The first time PART 12

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The first time PART 12

Post by Mirage » Fri Sep 02, 2005 9:53 am

The first time PART 12
By Mirage

Steve woke up late in the morning, a bit sore from last night with Rachael and Allison. He look at himself in the mirror and smile, proud of himself somewhat. He took a shower and went to his part time job, to help t to pay for food and stuff. Working as a waiter was not the best job, but it helped him to pay bills. His parents always send some money too at the end of the month to pay for his school and rent.

The day went quick, his mind somewhat a drift from wondering what Allison was planning. She told him she had another fetish she wanted to try. To be truly honest, what they did last night was a bit strange for him. Steve was not a commanding person. He liked the sex, but, he felt uneasy giving direct command over Allison. He knew she was an android, a machine, but still, she is somewhat a living being, he believes, she as an A.I., a personality, feelings. That’s why he fell in love with her, not for her sexy body or lust. “Do I have a fetish too?” he asked himself. He likes breasts the most, nice big ones, but not huge ones. “But still, that’s not a fetish..” he mumbled to himself. He could not really find anything that he really craved sexually. He stop thinking about it and finished his job.

Getting home, he got a phone call. It was Allison. “Hi, baby, are you still coming tonight?” she asked him. “Of course.. Around 8:00pm is good?” he asked. “9:00pm. Juts want to be prepare properly for tonight.” she growled. Steve took a deep breath and said ok and told her he’ll be there. He hanged up the phone and took a quick nap before going at Allison.

Steve rang the door bell at 9:00pm, like Allison asked. Slowly the door open and Allison smiled, seeing him “Please come in...” she told him, grinning. Her eyes were full of excitement. Steve gave her a hug and a kiss and came inside, nervous, for some reason. “Is your dad here and why the hat?” he asked. “No, he’s gone for the weekend and to hide my hair..” she replied. “And why are you in a towel?” he asked her, seeing she was simply wearing a towel around her body. “Part of the surprise I have for you..” she smiled. “Surprise? Is this part of what you told me last night?” he smiled. “Well, yes, but, I was wrong, it’s not a fetish, more like a fantasy I wanted.” she explained. “Now, close your eyes and let me guide you to my bedroom..” Allison told him. Closing his eyes, he let her guide him to her bedroom. He heard her laughing lightly, closing the door and dropping the towel on the floor behind him. “Open your eyes...” she told him.

“My god...” Steve yelled out, amazed. “Like it?” she whispered to him, from behind. The room was lighted with hundreds of candles, flower petals everywhere on the floor and bed, the smell of nice fruity perfume in the air, it was the most romantic thing Steve had ever saw. He turned to see Allison and was also amazed by what she was wearing. Long black red gloves and stockings, high heels, along a red and black body negligee, with many laces. Her long dirty blonde hair was all fixed up, very sexy, with her face with soft makeup. “How do I look? This is my first time, doing anything like this...” she asked, a bit shy. Steve simply walked to her, lifted her in his arms and carried her to her bed and softly put her down along the flower petals “You are the most beautiful thing I ever saw in my life...” he gasped, words almost could not express his feelings. “Are you crying?” she laugh a bit, seeing a tear forming on his left cheek. “Must be the perfume..” he fib. She knew she had achieved her goal. Deep down, she was hoping Steve would never need to cheat on her again, so, she did the most human thing she could think off, to win his heart, completely.

To be continued...

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Post by DollSpace » Fri Sep 02, 2005 11:09 am

That is so adorable...and romantic! It almost made me cry! :) Almost sounds like something I'd do *giggle*...Can't wait to see what happens next! *giggle*


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Post by A.N.N. » Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:54 pm

Ahhh, that was nice. Those are really nice moments when you have someone special.


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