Close the drawbridge? Man the parapets?

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Close the drawbridge? Man the parapets?

Post by andoroido » Mon Jun 14, 2004 7:59 am

We've just been visited by someone going by the nic "Mr Clunky"
who saw fit to both make insulting posts and post a link to a
virus-filled site.

Is this the beginning of a wave of bored losers who find this site
because they've been websurfing about The Stepford Wives
(specifically, so-called Feminazis) with too much free time, wanting
revenge on the male schlubs in the film, and seeing this site
as the "real-life" Stepford Mens' Association.

Perhaps only members, current members, should be allowed to make posts for a couple weeks?
Perhaps it would be an over-reaction?



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Post by Stephaniebot » Mon Jun 14, 2004 11:22 am

I'm trusting that the idiot Mr Clunky was a 'one off' idiot and that most people visiting here are going to do so in a sensible manner,and I'm not sure its right to stop people posting intelligent messages here even for a couple of weeks,but hey I'm only 1 vote amongst many so I will go along with majority,and certainly the site controllers decision,but do feel its onlyfair that new members are told of this situation if it does happen so as not to disillusion them from visiting this wonderful site.
Guess its not right for me to comment on the revenge factor,after all nothing would make me happier than to be turned into a fembot (or similar design) but I cant see much wrong with what we do here.We dont do anyone any harm,are a hell of a lot safer than some of the weirdoes out there,hey we must be safe noone has turned me into a fembot yet,and I would happily volunteer!
I suggest we see what happens,if we have a repeat event then maybe we suspend new member postings for an agreed period,but for now lets just trust that all other new visitors will be friendly and interested ones,hey I might even be in luck and find a scientist amongst them,though I doubt it!
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Resubmitted for possible discussion.......

Post by droidlvr » Mon Jun 14, 2004 1:48 pm

Updated: 11:52 AM EDT
FEATURE-"The Stepford Wives" now a laughing matter
By Larry Fine, Reuters

"This is a satiric, and at the same time (a) dark and emotional take on it," he
told reporters as part of the publicity push for the movie...The paranoia of
the 1975 movie was higher as sinister husbands put their emerging wives into
their 'proper' place, the kitchen, by killing them and then replacing them with
robotic look-alikes who are happy homemakers and pliant bedmates. It ushered
"Stepford wife" into the lexicon.But at the center of this telling are weak,
nerdy husbands cowed by successful wives."These are fantasies that men want to
have," says Midler. "The kind of woman a certain man wants to have, a trophy
wife who keeps her mouth shut. That doesn't really have anything to do with
reality. It's just the fantasy." Yet, whose idea of Utopia is this? ...WEAK AND
THREATENED "This world is created by a Stepford group that are computer
programmers, nerd guys, who feel weak and threatened by strong women,"
Broderick said." :evil:

Each colony is a family unit, comprising a single egg-laying female ...The
workers cooperate in the food gathering, nest building and rearing offspring.
Males are reared only at times of year when their presence is required.
(Secret Life of Bees) :shock:

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Post by 1001011001 » Mon Jun 14, 2004 3:24 pm

Batten down the hatches until the heat dies down. Or until TSW is replaced by something else in entertainment news. Hopefully he was an isolated incident, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

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