The story of my first rp with @Patashu..

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Thunder Emperor
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The story of my first rp with @Patashu..

Post by Thunder Emperor » Tue Jan 09, 2018 2:36 pm

Lian the iron valkyrie is laying down on a workbench, staring up at the ceiling. A panel on her forehead has been rotated upwards, and a pair of cables are plugged into them, leading to a laptop which is showing diagnostic programs running. A gentle hum of computers and air conditioning fills the room, it’s white tiles and walls brightly lit. Lian tilts her head to look over to the professor. “Professor. Has my maintenance uncovered any problems?”

Professor looked at his laptop and started pressing several switches, but there was nothing wrong with Lian. "Hrmmm, it looks like you have no problem, no need to do any maintenance"

then the professor remember something, there is a new data that needs to be install in the storage data.

"Owhh, maybe I have something for you but maybe I need to ask your master's permission first"

Lian’s lips curl into a gentle smile. “I understand that Master has given you permission to perform maintenance on me, which includes data updates. What do you have for me to download?”

"Actually it's just a new combat data and a little bit of data for your emotions, but yes I need to ask your master's permission because this data contains new emotions for you, meaning you might have a change of attitude

The professor went to the cabinet to find the chips contained in the data.

“Understood. I will communicate with Master now.”
Lian closes her eyes. A gentle whirr can be heard, as on the laptop, one of the screens shows a call in progress with Master.
“Master has granted you permission to install these upgrades, so long as it is possible to revert to a backup if he is not satisfied. I am personally looking forward to trying out my new data. Please proceed.”

"Yo wassup,well what data though, hopefully "dont try to kill people" datajoy"

Since lian is a bit paranoia (like written as above) sometime her master getting annoy with it..

Lian: “It is new data for my combat protocols and my emotional programming. I see. You wish for me to be more cautious when I am following my programming and protecting you? Perhaps Professor’s emotional data will assist with that. I wish to keep you protected and safe at all times.”

Master " emotion data? Well from what i can remember, u got ur paranoia when u got new data though...
Well i decline"

At this point,her master decline this new data. But it seems Lian really emphasize it because the data contain new combat . She might lie to the professor
Sure enough, that’s what she decides to do. She wants to be at her top performance to protect Master, after all, and the professor didn’t hear the conversation, so tilting her head to look over at him, that’s just what she does:
“Master has granted you permission to install these upgrades, so long as it is possible to revert to a backup if he is not satisfied. I am personally looking forward to trying out my new data. Please proceed.”

"Well it comfirm then " grabbing a black cip that contain the new data"

But when lian looking at the cip, all of sudden she sense fear from thay chip. She wonder why she feel that why n try to ask the professor.

Her vision zooms in on the chip, and she holds a hand to her lips and gasps. “Professor... Chip scans as a potential threat. If it is dangerous, I will not allow you to harm me with its installation. But I do not understand this evaluation, as you are currently registered as trusted. Are my scanners malfunctioning?”

"Did i say u dont hav any problem from the maintanance., well dont worry ,this chip not harm u, btw u cannot feel pain though cuz u ar a robot"

The professor smirk, but it seems lian trusterd him n try to continue the installation
“Understood. Overriding warnings.” There’s a gentle hum-whirr beep from inside of her, and she smiles. “Professor, I am ready to receive your updates.”

Just listening to another over verification, he went straight to his laptop and inserted a black chip that supposedly contained new data.

"Well feel ur new beginning of ur fall"
The professor smirk.
“Update confirmed, transferring data now.” Liam’s eyes were open with data scrolling down them as she downloaded and installed everything on the chip with no further confirmation, blindly trusting you.

The profesor grab his coffe n walk around of the laying down of the mighty lian who so called as iron valkyrie that hurt many innocent people because of her parainoa. N then stood in front of her while she eye is wide open n blank stare like she did not notice him standing in front of her

“Installing... 50%... 100%... Installation complete. Rebooting now.” Her eyes dim, going totally dark as her whirrrs come to a halt. Then there’s a click-grind noise, shuddering briefly with an electric hum as her eyes flash and light back up, text scrolling down them.

Hello lian.. how bout ur new data?
U like it?

Lian looking at the professor but suddenly

Her vision suddenly showed the real professor's face in a moment n the vision back to normal but she began to feel something bad would happen
“Error. Possible malfunction detected.” She looks shocked and concerned as she stares at her hands, diagnostics scrolling across her vision. “Error. Unable to access new data. I do not understand what is going on. Recommend a restore from backup.”

" lol, u look hurt lian want my help"

He goes to his laptop n click a switch with make her body n head panel openned

Click-whirrrr! The top of her chest clicks and folds upwards, revealing a string of lights blinking amber as well as various modules connected by multi-coloured wiring and a light weight metal framework. Her forehead panel opens as well, revealing a series of interface ports. “A-Affirmative, Professor. Systems malfunction detected. Sensors reporting faulty data.”

The professor continue smirking n stood in front o her
" What do u want me to do. Did i said u dont have any problem from the maintance?, ar u thinkin that u not trust me?'

Then He look on lian eyes with a cruel face

“I... I... Does not compute. I trust the Professor to not make a mistake.” The noise from her CPU fan is noisy now, and the amber lights are flashing rapidly in her chest. She stares with a shocked, confused expression at you.

Professor smirk n walk to the coffe maker place n pour some coffee to his mug
" poor u... well tell me what wrong with u, any problem with that chip"

Looking at lian while smiling...

“S-system malfunction detected. Sensor data corrupted. Combat programming n-not responding. CPU temperature is rising.” A spark fires out of the open panel in her forehead, making her eyes flicker and dim for a moment.

"Hello, im asking u.. dont make me wait, its bad to make ur professor wait, u need to remember he is ur maker"

Walk toward her while grabbing a hot coffee

“S-sorry, Professor. Chip data is... un-unknown. Error, cannot access data on chip. Access denied. Access denied. Attempting to shut down and restore from backup.” BZZAP! An arc of lightning jolts from her forehead to her lips. “Error. Cannot shut down.”

Professor stoof in front of lian n bow down his body to look on her face..

"So, u say that chip is harmful?? I already tell u that chip its not harmfull!! Im started to feel u not truster on me!!!

Raise his voice in front of lian face

“Processing... I-I’m sorry, Professor. I must-must be malfunctioning. Please forgive me. W-what is wrong with me?” She frowns, and a light in her chest begins to flash red as her forehead smokes

Professor stand
"Forgive ? Forgive not accepted... u know what will happen if u not trust on me"

He smirking while drink a bit of his coffee

“Affirmative, P-Professor... You will destroy me” I frown, staring up at you
"Destroy.... no... let u be... like thiss.. isnt it feel hurt?

Pat lian head with jerking around while smilling at her.

“Does not compute... l... let me be like this? I am m-m-malfunctioning, please repair me...” Her fingers twitch and jerk, as more smoke drifts from her forehead, fan WHIRRING noisily
" u not trust on me... why should i repair u though.... i m juz lett u, u juz a piece of junk without ur trusted professor"

Drink a bit again of hi coffee

“Error... Error... Please repair me, Professor. I must be at 100% to protect my Master. Error, systems malfunctioning.” A warning flashes on her eyes as a second light starts flashing red in her chest

" how u want to protect ur master if u try to innocent people who try to get close to him. Did he ask u to hurt them my precious lian? "

Lian vision started to showed her professor true face but the professor still register as trusted

“I must protect my Master... a... at all costs... you wouldn’t understand, Professor, I m-must follow my programming...”

"Protect doesnt mean u can hurt innocent people,cant u compute that"

Lian started to twitch really hard.. but it seem her ego dont want to compute what the professor said that Protect doesnt mean u can hurt innocent people. Which make her broke even worst

“I. I. I. Error. Does not compute. I must protect Master. From alllll threat threat threats.”
Her forehead is fuming really badly. Her arms twitch and jerk as her eyes dim for a moment, a spark firing out of them as her jaw drops in a gasp. “I am malfunctioning.”

"Its not so hard to compute that.. u want me to play with ur head... u really dont like it isnt it"
Try to reach his laptop

Lian twitch but still can catch an eye to the professor.. on her vision start to change very quickly that show the true face of the professor who still register as trusted even though she never seen the true face of the professor before with make her doubt n yet make her logic board damaged

Her lips gasp, and then frown as her optics show warnings and errors as she scans over you. “Does not compute... Professor? Is that you? Play with... play with my head... I am damaged... emotional matrix Unstable... I feel... weird... my systems are overheating. Logic error... I need. Need. Need. Professor to repair me"

"Im ur professor piece of junk.."

He said it while find a way to reprograme lian with a hard way to reprograme he.

Meanwhile: lian still look at him n still to believe what he say that he is her profesor but her memory said the profesor is not him... make her logic n memory damaged

“Error... contradiction... error... You a-are not the Professor. But I trust the professor. You are the - are not the - are the... “ spark BANG! A cloud of smoke pours out of my forehead, her arms going limp for a moment as my head slumps, then pulls back into position.

Even lian look like she in pain, but still she cannot die unless her brain damged heavily

Meanwhile, the profesor still try to find a way but failed
" damnn, even trying to reprograme u cannot change ur paranoia..."

Then he whispering by himself
" my mission juz need to reprogamme her... but seem its not gonaa work... how about"

Looking at lian who trying to fight with the pain she felt. Then he grab his coffee n stood in from of her

" Seem like ur ego is so high.. even u try defy ur maker... , do u know its a sin.. if u know what is sin though... want to me explain what is sin is?

“A s-sin? Am I a s-sinner? All I want... want to do... is... is... protect Master. By any any means possible. Please repair me, Professor - Error - not Professor - Error Error Error...” Lian’s Head twitches and jerks from side to side, her hands twitch and flex, then go loose again, a spark fires from her chest down her waist...

"So u do know what sin is, but u ar wrong"

Raise his hand that grab a mug of coffee above lian head

"I know u want to protect ur master.. but, hurting other..."

Slowly pour a coffee to lian head that expose with her brain

"Its a sin"

all the coffee hav poured out to lian head, lian face firstly look at shocked try to compute what the professor said but then..

“I must protect my Master... it’s my programming... even if it hurts others, I must... must...”
My expression is one of total shock as you bring your coffee closer. “Professor, my CPU will be damaged by liquids...” but just after that, the hot fluid pours in! her expression is totally shocked as lightning races up and down from her forehead, down her neck and to her chest. herboptics flicker on and off erratically, her arms twitch, jerk and flail, her lips drop open in shock and lights flash red in her chest as steam rises from the fuming fluid. “Malfunctioning. Malfunction. Malfunction. CPU s-s-short circuiting.”

"Well u deserve that, .... fyi that chip hav a virus with make u cannot shut down even it forced... but is u trying so... u will die trying it..."

Grab his laptop...
"Btw im anonymous the hacker.... the protecter of human kind"

Looking at malfuction lian who still struggle with what happen to her...

"Well good luck"

Lian looking at the hacker with a pity face but vision suddenly black out for a while n then the vision turn on, the hacker is already gone.

Meanwhile... she ar in pain that she never pain before.... this might be her end

“I am malfunctioning... Error... I am malfunctioning... Professor is gone... I must. Must. Repair myself.”
Twitching and sparking, her panels bounce as she clumsily forces herself to sit upright. Her face is in a total expression of shock and surprise, her eyes flickering and showing warnings. Sparks and fumes are spraying from her forehead and chest, as she picks up a set of repair tools from the nearby bench, determined to try to fix herself, starting by pointing a scanning tool at her forehead to inspect the damage, as the constant error reports and damage reports flooding her CPU pop up on her vision...

The real professor ar on his way to the lab for his appointment witg her creation, lian... walk through the corridor n then pass by with a man with black hood n not showing his face to the professor.

The professor feel suspicious n ask the man to stop...

"Stop. Who ar u"

he smirk and pull her black hood down over my head, turning away as he flourish my hand down to the side. “Just a servant of humanity, doing his job...” he smirk

N then suddenly the lighy black out for a while n then its recover ... the man is already gone...

Having that suspicious.. the professor quickly go to the lab...

He arrive but what he see is....

Lian is sprawled out across the floor, her hands that were once holding repair tools spread out over the floor around her. Her eyes are wide and lips dropped in an expression of shock. Sparks are flying from her forehead, chest, back and lips as her arms and legs twitch and jerk. Coffee can be seen dripping from her frame and poking around her as she jerk-twitch-twitches. “Error... systems malfunctioning... CPU overheating. Cannot shutdown.. Error... repairs failed... overloading...”

"Liannn!!! What is happening to u... dammit"

Try to grab lian n lay he down to the near desk...

* nooo... what is happening to u"

The professor panicking n try to search what kind of damaged has lian face...

Grabbing his laptop n try to connect it to lian head... but suddenly the usb connector been rejected by a small spark from her connector

“P-professor... is... is that you... logic circuits damaged... sensors malfunctioning... I am badly damaged... upgrade... malfunctioning...” Her eyes dim as another spark fires from her open lips
" yes lian .. its me professor no matter what i will try to fix u"

Pat lian head n made lian smile a bit

“P...Professor...” I smile, and then shudder, as my limbs twitch and smoke pours from my back “I am sorry... I failed you... I am badly damaged... you... may have to decommission me...”

"No lian... no... plzz noo"

Grab lian hand while trying to reach the repair from the floor..

"U need to remember u need to protect ur master.. if u die.. who else gonna do it, plzz dont die"

But it seems it already late.. lian having a final pain that might end her

“I... I... Warning. CPU overload. CPU overload. CPU overload.” As that warning sounds, a panel blows off the back of her head, revealing shorted out circuits pouring black smoke into the air, as her optics ZZZTT and flash a hot white, gawking hopelessly forward as she slump, all lights flashing red on my chest... BEEP, BEEP, BEEP..


Felt the electrick shock come out from lian...


he shouting loud n start crying .. but still he cannot do anything...

Lian gonna take her final moment

“Total systems failure... CPU unresponsive... Core temperature overheated...”
A panel on her lower back flies off with a loud BANG. thick black smoke is pouring from the opening and her power supply has caught on fire, the flames flickering out from the panel! her optics glow again, a power surge FZZZTTINNGGG through her systems. her optics overload and short out, going dim, while various other circuits blow and burn out, smoke pouring from her seams as she shudder and rattle, slumping...
The professor became speechless.. while he grab both lian hand ...

But then he face became full of rage

" Whoever u ar... i will find u.... n i will kill u"

To be continued...

Jeng jeng jeng

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