Can't Get That Song Outta My Head - Part 4

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Can't Get That Song Outta My Head - Part 4

Post by ButchyBoy » Wed Feb 02, 2005 9:52 pm

The next day was Thrusday, just a day before the big show. Harry and Cricket -- make that Derrick Waverider, and his assistant, Missy Heartford, were making their way to New Chicago. And the closer they got to the dome, the more pale Cricket was becoming. Harry had Bill Decker slow his HoverCab down to a slow gilde for a bit. He took his partner's hand and looked right at her.

"I know this place holds a lot of bad memories for you Cricket", he said softly. "But personally, I'm looking forward to kicking the Chairman's sorry bony ass all the way across that so called 'city' of his, and shatter that dome with his body.....So, ya with me?......Partner?"

Cricket smiled. That man certainly had a way of putting things in perspective, she thought. She hugged him close, then called out to the cab driver. "Ok Bill, let's haul ass", she said with a dimple-showing grin. She wasn't looking so pale anymore.

Decker grinned back. "Yes Ma'am!"

When they got to the New Chicago entry gate, Bill had the sentries scan the id's he had made. The silver-bodied humanoid bots then scanned the passangers. First Bill, then Harry, and finally Cricket. Decker at the drivers seat mutely smiled. Harry had put the sunglasses on trying to look like an un-caring big shot producer. Cricket had her darkened hair up in a bun, and had put on glasses of her own. She was scrbbling on a note pad trying not to show how nervous she was. But, whatever device Carl Throckhammer had left her to attach to her purse worked. The scanner showed her as a human female. The trio breathed a collective sigh of relief as they pulled away from the gateway and pushed forward to the arena.

"See, what did I tell ya?", Decker said. "Smooth sailing from here on."

"Yeah, well just make sure your back here tommow night, before the concert starts. We'll need to make a quick exit once it's over", Harry said as the cab pulled up to its destination.

"Right then, see ya tomorrow", Decker said as the pair got out. They both took a deep breath. "Ok kid, showtime", Harry said.

Mr. Lang contacted Frank King before they had left, advising him of what cover they would be using. King agreed both he and Electra Storm would play along.

It was just before 10am. Everyone was on the arena stage, getting ready for the rehersal show. King was there in the same grey three-piece suit he seemed to have worn the day before in the Langs' office. He was standing next to a much taller, causal dressed, dark-haied man. The taller of the two was wearing a headset. The dancers, and backup singers were all warming in, and in the center of it all was Electra Storm, she was sporting a pink sweatshirt that matched her hair, as well as like colored sweats, socks, and bright white tennies. She was also sporting the headband with her name on it.

Harry called out as he and Cricket made their way to the stage. "Yo, Frankie baby! The starmaker has arrived!!"

King looked out and played his part without skipping a heartbeat. "Oh, Waverider, good, right on time. I like that." He brought the tall man over to Harry and made introductions. "Simon Crawson, this is Derrick Waverider. He's doing a 'personal diary' DVD for Electra's fans." Simon smiled, and shook Harry's hand, speaking with an Autrailian accent.

"G'Day there Derrick mate. Lucky day for you. I mean, usually GCN handels everything on the video and DVD side of things, but since Electra here insisted on having you, well....."

"What can I say, she wants the best", Harry said, cocky and sure of himself.

"Well, guess we'll just see won't we", Simon said passively. Still a hint of jelousy there, Harry thought. Simon turned his attention to Cricket.

"And who's the lovely shelia?", he said with a much slyer smile.

"My assistant, Missy Hartford", Harry answered.

Cricket began her playacting with a blushing smile. Her voice was a pinched, nasal one. Add to that a rather thick New York accent.

"A pleasure Mr. Crawson, I'm sure", she said extenting her hand gracefully to his. "I'm looking forward to this project." The robot girl looked over at Electra, and decided to have a little fun with her.

"Electra Storm!", she gasped. "Oh, this is such a thrill. I can't tell you. Well just slap me in a coffin, I can just die a zip-a-de-doo-dah happy girl now. Are you gonna sing now?? Cause I for one cannot wait to listen. Your buttah!"

The pop diva just rolled her eyes. "Fine, whatever! If the little chatterbox is all done, Electra Storm would LIKE to get this over with before Armageddon comes!"

Frank clapped his hands, signaling everyone to take their places. "All right, you heard the lady. It's after 10. Let's go, let's go!!"

Harry and Cricket made their way off the stage. "A liitle less thick with the 'buttah' there, princess", Harry said quietly. The little fembot just giggled.

The music began, and the dancers started moving. Electra took her place and began.

IT'S ALL ABOUT ME (Music and lyrics by ButchyBoy)

It's all about me, yeah it's all about me
It's not about you, no it's not about you

I'm too hot, too hot to touch.
What me date you? Don't make me lose my lunch.
I'm the queen diva supreme. Everybody worships me.
Boys like you I use like tissue. Don't even think I wanna kiss you.

It's all about me, it's all about me
It's not about you, no it's not about you

Suddenly, one of the dancers, a rather well endowed olive-skinned girl, started to loudly stutter and twitch about. "It's.....It's.....It's.....It'" Her upper body was jerking up and down, her arms moving in every direction. Her legs and feet were running in place, like someone in a heavy workout. The other dancers around started to gasp.

"What's happening?" "It's Erin" "Somthing's wrong. Somebody help her." Erin, Erin, are you ok??"

It was clear to Harry and Cricket that "Erin" was a android. And she was in the middle of a seroius meltdown. Erin's head was swinging round and around now, almost coming off her sholders. Smoke was pouring from her ears. Everyone got out of the way when she did a summersalt and landed on her back, twitching and babbling. Then, sparks came from her chest, as if flew off her body. The robot dancer shuddered and struggled to speak.

"Jusssss......Jussssss....Whaaaaaaa....Whaaaaaaaaa" Then she spoke clearly. But it wasn't her voice. It was the voice Harry and Cricket heard threaten Electra the day before. The deep wispering one"

"Take a good look, Electra Storm. This is beauty school compared to what you'll look like tomorrow. This is your final warning!!" Erin then sparked her last and her motars wound down, and the "life" faded from her eyes.

Electra looked down at the melted, smoldering girl.

"Somebody want to clean this mess up so we can get going?"

Cricket just stared down the pop diva. She began to wondrer if she was even worth helping.

Next: How to make diced Cricket.

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Post by DollSpace » Wed Feb 02, 2005 10:12 pm

Awesome :-D Something to dream about tonight *giggle*....

I'll be talkin' to ya!

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Post by kb7rky » Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:20 pm

"Engine 71, respond to New of a woman on fire. Engine 71..."


Nice! Keep 'em coming, Butch!


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