An Unexpected Offer - Chapters 28, 29, & 30

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An Unexpected Offer - Chapters 28, 29, & 30

Post by botfriend2000 » Tue Dec 06, 2022 8:05 am

Time for a few more chapters once again. I hope you enjoy these. The story only has a handful left after these, but there is still plenty of sex, action, more robotic scenes, twists and turns. Thanks again for all of you who have followed this from start to finish. Enjoy ☺️

Chapter 28 -

The bed bounced violently as Celeste plopped herself down onto it directly behind Adalynn. “Wake up you two sleepy heads!” She exclaimed jubilantly. Her French accent articulating each syllable.

Rolling over and giving her the stare of death, “Celeste, what time is it exactly?” I asked, rubbing my eyes. Adalynn reached over and ran her hand across my arm.
“It’s six twenty-one a.m. Time to get moving. Oh, and I believe you two made the most noise last night.” Celeste answered with a giggle.

“How was your night with Mandi?” Adalynn asked as she emulated stretching her arms out. Her question was probably for my benefit more than her curiosity since I knew they shared their wireless link constantly.

Celeste’s expression seemed to brighten as she smiled. “Wonderfully exquisite! My new body can process the data much faster than my old one and ..” She paused for effect. “..Mandi is such a genuine person once she lets her walls down. She told me that I’m drastically different from Serena, and that she’s excited to see why that is once they can start going through all the data and files from here.”

Scooting myself into a sitting position I looked between Celeste and Adalynn. “So what does that mean, that you’re different?”
Celeste shook her head, “Mandi didn’t elaborate, but I’d believe it has to do with my personality matrix. You can ask her yourself over breakfast.”

Surprised by her answer, I sat up straight. “Over breakfast?” I asked. “Yeah. I’m making breakfast for you both. She asked me if she could join you while I worked to prepare it. I agreed and felt it would help build a stronger relationship between you two.” Celeste answered as she bolted off the bed and back out of the room. Closing the door behind her with a thud.

As dizzying as that was, I got the feeling that I was being set up for something else here this morning. Turning to Adalynn who had now raised herself to a sitting position beside me I leaned over to kiss her. “Would you care to shower with me?” I asked.

Adalynn leaned back in and kissed me passionately. Breaking apart and looking me squarely in the eyes, “Most definitely.”
Taking my hand in hers, she pulled me off the bed and towards the bathroom.

After we had both showered and dressed for the day we headed out to the kitchen. The aroma of hot food wafted down the hall as we approached. Once we had rounded the corner I saw that Mandi was already seated at the table with a cup of hot coffee in front of her as she read from a tablet in her hand. “Good morning Mandi.” Adalynn greeted her. Looking up and smiling at the two of us, she waved us to sit down and join her. “Morning you two, please have a seat.” She said in a chipper tone.

Taking a seat across from Mandi with Adalynn on my left, Mandi sat her tablet down and reached for her coffee.

“Three minutes and I’ll have you both dished up,” Celeste informed us.

“Mmmm, coffee is hot,” Mandi stated, looking directly at me. “Mike, can I ask you a question?”

Tilting my head and giving her a nod. “Awesome. First I want to say thank you so much for allowing Celeste and me to spend last night alone. Our experience together has been intimate, educational, and enlightening.”

Smiling back at her I was appreciative of her gratitude. “You’re very welcome. Celeste said as much to Adalynn and me earlier this morning.” I told her.

“Yes, I thought she might. That’s part of my question for you and I’m formulating a theory as to why she may be who she is. Have you ever had an opportunity to interact with a Synth-Replica android or any other manufacturer of android prior to meeting Adalynn or Celeste?” Mandi asked with some excitement.

Scratching my chin to think about it, “The only other time where I’ve actually spent any time with an android was at a celebrity brothel in Las Vegas a little over a year ago. She was a little static and artificial, but nothing like either of these two girls here. And I’ve seen a few others from a distance but with no direct interactions.” I related to her. Mandi seemed to blush a little as I told her it was at a brothel.

“Can I ask you how Celeste or Adalynn compare to the android you spent your time with? Overall, personality or sexually?”

Adalynn turned slightly in her chair, probably to see my reaction and expression. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Celeste had paused as well.

Clearing my throat before answering, “Well it’s a night and day difference. Adalynn and Celeste are just as real and human-like in their conversations as are their actions and movements, it’s as if we’ve been friends and have known each others their for years. They're comfortable to be around, their movements are fluid with no obvious outward appearance. Sexually speaking they are more than amazing.” I paused to gather my thoughts. “The uh..celebrity android, she was good at the time, I noticed a few minor speech hiccups but reflecting back on that experience, there were moments when she acted robotically, scripted, her conversation skills lacked depth,” I explained.

Mandi clasped her hands together, nodding her head. “Thank you. It’s not just me then.” Mandi looked at both Adalynn and Celeste, then back at me. “Nicholas has made some amazing personal changes to their programming. Incredible personality changes from what we currently have. Tweaks that I’m hoping to find as we comb through the files from here to make comparisons and eventually incorporate into future models and versions.”

I nodded back at Mandi, “Yes. Nicole informed me that Nicholas Faraday had been given certain liberties in modifying Adalynn’s and Celeste’s personalities in order to make them appear and act more human. And that’s very much how I see them.” I said, glancing between them both.

Mandi clapped her hands, “So true in fact. You both act and behave so naturally, so fluidly. My Serena is different from you Celeste in so many ways. Not as static as you’ve described your experience, Mike, but not entirely the same as Celeste or Adalynn either. There are so many similarities, and you are right! They seem so human it’s crazy and I … excuse me, Synth-Replica hopes to integrate those changes to make our product lines even better in the immediate future. Until I actually took the time to visit and talk with Celeste, and with what Meng Li told me about her conversations with Adalynn, I didn’t realize the scope of difference that Nicholas Faraday had achieved.” She explained as Celeste brought our plates of hot food over. Setting them in front of us.

Adalynn suggested that we eat and ponder on our discussion as we ate. She arose to help clean and tidy up while Celeste soon came over and sat on my right-hand side. There was definitely a difference in my experience between when I was in Vegas and here now with Adalynn and Celeste. When I had arrived on Friday for the furnace repair I was convinced that Adalynn was just as human as I was, and perhaps that’s why I continued to see her and Celeste in that light.

Finishing my last bite I pushed the plate to the side. Celeste pushed back her chair, stood, and took my plate. “And what of that, Mike? Right here. How Celeste and Adalynn just get to work cleaning up and doing chores?” Mandi asked.

Drinking the last swallow of my coffee and peering over the rim of the cup at her, then setting my cup down on the table. “Mmm, I think I see what you're getting at. Their subconscious core directives? Is that what you‘re referring to?” I answered.

“Yes.” Mandi shook her head in agreement. “They get right to it, but they do it so fluidly, without asking. They recognized that you’re done.” She said with excitement, leaning closer towards me.

“Right now our top-tier level three androids will ask you before committing to that task. It’s those little things that I’ve noticed over the last two days, a human quality within them both. Nicholas has perfected an aspect of their programming so that they act and appear just like us. Does that make sense?” Mandi asked me pointedly.

At that moment a memory flashed to the forefront of my mind. “Mandi! Oh girl, have I got something for you!” I blurted out, slapping my hand on the table.

“I believe I may have come across something the other night that may be exactly what you're looking for. I discovered a handful of files on the computer in the den across the hall. Files named: Personalities” I told her.

Mandi stood, pushing back her chair looking rather excited. “Really! Please, would you show me?”


With Mandi, Adalynn and Celeste huddled tightly behind me I brought the computer to life and clicked on the folder that I had discovered the other night.

“May I?” Mandi asked, indicating that we switch places, and she have access to the keyboard. I took note that Mandi was obviously making the effort to say please and thank you. Her entire demeanor had changed since our little encounter yesterday afternoon.

As the three of us silently watched Mandi open and browse through each folder I glanced over at Adalynn. “I was going to ask you about these when we had a moment alone. I’m sorry that I was frustrated with you about not disclosing stuff to me. It’s karma, and I completely understand now. There just hasn’t been the time or place to do so.” I said apologetically.
Referencing my previous outbursts and acknowledging just how fast everything had been moving over the last few days.

“Oh, Mike. Of course I accept your apology. But I believe your assumptions are correct. These files may indeed contain the changes Nicholas made to our original core personality matrix.” Adalynn said with a smile.

Mandi was silent for several minutes as we watched her flip back and forth between the multiple screens she had opened. Taking a deep breath and letting it out, I’d come to realize three things. First, Mandi was going to be here studying these files for a while. Two, it was now a little past seven-thirty in the morning and I needed to make a call into the office, and thirdly, Celeste had been casually, yet subtly running her hands up, over, across, and down my back and more than once she had traced my butt crack through my jeans with her fingers.

“If you’ll excuse me, I need to go make a phone call. Ladies, I’ll need some privacy for a few minutes.” And having said that I excused myself.

“Mike!” Mandi called out, looking up at me. I spun around and stopped with one foot in the room and the other in the entry glancing back at her. “Thank you.”

Swallowing hard, I tipped my head at her, “Hopefully it’s what you need.” Having said that, I continued on my way.

Closing the bedroom door behind me I walked over to the chair beside the bed, pulled out my phone, and called the office. Hoping that all would be well by the time I was done.


By the time I had hung up and looked at the timer on the phone, a little over seventeen minutes had passed. Standing up and walking to the bathroom, I needed to splash my face with some cool water. I’d changed my mind and tendered my resignation over the phone. Tim Jenkins, my boss, was stunned by what I had told him but he understood. I had stretched the truth about meeting Adalynn previously and how we hit it off over the weekend rekindling our relationship again and about how her now-deceased husband had left her a sizable life insurance policy and property. How she had asked for assistance from me to help get a few things in order that she had no idea how to take care of. That we were going to see how things worked out between us over the next few months. Tim was sad to let me go and offered me my position should I decide to come back later.

Originally Adalynn and I had discussed taking a few days off and then working four or five days more, but this was cleaner I felt. Being done and moving forward.

There was a knock at the bedroom door as I splashed the cold, cool water on my face. “I’m in here,” I said, calling out, Knowing that it would be either Adalynn or Celeste.
To my surprise, it was both of them. “How did your phone call go?” Adalynn asked as they both stopped just outside the doorway.

“Eavesdropping now are we?” I asked sarcastically.

Reaching for the hand towel on the ring as I turned the water off. They waited patiently as I dried my face off. “I tendered my resignation effective immediately. I changed my mind and just wanted to be done so we could all move forward together.” I explained.
Celeste's expression was one of surprise while Adalynn’s looked more serious.
“We respect your decision, Mike. Are you sure though?” She asked quietly.

Leaning against the countertop I did a sideways glance at them both through the mirror. Half looking at myself and half looking at them. “I would have been miserable and useless if I had to leave and go back to work. My mind would have been here with you both and that would create a safety concern. So, what’s done is done.” I explained to them.

Adalynn entered the room and proceeded to embrace me with a hug. After a few moments of holding each other, she parted first. “Mandi believes you found our corresponding personality changes and she’s overjoyed. After you left she praised you saying just how kind and amazing you are. How lucky Celeste and I are to have you. That she misjudged all of us and with how she initially treated you, and that you could have easily withheld that information in spite of everything until they eventually came across it as they combed through everything. I thought you’d like to know that.”

“Thank you, that does mean a lot. At first, I found her to be coarse and rude. But she has built some pretty tough walls around who she really is. It takes time to get to know someone.” I said sympathetically.

Celeste let a small laugh escape. “Well, I guess we’re all guilty and will just need to spend some more quality time together. Thanks, Mike, for clearing your busy work schedule. I guess you can do as you please now.”

I could sense that there was something else as the two of them shared a quick glance. “Ask away,” I said, waving my hands in the air. Celeste stepped forward this time. “Mandi’s agreed to get an early start with Adalynn and I was hoping that maybe you and I could exercise together. You know, that ‘do as you please’ part of life.” She said, batting her eyes at me and lowering her head, appearing bashful and sexy at the same time.

I knew and understood fully well her meaning of exercise and please. Us having sex together. I faked a cough. “You’re a nymphomaniac, you know that right?”

Both girls laughed hysterically as I stood and watched. “Seriously, Mike. I’m just joking. We wanted to see your reaction.” Celeste said as she continued to giggle. “Although I am always wanting, willing, and ready for sex. Especially with you.”

Adalynn brushed my arm, turning my attention to her. “Truthfully though Mandi did state she would be willing to get an early start with my download. So that would free you up for anything you might want to do as you have been in a constant go go go mode for several days now. Being honest, some downtime might be beneficial for you.”

Pursing my lips as I stared at the ceiling, “You’re serious?” I said, looking at both of them, stunned. The room was silent for a few seconds as we all stood there. Adalynn finally nodded before answering, “Yes.”

Finding myself suddenly to be the one in charge and needing to give direction, “Adalynn, why don’t you go ask Mandi to get started with the download. You’ll be occupied with that for at least half the day or so. Celeste and I can hold our own and take care of anything else that may arise. In fact if you want to assist with that process Celeste, by all means, do it. It’ll be good for you to be familiar with the process. I’ll admit I am a little exhausted both emotionally and physically and some quiet time alone for meditation will do me some good. When Meng Li and the other technicians get here please see to them if you would. Celeste, if you want to join me in a while and just sit or lay with me, I’m good with that too.”

Adalynn stepped forward and wrapped her arms around me, and Celeste followed, joining in the group hug. “As you wish, Mike. Come and check on me later if you would please. I’d really like that.”
Pulling her close by her waist I answered her, “Of course, don’t worry, and don’t overtax your processors. Everything will be just fine.”

As we all parted I caught Celeste giving me a worried look. “I’ll be back after a while to find you if that’s alright.” She stated, then both girls turned and left, leaving me consciousnessly alone for the first time since I arrived here nearly three days ago. As I focused for a moment, I could hear Adalynn and Mandi’s muffled conversation near the front entry. But beyond that the house was quiet, and it was nice.

Chapter 29 -

It’s crazy to realize how fast time goes by when you’re doing nothing. Nearly three hours had passed since Adalynn and Celeste left me alone in the master bedroom. I had closed the door, propped myself up on the bed against the wall, and taken out my cell to browse the web and just veg out. After checking some emails and my bank account, I went back to surfing some random miscellaneous sites and then that led to playing a few different games for a while and then dozing off for a little more than an hour. Shaking off my grogginess I walked out of the bedroom and down the hall to the stairs. Stopping to look and listen, no one else was up here.

Upon entering the maintenance room Celeste nearly bowled me over on her way out. “I was just coming to find you, Mike. Did you enjoy your quiet time?”

“Yeah, I actually did. I’m sorry if I took too much time for myself.” I told her. Celeste reached up gently grabbing my right bicep, “Oh, no worries, Mike. You can always have as much time as you need whenever you need it. Please don't feel obligated to keep Adalynn or me engaged or entertained at all times. We are the ones that are here for you. Not you for us.”

Surprised once again, what she said clicked, it wasn't my responsibility to keep them occupied. I was still me and I could do what I wanted when I wanted. Within reason of course. “How’s Adalynn doing?”

“She’s doing real good, go in and say hi. I’m gonna head upstairs and start some lunch prep for you and the others.” Celeste replied before turning to walk away.

Giving Celeste a nod, I turned and walked over to where Adalynn stood beside her server rack and her body doubles. Meng Li was relating some story to her. “Mike!” Adalynn’s face brightened as she saw me approach. “Hey,” I replied. Meng Li turned in my direction. “Adalynn is more than halfway done with her download.” She stated.
I gave Meng Li a small bow of acknowledgement, “I have a question regarding that if I may?” She smiled and nodded at me.
“So, if Adalynn sends a nightly backup to her servers here. Why couldn’t you just pull a copy from them instead of downloading one directly from her?” I asked.

Pointing a teasing finger at me and shaking it. “That is a very good question, Mike. The answer is we do that too. Aside from Adalynn’s active running system backup, we will pull last night’s backup, one from three months ago, another from six months ago, and one from a year ago. All so we might compare the differences and see what adaptive changes Adalynn has gone through. We want to be thorough and not miss an opportunity to improve our products and be able to avoid costly issues such as system and software conflicts. Things of that nature.” Meng Li explained.

“Thank you for explaining that to me,” I told her.
Turning my attention back to Adalynn who had more than one cable attached to the base of her head, and another on the front side of her neck. “You’re immobile but not deactivated?”

“Shaking her head at me, “No, unlike yesterday with Celeste, I am able to remain active and alert, clothed and responsive. Keeping me immobile allows for faster processing power, and a shorter away time from you.” Adalynn stated.

“Mike?” Meng Li called my name. Turning my head in her direction, I made eye contact with the shorter Asian woman. “I thought I would let you know that Adalynn’s upgrade body and the backup body for Celeste will both be here Thursday.” She said with some excitement. “And, I’m sending you something relatively new to play with and test out,” Mandi said, adding to the conversation as she walked up behind me.

Spinning around to face her, “Test out?” I asked, confused. Mandi placed her hands in the pockets of her white lab coat. “Yeah, I’m not going to say too much about her other than she suits the needs and wants of a particular genre of persons.” She said with a sly grin.

“Hold on here,” Raising both my hands, palms out. “Is she some new prototype Android?” I asked, raising my voice a little above normal. Mandi shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Mike. No, she’s not a prototype per se, more of a fun, arousing sex toy for those persons who enjoy a more robotic experience.”

“Mike, dear. It’s part of the agreement. Synth-Replica provides a wide assortment of androids and companion units to the general public. Not everything is as .. humanlike, .. as Celeste and I are. You did agree to be a product tester.” Adalynn explained, bringing my attention back to her.

Meng Li now stepped up to me, touching my wrist. “This one won’t be like these two. Like Adalynn says, she will be fuckable and fun, if you let her.” Stunned, I’d never heard Meng Li use any foul language until just now.

Looking between the three of them I shrugged my shoulders. “Alright, alright. Something to look forward to I guess.” I said with a forced laugh, hoping to lighten the mood somewhat. “Why don’t we give Mike and Adalynn a few minutes alone.” Meng Li suggested, patting my arm before stepping away.

Focusing my attention back on Adalynn, she turned her head ever so slightly to meet my gaze. “Thank you for coming to see me and for being so gracious with Mandi and Meng Li.” I let out a deep sigh, “You’ve managed to change the course of my life so I’m adjusting to being more open-minded to unexpected situations. You’re welcome.” I said with a hint of sarcasm.

Adalynn rolled her eyes then batted them at me. “They’ll be done with me in less than two hours Mike, and Meng Li believes that they will have everything they need from us and the computers in the home by the end of the day.”

Reaching up I brushed aside a lock of her blonde hair that was a little out of place. “I’m looking forward to it being just you and me again,” I told her, speaking honestly. “And Celeste,” Adalynn added. “Yes, and Celeste.”
Taking a step back I reached for a rolling chair, pulled it over, and sat down. I sat there just looking at her as she watched me. “Do you feel anything as they copy and download your files?”

Adalynn’s eyes peered down at me. “No, however, I do sense the connection with their equipment and devices. But nothing physical or emotional like you would think.” I looked away for half a second as I thought about her answer.

“Mike, I’ve chosen to sell back both of my backup android bodies to Synth-Replica.” Adalynn paused as I met her gaze once again, curious. “With me upgrading to the newer Siren series android chassis, it would be redundant to have three spare bodies. So, my current body, this one will be my backup once my transfer is complete. Will you support my decision?” She asked, her expression unreadable.

“That would make sense and be financially wise. So yes, I fully support that decision.” I answered. Her face brightened again, “Oh, Mike, I was worried that you wouldn’t agree or see eye to eye on this with me. You continue to surprise me again and again.”
Standing up from the chair and tenderly touching her cheek I replied. “We, .. you and I, are in this together remember. I can’t imagine a day when you would make an irresponsible and self-centered choice.”


I stayed and visited with Adalynn for a while until Celeste had called down informing us that lunch was ready. Meng Li, Mandi, and I all headed upstairs while the remaining technicians stayed downstairs. Lunch was once again delicious as Celeste had prepared toasted sandwiches with a flavorful minestrone soup.

The main topic of conversation revolved around the time it would take to process all of the data acquired during their two-day stay. Meng Li was excited and looking forward to reviewing Adalynn’s logs. Mandi stated more than once that both Celeste and I had helped her immensely by locating files and sharing personality insights. She had hoped to be able to return for a future visit. The two of them would leave detailed information for Celeste to help with Adalynn’s transfer to her new upgraded body and they would go over the logistics of it with the two of them. I asked to be left out of that process this time as I was still feeling a little overwhelmed with everything that had happened in the last four days.

Mandi again mentioned the android unit she was going to send out for testing, stating she was a sex model and any thoughts or input I had in regards to her would be greatly appreciated once her trial period with us was done. Mandi reinforced that this android was to be tested and utilized by all of us and not to worry about the appearance of it breaking. Which caused me some confusion.

After lunch, I stayed upstairs to help Celeste clean up while Mandi and Meng Li returned to work.

Chapter 30 -

Within minutes both Celeste and I were in the master bedroom undressing. I’d taken off my t-shirt at the same time she had pulled down her sweats and panties. She then removed her tee-shirt and was fully naked. My dick was already semi-hard from the anticipation.

"I will admit Mike, I had hoped that you would make time for me today. My new body far exceeds the old one. Even if it’s barely noticeable to you, I can feel the difference. I’ve more than twice the physical sensors and .. oh, lose the jeans too sweetie. We’ll need every minute to enjoy our time together. Having you ask me for a quick fuck makes me so happy. It fulfills me.” Celeste said with some excitement as she eyed me hungrily.

As I kicked my jeans off she walked up to me, “Let's pump up your rod a little," Celeste said, taking hold of it, and giving it a few gentle yanks. It quickly responded, hardening fully. She sank to her knees before me and she eyed my hardening cock as if she were worshiping it.

"Have I mentioned that I love these things, your ball sacks I mean, to hold them, to touch them, how they tighten up underneath as your erection hardens," she said, licking her lips enthusiastically while carefully handling them with the other.

I took note that this was the first time Celeste had used the word “love” in conversation. Neither I nor Adalynn had said that word at any time during our activities and it was interesting that she would use it now. Was it because of her upgraded body, her personality matrix, or because she was continually learning and growing and adapting.

I was brought back to the moment as Celeste pressed her open lips against the tip of my cock head, pivoting her head around its circumference then slowly parting them as she slid down and over my hard member. Inserting its full length inside her mouth as I stood there. “Oh, fuck! Are you hungry or something?” I cried out.

Celeste enthusiastically began sucking on my cock. The feeling was overwhelmingly enjoyable, more so than when Adalynn had previously given me a blow job last night. The intensity was different and I had to urge her to slow down so that I wouldn’t lose control and ejaculate inside her mouth prematurely.

Celeste moaned as she bobbed frantically on my cock and I thought about returning the oral favor by reaching down to grab her and throwing her onto the bed, but I was hesitant, her ministrations were sending wave after wave of pleasure through my body. After a few more minutes of Celeste pumping and sucking on my cock, she solved the dilemma, coming off my cock with a loud pop, and looking up at me, “Was that good for you?” She teased as she slowly stood up, leaned in, and planted a wet kiss on my lips before I had the opportunity to answer her question.

After a moment of kissing and tracing her fingers across my chest, she stepped back crawling up onto and lying down on the bed, spreading her legs wide.

"Come into me, Mike. I need a good, hard fucking from your big hard dick. My new android body needs to be calibrated to its fullest capacity and potential remember." Celeste cried out.

I quickly complied, crawling up on the bed and dropping between her legs, and positioning my pole at her entrance. “God! You’re always so fucking horny aren’t you?” I teased her.

"Now, put it in me, now, Mike. Fuck me and fuck my tight perfect android pussy!” Celeste demanded.

Not wanting to disappoint her I inserted my tip after positioning it at her entrance, there was very little resistance, so I pushed a little deeper, quickly sliding all the way in and holding it there before I started thrusting.

“Ohhhh yes yes yes yessss!” Celeste moaned in pleasure. Quickly thinking back on the first time Celeste and I had fucked just days ago and how it had felt. Now, this seemed just as good as our first time. Maybe for her as an android, she can sense and feel the difference between then and now. For me though, the feeling was very pleasurable and nearly identical to my first time with her.

After a few minutes of thrusting, grinding and teasing Celeste, I pulled my cock all the way out of her now-soaked pussy, pausing, looking down at her, “fuck me, Mike, don’t stop, please. Put your hard cock back in my hole and pound me. Pound me real good.” Celeste whimpered.

Positioning my shaft at her entrance, I pushed back into her in one long, languid stroke, luxuriating in the snug, velvety warm and wet feel of her synthetic pussy. Once I was fully sheathed, she gave me a squeeze and I placed my hands on her firm breasts. "Be rough with my nipples. Play with them, pull on them, pinch them, I'll let you know if you go too far."

I took her breasts in my hands, pressing them together even as I started to pinch her nipples. Her back arched as I did so, suggesting I was at least not going too far, but giving her the pleasure she desired. I withdrew and started fucking her with another series of long slow strokes.

We continued fucking that way for the next few minutes, long, slow strokes as I played with, and pinched at, and pulled her luscious tits and nipples. Celeste wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me tight with each deep push inside her. “Oh. My. God!” She cried out as her muscles suddenly clenched down around my cock, her body shuddering as she released a powerful orgasm. “Eeeeeeiiiiii .. aahhhh hhaahh aahhh fuck fuck FUCK YES!!” Celeste rocked her hips as she held me close.

As she relaxed her body and leaned her head back, her chin jutting upward, I began to quickly thrust and pound away at her. “Oh Celeste, you’re so hot. I just…just want to explode inside you. You’re such uh.. a tease. You have an .. an amazing sculpted body. Your jet black hair…oh shit! Your blue eyes, your sexy French accent ..oh fuck.. you’re like a dream. A man-made goddess!!” I exclaimed as I rode her hard building up to my release.

Celeste took hold of my hands, pressing them harder against her perfect globes as I sped up my rhythm. “Yes Mike! Fuck me just like that. JUST. LIKE. THAT! Ohhhh .. Fuck me as hard as you can. FUCK ME! OOHH FUCK ME!” She panted. She was careful not to scratch my skin with her nails as she held me tightly, almost painfully.

Mere seconds later I released my load, squirt after squirt, throb after throb into her perfect android pussy. “You get so hard and your girth increases just before you orgasm and release, Mike. You feel wonderful when you explode inside me.” Celeste complimented me as I fell onto her, keeping my rock hard cock deep within the walls of her pussy, we began to kiss, slowly at first and then more passionately.

Finally, we parted and I pulled out of her and rolled over onto my back beside her. “Damn you’re amazing,” I told her, panting and nearly out of breath while looking over at her. Celeste returned my gaze, “You’re pretty good yourself you stud.” She said with a smile.

I nodded back at her as my breathing slowed. “I meant to ask you, how was last night with Mandi?” Her smile broadened as she rolled onto her side and propped her head with her arm. “Incredible Mike! She had me firing on all cylinders. When you commanded Adalynn and me to go have fun the other night, that experience was so amazing. But with Mandi and this new upgraded body, the experience was definitely a benchmark for me. It was so much better with her, as a a real woman.”

Watching Celeste describe her experience was almost like watching a person recall a memory. Her eyes shifted slightly up and to the right, and her facial expression showed joy and happiness as she spoke. “I’m glad to hear that you truly enjoyed it, Celeste. Can I ask if you have a sexual preference now for a male or female partner? Human, that is, which one you might prefer overall? In the future?”

Celeste reached out with her free hand and began to caress my chest, gently tracing lines and circles with her fingers as she processed my question. “That’s a silly question don’t you think? You set my parameters to bi-sexual, therefore I am happy to pleasure either sex. You are a male and I immensely enjoy pleasing you seeing as you are my master and owner, be it orally or through the traditional means of vaginal intercourse. When I was with Mandi, for example, she taught me a few ways to provide intense pleasure to her that I will incorporate along with my original programming. With Adalynn, we utilized our verbal and nonverbal means to communicate what we each wanted, and what we needed to climax. I am able and willing to please a female just the same as I would a male. When I’m with you Mike, my focus is on pleasing you. In the future when I am with a female, I will focus on her. But to answer your question as to which I may prefer in the future, I believe it will definitely be with a man.” Celeste explained, then leaned over and began kissing me once again.

Our intense and passionate kissing escalated into some rather rigorous fondling and groping of one another as I rolled Celeste over and onto her back. Latching onto her nipple and sucking hard I began to finger her clit while she held my neck firmly with her left hand and she pumped my cock with her right hand, resulting in a swift return to hardness. “Tell me what you'd like, Mike. Shall I finish you off with a blow job, do you want to fuck my tits, or do you want me to just jerk you off and have you spill your cum across my skin?” Celeste asked huskily, breaking from our kiss.

“Mmmmmm, that would be something new, you, jerking me till cum.” I told her. “How about I fuck your tits and you try to touch the tip of my cock with your expert tongue and I'll try to make it into your mouth with what little I have left.”

Celeste nodded in agreement as I straddled her chest, positioning my hard cock between her breasts as she pressed them together. She had an excited and lustful look as she spat a wad of spit directly onto my hard member to add lubrication as I began to vigorously fuck her tits. “Oohh, I love watching your cock come at me from this position, Mike.” Celeste cooed. “Fuck my tits, fuck ‘em good.”

Immediately I could feel myself approaching my climax again. With us having engaged in foreplay, our kissing, fondling of each other, and Celeste stroking my cock I was quickly ready once more.”Oh, God! I'm gonna cum quickly again!” I exclaimed as I rode her chest, looking down as my hard member pistoned between her luscious globes.

“Cum in my mouth or all over my tits! Whichever you want Michael. Oh, fuck I feel you getting harder.” Celeste moaned.
I began to rock my hips faster and faster, pushing my dick back and forth between her tits. “UUUHHHNNN .. OHH .. FFUUCCKK!!” I cried out feeling the pressure building within my dick again.
Celeste curved her neck, reaching for my cock and sticking her tongue out to touch my tip at every thrust. The mixed swirl of sensations lasted for maybe a dozen seconds before I blew my load, squirting my hot jizz into her open mouth and across her cheek. “OH FUCK!” I cried out as my orgasm drained my cock once more and I became light headed.

As I fell backward onto the bed, Celeste used this opportunity to swap positions as she quickly sat up and spun herself around, leaning over my waist and popping my erection into her mouth to lick and clean me up. “Oh shit! Celeste. What...what are you doing?”
She gave me a sideways glance, looking me up and down before slowly coming off my rod. “I'm cleaning you up and making sure to get every last drop of your amazing human cum my dear friend.”

Celeste resumed her gentle bobbing and polishing of my cock as it ever so slowly deflated and became limp once more before crawling up beside me. “Thank you for that wonderful session, Mike.”
Turning my head to gaze into those deep blue beautiful eyes of hers, “No, thank you, Celeste.” I told her as we just lay there together on the bed, holding on to one another.

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Re: An Unexpected Offer - Chapters 28, 29, & 30

Post by Bane » Thu Dec 08, 2022 2:45 am

Great stuff, thanks for sharing! I'm quite interested in the prototype (or not) that Mandi was teasing...

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