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Story find

Post by robowannabe » Tue Jul 11, 2006 6:33 pm

Found an interesting story

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Post by Cornelius » Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:31 pm

"S" should be capitalized, as in:

... though it's actually a TG/TF/MM modification of the existing "Driven" TF/MM story located here:


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Post by zerodin » Tue Jul 11, 2006 11:13 pm

MM doesn't really fit the theme of a fembot site.

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Post by Doctor Robo » Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:26 am

I've read that story before. As a robot transformation story it's very good, but the MM/TG angle is a major turn-off. I especially like the "Knight Rider" homage. Anyway, I took the liberty of rewriting it into a FF story for my own personal reading, but I never got around to asking Topaz (the author) if he would care to see my edited version submitted elsewhere. If I ever do receive permission, I'll be sure to post it here.

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The Story

Post by Doctor Robo » Fri Jul 21, 2006 4:03 pm

Here you go. Thanks to Topaz172 for 1) a great story and 2) permission to edit and re-post.


Driven V3.0

By: Topaz172
Edited By: Doctor Robo

Jen Jones scowled at the damn car, it was a Skoda, not the modern almost acceptable sort, no....her car was the classic armor plated box on wheels. The only redeeming quality about the vehicle was its reliability.

How good was that for impressing boys?

There was only one thing for it, a trip to the garage, someplace special that could make the old car into something that really kicked, with loads of glittery extra bits sticking out of the engine compartment.

Finally Jen found a place, recommended by her friend Mikawa Hoshi, 'Master's Body Shop and Customization' buried at the back of the Whitehorse Business Park right next door to the notorious 'Chem Waste Management', a firm renowned for its frequent leaks and toxic fires. Hoshi claimed that Master's was without question the best place to shop and that she herself was getting her car upgraded there.

The shop itself occupied an old World War II barracks hut with a semi-circular tin roof making it look like a rusty, half buried, oil barrel. The body shop was certainly grungy but the cars they were working on were pure eye-candy. Three bronzed, muscular mechanics, their overalls rolled down to their waists worked silently on futuristically aerodynamic body shells.

"Hello!" said Jen loudly attracting the mechanics attention.

One of the men turned toward her, bowed slightly and walked to the wood and glass office built into the side of the arch roofed shed.

A moment later a smartly dressed young executive type emerged, followed by the mechanic a respectful pace behind. The man, whose whole manner seemed odd, appraised Jen, briefly a predatory grin appeared only to be covered a moment later with a professional expression.

"Good afternoon! Welcome to Master's. How can we help madam?"

"Hi, I'd like some customization work done, as you can see the car is only a Skoda, can you work with that as a starting point? Or is it too old? asked Jen

"Well madam, we at Master's pride ourselves on being able to work with almost any material. I feel sure that we can provide a unique and eye catching product for madam." said the immaculately tailored salesman.

The man examined the Skoda's exterior and then clicked his fingers pointing at the engine compartment.

A mechanic leapt to obey, opening the engine compartment. With another click of his fingers the salesman summoned a second mechanic who began measuring Jen's torso with a metal tape measure.

"Ugh? What are you doing?" asked Jen,

"Our product is custom fit madam. madam's measurements will be given to our leatherworkers, so that the car interior fits exactly right." replied the salesman replying for the silent mechanic "If madam could stand with legs slightly apart, so that we can take a thigh measurement? Thank you madam"

Bemused by the level of service implied, Jen let the man take measurements.

She offered no objections, even to the stealthily taken breast measurement. After all they seemed to know what was needed, didn't they? And that suspect 34C measurement was probably for a stupid mechanic's bet...wasn't it?

The two mechanics handed clipboards to the salesman who scanned the results flipping the pages on both charts and noting something encouraging.

"Hmm... definite possibilities, the body will need a lot of work of course and the interior needs a good wash...but yes I'm sure we can provide something that will please and entertain." he said more to himself than Jen.

"It will take time to develop a unique body design, but I see no reason why we can't get started on a basic control panel and interior upgrade immediately."

"Ahh. how much will this cost?" said Jen, concerned that she was getting in deeper than she could afford.

"£100 for the initial work, If madam will leave the ..'vehicle'.. Here, we can have something for her by the end of the week." replied the Salesman, the word 'vehicle' and the words 'dog shit' would probably have been spoken in the same tone.

Jen felt the blood drain from her face, this was going to be expensive, but she couldn't back out now. Having the weird salesman regard her as a 'penniless time waster' would be too much to bear.

"ok, do it"

"Excellent, I will call madam a Taxi"

I'm a taxi, thought Jen humourlessly as she handed over the keys.

* * *

The next week was harder than Jen had thought. Being reliant on public transport was even more style cramping than having an 'uncool' car. When the last bus home is at 19:00 it meant zero social life. Getting a lift off a mate had been part of the plan, but Hoshi (the mate she'd had in mind) was not answering her calls.

It was with great relief that she headed back to the body shop a week later.

As before a mechanic silently summoned the Salesman and Jen was led to where her car was parked. Outside the car seemed the same...but inside.....Jen was amazed by the transformation, the clunky old dials were replaced by a wrap around computer display trimmed in fine white leather, the number of displays seemed more suitable for an aircraft than an East European clunker.

The two front seats were more appropriate for a star trek bridge, fully reclining with u-shaped head rests done entirely in matching white leather.

"Woah!" exclaimed Jen delighted and relieved that the £100 had not been misspent.

"Naturally it will take madam some time to get used to the increased level of personal control that the command console provides. We recommend a long test drive so that madam gets the full benefit of the advanced features" advised the salesman.

"Test drive? Absolutely yes." grinned Jen climbing in.

The engine started by itself as soon as she sat down and a display screen where the gear lever had been, changed indicating first gear. The only thing Jen had to worry about was the steering.

Aside from a slight humming noise the ride was incredibly smooth and silent, Jen slipped through the traffic as if it weren't there, heading down the back roads at ever increasing speeds.

The seat was very comfortable and the air pleasantly warm...too comfortable, way too comfortable. The nice humming sound, the barely perceived sting on her inner thigh....


Jen lurched, looking for the source of the voice, outside she could see blue lights and hear the wail of a siren.


Dazed and confused Jen did as she was told.

"You'll have to speak up a bit officer" said Jen doing as the voice had instructed.

"Oh, och! I thoyght ye was 'aving a wee nap there, ah um, ne'er mind. Away with you now!"

Jen clicked the car into first and pulled away her mind in turmoil. After turning down onto a single lane farm track she pulled up and spoke at the dashboard, the source of the voice
"Who the Fuck are you?!"


"Can you turn the volume down?"

"YES. Is that better, Jennifer?"

"Fine! Now what the fuck just happened?"

"You fell asleep at the wheel, I was forced to assume control. When the police officer intervened it became necessary to return you to a conscious state."

"oh?...where the hell are we anyway?"

"GPS left...further are looking at it now."


"Very observant Jennifer" said the mechanical voice with just a hint of sarcasm

"You ceased to function just after Birmingham, I made the assumption that you wished to continue your journey on the same heading"


"A simple thank you will be sufficient"

"Um oh...yeah, thanks. Look Rookrider2000 we are way further north than I planned on going. Can you plot a route back that will get us back to Bristol before 8:00am tomorrow? I can't be late for work Mr. Buttersmith will kill me"

"You may call me Rook, it has less syllables for you to remember. If you assign control to me you can sleep all the way back. I have the greatest confidence that we will arrive on time."

"Yes, Rook. You have control"

"Thank you Jennifer. You may now return to a relaxed sleep state. I will play a selection of chill-out music for you to listen to.

"Yes Rook." replied Jen settling back in the comfortable bucket seat, the head rest adjusting automatically to cradle her head, ear pieces clamped softly yet firmly to her ears.

* * *

Over the next week Jen found herself increasingly eager for the end of the working day, so that she could go for a ride in Rook.

Hoshi had not been at work for over a week, Jen was certain Mr. Buttersmith was that close to sacking her. She'd mentioned this to Rook and the car suggested cruising around all of Hoshi's old haunts. Jen felt good about it, she would be helping a mate and as a bonus would be doing a lot of driving.

By Wednesday the search for Hoshi was taking up her whole evening. Rook said she had evidence that Hoshi had been seen here...or there, always involving a nice long road trip.

On Thursday night she hadn't even bothered going to bed and had slept in Rook's comfortable reclining seat, after a long, long, chat with her new (secret) friend.

The Rook was fascinating, it had been programmed to be the perfect companion for her, the driver, adapting itself to match her needs. Rook had even gone to the trouble of discovering her favorite chill-out tracks...though how the machine had done so was a mystery.

Finally it was knocking off time on Friday, technically it was five minutes early, but nobody cared as they were all busy stampeding for the car park.

Jen threw her jacket in the empty back of the car and lounged into the form fitting white leather.

"That's it Rook! Two clear days without any work at all, we can do some serious driving, now."

"I am pleased to hear that Jennifer. Of course, if you put in a holiday request, you could spend an entire month together"

"Hey, why didn't I think of that?"

"Because I'm significantly more intelligent than you" replied the car

"Yes Rook" Jen agreed, Rook was smart.

"Have you been working out as we discussed?"

"Yes Rook, A really good looking car needs a really good looking driver to match." replied Jen repeating something she'd heard somewhere.

"Have you thought any further about my bodywork and color scheme?"

"Yes Rook, the white with the pure platinum trim. By selling the apartment fully furnished, I will be able to afford it with a £1,000 left over for driver accessories."

"You will have to work very hard on your physique Jennifer, If you want to look like you belong in the white and platinum."

"Yes Rook" said Jen slightly daunted by the idea of heavy workout sessions and strict diet, but eager to look good.

"I have some motivational tapes in memory that might help, I can play them as we travel. Together we can make you into a real hottie"

"Yes Rook" agreed Jen feeling reassured. "That's a good idea"

Jen leaned back into the seat and let the headrest's speaker equipped wings wrap around, caressing her head as if held in a gentle, yet firm, hand.

"Stage one motivational enhancement, this is achieved through a pattern of relaxed deep breathing combined with...." the introduction continued in a flat monotone voice that soon had Jen's eyes losing focus..

* * *

Pain, every muscle ached, even thinking about moving hurt. Jen got to her feet dusting the grass from her naked ass.

"where?" she asked dazed, looking around the empty land.

"Dartmoor Jennifer. I apologize, that last training session was at the limit of your capacity. However my scans indicate you are now in optimal condition."

Jennifer looked down at herself noting the sculpted abs, toned thighs and 36d breasts that she hadn't had the last time she'd looked.


"Obsession level motivation, military grade nano-steroidal estrogen and vari-bustâ„¢ implants to give full control of Driver physique.... and time"

"Time?" asked Jen suspiciously, her mind hazing over the techo-babble, "How much time?"

"Two months, three days and seven hours. You need not have any concern, I took the liberty of managing your affairs while you were working out. Your apartment was sold for 10% above market average, the Body Shop has been instructed regarding the desired customizations. In addition you have resigned from your job and are now available to drive full time."

Jen thought about what Rook had just said, not sure she was entirely happy with the AI making decisions for her. But try as she might she couldn't think of anything she would have done differently had she been in charge.. The job had been boring anyway without Hoshi's practical jokes.

"Thanks Rook. Am I ready now? Will I look ok when we've fitted you out with white and platinum bodywork?"

"My scans show that your body shape is now within the optimal range for a woman of your height/body mass and breast size."


"I will just re-grade my vocabulary for your current intellect level... Yes you look good"

"Thanks Rook...what shall we do now?"

"You need to go to the garage for my upgrade Jennifer"

"Oh...Ok" said Jen sliding into seat, enjoying the caress of leather against her naked butt.

"Meanwhile, I will modify your pain levels" said Rook, a needle stung Jen on the inner thigh, the muscle pain melted away and Jen's head slumped back into the wrap around headrest. Quiet music began to play soothing her into a deep relaxed sleep (level 2).

Jen marched purposefully into the Body shop, the wind brushing unnoticed across her naked body. This time the mechanics were paying more attention and quickly ushered her inside where the salesman was waiting.

The Salesman smiled broadly making a great show of inspecting Jen, running a finger down between her cleavage and then further down over her flat stomach.

"Oh! madam has polished up well"

"Thanks! Its important that a driver looks as good as her car" replied Jen

"And madam chose the white with platinum trim?" stated the Salesman checking his records.

"Yes, here's the check.. £176,000 as agreed."

"Excellent madam, Your car is being upgraded as we speak." replied the salesman taking a plastic wrapped package from his desk. "And here is a small gift for madam, we like to take care of our customers here at Master's"

"wow, thanks" replied Jen eagerly ripping open the plastic packing. The package contained a pair of white leather hot pants of unusual design, on the front was a sort of opening like a zipper but without zip-teeth and clinging together as if magnetized. The white leather would match Rook's colour scheme exactly, how cool was that!

Jen had a little difficulty getting in to the hot pants, they were skin tight and the magnetic zip tended to spring open. Also Included was a white halter top/bra combo, tight but form-fitted to her now pert, perky vari-bustâ„¢ breasts. In the front of the bra two small platinum rings were cut out of the material, leaving room for her slowly hardening nipples to extend through the material and into the cool garage air.

"If I might say, madam is looking exceptionally well turned out." said the salesman

"You don't think its a bit too flashy?" asked Jen examining herself with secretly growing pleasure.

"Oh not at all madam, one can never be too flashy." assured the salesman "Before madam leaves, we noticed that madam has not tried the control console's advanced features. If madam tells the Rook unit to activate the advanced control interface, I feel sure madam will find the experience rewarding.

"Thanks! I'll go try it out right away!" Jen rushed outside eager to see Rook's new body shell and try out the advanced interface. she stopped as soon as she saw the car.

The mechanics had done an excellent job transforming the old skoda, now a thing of sinuous muscular curves, air intakes, and spoilers. The rear of the car had been extended to provide an extensive passenger compartment.

"Hey Rook!, the salesman told me I haven't tried the advanced controls yet. Let's try them!" said Jen

Suddenly restraints snapped into position and the headrest clamped itself hard to Jen's ears, the now familiar hum from the speakers filling her head.

"Hey!" she complained

"Inserting neural connection" informed Rook

Something coldly metallic thrust up from the seat slipping through the magnetic zip that had somehow self-released to push insistently against Jen's vagina.

"What are you doing? Stop!"

"Return to Relaxation - Level 3" instructed Rook.

The humming from the speakers increased and Jennifer felt an overwhelming tiredness, the cold metallic invasion of her pussy forgotten as she struggled to keep her eyes open. Gradually the pain faded to be replaced by a vaguely pleasant

By now her head was slumped forward, so she had a good view of the robotic armature that extended from the floor of the car, sliding through the opened zipper and into her dampening sex..

"Stage one connection locked on. Engaging pavlovian inducers. I understand your distress Jennifer, but I think you will enjoy this procedure, I really do."

Jen felt a lightning jolt of pleasure arc up through her crotch as the thing in her sex sought out her clit and pulsed against it.

"Welcome to the Rookrider2000 driver component installation program Jennifer. Please remain calm, your sexual desires and abilities will now be adjusted to fit the connection."

A second jolting orgasm caressed her and a third and a fourth. Counting was not consistent with being relaxed so Jen gave up. It was impossible to keep up anyway the surges of pleasure were coming faster and faster, orgasms hitting her one after another like strobe flashes. Jen had already ceased to think coherently by the time the orgasm-pulse rate reached 75 per second. The pleasure signals arriving faster than the human
nervous system could perceive, for all practical purposes Jen's orgasm had become effectively continuous. Suddenly the orgasm ceased and Jen felt a terrible absence as the connector retracted

"Don't...Don't stop!" she mumbled, struggling to find words while the relaxing music continued to fill her head.

"Initiating stage two componentization. Your continued sexual stimulation requires total unquestioning obedience Jennifer."

"Obey" said Jen agreeing in a dazed way, it was so difficult to think and she so wanted the pleasure to return. Long term consequences were quite beyond her ability, too complex a concept.

The metallic cock eased itself back into her still slick vagina. Jen eagerly wiggling to get a better connection as the orgasms returned.

"Enter the deep hypnotic trance which allows me to control you Jennifer."

"Yes Rook"

"The pleasure you are now feeling is occupying your entire attention. By forgetting your past you can concentrate on every detail of your pleasure. You will inform me as soon as you have forgotten everything, using the phrase: component ready"

"Yes Rook"

Jen began paying attention to the orgasm that seemed to fill her entire torso like a glowing nuclear core, ignoring the metal bands that extended from the seat until they had wrapped around her chest and fastened to her nipples.

The orgasmic energy altered course finding its way up to her nipples adding a slight flavor of pain from the new connections. Another armature lowered itself from the roof, this one with a polished chrome cock complete with sculpted veins at its tip.

Without needing to be told to do so Jen opened her mouth letting the cold metal slip past her lips. The orgasm that had been filling her sex and reaching up to her nipples arced upward again.

Jen felt her whole body orgasm and concentrated on remembering every sensation.

Time passed, how much time was of no concern, the orgasm might have lasted seconds, minutes, hours or even days.

Finally Jen pulled her lips from the metal cock, giving it one last lick with her tongue Her eyes glazed over in a combination of total submission and satisfaction.

"Component ready"

"Very good Jennifer. You are now ready to receive your new personality. I will now tell you who you are and it will be as if you are remembering something you have always known"

"Yes Rook"

Jennifer closed her eyes and began receiving instructions on how she had been constructed, welded together, wired, painted and polished. The Designer had told her she was to be the ultimate vehicle, self maintaining, intelligent, witty, able to satisfy The Owner's every conceivable need.

Now...finally she was complete, the cloned human component had been installed and her persona was downloading, through the headrest, into it.

The Jennifer/Rook maintenance component stood next to her main body at parade rest, arms behind back, chest thrust out to display her expanded breasts to best advantage.

The design staff had installed the rest of her maintenance component's uniform so that it matched her paint scheme. White leather leggings with quick release poppers had been attached to the hot pants and a flap added to cover its vaginal access port. Knee length boots with platinum bar trim, stiletto heels, and finally an earpiece providing continuous persona updates from her main CPU finished off the uniform.

There was no need for a blouse the design staff said, the expected customer type preferred visible physiques.

There was a Customer in the shop and it was important to give the best impression. Jennifer/Rook did one more internal system check, tire pressure ok, oil pressure ok, nipple erection ok, breast size/posture ok.

There were two of them, a mustachioed older man and a younger peroxide

"As sir can see, the RookRider2000 comes complete with chauffeur able and willing to perform any function."

"Anything at all?" said the Customer skeptically

"We like to research our customer's preferences in advance sir, if you will permit a small demonstration."

"Sure boy, you go ahead n' demonstrate"

"Rook, please suck Mr. Chisolm's cock"

"Yes sir" replied Jennifer/Rook, her maintenance component getting to her knees in front of The Customer and unzipping the man's pants.

"Way-hay! Go for it dad" grinned the younger customer

"Ms. Rook is a full time chauffeur, when not under specific instruction she will maintain the Rookrider2000 and guard your garage from intruders. She is not entitled to sick leave holidays or leisure time, her conditions of service can be found in Appendix C of the warrantee".

Jennifer/Rook smiled brightly up at the Customer as she eased the fat cock out from the man's pants and gave it a preparatory lick. Placing the cock in her oral connection port, she began to suck. It was clever of the salesman to pretend that her maintenance component was a separate entity. The earpiece informed her that she was enjoying serving the customer.

"Ooh yes! I'll take two!" gasped the mustachioed American "My son will definitely want his own!"

"Of course sir, an excellent choice. Would sir prefer something in yellow or black? We have those in stock.

"Lets see the yellow one" grinned the youth.A sleek golden Rookrider ignited its engine and pulled up next to it's white companion. Its young Asian maintenance component got out and knelt next to Jennifer/Rook.

"Allow me to present our Cabriolet version with its chauffeur Rook Hoshi."

The other Rook began pleasuring customer Two, the customer grabbing the Rook's head as it bobbed back and forth on his cock.

"I WANT, this one dad."

Customer One didn't answer Immediately, he was too focused on what Jennifer/Rook was doing.

"Nice...I'll take both" said customer one gasped, shortly after filling Jennifer/Rook's oral connection port with cum.

Jennifer/Rook felt a pre-programmed surge of love run through her. The datalink informed her that having an owner made her feel complete, fulfilling her primary function.

Satisfied that the task was finished, The salesman returned to the office, sitting passively awaiting the next customer, the mechanics would feed and service him until he was required again.

In two weeks time Chisolm Junior would announce his decision to take up car maintenance as his career, a set of oily coveralls (wrapped down to the waist) had already set aside along with an earpiece that would allow his assimilation into the maintenance team's hive consciousness.

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Post by Stephaniebot » Sat Jul 22, 2006 1:04 am

Wonderful story Doc.
Shame I'm a non driver!
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Post by kman1 » Sat Jul 22, 2006 2:22 pm

wow, excellent story find!

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Doctor Robo
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Post by Doctor Robo » Sat Jul 22, 2006 11:14 pm

I agree 100%. I'll pass your compliments on to Topaz if he doesn't see them here first.

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