Fantasizing about a scene/art sequence

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Fantasizing about a scene/art sequence

Post by sparky » Wed Oct 27, 2021 4:41 pm

I have been fantasizing about a scene where a female android (feminine yet clearly robotic with external vents and panels that can be removed for repair etc.) in a very authoritative position is holding a group or a few individuals at bay or prisoner. During this ordeal, one of the individuals sneakily pours liquid into her vent located on her upper back. As the liquid begins to slowly wreak havoc on her internal circuits they begin to cautiously escape and the android tries to prevent them but fails due to critical malfunctioning.

The fembot I imagine has soft faux leather joints like in the midsection and hip joints that allows more free movement. She is imposing and intimidating as an authority figure..yet sexy, if that makes sense?

I will pay for this comic/art sequence :)

Im begging you lol

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