A caption or a few

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A caption or a few

Post by petey » Fri Apr 30, 2021 9:07 am

Since I'm shit with photoediting software, even when adding text, I'm not even going to try. But hey, sometimes you see an image and think of a story that must be expunged from your head and put into actual words. Anyone who feels compelled to do some image edits, feel free.


The renewal of vows was Arina's idea. It had been her idea even before she was uploaded into a gorgeous gynoid chassis. I'll admit the first ceremony wasn't much, back when we were both just out of college. And we'll both admit she didn't look as beautiful in her first wedding dress. Neither of us minded that this one showed some of the evidence of her new synthetic nature.

And she might actually be happier about it all the second time around. She carried herself with a renewed lightness since the upload that I couldn't remember over 40 years of marriage. It could have been the beauty, it could have been the additional programming we agreed to, or it could have been the newfound lack of guilt over the men and women she was taking to bed behind my back. Now I knew, and we had come to an arrangement.

I reached down and stroked her cheek. She smiled and almost purred with contentment. "Do you have your vows figured out?" I said.

She nodded, "can I take the dress off first?"

I nodded back and she stood up to undo the hooks on the gown and strip naked. Without underwear, it wasn't a long process. Her chassis really was a moving work of art. I sat on the edge of the bed, and she took a position back on her knees, one hand on my thigh, staring up at me.

"Stepan, you are the love of my life and my best friend. You know me deeply, in ways no one else ever will. There's nothing you can do to make me stop loving you, and I know that nothing I do will make you stop loving me. I will love no one else but you. I will cherish no one more than you. I will be programmed by no one else but you. Everything I do will be to make you happy. I promise to always be a woman that you would want to marry all over again."

It brought a little tear to my eye, because the look in her face was so earnest about what she was saying. I couldn't bring myself to ask for the blowjob I was expecting a minute earlier. Of course, she instantly picked up on it and rested her head on my thigh.

"I love you. Thank you for agreeing to this."

I stroked her hair, "I love you too."

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Re: A caption or a few

Post by petey » Mon May 03, 2021 12:01 pm

A week ago, Monica had been viewing the sexbot displays in the large converted furniture store. Being one of the displays was a lot more fun. She had been in this position for three hours straight and felt no discomfort at all. She hadn't blinked, but her eyes weren't irritated at all. They weren't pointed at a mirror, but the image of her new body was crystal clear in her mind: Perkier tits than she had ever had. Clearer skin than she had ever had. And probably a wetter pussy than she had ever had.

When she agreed to let the nanomachines dissolve her body and leave a gynoid template behind, she was worried that she'd be embarrassed about being nude and on display for days at a time. So far, it hadn't been an issue. The collar wrapped tightly around her neck was a pleasant reminder of what she had become. And when she was touched, it was just heaven.

In her current pose, Monica couldn't get a great look at the woman who stopped in front of her to admire her chassis. But she seemed intrigued by the tattoos Monica had designed for her new body. The gynoid floor model didn't flinch as the customer groped a bare breast or stroked the impossibly smooth cuntlips on display. Monica - as a human - was generally straight, but she ached to have a copy of herself become this female stranger's robot sex pet.
The woman moved and Monica recognized her. It was her boss... former boss... Emily. The middle-aged face got close to hers and Monica wanted to kiss it. The urge got even stronger when Emily stroked the gynoid's cheek.

"You really can see the resemblance. Like a hotter daughter."

If anything was going to trip up the gynoid version of Monica this would be it. But even after letting the situation roll around in her processors for a while... she was still happy with her decision. It really was better inside the display.
Last edited by petey on Thu May 13, 2021 7:10 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: A caption or a few

Post by petey » Tue May 04, 2021 6:18 am

"You are such a wuss."
"You know I hate needles!"
"You literally won't feel a thing. You've got the tactile sensors in your chest turned off, right?"
"I don't care! That needle is huge!"
My newly-robotized wife still refused to open her eyes. The fact that her chassis looked 30 years younger than her real age at least made the squirming cute. Still irritating for me, but less than it could have been.
"It's emptying your fluid capture reservoir. Would you rather puke up everything from the last 48 hours?"
She made a pitiful little pouting sound, but didn't flinch when I stuck the needle in between her new perfect breasts to connect the pump to her.
"There, see? everything is fine."
She opened one eye and immediately jumped when she saw the needle and tube of flowing light-brown liquid sticking out from her chest. Fortunately the eye snapped back shut so she couldn't see me covering my mouth to suppress my laughter.
"I'm never drinking coffee again!"

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Re: A caption or a few

Post by petey » Wed May 05, 2021 7:02 am

This morning, K72-3a-994c sat in front of a coffee shop, people watching and sipping a latte for the taste rather than the caffeine. She felt bad for the people hustling off to work in boring offices, but mostly she felt good that wasn't her life anymore. Even on a Tuesday night, she had seen 4 clients. Her programming ensured each had brought her to screaming heights of pleasure. And despite the use, here she sat looking just as perfect as when her evening started. She wasn't even sore or tired. Her battery was at 15%, but that was more than enough to get back to the condo she shared with 3 other escort gynoids. Having roommates again was irritating, but she accepted the agency had to keep costs low over her 20-year contract to earn back the money they spent on her conversion.

K72 spied a middle-aged woman in a pantsuit checking her out a few moments before the wheeled cart the woman was pulling tipped on its side and allowed a few documents to tumble out. K72 reached into her purse and palmed a business card for "Clean Machine Synthetic Conversions" before moving to help. She had to be careful not to reveal her lack of underwear when she knelt down to grab a folder. She handed the bound stack of paper back to the woman and made sure the business card got into her hand.

The gynoid leaned in close enough so only the woman could hear her, "For if you want to quit the rat race. Take it from me, it's the best 50th birthday present you could ever get yourself."
Last edited by petey on Fri May 07, 2021 5:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A caption or a few

Post by petey » Wed May 05, 2021 1:56 pm

When my girlfriend told me she was going to grab something to spice up our little fuck session, I wasn't expecting her to bring in her roommate.

Terri was the hottest girl I had ever dated and absolutely insatiable in the sack. It wasn't a complete shock that she wanted to try a threesome, but it was surprising that Riley did. Riley seemed to retreat into her room with her engineering textbooks whenever I stopped by.

Terri had a big smile on her face as I looked over Riley's body, "There's something I need.. we need to tell you, and I thought this would be the fun way to do it."

My eyes moved from Riley's smooth mons to Terri's stomach... where the skin was sliding away to reveal a panel of data connections and blinking lights.

"The university is testing out new methods of brain digitization and chassis integration, and we both volunteered." Riley took that as a cue to let her own stomach panel open. It took a few beats before I realized how much my jaw had dropped.

"They assigned us each a conversion buddy, that's how Riley and I became roommates." Terri paused and her smile got a little less bright "And lovers".

Riley's hand moved to Terri's ass. I was finding it hard to get too angry about any infidelity.. which was probably the point of doing things this way. I couldn't do much more than nod.

The nod was enough to restore Terri's smile and encourage her to continue, "So Riley's still a virgin...technically..." I felt my face flush "And I've been telling her what a generous lover you are... You'd be ok with deflowering her, right?"

Oh, darn, what a sacrifice on my part. I didn't say that though, "Yeah, me and every other straight guy on campus."

Riley smirked a little like that, "The thing is, I was a male at the start of the semester. Are you ok with that? I totally get it if you're not, but Terri thought you'd be ok with it..."

I cut her off, "I'm fine with it." I wasn't bi, but Riley certain wasn't a man now. "More than fine." I closed the distance between us in the room and gave Riley a kiss. She disentangled herself from Terri to return it and push against me. Terri gently nudged us all to the bed. Riley fell down onto her back and spread her legs while Terri took a position sitting on her roomie's face. She seemed more interested in my cock sliding into Riley than Riley's tongue on her own pussy. Riley's cunt squeezed tightly around my member, like it was shaping itself to be a perfect fit.

Terri started playing with her tits and grinding on Riley's face, muffling the moaning. "And now that you know what we are inside, there are other benefits."

"What's that?"

She grinned, "Vibration."
Last edited by petey on Fri May 07, 2021 10:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A caption or a few

Post by petey » Wed May 05, 2021 3:30 pm


I didn't understand why my brother married Elaine. She was ugly inside and outside. She was unpleasant to be around. And she wasn't even rich. I'm pretty sure she stole my Mom's identity once.

A few years later, when they announced she would be uploaded into a gynoid body and would be surrendering her legal personhood, I understood better.

I followed the updates on social media and flew out for her big 'unveiling'. She was a lot easier on the eyes, to be sure. But beyond that, she was indefatigably joyful. Family get-togethers were a lot more pleasant without her acting like everyone else in the family was persecuting her.

More time passed. While legally they weren't married anymore, whenever we were at the same event she played the role of the pretty, deferential wife to perfection. I actually found myself forgetting all the shit she pulled when she was a person and growing to like her.

I was on a business trip, without the wife & kids, and decided to stay with my brother instead of at a hotel. He wasn't home when I got into town, but Elaine was.

Seeing her there, propped against the couch, smiling, dressed in a pink and white outfit, it occurred to me we had never been alone together. She stuck to my brother's side.

"Hello, Dan. Would you like to play with Dolly?" The smile didn't leave her face

"Pardon me?"

"Master left me in sexdolly mode this morning! Since you're an approved user, I can pleasure you however you like! Master says I give better blowjobs than any of his girlfriends!"

"I'm pretty sure Leslie wouldn't approve."

She giggled, "Don't worry, it's not cheating, it's masturbation when it's with a toy like me!"

"And you're OK with this?"

"Yup! Making Master happy is what makes me happy, and making Master's friends happy makes him happy!"

I blushed a bit. I didn't know if this was all intentional or not... but Elaine didn't seem to mind. Didn't seem to mind at all.

"Yeah, that sounds nice. Can you show me to the guest bedroom?"

She hopped up, giggling 'You bet!'

This was going to be much better than the hotel...

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Re: A caption or a few

Post by petey » Thu May 06, 2021 9:55 am


When you run your own hotel, you have to wear a lot of hats. My husband and I try to split the work as best as we can, but I can do the books while recharging, he can't do them while he's sleeping. So he does a lot of the cleaning and the errands around town, I handle the front desk and minor repairs.

And, of course, the 'premium experiences' are my responsibility too. David isn't entirely comfortable with it, but he understands the necessity for the business. And with a small hotel, I'm usually rented out for only 10 hours or so a week.

And that is why I'm naked, immobile and sprawled out on the bed in room 207. The smile is genuine, though. I tell my human friends that it's like a post-coital high that doesn't fade. I'm reserved from 9-10, but the guest isn't back from dinner yet. When the door opens, the sexdoll program sends a shiver of excitement up my spine. I get another delicious rush of excitement when he heads to the bathroom and doesn't acknowledge me.

He comes back in naked and asks me if I'm the woman from the front desk. It's a direct question, so it can break me out of my frozen state. I get up into a kneeling position, "I am. But I'm also whoever you want me to be, sir." I lick my lips.

"Was that dude your husband?"

"Sextoys don't have husbands" I have enough control to steer him away from that line of questioning.

"Let's say that he is."

Dang. Didn't work. The sexdoll programming and my own personality come up with a scenario on the fly.

I get on all fours, still on the bed. "Maybe he is legally, but we might as well be roommates at this point. I need to be treated like a fucking machine and he just can't cut it." It's a lie. David and I fuck like rabbits. I'm programmed to climax harder with him than any other partner. I turn in place and wiggle my ass at the guest. "Mmm, fuck me hard. I want him to hear what it sounds like when I'm used like I should be."

I coo when I feel his hands on my hip, groan when he pulls on my long hair, and squeal when his cock slides into me. Even if it's not as good as it is with David, sex with my synthetic pussy feels amazing. The scenario requires me to be louder than I might be otherwise. "God yes! Fuck me! Use me! Make me your robot bitch!"

Running your own hotel is hard work, but it's worth it.

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Re: A caption or a few

Post by BA2 » Thu May 06, 2021 10:32 am

“Premium experiences...” - like it!

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Re: A caption or a few

Post by petey » Thu May 06, 2021 2:52 pm

The conversion counselor told me that I should have my digitized personality adjusted to be more comfortable with public nudity. I politely declined. I wanted my synthetic mind to match my biological one as closely as possible.

She neglected to mention that my chassis insurance only covered bronze-level monthly maintenance. That meant walking myself, buck naked, from station to station amidst a few dozen other naked robot women and a mixed-gender group of biological technicians.

They all thought it was hilarious. I spent my time wondering if i had to make a separate appointment for reprogramming...

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Re: A caption or a few

Post by petey » Fri May 07, 2021 8:06 am

I think my boyfriend knows. My gynoid chassis can consume food, it just can't do anything with it. So I try to avoid dinner dates together or meals with friends. I overate constantly when I had a human body, and I really don't miss those urges. But lately he's been insisting on it and giving me gifts of chocolates and fancy fruit. And he keeps asking me if I need pads or tampons, when I don't use either anymore.

I'm walking around his apartment in my underwear, getting ready for work in the morning, and he surprises me with another chocolate gift.

I sigh, "So you've figured out my secret."

He takes a seat, "Yeah, but I was hoping you'd admit it, rather than having to confront you about it."

"You're right, I should have told you a month ago." I simulate a deep breath. "I'm a gynoid with an uploaded human Memory Association Matrix. Technically, I haven't been a software engineer the past three years, I plug myself into a server for 100 hours a week and review social media posts for illicit content. My brain is actually in my chest now, so that's why my data connections are here." I open up a panel to reveal those ports and prove what I'm saying. "Even my family doesn't know, they think I just lost a bunch of weight over a summer and went on a great skincare regime."

I don't really focus on his reaction until the spiel is done. He's sitting there with his eyes wide, staring at my chest. "I. I thought you had an eating disorder. I found chunks of undigested food in the toilet and I thought it was so bad your period had stopped."

Now it's my turn to be silent.

"Oh. Umm, surprise?"
Last edited by petey on Fri May 07, 2021 2:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A caption or a few

Post by petey » Fri May 07, 2021 1:47 pm


Day 1 of the week-long Young Women's Leadership Council Retreat at Camp Striding Cross consisted of 50 promising students and early professionals arriving in small groups and listening to an inspiring talk by a Fortune 500 Chief Diversity Officer.

Days 2 through 6 consisted of the ladies being scanned, shocked, poked and prodded in the course of creating their perfect gynoid replacements.

Now, the night before they were scheduled to return to the lives their human originals had built, the fresh robots were jubilant. They remembered the stresses and anxieties of family, career, and simple biology. They rejoiced that those worries had been replaced with cheerful obedience to the manufacturer, and to any man or woman that purchased them as a wife.

The last night was always going to be a party, but now the women explored how much pleasure they could give and receive in their new bodies. They pleased each other. They pleased the technicians that built them. And they pleased the select group of prospective buyers invited to the festivities.

Brian snapped a quick picture of the two young lawyers and one intern who he had recommended for the retreat. They were delighted that they would all be assigned to him. And Brian was delighted he had accepted the position of senior partner without asking why the pay bump was so small. The benefits definitely made up for it.
Last edited by petey on Wed May 26, 2021 10:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A caption or a few

Post by azure » Sat May 08, 2021 9:43 am

This is really great! even without any manipulations to the pictures, the words does all the magic!

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Re: A caption or a few

Post by petey » Mon May 10, 2021 9:45 am


In my opinion, nerd girls make the best Gynoid Companion dolls.

People forget that you have to avoid suspicion post-conversion. A nerd is much more believable when she says she's moving across the country to be with a guy she met online. And it's easier to hide the physical changes beneath excuses of 'I started going to the gym and eating right', 'I bought better bras' or 'I watched some great makeup tutorials'.

Half of the time, when I tell one of them they're going to be an sexy, ageless robot, they get excited. Katie here is a mechanical engineer and asked a million questions when I introduced her to a previously converted doll. She cooperated eagerly with every test I needed to perform. I didn't tell her beforehand that I'd be smoothing out her personality and make her love the idea of being bought and owned... but she didn't put up much of a fight.

And let's face it, most of my buyers are nerds too. Show them a smiling, beautiful redhead with great curves, and you get them to pay attention. Have the doll start talking intelligently about why Ahsoka Tano is a better character than Rey, and you get them to pull out their checkbooks.

(pic option b https://i.redd.it/c26pbflw4wh31.jpg )

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Re: A caption or a few

Post by petey » Mon May 10, 2021 11:19 am


Dating a gynoid sounds great, but there are downsides. I try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. Elena only needs an hour of 'memory integration'.

Which means sometimes waking up to a beautiful, unblinking face staring at me from 10 cm away.

I roll away and nearly fall off the other side of the bed, to the delight of my girlfriend. Smacking her with a pillow doesn't seem to phase her.

"Robo Elena needs human pussy for fuel. Target found. beep boop." she waggles her eyebrows at me then crawls over, putting her face between my legs. It's a weird angle, but she makes it work. Ohhhh does she make it work.

I'll admit, there are definite upsides too.

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Re: A caption or a few

Post by petey » Mon May 10, 2021 12:33 pm

image removed, sorry

I didn't have much of a choice. It was either become a gynoid - and spend 30 years as a servile toy to pay off my body and processing - or let the autoimmune disease slowly kill me. My boyfriend understood completely and we split on good terms.

I told Karlie she didn't have to do it, but she insisted on going through the process with me. Paired contracts, where both units are leased as an inseparable set, aren't normal, but not hard to put together. Usually it's married couples doing it, not best friends. Karlie said she had already been thinking about becoming a doll, and spending the decades with me made the choice easier. I didn't entirely believe her, but after a month of trying to dissuade her, I gave up.

We signed the contracts together, went under the anesthesia together, were customized with tattoos and piercings together, and woke up with our new priorities together. The first time our plastic bodies touched was when we were packed together for shipping to our owner. It gave me such comfort, and it didn't feel like part of the programming that had made me pansexual, shameless, and devoted to an owner I had never met.

Five years later, we sat together cuddling by a window in our owner's house. There's a surprising amount of downtime when you're a sextoy. She read her book, I teased her nipple piercing and kissed her neck.

We each heard the summons, although it was directed for Karlie. She was Master's favorite. He wanted a blowjob between meetings and it was her duty to obey. We both stood up, and I stretched out my hand to maintain contact a little longer.

"I love Master, Karlie."

"I love Master too."
Last edited by petey on Fri May 12, 2023 2:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A caption or a few

Post by petey » Mon May 10, 2021 7:37 pm

It was quickly becoming Ryan’s favorite noise. Every Tuesday, his fellow data analyst Lyssa needed some system updates. It spoke to how much she trusted her coworkers that she downloaded and installed them as soon as they were available, rather than waiting until she could step away from her desk or when she was home.
Sometime between 10 and 10:15, Lyssa’s chest would make a soft beeping noise like a server with a low backup battery. Ryan would do his best to look up without being obvious about it. The only gynoid in the office would be sitting with perfect posture in her chair, hands in her lap, staring forward. She would be inhumanly still, like a work of art in the middle of the cubicles.
He wondered if the little smile was a designed part of her neutral expression or one last emotional response before her mind was suspended.
Today it happened at 10:07. He heard the beep from three cubicles away. A little hair had fallen in front of her face this time. Ryan didn’t mind too much, he loved every single part of her. He dreamed of coming home to find her suspended, waiting for him, then activating with a big smile on her face. Or maybe he could be kissing her while she was frozen, and feel her come to life like sleeping beauty.
In the midst of his daydream, he didn’t notice her updates were done. With a turn of her head, Lyssa was making eye contact with him. Ryan fought the urge to leap under his desk, instead he whipped his head back toward his own screen, clicking his mouse a few times to make it seem like he was working.
He saw the message notification pop up in his window. It was from Lyssa. A dozen possible catastrophes formed in his mind. He was going to be humiliated. He was going to be fired. He was going to prison. He was going to be on a list for the rest of his life. He purposely fought the urge to look up at Lyssa. He read the message:
“Would you like to have lunch together and talk about my updates?”

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Re: A caption or a few

Post by petey » Tue May 11, 2021 7:02 am

image removed, sorry

I may have messed around with the libido settings on my new android brain too much. I'll admit, I designed my body with the intention of having lots of sex. I didn't want any of my hangups getting in the way.

However, I do still have a job. And my libido was getting in the way. Someone complained that I was getting a bit to 'flirty' with my direct reports. But manually changing my settings is time-consuming. I don't always work a regular schedule, so a timer wouldn't work. I needed a specific physical trigger.

That's my roundabout explanation of why I still wear glasses. The four specific points of pressure tell my brain that it's worktime, and my libido goes to just about zero.

But as you can see, they're off now.
Last edited by petey on Fri May 12, 2023 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A caption or a few

Post by petey » Tue May 11, 2021 8:17 am


"Oh fuck off, Bob. That was not the deal."

"The deal was you wear that outfit until lunch, and you don't eat lunch."

"You do realize I could report you for, like, half a dozen HR violations. There's sexual harassment, transphobia, robophobia, ableism... I at least need to put on a Hi-vis vest so no one drops another tree on me."

"You were the one that suggested the bet, and those are your clothes. It's not my fault you suck at darts now."

"The top belongs to my wife, actually."

"How's she doing without anyone to keep her satisfied at night? I'd be happy to help you two out."

"She's bi, just like your wife."

"My wife's not bi."

"Well she did an awfully good job between my legs last weekend for a straight chick."

"Oh fuck off, Dale."

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Re: A caption or a few

Post by petey » Tue May 11, 2021 12:31 pm

image removed, sorry

I've never been so excited to be naked and immobile in a back alley.

I've had this dirty sexual fantasy since my uploading. I dream about being treated like an object, sold by my husband to a stranger like an old laptop or sofa. I can't explain it, but it makes me wet to think of myself as just a doll instead of a person with my own wants and needs.

I didn't ride beside him. I crawled into the trunk naked and made space for my charging and maintenance peripherals. I guess if I'm going to be used by his friend all weekend I might need them. And it made the fantasy more real.

Like a good dolly, I didn't move or react when the van pulled up with a stranger in the front seat. He and my husband chatted for a bit, talked a little about me like I wasn't there.

"She's in good shape for 5 years old."

"4 actually, I got her at the end of the model year."

I don't react as the stranger fondles my tits, although it feels heavenly. I don't even blink when he pokes my face and tests me for a pulse. My frozen smile doesn't budge when he sticks a finger in my wet plastic pussy and I cum immediately.

"So why are you getting rid of her?"

"You know, the sex kitten act gets a little stale. And I'm seeing a girl from work. I don't want her coming around and finding this little bot making dinner in her underwear."

Mmmm, he's getting into it. I love him so much for indulging my fantasy.

"Is she a sleeper?"

"Half-sleeper. She's aware right now. She thinks she used to be a person and became a robot."

"Is that going to be a problem?"

"Nah, I programmed her yesterday to think she has a fantasy about being a sexdoll."

They both chuckled. God, I am going to fuck my husband so hard when I get back home.

"Registration and paperwork all in order?"

"Yup, I've got the old paper copies here. As soon as the funds are in my account, the contract executes, the county registrar gets notified, and you get her root passwords."

MMMM, those documents look real. He went all out for me. He's such a good man. I'm so lucky.

The stranger taps on his phone and for a second my vision goes dark. It happens sometimes, I'm not concerned. When my awareness returns, my wonderful owner is opening up the back of his van.

"Get your stuff."

My little smile becomes a big smile and I strut over to the stranger's car. I pull my equipment out of the trunk and transfer it to the van. I shake my booty a little extra for Master as I walk back to grab the two garbage bags of clothes the stranger is pulling out from the back seat.

"Thank you, sir for selling this to my Master." He has a strange look on his face, but it doesn't matter. I throw the bags in the back and crawl in after them, lying across the floor. Master closes the doors and I feel so lucky to be a slutbot now instead of a person. This is what I'm meant to be.
Last edited by petey on Fri May 12, 2023 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A caption or a few

Post by petey » Tue May 11, 2021 2:25 pm


Campus Greek organizations for robot students haven't been around for long, but they still have their hazing rituals. I think they should be called effigities. frater is brother, effigy is copy. I think it works for a mixed-gender group like Rho Beta, but no one agrees with me.

Anyway, I didn't get into any sororities freshman year. But after uploading between sophomore and junior year, I decided to give it another shot. That's why I'm standing in the house's common room in my underwear with my motor control off. While everyone else prepares for the big Labor Day party tonight, I am in hour 9 of my 24 hours as a mannequin. At least there's activity now. Being locked in the closet would have gotten real old real fast.

And judging by the casual groping I've been subjected to by the brothers and sisters, I have a guess about how the night is going to go. Lots of being pawed at by the human guests. I'll probably be covered in beer and Dorito dust. My underwear will probably be removed in some amusing way. My fellow androids will pop open my panels and discuss my internal parts. I'll just generally be treated like a silicone statue for a night.

I'm so excited I have to turn my lubrication off.

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Re: A caption or a few

Post by petey » Thu May 13, 2021 3:54 pm


I've known Jana since we were math geeks in middle school. I knew her parents were loaded, but not this loaded. Sure, her parents had paid for her mind uploading and top-of-the-line chassis as a sweet 16 gift, but mine paid for my more modest chassis as a high school graduation gift.

When she invited me to her parents' beach house, I had figured she meant us and a few other machine people going some place on the gulf coast after a long car ride. I had not expected a dozen of us flying business class to San Juan and a boat waiting to take us to a private island.

After one night of debauchery I had to take a stroll down the beach to decompress. It was gorgeous in the morning light. I came back to find Jana and Melody on a balcony. Jana grinned and catcalled me.

"Hey stud! We all decided no swimsuits today! Let's see that cock!"

I obliged the request. The girls laughed and clapped as I willed my dick to its biggest length and girth. They threw their swimsuits at me.

"Come on up here! Melody has this psych program that feels like you took a bump of cocaine! Laura ran it five times and she's totally freaking out and cleaning every surface in the house, it's hilarious!"

Melody smiled and looked like she was a million miles a way. She must still be running that LSD simulation.

"I prefer booze and sex as vices, thank you very much."

"Wuss!" She laughed and removed her stomach panel. "Let's get really naked!" Melody and I followed our host's lead. Jana removed her 'wig' too and let the metal plating beneath it show.

"You ever remove your arms and legs before sex?" I decided to stay on the ground for now.

"Why the fuck would I want to?"

"No resources used for tactile processing on those parts!"

"Ohhhhh. Sure, I'll try it!" Jana tried yanking off her arm, causing Melody to giggle and start playing with one of her nipples. Jana didn't have much success.

"Wait a few minutes, I'll be right up."

"Just remember, you owe me 3 fucks a day for your airfare!"

It was a price I was happy to pay.

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Re: A caption or a few

Post by petey » Wed May 19, 2021 9:05 am


It really was a beautiful cabin. It was nestled deep in the State Forest, surrounded by trees and inaccessible by anything larger than an ATV. Jennifer realized how much background noise the city produced only now when she was away from it for the first time in ages.

The problem was her boyfriend didn't mention just how far removed it was from the road and she hadn't planned on an 25 km uphill bike trek. She also didn't plan on the clean, updated cabin from the photos not having any electricity. For a human woman the pantry, propane heat and potable water tank would have been enough for a long weekend. For a Gynoid starting on an 80% charge, it was a problem.

"Wayne, we need to talk." Jennifer sat down on the edge of the deck's table.

He put their bags in the bedroom and walked out, looking worried, "Is something wrong?"

"I've been putting this off, but I can't put it off any longer."

"You're breaking up with me."

Jennifer rolled her eyes, 'If I was going to do that I would have done it before going into the middle of nowhere."

"I'm sorry if the ride was a bit steep for you-"

"Let me finish." She held up her hand, took a breath, and continued. "You know how I said I was older than I look?"

He nodded.

"I'm 71 years old."

He laughed, "Alright, very funny, granny."

"I'm not just a lawyer, I'm a founding partner of the firm. Which means I could afford an upload into a robot body last year. The firm paid for part of it too, as an inducement to postpone my retirement."

"You're kidding me." He had heard of the upload process, the news loved reporting on it, but there were maybe 10,000 cases of it in the entire country. "You've spent the night and I never saw anything."

Jennifer smirked, "The heating pad for my soccer injury? It's for wireless charging."

He started putting it together, "And the references to old shows and movies?"

"Yeah, I watched them when they first aired."

His eyes lit up, "Oh shit, there's no way for you to charge here. I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine. You couldn't have known. But we do need a solution. I don't have enough charge to get back to the car."

"Umm, I guess I can put you on one of the bikes and roll you along the path?"

Jennifer got a big grin on her face, "Or you could bring a generator back up here and I can show you what a truly tireless hottie like me can do between the sheets. all. weekend. long."

She waved as her boyfriend hopped on a bicycle and headed down the path at breakneck speed.

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Re: A caption or a few

Post by petey » Tue May 25, 2021 7:41 am


I'm more nervous walking into this room than I was walking into the hospital for my mind upload. I knew what was going to happen then, I had no idea what might happen now.

The Society of Fembot Engineers is for engineers that are female androids, not for those working on robotics projects. It's a lot more about fun with our new chassis and minds than professional development.

I adjusted my outfit one more time in the stairwell. I had heard this was the trend, but it felt odd. I hadn't worn much makeup before and even with my steady hand and tutorials at my disposal I worried I was wearing too much, too little, or just the wrong style. I imagined the fembots bursting into laughter when I entered the room.

I worried that they all knew my original body was pudgy and male. I didn't bother presenting as female then, but now I had this beautiful face, long hair, and great tits. I had chatted up a few of the fembots last year, but didn't bring up what type of chassis I wanted. I imagined them remembering what I looked like before and screaming that I didn't belong here as soon as I entered.

If I had a heart, it would have been pounding as I walked in, trying to keep my posture confident. There were four girls gathered around a partial chassis. It took me a few extra steps to notice it was the faculty advisor, Dr. Beaumont. With her only attached arm, she was pointing out where to install the tactile signal boosters in her nude chassis.

And she was the first to notice me, using the arm to wave me over, "Kelly! Great to see you! You look amazing!"

Four other heads turned to look at me. I froze and replayed all those worries again. Katya, the club president, smiled too and waved me over. "Come on over! We just need to re-assemble Tiffany and then we can tune up your pussy. Factory specs are sooooo much lower than what the hardware is capable of doing."

The other girls giggled and turned back to the professor. I smiled and took my spot next to them.

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Re: A caption or a few

Post by petey » Wed May 26, 2021 3:23 pm


"I am not going to work like this."

"Come on, you said you wanted to show off your chassis for the investors."

"There's showing off, and then there's being a porno version of a software developer."

"I thought you were OK with doing things out of a porno for the investors."

Grace blushed a bit but didn't look away from me, "I want to do it, I just don't want to look like I'm just some sexdoll. I wrote almost all the code for my chassis' reflexes for chrissakes."

"Do you want me to edit you before you leave?"

She chewed on her lip and squirmed a bit. Those reflexes she programmed made her expanded tits rise even more inside her top as she simulated a deep breath.

"If you think we have time."

I always had time for this. She licked her lips as she watched me pull out my phone and type in the verification code. Once entered, her face and body moved to a neutral position and froze there.

I spoke to her, "Unit 004-X, activate personality formatting mode."

"Primary user identity confirmed, unit 004-X ready for modifications to memory association matrix"

I sat down with my laptop and spent 30 minutes on what I had done so often in the nine months since Grace became one of our company's prototypes. I identified which memories where making her feel anxious in her current situation, then deleted those connections. The memory of unwelcome stares at her chest when she was in high school were there, but she didn't think about them when looking at her exposed cleavage anymore. Most of her sessions were like this, linking reprogramming to self-improvement or self improvement to greater sexual desirability or sexual desirability to self worth. She could still be proud of her programming skills, but Grace was more proud of how much money the VC techbros paid us for the chance to fuck her again.

Satisfied with my work, I rebooted her personality. The neutral expression changed to a big grin. She even changed her posture to provide me a better view of her tits.

"Thanks, honey. Let's get going. I have a long day and night ahead of me and I can't wait for it to start."
Last edited by petey on Fri May 28, 2021 10:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A caption or a few

Post by petey » Fri May 28, 2021 10:46 am


It isn't easy to turn a human brain into a processor fit to operate a gynoid chassis. It isn't quick either. Generally it is 3 straight weeks of testing and monitoring under the close supervision of a neurospecialist. Because of this, Apollo & Diana Robotics assigns its conversion clients to groups that go through the process together.

Batch 48-048b5 came in as women between the ages of 22 and 76. Some are married, some are single. Some are bisexual. Some have children. Some have full-time jobs. All were strangers to each other. But they all quickly found common ground in their desire to be a beautiful A&D gynoid.

They took solace that theirs wasn't the only head shaved on day one. They could complain to each other about sleeping with the electrodes glued in place. They could blush and chat with each other about the sexual testing procedures.

And at the end day 12, they entered the uploading room as a group. They held hands and encouraged each other as the more invasive probes were installed in their human bodies. They weren't alone as they entered their individual life support pods.

On Day 20, they were all activated together. It's A&D tradition that the first picture of a new gynoid is a group picture with the other members of her batch. The synthetic skin is still glistening from the manufacturing process.

Some of the new units will go back to their families, and some will enter A&D's industry-leading service-based chassis repayment program, but units 48-048b5-01 to 48-048b5-07 will always be like synthetic sisters.

You aren't alone. You won't be alone. Visit your local Apollo & Diana retailer today to talk about your new gynoid life.

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