicity were they?
Basically, I'd be similar to the mundane me. Maybe a few years older, a bit wiser, lacking a few icky things like zits... and of course, a goverment soldier.

How did their transformation affect any of these things? How did any of these things affect their transformation?
As a loyal soldier of a futuristic goverment, I would feel it is my duty to accept transformation into a fembot.

Who transformed them?
Some sort of stereotypical futuristic goverment, possibly totalitarian and definately with a lot of morally questionable ideas. A group of technicians would perform the operation, but there would probably be a superior official who broke the news to me and maybe oversaw the transformation progress.

Why did they transform them? What plans does the transformer have for this robot?
I am transformed because it would make me a more capable and loyal soldier, possibly as part of an experiment. The commanding official may have specific plans for me, and may enjoy seeing me transformed into a fembot.

Was the transformer robotic themselves in any way?
I expect that a lot of the high level officials and technicians would probably have some form of implant or mechanic enhancement.

How did the transformer select this subject to be transformed? Did the subject approach the transformer or vice versa?
I would probably have been chosen because I was one of the more expendable operatives, and maybe the commanding offical had a personal reason for having me transformed.. s/he thinks I am arrogant and deserve punishment, s/he finds me sexually attractive, or something similar.

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Post by ASFRyan » Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:23 pm

Thanks to everyone that has already shared their thoughts. I'll try to answer some of these questions the best I can too.

1) Mind control: is the subject given a robot body but maintains the same physical brain? Is there any hypnosis or programming? If the brain is replaced, are the original thoughts downloaded into it or is it a completely new set of controls? Are there any computer implants that control the thoughts?

I have always preferred the idea of the cyborg to the fembot, and maintaining a human brain means that there's still tangible human qualities to the subject. Plus it seems so much more satisfying to alter a brain via implants than to rewrite programming/memories stored of a hard drive. Implants also provide an ideal way of representing the humanity being subjected to robotic forces.

Does the subject act human or robotically? Somewhere inbetween? What kind of robotic actions does the subject take on? How much of the subject's original mental state remains? Does it vary depending on the creator's needs?

The ideal balance is a mildly robotic level of self-control punctuated by extremely robotic periods beyond the subject's controls.

Does the subject know that it is/was human? Are the mental changes permanent?

I think the humanity lost theme I enjoy requires the subject to know that they once were human in order to reflect on what their current robotic state is.

Are there new tasks that the subject now feels compelled to perform? Sexual acts? Transformation of others?

The more markers for displaying the subjects degree of transformation and how they're now forced to tolerate them the better. Nightly charging instead of bedrest, regular upgrades, maintenance, etc.

I really like the idea of the subject being limited to sexual release with a robotic partner as a way of marking the transition. Transformation of others, especially when its a compulsion that the subject is having entirely because of robotic programming is also an attractive quality.

2) Physical Augmentation: How much of the physical body is changed? Is it left alone completely? Is it rebuilt/replaced to look just like the original? Is it made to look like an ideal female form? Is it made to look robotic? Somewhere inbetween? Costumes or clothing? What are the markers that make it physically stand out from a normal human? Are these physical changes permanent?

The features that designate humanity, the sensory organs, genitals, etc are the ones that are the most ripe for marked replacement. Having a robotic face is an instantly recognizable symbol that the subject has been transformed. Furthermore, knowing that the eyes, ears, nose, hands, etc. have been replaced means that the subject must struggle with knowing that all their perceptions have been replaced with robotic ones. Replacing something as intimate and personal as genitalia seems among the ultimate struggles to overcome, plus it potentially controls the partners the subject may select and provides for the opportunity to control libido externally.

3) How it's created: What process(es) are used to create the fembot? Hypnosis? Nanobots? Surgery? Magic? Combination of multiple means? Is it a permanent change?

Surgery always has conveyed the greatest sense of intrusion and permanance, and therefore it's my method of choice. Seeing things grafted on, removed and replaced at a surgical setting seems a much more surmountable struggle to overcome. The humanity is literally stripped away and replaced.

4) Why did the subject become a fembot? For kinky fun? As a result of an accident? To augment them for dangerous tasks? A lifelong desire? The lifelong desires of someone else? Was it consenting or non-consenting? What was their opinion of robots before they became one? Was it attraction or fear?

As I've said in other threads, it is the struggle with adapting to a dehumanizing experience that I find compelling. Suddenly a person who had previously been viewed as equal and unmarked, and free from control is forced to relinquish some or all of those aspects.

I can go in a variety of directions on this. I think there's room for both consensual and non-consensual storylines in transformation stories. Typcially the forced transformations are more satisfying reads because the subjects are automatically given a greater obstacle to overcome as a result of the conversion, but initial consent does not have to mean that the transition will be easy or have results that the subject expected.

5) Who was the subject before they became a robot? Were they male or female? How old were they? Were they attractive? What gender were they attracted to? What race or ethnicity were they? How did their transformation affect any of these things? How did any of these things affect their transformation?

Typically the storylines I enjoy reading are the ones that follow the same narrative of a sympathetic subject who is forced into a challenging situation with a dubious resolution. Stories that have the subject able to completely overcome are not as satisfying as one which imply a continued struggle.

I am more interested in characters that I find sexually attractive. So the story about the cute "girl next door" type undergoing a transformation is going to be a much more compelling read than the retirement aged obese man with excessive body hair undergoing the same events. I think that the main thing is contrast and juxtaposition of the subject's initial personality and makeup to the transformed product. Typically an attractive woman transformed into a very markedly robotic being is going to be a greater transformation and struggle for the subject to overcome. The more outgoing she starts off as the more shocking the transformation becomes if she's been nearly silenced by programming. If she begins as fearful of the proposition of becoming a robot but after transformation identifies herself as a robot, engages in sex acts with other robots, and converts others into robots it makes for a greater overall contrast.

6) Who transformed them? Why did they transform them? Was the transformer robotic themselves in any way? What plans does the transformer have for this robot? How did the transformer select this subject to be transformed? Was it a consenting subject or a non-consenting subject? Did the subject approach the transformer or vice versa?

A transformation with a willing subject, a smooth adaptation, and a mimimal struggle as a result does little for me as a reader. There has to be a conflict. I like to read about a human losing control of themselves and their identity, or at least fighting to maintain against that control. Of special interest is the subject's recognition of their degree of robotization that has or may occur; seeing the the robotic markings and realizing what they've become and what they have now lost as a result of the change.

There's clearly a strong sense of BDSM in my interpretation of what makes a good transformation. Being transformed into a robot is equivalent to enslavement. No one becomes a robot unless someone or something decides that they should, clearly robotization is a massive investment in terms of time/money/intellect/research. When someone is transformed, at a minimum there will always be a compromise by the subject with the transformer's desires as to the functions they will serve and the degree to which they maintain their own autonomy as an exchange for that investment. At the extreme, there is no compromise only complete robotic enslavement.

I like the idea of the transformer being controlled as well by a robotic third party. This touches back on the "transformation of others" aspect of control, and gives us at least one more character who is also struggling with the outcome of their own transformation.

I have quite a few ideas and appreciate a number of different authors' take on this subject so it's hard for me to pin down any one scenario that I personally prefer. Robotically transformed female performing robotic transformation on another female seems like a hard concept to beat.
"I never knew anyone who wanted to be a robot."

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Re: Transformations...

Post by Steamboy » Sun Oct 15, 2006 4:54 pm

Well, after reading the previous posts and giving me some ideas, here is my ideal transformation

(one thing: who named the process of make a female robot based ona girl 'transformation' ? transformation makes me think about transformers and optimus prime and the decepticons...)

1) Mind control: Only the brain neocortex is left, substituting all the other brain parts with a CPU. There is a permanent internet connection in the fembot so the creator can sense fb status at any time, or giving her orders. But most of the time, the fb has free will determined by CPU programming and maybe original woman thoughts and ideals. Supposing the transformation isn't forced, the original thoughts remain (but it would be arousing if the girl wakes up with another body!!!). All the non-conscious processes (instincts, hunger, thirst, etc) were replaced for low-level processes related to prosthethic body.

2) All the body is substituted, making it near perfect female sizes. There is an USB port in the lower back, near the end of the spinal. Maybe its disimulated with a sexy tatoo.

3) How it's created: First, the skull is opened and the brain is removed. Limbs and head are taken apart. The remaining torso is injected with nanomachines in order to replace tissues for inorganic ones and remodeling sizes. Face is treated in the same way. New muscle-augmented limbs are 'rearmed'. A microscopical tissue sample is left near the CPU, just in case.

4) Mainly, fembots are made to sex purposes, or because the 'evil' doctor wants a perfectly obedient girl, that she doesn't say no to any doctor's command.

5) The transformed girls were deceived, they were poor eastern-european girls contracted by a transnational company or just bought. Since slavery is prohibited, the evil company uses the law flaw about sex dolls, saying "nothing is illegal, they are just robots made for entertainment, but with an advaced AI programmin making they cuasi-human!, see, they thing the were humans!!!"

Since the only thing that the evil doctors search its human female brains, girl age doesn't count. Younger the brain, best for transformation.

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Post by kubrick » Wed Oct 18, 2006 3:43 pm

Okay, listen up. Does anybody know of any sites dedicated to tranformations. Not fan stories, not restriced to ASFR, non-anamorphic, and not generalized to the point of absurdity like Many-realms, which I find highly disturbing by the way, but rather actual references to films or media

To illustrate my line of thought, if you have ever read comics then you are probably familar with the Dark Phoenix saga in which Jean Grey was taken on occassion by an entity

As another example, Jean then later once took over the body of the White Queen (that probably would have worked for Scott in the long run)

If there was ever a website I've never found it

PS No sailor moon transformations either (costume changing)

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Post by Jay_Petto » Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:50 pm

Dunno if this fits the bill, but there's always It lists transformations from movies, comics, TV, ads, etc. and has 'em divided by type.
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