Can't Get That Song Outta My Head - Prologue

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Can't Get That Song Outta My Head - Prologue

Post by ButchyBoy » Wed Jan 12, 2005 12:46 am

(A rather attractive looking red-head appears on a TV screen)

Good Evening, I'm Renee Miller, and this is the Chicagoland Territory Evening Report. Our top story tonight; For the first time since the end of the Second Civil War, the city of Old Chicago is starting to prosper. It bagan last Christmas Eve, when a sudden unexpected influx of much needed food and drink came of, from all places, the GolbalCon corporation. Up until now, this company has only seemed to have concerned itself with the welfare of the "new" domed cities. And add to that the sudden reappearance of reclusive billionaire, Carl Throckhammer. The announcement of his restarting Throckhammer Industries, and basing it here in Old Chicago, sent shockwaves around the world. Long ago bombed out structures, and those still standing but in ruin, are being rebulit and restored. New affordable homes are even going up in the mission distrect where the main city displacement shelter stood, just a mere six months ago. And there's even talk that territory Governor David Saunders is considering replacing the much critizied GCPF (GlobalCon Protection Force) and bringing back the Chicaco Police Department, disbanded five years ago. Harry Lang of The New Hope Detective Agency is being considered to be brought on board, as consultant...

The TV screen was suddenly shut off. The man watching had seen enough. He sat alone in his large office, which sat on the top floor of the GlobalCon buliding in the center of New Chicago. That man was Lanny "The Shark" Roykirk, now simply known as The Chairman. The entire news report, in particular, the mention of the name Harry Lang, made the villian sick to his stomach. Hearing another name might have had him hurling somthing into that plasma screen; Cricket. After that whole Nightingale affair last Christmas, The Chairman felt very lucky to get away with just a severe tongue lashing and a few hundred thousand dollars deleated from his personal account; payment to the Toyko investors for not getiing the party they had been promised. Since then, he had one thing on his mind - revenge! He just wanted to get ahold of that meddelsome sexbot and smash her into a billion tiny parts. If there was just a way to get her....get both of them back to his "territory". His thoughts were interrupted by a loud buzz. He pressed the touch pad on his desk.


A pleasant female voice answered "Dr. Vox to see you sir."

"Send him in."

A hunched over bald-headed man with coke-bottled glasses entered. The Chairman nevered moved from his seat. He didn't even look at the man.

"I trust your're not wasting my time with this intrusioin Dr. Vox."

"Oh sir. It's finished." He held up a fedoa. The kind Harry Lang liked to wear.

"Show it to me:, The Chairman commanded

Dr. Vox shouted out the door, "Bring him in."

A large portly man in a three-piece suit entered. "You weanted to see me boss?" Again, The Chairman never looked up.

"Put the hat on!"

"Ok boss, sure thing." The fat man did as he was told. "Hmmm...a little tight, but nice fit. Now what?"

"Now Benny, you want to go bash your head on that wall over there."

Without batting an eye, the fat man said, "Ya know boss, I'm just gonna go bash my head against this wall over here." And that's exactly what he did, hitting his head against the far wall of the office, until the man knocked himself out.

"There, you see?", Vox said rather nervously. "He was wearing my special headbad inside that hat, and he does whatever you tell him."

The Chairman grinned and looked up for the first time. "Excellant work Dr. I want 5000 of them."

The hunched-over doctor looked shocked. "Fi-fi-f-f-five thou-thousand???"

"Yes Dr. Vox. 5000 Electra Storm headbahds." The Chairman pointed to a poster on the wall where the fat man was before. It said Electra Storm; Worldwide Video Concert; Live Everywhere Friday The young woman on the poster were a glittering low-cut dress, wit a bare mid-riff. Her hair was shocking pink, and she was sporting a head band bearing her name.

The Chairman was grinning from ear to ear now. "This Friday's worldwide concert will be bigger than anyone realizes. It will spell the end of Throckhammer Industries, Old Chicago, and most important, the end of Harry Lang, and a certain little robot!"

Just what is The Chairman's diobolical plan? Electra Storm, the hottest pop diva of 2022 has been reciving death threats. It seems someone donesn't want her performing the biggest gig of her career; A concert to be beamed all over the world. Storm hires Harry and Cricket to find out who's trying to kill her, and give her protection so the show does indeed go on. There's just one hitch; the concert takes place in the dome of New Chicago, a place Cricket swore she would never ever step foot into again. But go she does and adventure and danger follows. Keep your eyes posted to Fembot Central for Harry and Cricket's latest case; Can't Get That Song Outta My Head.

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Post by DollSpace » Wed Jan 12, 2005 4:26 am

And I eagerly await this next Cricket-filled adventure mew! ^^


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Post by kb7rky » Wed Jan 12, 2005 11:35 am

I knew it! I knew it!

Another fun-filled Harry and Cricket adventure!

Anxiously awaiting the successive chapters!

Doug (28 posts to go!)

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