Obscure Anime From Years Ago - What Is It? X_X

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Obscure Anime From Years Ago - What Is It? X_X

Post by Neisha » Tue Jul 26, 2005 1:57 am

Hihi! ^^; Kinda new here, plan to post an into in the Discussion board sometime. Been lurking for over a year now, which is pathetic. Amusingly, I haven't even interacted with anyone here and already this place has changed my life in some pretty interesting ways. Some of you may know rynchan, and she's noteworthy because she's the one who introduced me to this place. I'm actually typing this at her house. ^^;; (Hi Ryn, in case you read this later! :D)

I had a question about an anime I found way back in 2002. Incidentally, I've been meaning to ask about it ever since I found this forum, but I didn't want to impose by requesting something before I showed any reason for people to bother helping me. However, I figure that it might serve as an introduction of sorts, or at least describe me a little. (In quite a roundabout way, admittedly, but I do badly at describing myself directly. ^^;)

Anyway, I found the anime on WinMX, more precisely on AnimeFantasia, from a user named Yotsuba. I had pretty decent Japanese verbal skills at the time, but pretty BAD Japanese reading skills. The filename for the anime episode was all in Japanese characters, and I didn't bother translating it (didn't have the time to, as will be explained shortly) so I have no idea what it's called. Perhaps if I'd had better Japanese reading skills, I'd be telling you all about some obscure series instead of using this forum as a last resort to find it.

After downloading one of the episodes of the show, I flipped through the video file to make sure that it was downloaded properly, and I found myself quite disturbed. ^^; To use the terms D/s and robotic snuff would be an understatement. Apparently some master guy owned a fembot maid, and I believe he was displeased with her or something. In the scene I watched, he was destroying her, and it was rather gruesome and disturbing even if it was "only a machine" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean). The part I remember most vividly is a rather simply-drawn shot of her as a black silhouette on a red background, as she was being crushed and gears were spilling out as if they were guts. At the end of it, she was mangled, completely nonfunctional, and her eyes were distant, focusing on nothing. In retrospect, pretty damn erotic. ^^;

However, I was 18 at the time, and even though I'd been through a LOT even then, I was going through a spell of innocence and naivety (ever randomly feel like a little kid sometimes? yeah.), and I was so horrified by what I saw that I had nightmares about it and deleted the file the next day without even watching the whole thing. I regret that now, however, because I've come to terms with many parts of myself that I was in denial over, and I ache deeply to know what the series was about.

Because the premise of the series wasn't very endearing (Would you say that snuff robot hentai has mass-market appeal? Heck, does it even appeal to *you*?), I doubt it ever made it overseas, and it's quite possible that it never even got subbed, so this'll probably be a tough find. As far as I know (I've looked.. for hours..), it isn't even findable on anime listing sites, sites that solely exist to list the names of every anime in existence. Nevertheless, any information would be greatly appreciated - - my best chance for ever learning anything about this anime probably would come from, yes, Fembot Central. ^^;

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Post by Stephaniebot » Tue Jul 26, 2005 11:28 am

Just be careful Neisha doesnt hide your key Ryn! :wink:
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Post by UserJesse » Tue Jul 26, 2005 12:02 pm

Howdy and welcome ^,^

Hmm, the only anime scene I can recall of someone destroying (or similar) was Robot Carnival, the English fella that had built an android girl in his spare time and gotten freaked out when it told him it wanted a name and approached to embrace him. Always was quite irritated at the dumbo for tossing her accross the room and breaking her..obviously not a fembot appreciator *sigh*

But far as a scene with an android being beaten and ripped apart...ick, sorry folks but ick...the poor thing =(

Would MUCH perfer to see small malfunctions and clicks and the such...few exposed parts ect.

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Post by Neisha » Tue Jul 26, 2005 2:46 pm

Kishin wrote:Good to meet you by the way. Hope you enjoy FC and it's pleasures.
Pleasures, huh? ^^; *is scared?*

Seriously, though, I hope to get to know you better, and not fade into laziness as usual and forget to visit... ._. I really have a problem with that. x.x;
Stephaniebot wrote:Just be careful Neisha doesnt hide your key Ryn! :wink:
MUAHAHA! *waves key around in the air* (I wish..)
UserJesse wrote:Howdy and welcome ^,^
Thank you! ^^
UserJesse wrote:But far as a scene with an android being beaten and ripped apart...ick, sorry folks but ick...the poor thing =(
Yeah. :( Still, I can't help but be fascinated by that stuff, even if I'm deeply troubled by it. If only I could find the guy I originally got the file from.. ><;;

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Fantasy versus reality

Post by jolshefsky » Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:19 am

It's okay to think bad thoughts.
It's okay to think bad thoughts and like it.
It's not okay to actually do the things in your bad thoughts.

Perhaps it's the Three Rules of Fetishism -- possibly with one more that it's okay to play (that is, pretend to act out) your dirty fantasies with a willing partner.

I happen to like the fantasy of total domination, owning someone for sex, rape, destruction of robots...among other things but these are some of the things that I can do in my mind that I can't do in reality. When I'm in the real world, I look at another human being and I can't bring myself to even start down that path: I see other people as people. They're not the playthings of my mind, they're real.

Whether anyone else wants to call it normal or not is their business. For me, I refulse to feel guilty for any fantasy I have. I refuse to be guilty for getting aroused about the scene in Buffy where Buffybot gets torn apart by the vampires on motorcycles. Not only is she a robot, but also just a pretend character in a TV show -- not Sarah Michelle Gellar, the person.

Everyone is God in their own mind. We can all create and destroy whatever we want in fantasy. Don't feel guilty about it, but don't believe you're God in the real world either.

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Post by andoroido » Wed Jul 27, 2005 12:48 pm

I need more information to try to track this thing down.

The only Japanese adult anime about a robotic maid that
I know off the top of my head is "Kowaremono" but I don't think
I've seen all 3 installments, maybe just one, and I don't remember
the robot maid actually being very robotic. Though it was graphic.

There was another called, I think "Imma Youjo II - Maya" but I'm not sure

The "AD Police" series had a couple of violent ends for fembots, but I don't
remember any crushing, just shooting by the AD Police.

Did this anime seem to be a part of a series?
a series focused on robot maids?
or was the robot maid scene just a small part of a story or series about many other yucky things?

How many maids? Remember the hair color?
What was the aparent age of the maid?
Was it fansubbed or just Japanese audio?
Any more details and I might be able to use my so-so written
Japanese skills to search for it, especially at the Japanese robo-girl site.


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Robot Carnival

Post by A.N.N. » Thu Jul 28, 2005 4:35 pm

I think UserJesse called it.

I have Robot Carnival, and that scene (story) bothered me too. The whole movie is a bit sureal, a collection of shorts from different artists, and not much ASFR stuff, except the amusement ark scene near the end, but that's more for the ladies I think.

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Post by Neisha » Sat Jul 30, 2005 7:24 am

Sorry for the delay. Haven't had much opportunity to get online recently.
andoroido wrote:I need more information to try to track this thing down.
Well, I'm not known for my memory, but I'll try to be of use. ^^;
andoroido wrote:I don't remember
the robot maid actually being very robotic.
Mmm.. well, she looked like one of the robots from Chobits, except without the goofy ear thingies. Nothing really robotic about her. She seemed to have pretty human emotions and personality, with maybe just a touch of the cliched "robot logic". She was staring off, frozen in shock, when her master first started to kill her. I resonated with it closely, feeling that if I were, for example, a human slave/servant of similar purpose, I would probably feel similarly.
andoroido wrote:Did this anime seem to be a part of a series?
a series focused on robot maids?
or was the robot maid scene just a small part of a story or series about many other yucky things?
I believe that there was an episode number in the name, yes. Again, the filename was all in Japanese, and I didn't really *know* much Japanese back then, but I think it was episodic.

I didn't watch the entire episode, but it seemed to focus on the robot maid's story. I believe that the series was focused on robots, judging by the way they did things - it seemed quite apparent that the artists' devotion was to robots, it showed in the art style and storyline very greatly.

If there were other bad things, it's highly likely that they had to do with robots.
andoroido wrote:How many maids? Remember the hair color?
What was the aparent age of the maid?
Was it fansubbed or just Japanese audio?
Any more details and I might be able to use my so-so written
Japanese skills to search for it, especially at the Japanese robo-girl site.
The episode I watched focused on one.. I <i>think</i>. Memory gets fuzzy here. It says there's a 60% likelihood that there was just one maid, and a 40% likelihood that there was more than one.

The maid had long, flowing hair, either dark blue, dark bluish-purple, or black, and had the appearance of being in her early twenties. She wore a frilly maid outfit kinda thing, if I remember. I actually thought that I had found the series when I first saw a picture from Mahoromatic, but obviously this wasn't the case. ^^;

It was not fansubbed. It was in Japanese and was from a Japanese server.

By the way, now that I think about it, it may indeed have been the owner himself who destroyed her, but it may also have been a device or machine that he used, at least part of the way. It's kinda hard to remember clearly.

Hope this information helps. ^^;
Last edited by Neisha on Sat Jul 30, 2005 7:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Robot Carnival

Post by Neisha » Sat Jul 30, 2005 7:31 am

A.N.N. wrote:I have Robot Carnival, and that scene (story) bothered me too. The whole movie is a bit sureal, a collection of shorts from different artists, and not much ASFR stuff, except the amusement ark scene near the end, but that's more for the ladies I think.
I'm very, very certain that it isn't Robot Carnival. For one, I looked at some screenshots of the various pieces in the medley, and they all were in styles that didn't match up. For another, I can tell the difference between recent anime and anime made a decade ago.. it's quite apparent. :) Finally, the guy only posted new releases on his server (I downloaded new episodes of my favorite unsubbed animes a few days after they were broadcast), so it is highly likely that the show was released some time in 2002.

Not to mention that it was portrayed in a sexual fashion, using styles common to a large part of Japanese gore and dismemberment drawings and animations.

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Re: Obscure Anime From Years Ago - What Is It? X_X

Post by mliska1 » Sat Jul 30, 2005 11:06 pm

Neisha wrote:Been lurking for over a year now, which is pathetic.

Don't worry. Many here lurk forever. I, myself, only post about once a year, despite coming here almost every day.

Oh crap. What have I done!!

(hides for another year)

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Post by UserJesse » Sun Jul 31, 2005 6:54 am

shame on you! ...ha just kidding ^,~

Far as this anime goes.....eep, dunno if I'd even want to see it now hearing so much about it, I feel too bad for the poor fembot :cry:

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