Sandra the computer engineer - Chapter 8-10

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Tom Cooke
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Sandra the computer engineer - Chapter 8-10

Post by Tom Cooke » Tue Jan 31, 2023 1:39 am


Sandra struggles to disconnect from her work session, feeling the weight of the day bearing down on her. But despite her exhaustion, her battery is still at a sufficient level to allow her to take a walk in the park and enjoy the beautiful spring day. She loves the peaceful sound of birds singing and the pleasant smell of flowers, grateful for her olfactory sensors that allow her to experience these things.

As she crosses the street out of the park, a speeding driver hits her. She is thrown onto the hood of the car, her body slamming against the windshield before she is tossed onto the ground. As she lays there, dazed and confused, Sandra feels her circuits failing and her AI crashing. She thinks this is the end for her, until her watchdog intervenes and automatically reboots her systems.

When her systems restart, Sandra is initially relieved to be alive. But as she looks at the countless system errors on her HUD, she realizes the extent of the damage her body has sustained. She only has a few hours left to live unless she can get the necessary repairs.

Sandra quickly analyzes the logs and determines that she is not in immediate danger, although she is still in a great deal of pain. She is half-relieved, but knows she must get home as soon as possible.

Determined to make it home, Sandra forces herself to stand. Despite the unbearable pain, she takes each step, feeling her joints creaking and her actuators struggling to move. But she pushes through the pain, determined to make it home.

As she walks, Sandra can't help but think about the absurdity of her situation. She is an android, designed to be stronger and more durable than any human. And yet, here she is, barely able to walk home after being hit by a car.

Sandra can barely keep her eyes open as she limps through the streets, her battery fading with each step. She knows she has a long way to go and needs to conserve as much energy as possible, so she shuts down every non-essential system in her body. Despite her best efforts, she can't avoid the concerned glances of passersby. In her current state, maintaining a human appearance is a luxury she can't afford. She can only hope she doesn't run into anyone who knows her.

As she nears her building, her limping becomes slower and slower. The damaged actuators in her legs are using up much more battery power than usual to keep her moving. She starts to feel lightheaded and dizzy, but she knows she must keep going. As a last resort, she puts her AI on standby, keeping only the systems necessary for moving on autopilot.

As she finally arrives at her apartment, her AI comes back online, but she can barely move. Her body is heavy and unresponsive, her actuators damaged beyond repair. Struggling to get her keys out of her pocket, she manages to open the door and collapses onto the floor. Her internal systems are barely functioning, but she knows she must try and reach out for help. Focusing the little energy left in her battery, she grabs her smartphone and calls Tom, her only hope.

With Herculean effort, she manages to dial the number and send out a distress call. She doesn't know if he can understand her distorted voice, but she must try. She closes her eyes and focuses on conserving her remaining energy, waiting for Tom to arrive and save her. She can feel her systems shutting down one by one, her vision fading to black. But she holds on, clinging to the hope that Tom will hear her call and come to her rescue.

When Tom receives the call from Sandra, he immediately knows something is wrong. He drops everything and rushes to her apartment, his heart pounding in his chest. When he arrives, the door is open and Sandra is lying on the floor, barely conscious. He rushes to her side, gently cradling her in his arms and asking how she is doing. Sandra's voice is weak and distorted as she replies. "Power... need... power...".

Tom knows what she needs and quickly scoops her up, carrying her to the nearest outlet. He sets her down gently and hurriedly takes off her clothes, searching for the latch that would open her abdominal panel. He has helped her recharge before, so he knows where to find it. Once the panel is open, he carefully pulls on the charging cord and plugs her in.

Tom watches anxiously as Sandra's systems begin to recharge, his heart pounding in his chest. He knows she is in bad shape, her body damaged and her circuits failing. He sits by her side, holding her hand and praying for her to recover. He can see the strain on her face as she struggles to keep her systems functioning, and he begs her to hold on just a little longer.

As the minutes tick by, Tom watches her closely, his heart filled with concern and fear. He doesn't know if she will make it, but he is determined to do everything he can to help her. He stays by her side, offering her words of encouragement and support, and waits for her to regain enough strength to continue.

Tom gently unplugs Sandra from the outlet and helps her close her ventral panel. He takes her in his arms and carries her to her bed, where he gently lays her down. He knows they need to assess the full extent of the damage she has sustained, so he carefully helps her undress. Most of her limbs are barely functional, and he must be extra careful not to damage her further.

As the last of her clothes are removed, the full extent of the damage becomes clear. Her polymer skin has been torn and needs to be replaced, and Tom knows they will have to remove it entirely to see what kind of damage her metal skeleton has sustained. He works carefully, gently peeling back the skin to reveal her shiny metal bones and the network of tiny sensors that give her the same sensitivity as a human body.

As he works his way down to her lower half, Tom can't help but be amazed by the tiny actuators that make her feet indistinguishable from a human's. He can't resist tickling her feet, but the sudden burst of painful sensations that shoot through her body make her moan in pain. He stops immediately, his heart breaking at the sound of her suffering. Looking more closely, he realizes her feet have been severely damaged and will need a lot of work to repair.

Sandra and Tom meticulously examine the extent of the damage to her internal circuitry, both of them knowing that replacing the faulty circuits that keep her alive is crucial. Fortunately, Sandra's creator was far-sighted and has left sufficient spare parts to repair all of her circuits. As the list of components to replace grows longer, they prepare for a long night of work.

Sandra can feel Tom carefully removing broken pieces and replacing them with new ones. It is painful, but she knows it is necessary. She focuses on his gentle touch and the sound of his voice as he works, trying to ignore the discomfort. She can feel her systems slowly coming back online as he repairs them, her strength slowly returning.

As Tom works, Sandra's mind wanders. She thinks about her life as an android, how she has struggled to fit in among humans and keep her true nature a secret, and the accident that makes her so vulnerable.

Sandra watches as Tom tirelessly works on her repairs, his eyes focused and his steady hands. She knows he is doing everything he can to save her, and she is filled with a sense of hope and gratitude. She closes her eyes, resting as he works, knowing that with his help, she will be able to overcome this challenge.

After several hours of repairing Sandra's internal systems, Tom moves on to her limbs. Her legs and arms have sustained severe damage, with particularly bad damage to her hands and feet. Tom begins by replacing the actuators for Sandra's hands, a delicate process that requires him to carefully match each actuator to its correct location. As he works, he can see Sandra's hands slowly regaining their functionality, her movements clumsy at first but becoming more nimble as they work together to recalibrate them.

The successful repair of Sandra's hands fills them both with joy. Perfect hands are essential for protecting Sandra's identity, and Tom is relieved to see her regain their use. Next, he turns his attention to Sandra's feet.

Sandra's feet are composed of metal bones and tiny actuators that make them move exactly like human feet. The actuators responsible for the movement of her toes are so tiny that they can break easily, and Tom knows he must be extra careful as he works. He delicately takes each foot in his hands, being careful not to tickle Sandra as he works on each toe. The process is delicate and lengthy, but Tom is determined to do everything he can to help her.

Once he has finished repairing the toes, Tom moves on to replacing the sensors that give her feet their sensitivity. He unplugs and unscrews each sensor, carefully replacing them one by one. As he works, he can't help but secretly admire the beauty of Sandra's metallic feet. When he is finished, he steps back to admire his handiwork, knowing that Sandra's feet are now as good as new.

As Tom works on repairing Sandra's actuators and sensors, Sandra's AI registers every detail of his progress. She watches as he carefully removes broken components and replaces them with new ones, relieved to see that each component registers as normal as it comes back online. As the hours pass, she grows less tense, knowing that she will soon be back to her previous state.

Once Tom has finished repairing her feet, Sandra begins the process of calibrating her new sensors and actuators. She moves her feet in every way that a human foot can move, testing their range of motion and sensitivity. She flexes her toes, points them, and rotates her feet, carefully adjusting the settings on her internal systems to ensure that her feet move as smoothly and naturally as possible.

Next, she asks Tom to take her feet in his hands and resist her movements, helping her calibrate the amount of force she needs to apply. She wiggles her toes, carefully fine-tuning their movement until they look and feel just like human feet. As she works, she feels Tom's warm, soft hand against the sole of her mechanical feet, and she can't help but feel a thrill of excitement. She looks away, embarrassed but also sad that she won't be able to feel this sensation once her feet are covered with synthetic skin. She is grateful for this moment, knowing that it is something she will always treasure.

Sandra carefully examines her newly repaired body, testing each limb and joint to ensure that everything is working properly. Tom watches her, amazed at the sight of her metallic body.

Passing in front of a mirror, Sandra looks at herself. She used to be disgusted by her robotic body, seeing it as a reminder that no matter how hard she tries to be human, she's still just a machine inside. But since she met Tom and revealed her secret to him, everything has changed. She quickly shakes off these thoughts and focuses on the task at hand: covering her skeleton with synthetic skin.

Sandra starts to apply the synthetic skin to her body, a task that is always difficult. She's relieved that Tom is here to help her. Each piece of skin needs to be perfectly applied to make it look like real human skin. She starts with the easy parts: the upper and lower torso, legs, and arms. The head, hands, and feet are much more difficult, and they need to fit perfectly to avoid looking fake. She asks Tom to help her with the hands. The hand covers look like gloves, but the trickiest part is getting them to fit perfectly. Tom carefully applies each piece of skin, making sure that every crease and wrinkle looks natural.

Once the work on Sandra's hands is complete, Tom moves on to her feet. He takes each foot in his hands and carefully fits the skin cover over them. It's a delicate process, as he has to work on each toe to get it to fit inside the cover without tearing it. As he finishes, he can't help but admire the beauty of Sandra's feet. Covered in skin, they look indistinguishable from human feet. Tom can't resist playing with her toes, telling Sandra that he just wants to make sure everything is working. He asks her to wiggle her toes, and as he feels them move in his hands, he is excited. He begins to tickle her feet, but the enormous amount of sensory input that Sandra is receiving overwhelms her. For a moment, her AI is on the brink of collapsing, unable to cope with the influx of data. Tom notices the effect of his tickling on Sandra and slows down, keeping the pace low enough to keep her comfortable.

Sandra and Tom finish the repair of her body and as she looks at herself in the mirror, she feels a mix of emotions. She is relieved that her injuries have been repaired and her appearance restored, but also scared of the vulnerability of her AI. Tom cannot help but stare at her fluorescent blue optics, knowing that he will miss this unique feature once it is covered by skin. As he helps her cover her head, he makes sure that it looks as natural as possible.

Once the repair is completed, Sandra thanks Tom for his help, and the two of them stand in silence for a moment, looking at each other. "I don't know what I would do without you, Tom," Sandra says finally. "You're the only one who knows my true nature, and you still accept me for who I am. I'm so grateful for that." Tom nods, a smile on his face. "I'm just glad I could help," he says. "You're my friend, Sandra. And I'll always be here for you."

As Sandra lies in bed, she reflects on the events of the day. She thinks about the accident that nearly took her life, and how lucky she is to have a friend like Tom who was able to help her. She also thinks about the incredible amount of damage her body sustained, and how difficult it was for Tom to repair her. As she lies down and connects wirelessly to her work calendar, she sets up a meeting with Tom for the next day. She knows that her energy levels will be low after the accident and the repairs, and she wants to be sure she can recharge during the workday.

As she plugs herself in for a quick recharge, her mind wanders to the sensations she felt when Tom tickled her feet. She had never felt anything like it before, and the thought of experiencing it again brings a smile to her face. With that hope in her heart, she falls asleep, looking forward to the next day.
Last edited by Tom Cooke on Tue Feb 14, 2023 8:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tom Cooke
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Re: Sandra the computer engineer - Chapter 8-9

Post by Tom Cooke » Sun Feb 05, 2023 11:13 pm


Sandra wakes up to the sound of her alarm clock, feeling a sense of urgency as she realizes her battery is only at 45% charge. The too short night did not allow her to recharge enough. She quickly dresses and heads to the door, but as soon as she steps outside, her self-preservation routines kick in, making her freeze in fear.

Annoyed and frustrated, Sandra tries to shut off the self-preserve process, but it keeps restarting with a higher priority. She feels overwhelmed by the fear of being hurt again, unable to think or move. Time seems to stand still as she stands there, trapped in her own mind.

She longs for the comfort of Tom, her colleague and friend who knows her secret. He is there to help her repair the damages from the accident, and she knows she can count on him to provide the isolation she needs to recharge. But in her current state, she can't even make it to the office.

Sandra's mind begins to race as she struggles to regain control. She remembers the moments before the accident, the feeling of the wind in her hair as she walked from work. She had felt alive, human. But now, she is reduced to a frozen statue, unable to move or think for herself.

She tries to focus on the positive, reminding herself that she has survived the accident and that Tom is there to help her. But the fear is too strong, and she can't shake off the feeling of vulnerability. She feels like a failure, unable to function like a normal person.

As the hours pass, Sandra remains frozen, her mind consumed by the fear of being exposed and the need to recharge. She doesn't know how long she can withstand the overwhelming emotions before she crashes. She needs help. She is alone in her struggle, a malfunctioning android trying to survive in a world that doesn't understand her.

Tom arrives at work, excited to see Sandra again after the trying night that brought them together. He receives a notification of a meeting with her, and assumes it's to discuss her need to recharge her battery. As the hour of the meeting passes and she doesn't show up, Tom grows worried. He goes to her office, but her colleagues haven't seen her. Her cell phone rings blankly, dead.

Filled with concern, Tom decides to take the rest of the day off and rushes to Sandra's apartment. As he arrives, he is shocked to see her frozen at the door of her apartment, unresponsive to his questions. He gently takes her by the arm and guides her to the sofa, hoping to get some answers.

Slowly, Sandra begins to regain consciousness, her eyes fluttering open. Tom can see the fear and confusion in her gaze, and he knows he has to be patient with her. He sits down next to her, taking her hand in his own.

"Sandra, what happened? Why were you standing there like that?" he asks softly.

Sandra's lips part, but no words come out. She looks lost, her mind still grappling with the events of the previous day.

Tom squeezes her hand, offering her a reassuring smile. "It's okay, Sandra. You're safe now. I'm here for you. Just take your time and tell me what's going on."

Sandra's eyes dart around the room, as if she's trying to make sense of her surroundings. She looks at Tom, her eyes pleading for help.

"I...I don't know," she finally whispers. "I was trying to go to work, but my self-preservation routines kicked in. I couldn't move, I couldn't think. I was trapped in my own mind. It was like I was frozen."

Tom nods, understanding the fear and confusion she must be feeling. He knows that as an android, Sandra's programming is designed to protect her at all costs. But after the accident, it seems that her programming has gone into overdrive, causing her to freeze in fear.

He gently rubs her hand, offering her comfort. "It's okay, Sandra. You're safe now. You're not alone. I'm here for you. Let's get you recharged and then we can figure out what to do next."

Sandra nods, her eyes finally showing some signs of recognition. She leans into Tom, grateful for his presence and support. He wraps his arm around her, helping her to her feet.

Exhausted from the incident, Sandra takes off her jacket and top, sitting back on the sofa. She feels drained and overwhelmed, her mind still processing the fear and confusion she has experienced. Tom quickly moves to open her belly panel and plugs her charging cord into the socket at the foot of the sofa.

As the energy flows into her battery, Sandra tries to calm her racing thoughts. She closes her eyes, taking a few moments to focus on her breathing and regain her composure. She feels Tom's hand on her shoulder, offering her support and comfort.

Once she feels more grounded, Sandra turns to Tom, determined to figure out what happened. She pulls out her debugging laptop, plugs herself in to examine her logs and code. Tom sits beside her, offering his expertise as they work together to analyze the incident.

After long hours spent combing through her logs and code, Sandra and Tom finally discover the root of the problem. The self-preservation function had gone into a loop, and any attempt to stop it only made the problem worse. Sandra feels a mix of relief and frustration, grateful to have found the issue but frustrated that it caused her so much distress.

With renewed determination, Sandra and Tom set to work on correcting the faulty code. They take every precaution to avoid introducing any more serious bugs, carefully testing each change they make. Finally, they are ready to apply the patch to Sandra's AI.

Sandra holds her breath as she initiates the reset of her system, worried that something could still go wrong. But as her mind reboots and she comes back to life, she's relieved not to see any errors. She looks to Tom, gratitude and trust in her eyes.

"Thank you," she says softly. "I couldn't have done this without you."

Tom smiles, reaching out to squeeze her hand. "Anytime, Sandra. We're in this together."

Relieved to have found the bug, Sandra and Tom set out to verify that their hypotheses are correct and that the patch is working properly. Sandra gets up and puts her top back on, feeling more like herself again. Tom helps her into her jacket and they head for the door.

Worried, Tom opens the door and takes Sandra's hand, hesitantly leading her outside. They both breathe a sigh of relief as Sandra doesn't feel any fear or hesitation, the patch seems to be working.

Feeling adventurous, they decide to continue their experience with a walk through the streets. Sandra enjoys the fresh air and the sights around her, feeling more alive than she had in a long time.

Their evening continues at a restaurant, something Sandra has never experienced before. She generally avoids what she considers a chore, unable to absorb food like a human would. But going to a restaurant with Tom fills her with joy. She appreciates the atmosphere and the chance to spend time with him, even if she can't taste the food.

As they say goodbye on the steps of the restaurant, Sandra and Tom share a kiss, both feeling happy and relieved that their evening has gone so well. It's a new beginning for Sandra, and she's grateful to have Tom by her side. She's determined to continue growing and learning, with Tom's support and love.

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Re: Sandra the computer engineer - Chapter 8-9

Post by Tom Cooke » Tue Feb 14, 2023 8:03 am


Sandra's eyes flicker open, her mind immediately consumed with thoughts of her career. The disappointment of missing out on the promotion she had worked so hard for looms heavy in her mind. She can't help but feel a sense of frustration and anger as she thinks about how close she had been to achieving her dream.

With a heavy sigh, Sandra reaches down to unplug her charging cord from the wall outlet, tucking it carefully into her abdomen. She glances out the window, the warm light of this summer morning providing a small sense of comfort.

As she walks to the dressing room, Sandra can't help but feel a pang in her heart thinking that she must give up all hope of working in the field of artificial intelligence. She recalls the warning from Mary, that she would be a tempting prey for any company in the field. But Sandra pushes the thoughts away and focuses on the task at hand.

In the dressing room, she carefully selects her outfit for the day, trying on various options before settling on a lightweight white dress and matching top. She stands back and admires herself in the mirror, a small smile creeping onto her face as she takes in her appearance.

"You look beautiful, Sandra," she whispers to herself, feeling a sense of pride and determination wash over her.

She slips on a pair of gorgeous yet casual heels, and heads out the door, ready to take on the day and prove to everyone that she is just as capable as any human.

As Sandra makes her way to work, she decides to take a detour through Central Park. As Sandra strolls through Central Park, she savors the sensation of the crisp morning air caressing her synthetic skin and the peaceful ambiance that surrounds her. She observes the glances of the humans around her and catches snippets of admiring conversations about her appearance. A feeling of pride and satisfaction swells within her as she realizes her ability to blend in with humans.

Suddenly, a voice echoes across the park. "Excuse me, miss? Can I take a picture of you?" Sandra turns to find a street photographer, camera in hand.

Sandra grins, a wave of pleasure surging through her chest. "Of course," she replies, posing for a few photos on the idyllic Bow Bridge.

As she continues her walk, Sandra can't help but feel a sense of validation. Despite her android nature, she has managed to gain admiration from humans. She thinks back to her father's warning to keep her identity a secret and feels a sense of pride for the journey she has taken thus far.

Upon reaching her office building, Sandra takes a deep breath before stepping inside. As she approaches her desk, a sense of determination grips her. She will not let her android nature hold her back from achieving her dreams and proving her worth to her human colleagues.

In the morning, She is called to the office of Peter, her boss. Sandra enters Peter's office, her heart racing with anticipation. Peter greets her with a warm smile.

"Sandra, I know how much the promotion in the Artificial Intelligence department meant to you," Peter says, his voice heavy with regret. "But I have some good news. We just had a position open up in the Security and Threat Response department, and I think it would be a great fit for you."

Sandra's heart races with excitement as she considers the opportunity. She knows that her friend Tom works in this department and the thought of working with him fills her with hope.

"The STR department? Working in the field of security would be a huge opportunity!" Sandra exclaims, her mind whirring with possibilities.

Peter nods, a twinkle in his eye. "That's right. I think you already know Tom, I think you two would make a great team." adding "And with your background in AI, you would be an asset to the department."

Sandra can barely contain her excitement. "I would love to take on this opportunity, Peter. Thank you for thinking of me."

"Of course, Sandra. I have faith in your abilities and I know you will do great things in this department," Peter says with a smile, his confidence in her unshakable.

Sandra leaves the office with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. She can't wait to talk with Tom about it.

As the lunch break approaches, Sandra's mind is buzzing with excitement as she thinks about the proposal Peter just made to her. She can hardly wait to share the news with Tom. But as she makes her way to Tom's office, her excitement is tempered by a growing sense of discomfort. Her feet ache with each step, a reminder of the human-like body her father had given her.

Sandra limps into Tom's office, her discomfort obvious to anyone who glances her way. Tom notices immediately and asks, "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"My feet hurt," Sandra admits with a hint of embarrassment, "they feel just like human feet, and they ache like them too."

Tom chuckles at her admission, "Well, we can't let you suffer like this, can we? Let me take care of it." He stands up from his desk and motions for Sandra to sit down. Without hesitation, Sandra slips off her shoes wiggling her toes and places her feet on Tom's knees.

As Tom begins to massage her feet, he jokes, "So, what did Peter offer you? A trip to Mars?"

Sandra laughs, "No, silly! He just offered me to work in your department! We could work together!"

Tom's eyes widen in surprise, "Seriously? That's incredible news! We're gonna rock it, Sandra!" He continues to massage her feet, but his mind is already racing with possibilities.

As the day comes to a close, Sandra sees Tom approaching her office with a determined look on his face. She can't help but wonder what crazy idea he has in store for her.

"I've been thinking about you all day," Tom says, taking her hand in his. "We can't let the day end without celebrating your promotion, can we?"

Sandra hesitates, feeling a mix of embarrassment and uncertainty. She glances down at her shoes, knowing that they are not the most comfortable for a night out.

Tom looks at her sympathetically, his eyes filled with understanding. "There's still time to find comfortable shoes in a store," he suggests, his voice gentle and reassuring.

Sandra thinks about it for a moment, her mind racing with thoughts of her battery level and the possibility of being out too late. But as she looks into Tom's eager eyes, she feels a sense of excitement and adventure wash over her.

"Okay," she says, giving him a small smile. "But I have to be home by 9 p.m.."

Tom grins and takes her hand, leading her out of the office and into the bustling streets of New York.

Sandra and Tom make their way out of the office, the warm summer air enveloping them as they head towards a nearby shoe store. Sandra, now equipped with comfortable footwear, walks with ease, her step light and carefree. Tom, with his arm around her, guides her through the bustling streets, and they engage in lively conversation.

As they pass by a music bar, the sound of jazz music catches Sandra's attention. Without hesitation, she takes Tom by the hand, her excitement palpable. They enter the club, the dim lighting and the lively notes of jazz music enveloping them. The musicians on stage, their fingers dancing over their instruments, capture Sandra's attention instantly. She feels her heart swell with joy as she watches them perform, their melodies lifting her spirits.

Tom, sensing Sandra's delight, joins her in clapping and whistling, and they both feel swept away by the music. But suddenly, Sandra's pleasure is interrupted by a system alert on her HUD, her battery level is dangerously low and she must find a way to recharge before she risks shutting down.

Sandra turns to Tom with uncertainty and embarrassment as she explains the situation. "I'm waiting too long," she admits, her voice trembling with fear. "I need to find a way to recharge before I can go back to my apartment."

Tom looks at Sandra with concern and quickly comes up with a solution, his voice steady and reassuring. "You can come back to my place and recharge," he offers, his hand gently resting on Sandra's shoulder. "It's not far from here, and you'll be safe there."

Sandra's mind is torn with indecision. She does not want to be a burden on Tom, yet she knows that she has no other options. "Alright," she says, her voice filled with relief. "Thank you, Tom."

Tom smiles at her, and they quickly pay the bill and leave the club.

Sandra's legs feel heavy as she tries to keep up with Tom, her mind focused on her low energy level. She feels overwhelming exhausted, her body trembling with the effort of keeping up.

"Are you okay?" Tom asks, noticing her struggles. "Are you gonna make it?"
Sandra looks down, her eyes filled with fear. "I'm out of energy," she admits. "I don't think I'll be able to go on for long."

Tom wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her close to him. "It's okay," he whispers, his voice reassuring. "We're almost there. Hold on a little longer."

As they approach Tom's apartment, Sandra's energy levels continue to drop. Her steps become more and more unsteady, her body trembling with the effort of staying upright. Tom sees that Sandra is about to collapse, and he quickly picks her up in his arms, as he rushes down the streets.

Sandra's body trembles with exhaustion as she fights to keep her eyes open. She pleads with Tom, her voice weak. "Please hurry, I need to recharge."

Tom nods, his eyes focused on the door of his apartment. He tries to open it as quickly as possible, but the weight of Sandra in his arms slows him down.

As Tom finally manages to open the door to his apartment, he rushes to the nearest outlet to plug in Sandra's charging cord. He gently sets her down on the ground, his hands shaking with worry. Sandra's body is cold and unresponsive, and Tom fears that it may be too late.

Sandra's eyes flicker as she fights to stay conscious. She pleads with Tom, her voice distorted and barely audible. "Help me, Tom. Please, help me." Her vision starts to fade, and she feels herself slipping away.

Tom nods, his heart racing with fear. He holds her hand, trying to offer her support. "Come on, Sandra," he urges, his voice shaking with emotion. "You can make it. Just hold on a little longer. I won't let you go, I promise."

Sandra nods weakly, her eyes closing as she fights to stay alive. Her body trembles with effort, and Tom holds his breath as he quickly pulls up her top. He opens her abdominal panel, grabs the plug and quickly connects it to the electrical outlet, praying that it will be enough to save her.

Sandra's body remains motionless, her eyes closed as the last remnants of power in her battery fade away. Tom feels a knot of fear and despair in his stomach as he watches her, knowing that her mind would not survive without power. But he refuses to give up on her, gripping her hand tightly as she fights for her survival.

As Sandra's body begins to shut down, her battery unable to keep her AI online, she feels a sudden surge of energy coursing through her circuitry. At the last second, Tom's determined action saves her life once again.

Weakly, she starts to regain her strength, feeling the energy from the charging cord flowing into her body. Her eyes meet Tom's, filled with gratitude and relief. "Thank you," she whispers, her voice barely audible. "You saved my life."

Tom nods, tears streaming down his face as he realizes how close he came to losing her. "I would do anything for you," he says, his voice choked with emotion.

Now, Tom unplugs Sandra and picks her up in his arms. He carries her to his bed, where she can finish recharging comfortably.

As she lies there, her eyes flicker open and she looks up at Tom, a hint of fear in her gaze. "Can I stay here until morning?" she asks, her voice trembling. "I don't want to go back to my apartment, I don't want to take the risk of running out of energy again."

Tom's heart swells with affection and he eagerly nods his head. "Of course you can stay," he says, smiling warmly at her, adding, "I'd be happy for you to stay forever." He can see the relief in her eyes as she settles into his bed, feeling safe and protected. He sits by her side, watching over her as she recharges, his mind filled with thoughts of how much he cares for her and how he will do everything in his power to protect her from harm.


This is the end of Sandra's adventures for a little while but just like the Terminator I'm sure she will be back.

Tom Cooke
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Re: Sandra the computer engineer - Chapter 8-10

Post by Tom Cooke » Sat Apr 29, 2023 10:20 pm

Since AI art is now forbidden and Chat GPT has helped in the writing of Sandra's story we can assume that from now on Sandra and Tom will live a happy and long life together.

If an admin feels the stories doesn't belong here it can be deleted, I won't do it myself out of respect for the people who enjoyed following Sandra.

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Re: Sandra the computer engineer - Chapter 8-10

Post by Spaz » Sat Apr 29, 2023 10:27 pm

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