An Unexpected Offer - Chapters 20, 21, 22, & 23

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An Unexpected Offer - Chapters 20, 21, 22, & 23

Post by botfriend2000 » Wed Oct 26, 2022 2:12 pm

Ok friends, we are more than halfway through this story just to let you know. I thank you for your many views and for the kind comments that have been exchanged in its regards. I may take a short break from posting more of the story after this. Life is in constant motion, ups & downs, happy days & some very sad days. So please bear with me if I take a hiatus.

I hope you enjoy these next chapters and the continuation of character development and relationships. As I’ve said before there are about 32 chapters to this story that been rumbling around in my head over the last year or so. All the chapters have been written although I am continually reviewing and making some tweaks and changes. So without any further comment…. 😉

Chapter 20 -

As we pulled out of the driveway and onto the road, I cranked the heat in the van all the way up. Even though it was sunny outside with a few clouds, it was still a brisk thirty-six degrees outside. I turned my head at one point to look over at Adalynn. She appeared happy and content sitting in the passenger seat with her sunglasses and fancy winter coat. Which she admitted she had never worn before.

“Sorry about the noise and racket. It comes as a package deal when you work in the trades. And drive around in these older service vans. Parts and shelving creak and bounce. There is no insulation to dampen the sounds.” I told her.

“Oh, I think it’s wonderful, Mike! It has been so long since I’ve gone anywhere with someone else. Thank you so much for asking me to come along. I’m almost as excited for this short trip as I was for you to fuck me the other night in the kitchen.” Adalynn explained in detail.

I laughed at her comment. “Seriously, babe! We’ve got to get you out as often as we can. There’s always someplace to go and see, something to go and do. Whether it’s just going out to a restaurant or bar, one of the malls, a concert, shopping, something at least to get you and Celeste more familiar in social settings.” I informed her.

Adalynn leaned over slightly to reach out and place her hand on my right thigh as she looked at me. “Mike, you just called me babe. I’d love that. Going places with you.”

“Yeah, I did, didn’t I?” I answered, smiling back at her and then turning my attention back to the winding road.

“The word ‘Babe’ is used as a term of endearment. I liked the way you said it, your tone and inflection. You called me “babe.” Adalynn quietly stated, giving my thigh an ever-so-gentle squeeze. “I've used similar words with you, but that was the first time for you to initiate it in a conversation with me. But not to digress from your point. I would enjoy going out more frequently now, exploring new places and being with you.” She added.

Keeping both my eyes on the road and the van's speed in check, I reflected on what she just said and how I had called her babe.
Emotionally speaking, the bonds that I was forming with Adalynn and Celeste were new, sometimes raw, but also very real. It had seemed so natural to call her babe. So maybe I should just let what falls from my tongue flow naturally then.

“I liked how it fell off my tongue as well. I didn’t realize it till I’d said it, Adalynn.” I admitted to her. “You’re right. It is nice. And yes, I definitely want to go places with you and Celeste too.”

We were both quiet for the remainder of the drive down the canyon. Each of us imagined where we’d go and what we would do most likely.
Once we hit the highway interchange back to town, Adalynn struck up the conversation again. “Yesterday, you said you believed Nicholas purposely wrote code into our programming for Celeste and me both to have feelings. Can you explain why he would possibly do that? Why he would want us to be different from his other designs? ”

Pondering her questions for a moment before answering in order to gather my thoughts, “Have you read or ever studied the Bible?” I asked her.

“Yes, but I’m not asking a religious question, Mike,” Adalynn replied.

“Yes, but hear me out. I think I have an analogy for you. God is a deity. A supreme being, creator of worlds, father of our mortal spirits we’re taught. In the Bible, it says that God created the world over the course of five days, and on the sixth day, he created man and woman. Adam and Eve.” I peeked over at Adalynn quickly.

She nodded and I could see that she was paying close attention.

“God created them in his image, as he was and as he is. Adam and Eve were his children and He made physical corporal bodies for them. He gave them all the opportunities and possibilities that He himself had once experienced. Opportunities for pain, sorrow, happiness, joy, anger, and love, everything that makes us human.”

I glanced over at Adalynn to see her smile back at me as I was explaining my thoughts. “Nicholas wrote your code, your matrix, your personality, however you want to call it. He decided how he wanted you and Celeste to appear physically. The color of your hair, eyes, and skin. Kind of along the lines of how God did with Adam and Eve in the garden. With that being said, it’s possible to believe that Nicholas did his best and tried his hardest to incorporate feelings into you both via his programming and coding. Perhaps because he had spent so much time, energy and thought into what he wanted you and Celeste to be, that he literally wanted you to be more like him, and that he hoped you would eventually recognize and ..” I paused to look at her once again. “accept that coding
as feelings. Does that compute or make sense to you?” I said, hoping that my analogy would make sense to her.

Adalynn’s expression was a little hard to read as I glanced at her and then back to the highway. She adjusted her position and turned to face forward in her seat. “Your analogy makes sense and is clear and precise. Thank you Mike for helping me understand and see this from a different perspective. I will say that there are .. algorithms within my coding .. that I have noticed over the last few days, algorithms that I haven’t made note of since Nicholas’s passing. At that time I tried to make sense of so many things. Why did Nicholas have to die, why was I alone? Now in analyzing and reviewing those lines of code and the algorithms associated with our most recent experiences, many of these .. feelings .. feelings as you believe me and Celeste to have revolve around the sex we’ve had. But one algorithm in particular reoccurs when you and I are alone in conversation.” She said somberly.

“That’s awesome! So you’re recognizing something that’s tied to a definition of a particular feeling?” I asked joyfully.

“Yes, I think I do.” Adalynn turned back to me with a big grin on her face. “I can say that, yes, yes! It makes more sense now thanks to your explanation.”

“So let me ask you, what is it that you feel or sense when it is just you and I? Is it only when we are talking like this? What is it?” I asked, curious.

Adalynn continued to look out the window, a small yet playful smile on her face. “It’s a sense of needing to be with you, to be in your presence, paying close attention to what you say, listening to your heartbeat, watching your face and expressions, wanting to be next to you. It’s different from wanting or needing to have sex with you. Does that answer your question?”

“Yeah, yeah, it does. I knew it from the beginning, when I first met you at the doorstep. Before I knew that you were an android, your expression was genuine and not robotic, that you had feelings and emotions. Thanks, babe.” I told her, smiling.

Our conversation continued on the drive to the service shop. I said what I felt, expressed additional thoughts and insights into how a person's feelings work, with some of my personal experiences and examples of what Adalynn had been trying to sort through. We also talked about some of the areas of the city, places I visited, and how I was going to approach terminating my employment with a company that I’d been associated with for over ten years now. The end result was that I would take the next two days off to wrap up what was needed with Synth-Replica. Work the remaining three days of this week and then be done with it so I could officially start something new with Adalynn.

We talked a little about Celeste and her energy and keeping her in the mix of our blossoming relationship for now and seeing how she grows and develops. Celeste was an integral part of my life now too, but it was Adalynn’s offer that I had accepted. It was Adalynn that I chose and wanted to have this relationship with. Our conversation discussing these subjects felt deep, rich, and very real.

A few minutes later we pulled into the parking lot “Well, this is it, this is where I work, Valley Heating, Air & Electric.” I stated.

Adalynn grabbed my hand, “Are you nervous at all?”

I turned to face her as I put the vehicle in park. “Nervous about what?” I asked.

“About quitting your job and leaving? I got the impression that you really enjoy your career. When we first met and you explained your history in the trade, your expertise and attention to detail. You appeared happy, confident and joyful. I'm curious if you're nervous about leaving all that behind.” Adalynn explained.

Shrugging my shoulders and shaking my head I responded, “No, not really. I’ll still utilize my knowledge from time to time I’m sure, but I’ve also done this for enough years that I feel a simpler lifestyle would be a welcome change. All of it .. thanks to you my dear.”

Adalynn smiled, bowing her head slightly. “You’re too kind Mike. Thank you. You know, you don’t have to quit if you don’t want to. If you feel the need for some consistency while we transition into our new roles and relationships make sure you’re doing this for you and not for me.”

I reached for her hand bringing it up to my lips for a kiss, “Adalynn, you are so beautiful. I’m sure this is what I want. Thank you for being so selfless and wanting me to be happy.” I told her.


Leaving the keys to the service van in the cup holder and locking the doors, I held the door open for Adalynn to my truck, then moved around to the driver side. We drove in silence for a few blocks before Adalynn began a whole new set of questions for me. “Mike, I hope you don’t think I'm annoying for asking more questions. But I have several more if you're willing?”

As we pulled up to a stoplight, I reached over with my right hand to take hold of her left hand, giving it a tight squeeze. “Ask away, you silly woman. Just don't ask me who I think is better at sex between you and Celeste alright?” I said, laughing, remembering Celeste’s question from last night.”

Adalynn laughed as well, understanding my meaning. “Gotcha. My first question is the easiest. Are we heading right back to the house or making a stop or two?”

“You’re right. That is an easy question. One you've probably already figured out since we aren't heading back the way we came in.” I stated, looking over at Adalynn.

She raised an eyebrow as her smile widened. “We’re stopping at your apartment!” Adalynn said, not a question but a statement.

“Yes,” I replied. “I want to grab a few things before we head back up to your…to our place.” I quickly corrected myself.

Clapping her hands jubilantly, Adalynn squealed like a little girl going to the candy store for the first time. “Oh, Mike, I'm going to see your apartment.”

Rolling my eyes but feeling good about her excitement, I just nodded. “Yes, for sure. Next question, babe.”

“Oh!” Adalynn said, sounding more restrained and normal. Taking a few seconds to compose herself. “Can you tell me some of what you and Nicole talked about this morning?”

Clearing my throat before answering, “It’s nothing secret really. Nicole specifically explained Celeste’s electronic failure potential and the benefits of upgrading her body. We discussed the money and compensation contract for being a part of the corporation's testing group. More than fair, far more than what I was expecting.” I said.

“See, that's one very good thing to come from all this,” Adalynn interjected.

“Yeah. I’m very happy with that aspect of all of this. We also talked about your open communication with her and the information that you've shared with her. Per her request. That little bit of information caught me off guard again. I wished I had known about that, but again, there was no time for you to fill me in. And she put me to a test. To see what my motives and intentions were in this whole scenario of taking ownership of you and Celeste. Nicole stated that I had passed her little inquiry.” I informed Adalynn.

Taking my free hand in hers once more, Adalynn smiled over at me. “So, are you ok with all the arrangements and everything as Nicole has explained?”
I held Adalynn’s hand tightly in mine, “Yes. She’s done an excellent job of explaining things. I feel she's been honest and truthful, don't you?” I said, then asked my question of honesty to see what she would say.

Adalynn was quiet for longer than I thought she would be. Her face showed mixed emotions before she answered. “My sensory systems are designed to help me determine if someone isn't being honest or truthful. As I did initially with you, Mike, I utilize several means including thermal imaging. My audio sensors can hear a person's heartbeat to aid in that, such as pulse rate and looking for signs of perspiration. Nicole did appear to be telling the truth when we were all together.”

“But?” I prodded, wanting her to continue.

“I calculate there is a sixteen-point three percent chance that there may be something she isn't telling us. I may be wrong, though. I have known Nicole to always be honest in the past. It’s just that nothing is ever absolute.” Adalynn finished.

“Your guard is up as a precaution and that’s understandable, but she is also an attorney which means she is talented and skilled at only conveying what information she wants or needs to.” I stated.

We drove for another few minutes in silence, neither of us adding additional comments. “We’re almost there, Adalynn. Do you have a question I can give a short answer to? If you have any more that is.” I asked, making the final turn down the street towards the apartment complex.

She turned in her seat but looked down towards the console and not at me directly. “Do you think we would have enough time while we’re at your apartment for a quicky?”

“I knew Celeste would rub off on you! I knew it!!” I exclaimed as I tapped the steering wheel repeatedly, laughing. “I knew it!”
Adalynn finally looked up at me, our eyes making contact with each other. “When I said I'd wanted to grab a few things. I meant you as well. Your tits, your ass, run my hands over your body, so yes, we’ll have time for that too.” I told her with a big grin on my face.

Within seconds of entering my apartment, Adalynn and I both rushed to remove our clothing and headed into the kitchen. Where once again, she assumed a bent-over position, and I took her from behind. It was ironic that we had the opportunity to fuck in both her kitchen and mine now. Only this time without any glitches, problems or malfunctions.

We both tried our best to be as quiet as possible knowing that my neighbors were home. But sex sometimes is both a vocal and physical sport, we did make some noise together, and it was amazing.

After the kitchen we moved to the sofa in the living room for round two where Adalynn proceeded to give me another amazing blow job and get me to cum a second time.

Adalynn curled up close against me as we lay on the couch together afterwards. Me catching my breath, her pretending to be winded. “God, that was fun!” I said, still panting.

“Mmmmm. Quick, fast, and fuckable. That's me.” Adalynn giggled.

“You’re most definitely fuckable! But there really wasn’t anything quick about that sexcapade.” I told her, laughing and kissing the back of her head. Adalynn expressed a soft moan as she ran her hand over my outer thigh. “What are you thinking right now?” She asked.

“About you and Celeste,” I said, holding her tightly against me.
“Details, please.” Adalynn prodded.
I inhaled deeply, taking in the smell of her hair and neck before I answered. “I’m wondering if you are at all hesitant to get back and start your process of being scanned and checked. And I hope Celeste is ok with everything too, so much has happened in the last twenty-four hours.” I told her.

Adalynn pulled my arm away and sat up, turning to look at me. Her breasts bounced, her nipples still firm and pert.“No and yes. No, because Nicholas has performed something similar in the past to what the technicians will be doing. And yes, because it won't be him or you, but strangers this time. I am hesitant about it even though I know I shouldn’t be.” She said softly.

I ran my hand over and across her back as she looked at me. Adalynn let out another sigh and stood up. “Guess we should get going, Mike.”
Shaking my head at her and rolling my eyes again. “Are you sure you’re an android? Because you took time to think all that through, to think of that answer, and that's the first time I think I've seen you hesitant. Like ever!” I said.

Chapter 21 -

The drive back up the canyon to the house was filled with laughter, profanity, and some yelling. Mostly laughter. After Adalynn and I had gathered some of my belongings from my apartment, we made one last stop at a Wendy’s drive-thru for some food before high tailing it back up the canyon to keep within the time frame we had told Nicole.

One joke I told while driving, involved a muppet. Adalynn had never heard of Cookie Monster from the old children's television workshop show: Sesame Street. She had to do a quick search to understand who he was, and had stopped me once during the joke to do so. The humor in it was lost due to her lack of reference and information. After a few minutes, she burst out laughing wildly at the joke that I'd told her five minutes prior where Cookie Monster was the punchline. That's when we both started laughing together.

From there, the drive turned funnier at times mixed with moments of deafening silence. Adalynn attempted to tell a joke about a blonde, a swimming pool, and a scratch n’ sniff sticker at the bottom of the pool. She missed the perfect pause point in the joke when the blonde dives into the pool to sniff the sticker and I lost it. I swore at her for how simple and easy the joke was. She replied that my comment was rude, but kept laughing all the same. I'd taken for granted, for as real looking as Adalynn appeared. She was still an android, a machine that was still learning, developing, and trying to grasp an understanding of all the different human emotions.

As I watched her laughing and looking at me, I still had a hard time believing that we’d only known each other for a little over two days. In that time, so much had happened to both of us. I had discovered that she wasn't human, that instead, she was a complex machine designed to appear human. An Android that had been created and designed by Synth-Replica Corporation. A branded, worldwide company that manufacturers and sells sophisticated companion androids. Adalynn had once belonged to one of their founders who had since passed away and she had needed to find a new owner. Luckily that guy happened to be me.

Then there was Celeste, who was also a creation of Adalynn’s former owner. Her high sex drive and sarcasm make her a devilish minx. Adalynn and I had discovered her in the downstairs service room purely by happenstance because of my curiosity to explore more of the house. Celeste was powered down, her programming incomplete. We had also triggered a video message from Nicholas Faraday who was Adalynn’s previous owner giving instructions on how to finish Celeste’s matrix profile and activate her.

Surprise after surprise befell me with these two android women. Just when I felt I’d gotten a handle on one particular situation, another unexpected turn of events would happen and surprise me, all of these within the last thirty-six hours. Then last night, a phone call followed by a knock on the door from a lawyer representing Synth-Replica dropped another bombshell in my lap that could change the course and events of my life even further.

And now here I am with Adalynn seated next to me in my truck. We’d run to town to drop off my work van and grab some things from my apartment and take a few hours together. Sort of like a first date.

“Mike, what’s on your mind? You’ve been quiet the last few miles.” Adalynn asked.

Her question snapped me back to the moment. “Oh, just recounting the events from the last few days. You, Celeste, the offer from Synth-Replica. You again. I’m wondering if life will ever slow down for me.” I explained, turning my head to quickly look at her.

“Well, don’t worry too much, ok. I’m optimistic that once this week is through and the technicians have left, and once you’ve worked your last day for your boss, you’ll have earned a long, slow, easy period of life to enjoy. You can make it as relaxing or as fast paced as you’d like it to be.” She said with a smile.

“I hope you’re right Adalynn, I hope you’re right. My stress levels should go down a little once I’ve read the documents that Nicole will have ready for me. Once I’ve signed them and she’s left too.” I told her, giving her a sideways glance.

Five minutes later we pulled my truck up the driveway to the house and up to the garage doors. Not blocking the vehicles from Synth-Replica. I killed the engine and looked over at Adalynn. “Ready for whatever comes next?” I asked.

She nodded, smiled, and presented me a grin from ear to ear taking my hand and giving it a solid squeeze. “I am ready to tackle it with you, Mike.” She teased. “You, my master, my owner, my friend, my lover, my fuck buddy, my pussy pounding stud. We will tackle it together.” Adalynn sarcastically added, then she and I started laughing together.

Chapter 22 -

As Adalynn and I came through the front door I began to listen intently for any sounds of conversation and quickly scanned all visible areas within my field of view. The glass door to the den was open and I immediately noticed Nicole sitting behind the desk.

“We’re back, Nicole,” Adalynn announced jubilantly. Beating me to the punch and announcing our return. I should have known that she would be ultra-aware of the goings-on in the house as well.

Nicole looked up from the computer screen. “Great! Did you two accomplish what you needed to? Or wanted to at least?” She asked, distracted, not looking up from the monitor.

“Yes. Where are you at as far as the paperwork is concerned?” I tried to ask with some enthusiasm, stepping into the doorway.

“I’m just doing the final review of everything now. If you can give me another ten minutes then I will come and find you.” Nicole said, turning her attention back to the computer.

Adalynn placed her hand on my shoulders and we looked at each other. Shrugging my shoulders at her I motioned us out of the entryway not bothering to reply to Nicole who was evidently focused on her work.
“Let’s go check on Celeste and the group,” I suggested.

Adalynn nodded, allowing me to lead the way. For as poshly decorated and inviting as the main floor was, the basement lacked any sort of cohesion for style. Aside from a few mismatched pieces of furniture in the larger main area that led out from the daylight basement, there wasn’t a lot of appeal for the area.

Rounding the corner I could hear Mandi Porter in the process of yelling at someone. “No, that component is not supposed to be there, it’s not part of her original design and this CPU inter-cooler is massive! It’s not what’s in her initial design configuration either. Why would he make those changes? It doesn’t make any sense to me.”

Adalynn and I entered the room as Ms. Porter, and two of the technicians were huddled around the workstation that Adalynn utilized yesterday morning for Celeste. From where we had stopped I couldn’t see Ms. Li or the two Celeste androids.

“What seems to be the problem?” Adalynn asked, with a tone of authority.

Mandi spun her head, looking at Adalynn and then at me. “It’s nothing. No problem, it’s just some weird modifications inside of your Celeste. Confusingly weird!” She said, shaking her head and looking annoyed.

Taking a step closer, and folding my arms. “Adalynn asked a question, and I’d like to know what all the fuss is about also,” I said.

The male technician seated at the computer looked back at me and began to point at something on the screen when Mandi interjected, “You wouldn’t understand! Nevertheless, it appears that Faraday installed an untested liquid cooling system around your Celeste’s primary processors. I don’t even understand why he did it so .. when her schematics .. oh just never mind. End of discussion. Fini!” She coldly stated, adding the French word with an accent.

“Damn woman, you need to work on your people skills. Your bedside manner is shit!” I barked, stepping around directly in front of her.

The look of shock on her face at my comeback for her brush-off was priceless. “Excuse me?!” Mandi spun on her heel to face me. Blood rushed to her face as it began to turn red. “I don’t need you to tell me..”

I pointed my index finger at her in a disciplinary motion, cutting her off.
“Do you know who I am? What exactly I do for a living Ms. Porter? Aside from whose house this is now?” I asked, trying to keep my temper and voice in check. I glanced at the two technicians who were now watching us with interest.

It was now her turn to roll her eyes as I held my ground, still pointing my finger. Mandi let out a huff. “You’re Michael ..and no. I don’t know what you do for a living. Yes, this is your house now and I still don’t care why you need to know..” She replied.

Adalynn brushed my back as she walked away, moving to the far side of the room. “Be calm. Breath.” She whispered before continuing, presumably to go check on Celeste’s status. I’d guess she figured that I had this under control with my voice being controlled.

“Let me tell you. Just to keep it simple. I’m an electrician and a heating and air technician. I’ve been doing this for over ten years. I’m not stupid, slow, or a neanderthal. I’ve got certificates and degrees much as you do. Don’t tell me that I won’t understand something and while we’re at it I’ll remember that you’re a guest in my home. That being said, if I ask you a question. You’ll answer with precision and kindness. Sound good to you Ms. Porter?” I said with bluntness.

Mandi’s stance relaxed as she clasped her hands together and looked me squarely in the eye. Taking a deep breath and stretching her neck from side to side as if she were a prize fighter. “Understood, Michael. My apologies.” She said, gritting her teeth. I watched her for several more seconds. Neither of us relented from our stance, but as I was about to turn away, I caught her looking me over from head to toe. Her expression softened and she batted her eyes at me quickly. Then she spun back around to focus her attention back on the display and the technicians on either side of her. “Let’s log this and move on shall we.”

Shaking my head in an attempt to figure out what all that was about and realizing that she wasn’t going to give me an answer I started over towards Adalynn, Meng Li, and the two Celeste androids.

“Hello Mike, how are you? Miss Adalynn was just telling me about your little trip to town.” Meng Li said with a smile on her face. Such a contrast to her co-workers' attitude.

“I am good. Thank you for asking. I hope Adalynn didn’t tell you too much about all our exploits.” I told her. Meng Li’s face blushed as she kept her smile. “Oh, no. I know what these girls do when you’re alone with them. I don’t need details. I just know. Oh how I know.” She stated. Adalynn began to laugh and Meng Li and I joined in.

After a moment and having regained her composure, “Please forgive my friend, Ms. Porter, for her rudeness. Try to ignore it when she yells. I will help you at any time. Just come to me. Meng Li will give you answers to everything you ask of me.” She told us, looking between me and Adalynn.

I brought my hands together and did a slight bow, hoping it was appropriate and honorable for who she was and wanting to show respect for her ancestry. “Thank you Meng Li, you are very kind.”

Meng Li patted my hands and then pulled me over to the workstation she was using for her work on Celeste. Taking a look over at the pedestals where Celeste’s two bodies were. One had its eyes open, our original Celeste, and the other one with eyes closed. Version 2.0

“Celeste is almost ready to re-awaken. Her memory transfer has gone very smoothly and everything looks very good.” Meng Li told us

Adalynn stepped up beside me, wrapping an arm around my waist. “May I ask, did you copy her matrix and then begin the upload, or did you remove her matrix assembly as a whole unit and install it into her new body?” She asked.

“Ah!” Meng Li turned to me. “Adalynn is very smart, very knowledgeable. You keep her close, Mike. I like her, and you!” Meng Li turned to look directly at Adalynn. “I began one download of her matrix and then duplicated it. One for study and analysis and one for her new body. A newer process with a slick piece of technology that helps to save time. Efficient, very efficient.” She explained to Adalynn and me.

Walking up to the pair of Celeste’s I studied their naked bodies. Their skin tone was identical, as was the coloration of their hair. Looking at the two of them I could imagine how it would appear for them to come off an assembly line. Oddly enough while imagining such a thing I felt the erotic and arousing stirrings in my groin.

In every open access point, there were blinking LEDs. Some fast while others only appeared to blink intermittently. It was both soothing and mesmerizing to watch. “When you're done and ready to boot up Celeste, will she still be in her original body as well? I mean, this is a full swap, like one brain moved to another body. The body where it once was will now be empty. That's what I meant.” I asked, swallowing hard, and turning to look back at Meng Li.

Meng Li nodded. “Yes. There won’t be two of them if that’s what you mean.” She answered kindly.

“How much time until you’re ready to wake her Ms. Li?” Adalynn asked. Meng Li turned her attention to Adalynn, then stepped back around to her computer terminal. After a few seconds and some mouse clicking through different screens, “About an hour. Shortly after that, it will be your turn dear. Or perhaps tomorrow. Your process will be much shorter, and you get to stay in your body of course.” Meng Li answered, attempting to be funny.

Adalynn and I both chuckled to help make Meng Li feel at ease. “Alright then. Do you need anything from us until then?” I asked her.
“No, no. Go on. I’ll send Trish for you when we are ready for Celeste.”
Meng Li replied.

Adalynn reached for my hand and pulled me away from that side of the room. As we approached Mandi Porter and the others, Adalynn spoke up, “Ms. Porter, if you need anything from us, any food, anything at all. Please come find us.” She informed her.
Mandi Porter stopped and looked up from the computer screen she was focused on. “I will, and I apologize for my rudeness earlier. To the both of you.” Mandi responded with genuine respect. I was surprised by her tone.

Together the two of us made our way back upstairs plopping down on the living room sofa. Neither of us said anything as I pulled us closer together and I relaxed against her chest. “I’m tired, Adi. Can I take a nap and just lay here curled up against you?” Adalynn reached up with her free arm and began to run her fingers through my hair, then leaned down and planted a kiss on the top of my head. “As long as you need Mike, but I’d guess Nicole will be ready in a few minutes for you to look at the documents and sign your life away.” She chuckled lightly. Then tilted her head slightly before continuing.
“Adi, huh? Another pet name perchance?”

I placed my hand along her inner thigh and lay against Adalynn. “I did call you that too just now, didn’t I?” I replied, thinking how easy that one rolled off my tongue as well.

“Mmm, you did. I like that you abbreviated my name.” Adalynn commented.

Laying there listening to her, she had no heartbeat, just a soft, almost imperceptible hum of internal motors and servos, although her chest did slowly rise and fall. She was warm and soft like a real woman. What did I do by agreeing to her request? I asked myself. Should I have run and left when I could have? Was I a lustful opportunist who now had possession of a new house, two beautiful android women, and a sizable income? I wasn’t that type of person, lustful or an opportunist. The memory of a conversation came flashing forward, one I’d had with my uncle many years ago.

He said, “Mike, life is like a small lake with deep, beautiful clear water. The decisions we make, whether good or bad, are like stones that are cast into the lake. The water ripples and the stone sinks. The choice is made and cannot be undone. The ripples on the water will continue to be seen far afterward. Sometimes we have to wait and be patient to see the clarity of the water again before moving on to the next choice. Just be patient.” He had told me. Remembering his words brought a smile to my face and peace to my mind.

“You’re smiling. A happy thought maybe?” Adalynn inquired. Still running her fingers along my scalp.
“A memory from long ago. Wisdom my uncle shared once with me. Good times.” I said softly.

“The uncle you told Celeste about last night, from this very spot?” Adalynn asked.

“Yes,” I answered.

“I hope you don’t mind, but Celeste shared your entire conversation with me, Mike. I’m glad you’ve found another happy memory. Your uncle must have been special to have left such a lasting impression on you.” She said softly.

I only nodded, adding nothing more. Only enjoying the moment together and the wonderful feeling of her fingers through my hair as I slowly closed my eyes. I’d told myself it would just be a for a few minutes, to lay across Adalynn’s lap and enjoy the peaceful nature of the house.

Chapter 23 -

My tranquility lasted longer than either Adalynn or I expected, as Adalynn had to wake me fifteen minutes later after Nicole had entered the living room informing her that she was ready for me.

I felt more tired than I had before my little nap in the ensuing minutes after sitting down at the desk and fumbling through the papers. Turning to Adalynn, I handed her the pages as I went through them and asked her to double-check for any questionable things that I may have missed. Nicole sat patiently across from us in the interim as we read and double-checked the contracts.

Finding everything in order and upon signing my name for the tenth time or so I pushed the stack back towards Nicole. “Done, looks great and if I have any questions I know who to call. And I’m saying that with sarcasm and not rudeness.” I told her, nodding with a smile.
Nicole allowed a small laugh to escape before smiling back. “Thank you, Mike. And thank you Adalynn. I wish you both all the best. A long and happy life together. Synth-Replica will reach out to you when they are ready to send you a new bot or bots. Meng Li will be in charge once I leave and.. I also understand that you had quite a unpleasant conversation with Ms. Porter earlier, Mike.” Nicole stated.

I cleared my throat, “She lacks some personality skills.” I told Nicole.
“She may at that, but she has a brilliant mind and she practically begged to come and be on the team. We need her here. I need her here so try to play nice together or at least avoid each other if at all possible. I will tell you in confidence, Mike. “She told me she wishes more men were like you,” Nicole stated.

I shook my head in curiosity, “What does that mean exactly?” I asked.
Nicole shook her head as she stood up from her chair. “I’m not sure. Maybe ask her sometime, then again, just don’t and leave it at that. I thank you for your time, Mike, and for your assistance Adalynn. Forgive my abruptness but I may be able to make an earlier flight if I leave now. I’ll have a copy of all these documents sent overnight once I’m back in the office tomorrow.” Nicole informed us.


We waved goodbye to Nicole and I placed my hand on the small of Adalynn’s back as we walked back inside from the cold. Clouds had moved in and it felt as if it might snow again. “I wish spring would get here. This cold just wears on me.” I told her.

“You know, Mike, we could plan a trip and take a vacation to someplace warm and tropical. You, me, and Celeste. Or just you and me.” Adalynn said suggestively.

With my hand on her back, it was easy to pull us close together and kiss. I slowly walked her back against the wall. “Mmfff.” Adalynn moaned, then gently pushed me away. “Someone’s coming up the stairs,” Adalynn announced, ending our passionate interlude.
Turning my head to look over my shoulder, sure enough, the female technician was almost at the top of the stairs and looking in our direction.

Taking a step back Adalynn and I both quickly composed ourselves. “Hey, you two. Uhm, Meng Li asked me to come and get you. I believe that we’re ready to boot up Celeste.” She informed us.

“Thank you, Miss..??” I said, hoping for a name from the technician. She finally clued in as we stared at each other after a few seconds. “Oh, sorry. I’m Trish.”

“Well Trish, it’s nice to formally meet you,” I said, as Adalynn brushed past me on my right and extended her hand out as well. “Trish.”

The technician seemed hesitant at first, but then with renewed enthusiasm reached out and took Adalynn’s hand and shook it. I noticed that Adalynn and Trish both seemed to pause momentarily, neither one moving for half a second. “Well. Let’s head downstairs shall we.” Trish said in a chipper voice.

Adalynn released her hand and I turned to give her a questioning look as Trish turned and started down in front of us. Leaning in quickly towards me, “Trish is an android.” Adalynn whispered. I raised an eyebrow and shook my head. “Figures, they probably all are,” I replied. Suggesting that the two males may also be androids.
“Your assumption is incorrect, Mike.” She said quietly as we descended the stairs together.
Letting out a grunt, I conceded to the fact that I was wrong and should not have assumed they all were.

Meng Li and Mandi Porter were both busy on separate computers as Trish guided us over towards them and the two inert Celeste androids. “I have more work to attend to,” Trish said, then turned and left us.
Meng Li looked up for a brief second to acknowledge Adalynn and me. “Two moments please.” She said, then she turned her attention back to her screen.

Looking over at Celeste 2.0 as I had decided to call her, she was beautiful to behold. Standing barefoot, naked, and with her eyes closed, Celeste still had the semblance of being real. But with her open panels, cables, and wiring, it was also evident that in reality, she was a thing, a machine, an android. Her skin tone was perfect in color. I noticed the random birthmarks such as a mole or freckles adding to her realism. Every other outward aspect of her body was identical to her original.

“Amazing piece of technology. She’s elegant, sleek, and sexy.” Mandi uttered almost as if worshiping all that Celeste was.
Adalynn turned to watch her, a curious look on her face. “Why do you describe her in such a way?” She asked, stepping closer to Mandi.

Ms. Porter typed a few more keys and then hit enter, standing up herself and turning to face Adalynn. “I happened to be an intern under Nicholas Faraday when he worked for SR, Adalynn. He was brilliant. He was an artist and she was his final project.” Mandi said, pointing to our Celeste. “I only used those words to describe Celeste because of her architecture, her circuitry, and everything about her. I feel fortunate enough to say that I too have been handed a portion of the potter's clay in order to add to his final work. Some of her redesigns come from me and my team. That is why I speak so reverently of her in whole. She’s truly a work of art.” Mandi replied with emotion.

Awestruck by Mandi’s emotion-filled words, I realized that maybe she was a people person after all and she just had to have a point of reference to have an amicable conversation. She had addressed Adalynn by name and not by description. My mind immediately put the two pieces of a puzzle together that it had been struggling with subconsciously. “Celeste is your reason for having asked to come and be here. Isn’t she?” I asked, almost whispering.

Mandi Porter snapped her head in my direction, nodding as she did so. “Yes, yes. You do understand why I had to come now? Why it had to be me?” She asked, practically pleading. Her eyes were wide.

Adalynn’s eyes darted between me and Mandi, her look of confusion was childlike and genuine. I could tell her computerized mind was trying to figure out and understand what I had come to understand. “Would one of you please help me understand?” She finally asked.

I reached for Adalynn’s hand and stepped close beside her. “Mike?” Meng Li motioned with her hand, encouraging me to explain. I looked quickly at Mandi who also nodded. Great, leave it to the man to explain things. I’m sure to have two other inputs before I finished, I thought to myself.

“Adalynn, do you remember what Nicole mentioned before she left, regarding Mandi?” I prodded, looking between the two of them. Adalynn cocked her head slightly before answering. “That she had begged to come here with the team?” She answered, still unsure.
“Yes, exactly,” Mandi interjected. I looked at Meng Li who just smiled, nodding at me with encouragement.
“Mandi knew Nicholas and worked with him, becau..”

“Oh, Mandi! That’s wonderful!!” Adalynn screamed out, cutting me off mid-sentence, letting go of my hand, and running to embrace her in a huge embrace. “I understand now too. Celeste is an integral part of who you are, you helped in her creation.” Adalynn finished saying.
Both women embraced each other for a few moments, surprising me. After separating, Mandi nodded, “Yes. Except I call her Serena. The one back in my lab. That’s her name. Serena, my Serena.”

“That’s a beautiful name,” Adalynn commented, lightly touching Mandi’s hand.
“I’m so sorry if I’ve come across as cold, rude, and heartless to either of you. The Siren project was started by Nicholas Faraday and it literally fell into my lap after his death. It’s been my baby ever since, so I tend to get tunnel vision, possessive, and so focused on my work that sometimes I’m not very friendly to be around.” Mandi explained.

“Ahh, now that comment makes more sense,” I said aloud to no one in particular.
Meng Li, Mandi, and Adalynn all turned to look at me with a questioning look. “Oh. Uhm.. Nicole mentioned to me something that you had told her earlier today. I know that was mentioned in confidence so I must apologize, at least on my behalf.” I sort of explained. I knew Adalynn and Mandi would figure it out, but Meng Li looked satisfied.

Mandi Porter nodded at me as I looked to her for understanding. “After you left I sent a text to Nicole, as she had asked for an update before she was to leave. You stood your ground with me when not many men would have.” That was all she elaborated on.

Meng Li cleared her throat. “Ms. Mandi, Mike, and sweet Adalynn. It’s time to wake up Celeste and see how she likes her new body.” She said excitedly

Posts: 23
Joined: Wed Apr 27, 2022 10:02 pm
Technosexuality: Built and Transformation
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Re: An Unexpected Offer - Chapters 20, 21, 22, & 23

Post by Bears55 » Sun Oct 30, 2022 12:55 am

I’m enjoying each chapter knowing that so many small elements will become important as the story moves along. Thank you for sharing it with us!

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