The first time, part 8

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The first time, part 8

Post by Mirage » Wed Aug 24, 2005 6:31 pm

The first time, part 8

Steve and Allison were coming back together from school. They were both quiet, walking hands in hands. "You're okay?" Steve asked Allison. "Yes..." she simply responded. "You know, we got lucky today... I am pretty sure Rachael won't say nothing to no one.." Steve reassured Allison. "I guess..." Allison mumbled out. What Allison didn't tell Steve is when she reactivated from being recharged in the ladies washroom, she notice her bra was unhook from the back and also, her underwear had been pulled down and up quickly, stretching it. "Rachael is a nice girl, isn't she?" Allison said outloud. "Does she has a boyfriend?" she asked Steve. "Nope... none that I know of." Steve answered her back. Allison didn't know if she should tell her boyfriend she had been touched sexually by Rachael while being deactivated.

Arriving to her house, Allison asked Steve to stay. Of course, Steve said yes and came inside the house. They sat and watched tv together. Steve felt something was wrong with Allison "What's bugging you?' he asked her. "Nothing.... Steve.. How does someone know's when they are in love with someone?" Allison asked Steve. Steve left out a breath out and took a second to think.

"Well... it's hard to explain... see, I am in love with you.. Even if you are an android. When I see you, I am happy, when I am not with you, I miss you.. You give me great joy that no one else can give me... I feel my life empty when you are not around me. Does that make sense?" he asked her. "Yes... it does... That's how I feel when I am not with you.. Lonely and scared..." Allison mumbled out, looking at Steve in the eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked her, knowing she was hurting. "I... am so scare someone takes advantage of me, delete me, makes me someone else.... so scared.." Allison started to cry out, hugging Steve hard. Steve held her tight, seeing her pain and fears were real, not computer programmes. "I'll always be there for you.." Steve smiled to her. "I know... but shall I ?" she said, tears down her face. "Shhh... don't be scared, I'll take care of you.." he whispered to her. They stayed hugged to each other all night long.

"I must go at my place, sorry.." Steve told Allison, who looked worried somehow. "See you tomorrow morning.." she kissed him and watched him go home. She closed the door and look around the empty house. "Dad's still out... won't be back till very late.." she mumbled to herself.

Suddenly, the door bell rang. "Steve!" she said outloud, opening the door quickly. "Hi, Allison, we need to talk.." Rachael said from the front door entry.

"Rachael?? Why are you here?" Allison asked confused by her late visit. "Can we talk?.. Please.." Rachael begged her. "Sure.. Come in.." Allison asked the young black girl in. "You know, since this afternoon, I can't stop getting something out of my head.." Rachael said, while sitting beside the couch with Allison.

"What is it?" Allison asked, concern of her new friend. "Well.. You are a machine...right?" she asked Allison. "Yes... you know that.." Allison responded. "And I am a human... with needs..." Rachael said, blushing. "And I was thinking... if I had sex with you, it would be like me having sex with a vibrator... you are just both machines...Just because you are a machine built to look like a female human, it doesn't make it real..." Rachael explained herself to Allison, who was somewhat panicking from what she was hearing. "But, I am not a lesbian, Rachael... I love Steve.." Allison mumbled out, trying to move away from Rachael. Rachael grabbed Allison's shirt and ripped it off, exposing her breasts.

Allison panic, trying to fight off Rachael, but to her chagrin, Rachael was much bigger girl than she was built. Rachael, being very athletic, over powered Allison and turn her on her back and pinned her arms down with only one arm. "Please stop!" Allison begged her hard. Rachael didn't pay attention and pulled out a small screwdriver from her left pocket from her pants and started to insert it inside Allison's navel. "PLEASE STOP IT!!" Allison screamed in anguished.

"When you were offline in the bathroom, I checked you out, man, you made me wet.... I also notice your stomach panel can be open by a small screwdriver, like this one.." Rachael smiled, turning the screwdriver. Suddenly, Allison's stomach panel open, to's Rachael delight "There we go... now, where is your off button..." she asked Allison, who was now, just crying, lost in despair. "Let's have fun first..." Rachael said, started to pull out some random cables and wires inside Allison's open stomach. "No..i....erroor.r...pleas.e...e.stoopp errroorr.." Allison yelled out, starting to malfunction from having her systems being tampered with so violently. .

The more rachael pulled out wires, the more Allison was like having a seizure. "Eroor.. Systems error... malfunction... p[leasej disndlf...rachelllfgl.." Allison started to be complete incoherent. Shacking hard, her head twitched quicky randomly.

Rachael laugh and removed Allison's cloths and got naked herself "Now, you can't fight me while I have some fun..." Rachael exposed her brown naked body. Allison was still aware of what was going on, but too much damage to do anything about it. "Mmmmm... your breasts are not as big as mine, but they do feel good for a robot..." rachael said, squeezing Allison's breasts hard. "Oohh.. Your nipples are becoming erect... so, you are still sexually functioning.." rachael laughed out. ‘Let's see if you are wet too?" the young back girl said while inserting a few fingers inside Allison's vagina. Allison left out a gasp, her sex functions still functional 100% from being touched sexually.

Rachael leaned down on top of Allison and whispered to her "I know you can hear me.. And I know you are enjoying this as much as me, my little sexdroid..". Allison tilt her head... "I do..." she said, feeling she was betraying Steve's love.

To be continued.

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Post by Devil » Thu Aug 25, 2005 8:10 am

I don't normally post. But this story has so many twists and turns... I'm liking it! Keep up the good work!

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Mooninite 1
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Post by Mooninite 1 » Thu Aug 25, 2005 4:39 pm

Damn, just when you think you've seen all the twists there can be, Mirage takes it a completely different direction.

Master Shake: "Robositter, what will you be wearing to bed?"
Frylock: "Come on Shake!"
Master Shake: "What? Throw a bag over those wheels and I'd do her."

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Post by DollSpace » Thu Aug 25, 2005 6:27 pm

Oh dear...poor Allison! Good writing; you're making me cry... :cry: But it's very well done!

Off to read the next part!


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