Lack of feedback is driving away content creators

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Re: Lack of feedback is driving away content creators

Post by tdlsn » Sat Nov 24, 2018 10:30 am

Might say a little more on this in time going forward but for me it's the 'stop being a critic and be grateful of any ASFR being made' responses in the past that caused me to say fuck it. The endless flow of wacky offerings posted in the commercial updates section, *cough* C4S *cough* leaves me to believe that things like monotone speech, stiff movements, bent arms, yes master,etc; are just about all we gonna get. Evidently,somebody's payin' for that stuff because the postings here are almost daily. Don't know about others here but I aint payin' for something that I feel almost embarrassed at viewing just to inspire more of it. I really wish that there were more animators in the "community" with the resources to turn many of the comics like "Sexdroids in Space" or "The Robots of Love" into motion video and forget about the live-action stuff. Just sayin'....

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Re: Lack of feedback is driving away content creators

Post by Uncom » Sat Nov 24, 2018 11:24 am

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Re: Lack of feedback is driving away content creators

Post by Extyr » Sat Nov 24, 2018 12:32 pm

I don't watch any of this stuff, so I don't think I have the right to chime in.

The lack of feedback around here is real though. The community is small and fragmented. 4chan has a dedicated robot fetishist community, but they almost universally frown on what is offered here ("They're just women with painted on line. I want metal on metal grinding!") Hell, the word "ASFR" is considered a slur over there. On the flip side, the recent polls showed that the stuff they like is a turn off for most of the people here. We can't even agree on what we like about fembots with the people we already have. With this fragmentation, I doubt technosexual stuff will ever be popular.

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Re: Lack of feedback is driving away content creators

Post by Saya » Sat Nov 24, 2018 2:00 pm

Take a fetish, any fetish, and you won't find two people who interpret it the exact same way or want the exact same things out of it. Does not matter how niche or how widespread, nobody's going to agree on it. It's unrealistic to expect people to be unified in the way they want to see things, and there are people who like the more low-key stuff and enjoy it more than anything else. A lack of feedback is also not exclusive to the technosexual fetish.

And the reason why most content--especially live-action stuff--mostly comes down to stiff movements, verbal malfunctions and the like are because any other sort of robot effect is going to be way outside the budget of your average porn shoot. Unless they had the resources and finances to actually do any of the "metal grinding" others seem to want, the best effects they could manage would be incredibly hokey, and that's not likely to happen outside of a major Hollywood effects studio. Hell, even relatively small indie productions (the film Ndeniyon comes to mind) have more of a budget than the miniscule effects budgets porn productions usually have. This is especially true for fetish productions.

And on the subject of feedback and live-action content producers? Certainly for some it is a passion project, but the vast majority will respond to only one kind of feedback, and that's monetary. It does not matter how passionate they are, or the fanbase is, if they can't get the money to cover the costs of production, it does not matter. If you really want to show your appreciation, buy their stuff. And if that does not work, there's really not a whole lot else you can do.

Also, online porn's a shitty industry, with little oversight, rough conditions and a dehumanizing attitude towards its performers. It's a black mark that fewer of its actors and even few of its actresses can escape in their careers. If they want to stop making content, that's their right and I'll support them, and I think if you really want to support content creators, respect their right to do what they want. They aren't beholden to us.
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Re: Lack of feedback is driving away content creators

Post by Calvanian » Sat Nov 24, 2018 2:19 pm

I mean. I do. But not on the forums as there is heavy membership crossover between here and the Fembot Labs Discord.

Just my 2 scheckles. If they man anything. :)

As for my own work it's less lack of feedback and more i'm having wild personal issues.
i'm a simple man that likes gaming, RP, and Sexy robot babes, Mix the 3 together and i'm in heaven.

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Re: Lack of feedback is driving away content creators

Post by TheShoveller » Sat Nov 24, 2018 2:33 pm

My two cents, for what it's worth:

I think it'd be good if the community engaged more, sure. Even when I say "I wanna commission stuff but I got no ideas, someone gimme some!" I don't get many suggestions. I figure that's just the nature of things - some people are into the fetish enough that they come here and check out what we have, but not enough into it to say "Hey, I'd proudly fuck a robot!"

Has that killed my interest in commissioning stuff? A little bit - but then I decided I'll just think of ideas, ask every so often, and if someone has one, cool. If not, then I'll get something myself, since it is ultimately my money paying for it. Will I ever stop posting my stuff here? Hell no - while I might be the driving force behind the idea for the picture, I think it's something everyone in the community might like, so I won't withhold it like some miser.

However, I wouldn't blame others if they wound up going that route, themselves. If they commission content, it's up to them (when applicable) if they want to share it. If they make content, it's up to them if they want to keep making that content. If Tek were to say "Nope, not doing robots anymore, find someone else to commission," that's his right as someone making that stuff - and while I might like his art and how he makes that stuff, I won't force him to do something he doesn't want to do simply because "I have money and you make shit."

Just my thoughts on the whole situation.

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Re: Lack of feedback is driving away content creators

Post by Barbarella » Sat Nov 24, 2018 8:08 pm

I'm with tdlsn on this one.

I've been a member of this forum for a long, long time, but I don't really post much. I have also bought a lot of clips on C4n and ManyVids but to be honest, I've stopped buying a lot of them because it's just the same repetitive rinse and repeat stuff over and over again.

I remember a while ago folks was leaving comments about some videos and giving critiques but was then bashed down by the same lines that tdlsn I decided to just vote with my money and not buy anything anymore. This forum has changed over the past 6 or 7 years to the point where I really don't spend much time in it. On one hand, there are folks saying "more interaction!" then on the other hand when more interaction happens, it gets shot down with the "well, if it's not your style then don't watch it!".

It's probably why a lot of people prefer to remain silent in the background and to be honest, I don't blame them one bit, over the past few years the forum itself has had a big commercial push going on which ties in with the commercial forum, that in itself is a good thing. What's not a good thing though is the ever-present fear (and that's what it is, let's face it folks) of people being bashed down by other folks who want to dictate terms of what ASFR really is. As for the commercial side of it, yes, its diminishing, but the cookie cutter, rinse and repeat format that the content creators are making over and over again is partially to blame, and because the silent majority in this forum (of which I am a member of) don't want to pipe up and give out opinion without being shot down then yeah, it will affect the content creators.
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Re: Lack of feedback is driving away content creators

Post by dieur » Sat Nov 24, 2018 10:22 pm

I'm more than willing to throw a thumbs up or a comment when I see something I like. But if you were to buy something on say C4S, for example, where would you put the upvotes or feedback that is most helpful? I don't see that style of interaction as an option.

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Re: Lack of feedback is driving away content creators

Post by N6688 » Sun Nov 25, 2018 10:18 am

dieur wrote:I'm more than willing to throw a thumbs up or a comment when I see something I like.

I will try to be more vocal again if you want.
if anybody wants a review i just bought one of kendra james' older videos named "Kendrabot inspects new Venusbot 6900!" which i can't recomend enough.
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Re: Lack of feedback is driving away content creators

Post by Kano » Sun Nov 25, 2018 10:27 am

I always just assumed that our money did the talking. I thought that if they are making money, then that shows that we like it. If not, then ask us what you did that we don't like -which I dont believe that I've ever seen. Personally, I feel that if I knew nothing about us and wanted to do videos, then simply go thru this page. See what gets the most views, buzz and comments. Look at which stories are most popular and emulate that. I really dont think it's difficult. But it's like they choose to define the fetish instead of going with what we want. When I wrote a couple stories on here (and I plan on a comeback soon), as long as one person liked it, I was fine. And I was doing it for free! If I got paid for them and no one said anything but sales were through the roof, and only a couple said they liked it, then who cares? I just feel that the ones who contribute so much for free deserve the real verbal feedback. Also, through all these years, we've seen so many people that promise so much and then disappear without even delivering anything at all in the first place. Many of us are simply skeptical. I'm curious as to what other feedback they get from other communities?

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Re: Lack of feedback is driving away content creators

Post by gyn2010 » Mon Nov 26, 2018 2:40 am

The point is: what kind of reviews they want?
Are we expected to review stuff like props, camera work, lighting, acting or general cinematography?
Welp, I don't think so. We are expected to review "the sauce" and say: did this turned us on or turned us off.
The amount of things we like and don't like and complexity of the fetish makes it very hard to establish if something is good or bad.

I think I have a perfect example which is me.
Basicaly I'm a very weird person in the terms of our fetish as I like it pure to the extreme. No porn, no furs, no dicks and muscles and other extra weirdeness for me. Even sex is not a must have but I'm ok with that if it's not done in porn-style-dick-on-the-job-zoom-in style. And I think all that makes me horrbile reviewer.
To make this even more explicit I will refer to Faceoff's manips.
As I mentioned I hate bimbos, with huge boobs, oversized heels, large plastic nails, too much makeup, latex outfits and all that stuff.
So when the new batch of Faceoff's manips pops out I know one thing: they will never turn me on no matter what.
AT THE SAME TIME I know he's very talented photoshop artist and I admire his skills.
So I think that me doing reviews of his work would be unfair and kinda silly so I choose to remain silent.

For the reasons above I would be horrible reviewer in 99% of cases. Sorry about that.
And I still have "nightmares" about that Mirage guy dealing with reviews.

I think the only solution here is to introduce some kind of formalized way to score content (like n/10 marks). I don't know.

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Re: Lack of feedback is driving away content creators

Post by tdlsn » Mon Nov 26, 2018 10:01 am

Basicaly I'm a very weird person in the terms of our fetish as I like it pure to the extreme. No porn, no furs, no dicks and muscles and other extra weirdeness for me. Even sex is not a must have but I'm ok with that if it's not done in porn-style-dick-on-the-job-zoom-in style. And I think all that makes me horrbile reviewer....
Agreed. An example of this idea for me is that diagnostic scene in the first Fantasy Factory; while obviously a porn flick the scene was with a fembot undergoing diagnostics with only eyes flashing while processing I/O data (with voice I might add) :D . I'm not a producer of anything, but for some reason I believe that those who are can do most production/post production like this scene on a computer.Correct me if needed but that scene for me was executed effectively even without any face-offs,open panels, etc.. (although I enjoy these as well).

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Re: Lack of feedback is driving away content creators

Post by Stephaniebot » Mon Nov 26, 2018 3:35 pm

Feedback wise, I would imagine acting quality is one of the main things.

Are they getting the robot movements, voice, and general demeanour right? If not, what aren't they getting, and how can they improve it?
Do they look right, do the outfits look the part?

Might say, I'm only giving my vibe on this. But I'm talking from POV of someone who did very little beyond amateur dramatics standards for more than 30 years, so what would I know? :lol: Have done a little TV, have done a bit of period performance stuff as well, so not complete novice, but no one would want me in the movies on here, both on grounds of age, and looks.

But have I played a robot, and got good comments for doing so? Yes, I have! But I doubt what I did would satisfy those around here, lol.

Hopefully some of the other creators/performers could add to this, as they're the ones doing it now, not 60 year olds who would only look good in a full robot body suit! :cry: :cry: :cry:
I'm just a 'girl' who wants to become a fembot whats wrong with that?

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