Can't Get That Song Outta My Head - Part 3

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Can't Get That Song Outta My Head - Part 3

Post by ButchyBoy » Tue Jan 25, 2005 9:38 pm

It was well after dark when Harry and Cricket were in the lab of Dr. Betty Stevens. They had been there for a few hours. Harry was standing in front of a full-length mirror, going over his new 'look'; He had his hair cropped, with a few streaks of blonde on the sides. It was slightly spiked at the top. On donned a pair of sunglasses. He was very glad he kept in shape, and not let himself go like some other men his age, who neared middle age. With this look, he hoped to pass as a twenty-something producer of music videos.

Cricket was sitting on a nearby table. She had taken the pigtails out of her hair, and it was now long and flowing almost down to her waist. It made his partner look very mature, Harry thought, looking over. The blonde fembot had wires going into her head, attached to the roots of her hair. The wires ran to a control panel where Betty was standing.

"Ok Cricket, we're all set", Betty said. The android nodded and picked up a face mirror. Betty turned a few dials, and Cricket's blonde hair began to change from blonde to raven black.

"Too gothic", Cricket said. Betty adjusted the dials again, and the fembot's hair turned a fiery red. Cricket thought a moment.

"No.....too sedective", she said, looking over at Harry and giving him a wink that made him blush. Betty chuckled and turned the dial once more. Cricket's hair turned green.

"Oh goody. I'm the jolly green midget!", she said very sarcasticly.

Betty chuckled again. "Sorry.....Ok, this should do it", she said, adjusting the dials once more. The robot's hair became a pure brunette. Cricket beamed.

"Oh yes, it's perfect!", she squealed. "What do you think, Harry?" Mr. Lang looked over at Mrs. Lang.

"Well, it's fine with me honey, but the question is can we fool everyone else." Just then, Betty's four-year old daughter, April, came running in, carrying a hand-drawn picture in her hand.

"Mommy, mommy, wook, wook." The little girl stopped dead in her tracks when Cricket said hello to her. April looked wide-eyed at the girl sitting on the table. Seeing wires in her head, April guessed she was a robot her mother was working on.

"How comes she sound wike Miss Cwicket?", April asked her mom.

"Because that is Miss Cricket", came the answer from Betty.

April pinched her face, walked up the the robotic girl, and stood before her, hands on her hips. "Yous weawy Miss Cwicket?"

Cricket smiled, nodded and gave a simple, "Yep". April still wasn't convinced.

"When me biwthday?", she asked.

Cricket grinned. "Two weeks from today. Your party is at my apartment with all your friends."

"How manies??"

"Ten altogether including us."

"Yous Miss Cwicket aw wight", April said with a big smile. "How comes you wook diffwent?" Cricket leaned in and wispered.

"Harry and I are going undercover to New Chicago." April pinched her face again.

"Dat an icky pwace. How comes you go?"

Cricket sighed and smiled. "We have to go help someone."

"You comes back, wight?"

"You bet'cha. And we'll have the best birthday party ever!"

Betty walked up behind her little girl. "April, what did you want to show me honey?" The girl beamed and showed off the drawing she had just made. "Theys you mommy, me, mister Hawy, and miss Cwicket."

"Well, it's actually Misses Cricket now", the android said with a smile to her husband.

"Oh yeahs...So me gets to dwaw a babys Cwicket soon?" Cricket's smile widened. Harry seemed to turn pale. Cricket was about to say something when the rotound Mr. Decker knocked and entered.

"Saved by the Bill", Harry quipped.

Decker wasn't quite sure what the joke was and ignored it. "Ahhh....yeah. Well, I got your new id's right here." He went to Harry first. "There ya go Mr. Derrick Waverider."

Harry nearly choked. "Derrick Waverider??? Are you kidding me???"

"You wanted trendy, I got ya trendy!", was Decker's answer.

"How about me Bill?", Cricket asked. Decker looked over.

"That you Cricket?" The fembot beamed and posed like a model. Decker smiled.

"Well, you have me fooled. Anyway, here you go....Missy Hartford."

"Missy.....Hart......How come she get's the good name????", Harry cried in protest.

"Cause she's the assistant who just blends in. That's what ya wanted wasn't it??", Decker shot back.

Cricket was grinning like the cat who ate three cannaries. She was getting the good end of this deal, to her thinking.

"You have our transport all ready I trust....genius???", Harry said, trying to keep calm.

"Of course. As far as anyone can tell, I'm just making a regular drop-off to New Chicago in my cab. And don't worry, these ID's will fake out those GCPF dimwits easy."

"I should hope so.....old buddy."

Betty helped Cricket undo the plugs in her hair. The robot girl straitned herself out and walked up to Harry with her sweetest smile and her sweetest voice.

"Ready when you are Mr. Waverider."

Next: Witness to a malfunction

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Post by DollSpace » Tue Jan 25, 2005 9:54 pm

Awesome and cute! Does Cricket get to put her hair back into pigtails now? :-P

Can't wait for the next part!


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Post by kb7rky » Tue Jan 25, 2005 11:50 pm

As always, Butch, a pleasant and intriguing read.

Keep up the good work


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