CASE Act - The future of FembotWiki and Fembot Central

Important news and updates from the Fembot Central staff about the site.
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Re: CASE Act - The future of FembotWiki and Fembot Central

Post by Muchacho » Fri Aug 30, 2019 5:38 pm

Duuuude, someone has to do something about this. This is bad :-S all the information that has been compiled throughout the years will be lost. How about creating a wix website? Would it be a good idea?

Anyway, the forum will still be here which keeps me calm.
Did you know that I'll be working for ludella in a future project? Those are some good news at least... :|
Last edited by Muchacho on Fri Aug 30, 2019 6:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: CASE Act - The future of FembotWiki and Fembot Central

Post by Silkscreen » Fri Aug 30, 2019 6:12 pm

This brings back the cozy feelings of the old days when robot wives weren't cheap and effective. :|

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Re: CASE Act - The future of FembotWiki and Fembot Central

Post by Lithorien » Fri Aug 30, 2019 7:13 pm

For anyone attempting to scrape the wiki, just a warning: I've had two wget instances running for 24 hours now. Not sure how far they are from completion, but it will take a very long time.

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Re: CASE Act - The future of FembotWiki and Fembot Central

Post by FembotLife » Fri Aug 30, 2019 10:57 pm

Hey so what if I dont live in the US but still want to help is that possible?

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Re: CASE Act - The future of FembotWiki and Fembot Central

Post by Stephaniebot » Sat Aug 31, 2019 4:23 am

Silkscreen wrote:This brings back the cozy feelings of the old days when robot wives weren't cheap and effective. :|
Lol, we need all the pampering we can get, dont we Dollspace? :wink:
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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Re: CASE Act - The future of FembotWiki and Fembot Central

Post by Baron » Sat Aug 31, 2019 9:22 am

Robotman wrote:That's a fine and dandy sentiment, but I'm out. It's time for someone else to shoulder the risks and liability. What is perfectly harmless and innocuous right now can and will be made illegal and criminal with the stroke of a pen in the near future.

If you want to start a manip and art hosting website, please do.

With all due respect, I think this is fast becoming a "baby / bath water" scenario. As both a professional writer and a professional musician in my offline life, I'm pretty well hip to all things "copyright," and I truly don't see any red flags yet. For starters, the so-called "legislation" basically never "got out of Committee," ie, it never even went to the floor for debate, much less causing any sort of vote to be enacted. The notion is stillborn, in other words.

Myself, when the news first broke here, I just made like :roll: and said "Oh crap, it's another form of 'Hush Rush,' or 'NAPSTER Mk2!" :sick: How the hell would they ENFORCE it, provided they could even get such claptrap actually on the books in the first place? If the notion were even remotely possible, we wouldn't have all these "wonderful" things like Facebook, kiddie porn, GOOGLE, and "cyber-bullying" strewn all over the Interweb like we do now, would we? Hell, it would only take a sharp lawyer-type roughly two seconds to proclaim "Grandfather-clause" - and kill the entire notion of "enforcement" deader than Jimmy Hoffa! :lol:

All of that aside, there's one other thing to consider. "Copyright" only gets nasty when filthy lucre is involved. Last time I checked, neither this place, nor the Wiki has EVER shaken its' patrons down for admission. Nor do I recall ever being financially compensated for my many humble contributions to the Archives on both sites. I can't speak for everybody, but 100% of my raw material for manips was and still is FREELY available on multiple websites. What's more, I also have many clear memories of several attempts to download certain other items being calmly balked by a simple "Copyright Protected" popup. And this was in the days well before Photobucket got greedy and decided to monetize their "services."

Ergo, not only is this new "legislation" totally ridiculous, it's also totally redundant - worthwhile copyright laws are already in place {and have been for quite some time} and are being quietly enforced, if my above popup experience is any indication. Which in turn makes me absolutely CRINGE at the thought of so much wonderful content housed here and on the Wiki simply up and vanishing into the ether, all because a couple of long-eared jackasses on Capitol Hill {including Bill, of course} have nothing better to do with their time than to try and legislate some "morality" into the discussion - with the whole damned mess funded by the taxpayers' dime, natch. :angry: :evil: :angry:

Now then, it's time for the ol' Devils' Advocate scthick. :twisted:

My good R-Man, I'm afraid you'll have to do one hell of a lot more than simply shuttering the Wiki for good, if ya want to really "CYA" from every angle. After you go into Witness Protection {or maybe even before}, you'll have to do something drastic, and I do mean DRASTIC {think DEFCON 1} about this pesky nuisance called the Internet Brokeback - er, ah, WAYback Machine. On more than one occasion I've traced a perfectly straight line from here all the way back to the original Gynoid Gallery launch during the summer of '97 {when I was known as 'Drumbo'}, using the IWM. If some hypothetical "Enforcer / Hitman" ever did come gunning for you here, only to find you absent, they'd still be able to nail you with a metric ton of "incriminating evidence,'' thanks to the IWM's "Party-line And Electronic Bread-crumb Trail to the Past."

Oh yeah - whilst nuking the IWM, ya might as well put your own "Gratuitous" site under the guillotine for good measure, 'cos it's also chock-full of IWM potential Dangers, AND has a couple of portals tied into FC and the Wiki to boot. :-o :hypnotized: :P Git 'er done, right? :lol: Yes, I'm 100% kidding about "Gratuitous," but there are more than few kernels of truth underpinning the whole of my diatribe here.

.And on a final note, regardless of whatever the future might bring, I want to publicly thank you 1,000,000,000,000 more times over your stalwart tenure as Fearless Leader, lo these many years at the helm. Said it before, say it again; you ROCK to da MAX, Old Boy!!

It's been a real slice grooving with you so far, Good Sir. If nothing else, I'll still positively adore the many fine friendships - including yours - I've cultivated here. By way of testimony FC and the Wik are shining beacons to everything that is right about this silly old fetish of ours, simple as that.

Which is a damned fine note to conclude on - Class dismissed!!! :mrgreen:

{And Keep the Baby, Faith!! :P :twisted: }

Before I forget - would it be possible to put FC and the Wik on some sort of VPN platform, and bypass the matter entirely by going dark? Methinks it might be worth looking into........ :)

Assemble the ladies? I didn't know that they were broken......

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Re: CASE Act - The future of FembotWiki and Fembot Central

Post by Kube² » Sat Aug 31, 2019 10:17 am

i think baron have some strong arguments

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Re: CASE Act - The future of FembotWiki and Fembot Central

Post by AmpFetish » Mon Sep 02, 2019 6:00 pm

Robotman, you can do whatever you want, but I think this is unnecessary and paranoid. The internet here in the states is open and free, and it's gonna stay that way. Who is going to come after you for hosting images people upload on a site?

Do whatever you want, but know that all you're actually doing is needlessly destroying a key pillar of our community. Someone else will make a new wiki I suppose, but you're doing this all for nothing.

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Re: CASE Act - The future of FembotWiki and Fembot Central

Post by Chemik » Tue Sep 03, 2019 9:24 am

How can we live without FembotWiki???? There must be a way out...

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Re: CASE Act - The future of FembotWiki and Fembot Central

Post by dingdongdug » Wed Sep 04, 2019 10:27 pm

Great thank's for your decision

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Re: CASE Act - The future of FembotWiki and Fembot Central

Post by Chemik » Wed Sep 04, 2019 10:34 pm

I've just checked the FW site and there was no "will be shutting down..." With some hope, I quickly checked this thread to find out the great news: the FW will stay alive! From hell to heaven in just few days! Thanks Robotman for your decision, and good luck to Spaz! And I hope the transfer won't stop you from contributing your great works, and maybe even some SASS/CyberFem/etc. comic in the future.

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Re: CASE Act - The future of FembotWiki and Fembot Central

Post by Kube² » Thu Sep 05, 2019 3:55 am

i m really happy about that decision thank to you about considering everybody advice and thank to Spaz about taking the website in charge, I guess its not an easy task !

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Re: CASE Act - The future of FembotWiki and Fembot Central

Post by BA2 » Thu Sep 05, 2019 4:22 am

Great news! Thanks again Robotman for your decade of commitment and thanks to Spaz for picking up the baton.

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Re: CASE Act - The future of FembotWiki and Fembot Central

Post by zerodin » Thu Sep 05, 2019 8:23 am

Glad to see common sense won out over blind panic.

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Re: CASE Act - The future of FembotWiki and Fembot Central

Post by The Thinker » Thu Sep 05, 2019 9:56 am

Thank you Spaz and thank you Robotman for not closing down the site just yet.

I still remember when I discovered fembotwiki, it was such a relief (but very exciting as well obviously, lol) to realize that I wasn't alone.
I don't log on often, but I want to make it clear that I appreciate the work that has gone into maintaining the sites and the community. I thank you all for a decade of collaboration, let's hope there will be another one!

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Re: CASE Act - The future of FembotWiki and Fembot Central

Post by Muchacho » Thu Sep 05, 2019 7:12 pm


Dude, thank you :cry:

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Re: CASE Act - The future of FembotWiki and Fembot Central

Post by Silkscreen » Sat Sep 07, 2019 12:41 pm


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Re: CASE Act - The future of FembotWiki and Fembot Central

Post by freejack71 » Mon Sep 09, 2019 5:42 pm

Comming late to the party here. Robotman THANK YOU for all you have done for our community. Spaz THANK YOU for picking up the torch and running with it. I'm about as tech-savvy as a rock so I'm no help, all I can do is hopefully get back to uploading some pictures.
Thanks again,

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Re: CASE Act - The future of FembotWiki and Fembot Central

Post by Spaz » Tue Sep 10, 2019 5:18 pm

Sorry for my silence...

I just want to assure you that, for the most part, FembotWiki will be remaining the same. I will, however, be a tad more inclusive regarding certain aspects of ASFR...more to be announced later.

Most importantly, I am planning on keeping the wiki up-to-date on a more regular basis, and am currently forming a team of qualified people to not only help manage the day-to-day operations of the wiki, but to also bring new features as well, such as the long wanted Multi-Upload function, and hopefully even revive the page view counter function....unless it still causes slowdowns.

Please stay tuned for more information!
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Re: CASE Act - The future of FembotWiki and Fembot Central

Post by Chemik » Tue Sep 10, 2019 7:15 pm

Spaz wrote:Multi-Upload function
That's great!

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Re: CASE Act - The future of FembotWiki and Fembot Central

Post by Spaz » Wed Sep 11, 2019 6:50 pm

I also want to inform you all that I have formed a team of users that will function as Admins on FembotWiki with me, to help keep it awesome!

They are:
  • Blox_242

Please wish us all good luck in the times going forward! We all wish to keep FembotWiki going another decade, and longer!
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Re: CASE Act - The future of FembotWiki and Fembot Central

Post by Chemik » Thu Sep 12, 2019 2:43 am

Spaz, good luck to the A-Team then!

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Re: CASE Act - The future of FembotWiki and Fembot Central

Post by Blox_242 » Thu Sep 12, 2019 11:20 am

I'm working on the behind the scenes migration of the site, so if I may request that nobody adds anything to the Wiki until the transfer is complete that would prevent anything from being lost.

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Re: CASE Act - The future of FembotWiki and Fembot Central

Post by Irondis » Thu Sep 12, 2019 9:56 pm

'Tis good news that wiki's still going strong! Thank you for keeping it alive!
They say eyes are windows to the soul. A fembot's eyes are just plain sexy.

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